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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/net/proto/http.lisp

changeset 359: 0e00dec3de03
parent: ee8a3a0c57b8
child: 5b6a2a8ba83e
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Wed, 22 May 2024 22:16:26 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: macs/control macros, seq functions, ported cl-cookie, added uri/domain.lisp, fully ported http! next we should remove dependence on cl+ssl
1 ;;; lib/net/proto/http.lisp --- HTTP Support
3 ;; based on
5 ;; see also:
7 ;;; Commentary:
9 ;; Fukamachi has implemented the current state-of-the-art HTTP libraries
10 ;; (fast-http, dexador, etc). For the time being we'll be using these with
11 ;; minimal changes. At some point in the future it would be ideal to
12 ;; re-implement this in a sans-io style.
14 ;;; Code:
15 (in-package :net/proto/http)
17 ;;; utils
18 (defmacro casev (keyform &body clauses)
19  (once-only (keyform)
20  (flet ((get-val (val)
21  (cond
22  ((eq val 'otherwise) val)
23  ((symbolp val) (symbol-value val))
24  ((constantp val) val)
25  (T (error "CASEV can be used only with variables or constants")))))
26  `(case ,keyform
27  ,@(loop for (val . clause) in clauses
28  if (eq val 'otherwise)
29  collect `(otherwise ,@clause)
30  else if (listp val)
31  collect `((,@(mapcar #'get-val val)) ,@clause)
32  else
33  collect `(,(get-val val) ,@clause))))))
35 (defmacro casev= (keyform &body clauses)
36  (once-only (keyform)
37  (flet ((get-val (val)
38  (cond
39  ((eq val 'otherwise) val)
40  ((symbolp val) (symbol-value val))
41  ((constantp val) val)
42  (T (error "CASEV can be used only with variables or constants")))))
43  `(cond
44  ,@(loop for (val . clause) in clauses
45  if (eq val 'otherwise)
46  collect `(T ,@clause)
47  else if (listp val)
48  collect `((or ,@(mapcar (lambda (val)
49  `(= ,keyform ,(get-val val)))
50  val))
51  ,@clause)
52  else
53  collect `((= ,keyform ,(get-val val)) ,@clause))))))
55 (defmacro case-byte (byte &body cases)
56  `(casev= ,byte
57  ,@(loop for (val . form) in cases
58  if (eq val 'otherwise)
59  collect `(,val ,@form)
60  else if (listp val)
61  collect `(,(mapcar #'char-code val) ,@form)
62  else
63  collect `(,(char-code val) ,@form))))
65 (defmacro tagcase (keyform &body blocks)
66  (let ((end (gensym "END")))
67  `(tagbody
68  (case ,keyform
69  ,@(loop for (tag . body) in blocks
70  if (eq tag 'otherwise)
71  collect `(otherwise ,@body (go ,end))
72  else
73  collect `(,tag (go ,(if (listp tag) (car tag) tag)))))
74  (go ,end)
75  ,@(loop for (tag . body) in blocks
76  if (listp tag)
77  append tag
78  else
79  collect tag
80  collect `(progn ,@body
81  (go ,end)))
82  ,end)))
84 (defmacro tagcasev (keyform &body blocks)
85  (let ((end (gensym "END")))
86  `(tagbody
87  (casev ,keyform
88  ,@(loop for (tag . body) in blocks
89  if (eq tag 'otherwise)
90  collect `(otherwise ,@body (go ,end))
91  else
92  collect `(,tag (go ,(if (listp tag) (car tag) tag)))))
93  (go ,end)
94  ,@(loop for (tag . body) in blocks
95  if (listp tag)
96  append tag
97  else if (not (eq tag 'otherwise))
98  collect tag
99  collect `(progn ,@body
100  (go ,end)))
101  ,end)))
103 (defmacro tagcasev= (keyform &body blocks)
104  (let ((end (gensym "END")))
105  `(tagbody
106  (casev= ,keyform
107  ,@(loop for (tag . body) in blocks
108  if (eq tag 'otherwise)
109  collect `(otherwise ,@body (go ,end))
110  else
111  collect `(,tag (go ,(if (listp tag) (car tag) tag)))))
112  (go ,end)
113  ,@(loop for (tag . body) in blocks
114  if (listp tag)
115  append tag
116  else if (not (eq tag 'otherwise))
117  collect tag
118  collect `(progn ,@body
119  (go ,end)))
120  ,end)))
122 (defun make-collector ()
123  (let ((none '#:none))
124  (declare (dynamic-extent none))
125  (with-collectors (buffer)
126  (return-from make-collector
127  (lambda (&optional (data none))
128  (unless (eq data none)
129  (buffer data))
130  buffer)))))
132 (declaim (inline %whitespacep))
133 (defun %whitespacep (char)
134  (declare (type character char)
135  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
136  (or (char= char #\Space)
137  (char= char #\Tab)))
139 (declaim (inline position-not-whitespace))
140 (defun position-not-whitespace (string &key from-end)
141  (declare (type #+ecl string #-ecl simple-string string)
142  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
143  (let* ((len (length string))
144  (start (if from-end (1- len) 0))
145  (end (if from-end 0 (1- len)))
146  (step-fn (if from-end #'1- #'1+)))
147  (declare (type integer len start end))
148  (do ((i start (funcall step-fn i)))
149  ((= i end) i)
150  (declare (type integer i))
151  (unless (%whitespacep (aref string i))
152  (return-from position-not-whitespace i)))))
154 (declaim (inline number-string-p))
155 (defun number-string-p (string)
156  (declare (type simple-string string)
157  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)))
158  ;; empty string
159  (when (zerop (length string))
160  (return-from number-string-p nil))
161  (let ((end (position-not-whitespace string :from-end t))
162  (dot-read-p nil))
163  ;; spaces string
164  (when (null end)
165  (return-from number-string-p nil))
166  (locally (declare (type integer end)
167  (optimize (safety 0)))
168  (incf end)
169  (do ((i (the integer (or (position-not-whitespace string) 0)) (1+ i)))
170  ((= i end) T)
171  (declare (type integer i))
172  (let ((char (aref string i)))
173  (declare (type character char))
174  (cond
175  ((alpha-char-p char)
176  (return-from number-string-p nil))
177  ((digit-char-p char))
178  ((char= char #\.)
179  (when dot-read-p
180  (return-from number-string-p nil))
181  (setq dot-read-p t))
182  (T (return-from number-string-p nil))))))))
184 ;;; fast-http
185 (defun make-parser (http &key first-line-callback header-callback body-callback finish-callback (head-request nil))
186  (declare (type http http))
187  (let (callbacks
189  (parse-fn (etypecase http
190  (http-request #'parse-request)
191  (http-response #'parse-response)))
193  (headers nil)
195  (header-value-buffer nil)
196  parsing-header-field
197  data-buffer
199  header-complete-p
200  completedp)
201  (flet ((collect-prev-header-value ()
202  (when header-value-buffer
203  (let ((header-value
204  (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
205  (coerce-to-string
206  (the (or octet-concatenated-xsubseqs octet-xsubseq) header-value-buffer)))))
208  (if (string= parsing-header-field "set-cookie")
209  (push header-value (gethash "set-cookie" headers))
210  (multiple-value-bind (previous-value existp)
211  (gethash (the simple-string parsing-header-field) headers)
212  (setf (gethash (the simple-string parsing-header-field) headers)
213  (if existp
214  (if (simple-string-p previous-value)
215  (concatenate 'string (the simple-string previous-value) ", " header-value)
216  (format nil "~A, ~A" previous-value header-value))
217  header-value))))))))
218  (setq callbacks
219  (make-callbacks
220  :message-begin (lambda (http)
221  (declare (ignore http))
222  (setq headers (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
223  header-complete-p nil
224  completedp nil))
225  :url (lambda (http data start end)
226  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
227  (type pointer start end))
228  (setf (http-resource http)
229  (ascii-octets-to-string data :start start :end end)))
230  :status (lambda (http data start end)
231  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
232  (type pointer start end))
233  (setf (http-status-text http)
234  (ascii-octets-to-string data :start start :end end)))
235  :first-line (and first-line-callback
236  (lambda (http)
237  (declare (ignore http))
238  (funcall (the function first-line-callback))))
239  :header-field (lambda (http data start end)
240  (declare (ignore http)
241  (type simple-byte-vector data)
242  (type pointer start end))
243  (collect-prev-header-value)
244  (setq header-value-buffer (make-concatenated-xsubseqs))
245  (setq parsing-header-field
246  (ascii-octets-to-lower-string data :start start :end end)))
247  :header-value (lambda (http data start end)
248  (declare (ignore http)
249  (type simple-byte-vector data)
250  (type pointer start end))
251  (xnconcf header-value-buffer
252  (xsubseq (subseq (the octet-vector data) start end) 0)))
253  :headers-complete (lambda (http)
254  (collect-prev-header-value)
255  (setq header-value-buffer nil)
256  (when (gethash "set-cookie" headers)
257  (setf (gethash "set-cookie" headers)
258  (nreverse (gethash "set-cookie" headers))))
259  (setf (http-headers http) headers)
260  (when header-callback
261  (funcall (the function header-callback) headers))
262  (when (and (not (http-chunked-p http))
263  (not (numberp (http-content-length http))))
264  (setq completedp t))
265  (setq header-complete-p t))
266  :body (and body-callback
267  (lambda (http data start end)
268  (declare (ignore http)
269  (type simple-byte-vector data)
270  (type pointer start end))
271  (funcall (the function body-callback)
272  data start end)))
273  :message-complete (lambda (http)
274  (declare (ignore http))
275  (collect-prev-header-value)
276  (when finish-callback
277  (funcall (the function finish-callback)))
278  (setq completedp t)))))
280  (lambda (data &key (start 0) end)
281  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)))
282  (cond
283  ((eql data :eof)
284  (setq completedp t)
285  (when finish-callback
286  (funcall (the function finish-callback))))
287  (T
288  (locally (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
289  (type pointer start))
290  (check-type end (or null pointer))
291  (when data-buffer
292  (setq data
293  (coerce 'list
294  (xnconc (xsubseq data-buffer 0)
295  (xsubseq (the simple-byte-vector data) start (or end (length data))))))
296  (setq data-buffer nil
297  start 0
298  end nil))
299  (setf (http-mark http) start)
300  (handler-case
301  (funcall parse-fn http callbacks (the simple-byte-vector data) :start start :end end :head-request head-request)
302  (eof ()
303  (setq data-buffer
304  (subseq data (http-mark http) (or end (length data)))))))))
305  (values http header-complete-p completedp))))
307 (defun find-boundary (content-type)
308  (declare (type string content-type))
309  (let ((parsing-boundary nil))
310  (parse-header-value-parameters content-type
311  :header-value-callback
312  (lambda (data start end)
313  (unless (string= data "multipart/form-data"
314  :start1 start :end1 end)
315  (return-from find-boundary nil)))
316  :header-parameter-key-callback
317  (lambda (data start end)
318  (when (string= data "boundary"
319  :start1 start :end1 end)
320  (setq parsing-boundary t)))
321  :header-parameter-value-callback
322  (lambda (data start end)
323  (when parsing-boundary
324  (return-from find-boundary (subseq data start end)))))))
326 ;;; byte-vector
327 (defconstant +cr+ (char-code #\Return))
328 (defconstant +lf+ (char-code #\Newline))
329 (defconstant +space+ (char-code #\Space))
330 (defconstant +tab+ (char-code #\Tab))
331 (defconstant +page+ (char-code #\Page))
332 (defconstant +dash+ #.(char-code #\-))
334 (define-constant +crlf+
335  (make-array 2 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
336  :initial-contents (list +cr+ +lf+))
337  :test 'equalp)
339 (deftype simple-byte-vector (&optional (len '*))
340  `(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (,len)))
342 (declaim (inline digit-byte-char-p
343  digit-byte-char-to-integer
344  alpha-byte-char-p
345  alpha-byte-char-to-lower-char
346  alphanumeric-byte-char-p
347  mark-byte-char-p))
349 (defun digit-byte-char-p (byte)
350  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)
351  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
352  (<= #.(char-code #\0) byte #.(char-code #\9)))
354 (declaim (ftype (function ((unsigned-byte 8)) fixnum) digit-byte-char-to-integer))
355 (defun digit-byte-char-to-integer (byte)
356  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)
357  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
358  (the fixnum (- byte #.(char-code #\0))))
360 (defun alpha-byte-char-p (byte)
361  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)
362  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
363  (or (<= #.(char-code #\A) byte #.(char-code #\Z))
364  (<= #.(char-code #\a) byte #.(char-code #\z))))
366 (defun alpha-byte-char-to-lower-char (byte)
367  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)
368  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
369  (the character
370  (cond
371  ((<= #.(char-code #\A) byte #.(char-code #\Z))
372  (code-char (+ byte #x20)))
373  (T #+nil(<= #.(char-code #\a) byte #.(char-code #\z))
374  (code-char byte)))))
376 (defun alphanumeric-byte-char-p (byte)
377  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte))
378  (or (alpha-byte-char-p byte)
379  (digit-byte-char-p byte)))
381 (defun mark-byte-char-p (byte)
382  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)
383  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
384  (or (= byte #.(char-code #\-))
385  (= byte #.(char-code #\_))
386  (= byte #.(char-code #\.))
387  (= byte #.(char-code #\!))
388  (= byte #.(char-code #\~))
389  (= byte #.(char-code #\*))
390  (= byte #.(char-code #\'))
391  (= byte #.(char-code #\())
392  (= byte #.(char-code #\)))))
394 (declaim (ftype (function ((unsigned-byte 8)) (unsigned-byte 8)) byte-to-ascii-lower)
395  (inline byte-to-ascii-lower))
396 (defun byte-to-ascii-lower (x)
397  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) x)
398  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
399  (if (<= #.(char-code #\A) x #.(char-code #\Z))
400  (- x #.(- (char-code #\A) (char-code #\a)))
401  x))
403 (declaim (inline ascii-octets-to-string))
404 (defun ascii-octets-to-string (octets &key (start 0) (end (length octets)))
405  (declare (type simple-byte-vector octets)
406  (type (unsigned-byte 64) start end)
407  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
408  (let* ((len (the (unsigned-byte 64) (- end start)))
409  (string (make-string len :element-type 'character)))
410  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) len)
411  (type simple-string string))
412  (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
413  (j start (1+ j)))
414  ((= j end) string)
415  (setf (aref string i)
416  (code-char (aref octets j))))))
418 (declaim (inline ascii-octets-to-lower-string))
419 (defun ascii-octets-to-lower-string (octets &key (start 0) (end (length octets)))
420  (declare (type simple-byte-vector octets)
421  (type (unsigned-byte 64) start end)
422  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
423  (let* ((len (the (unsigned-byte 64) (- end start)))
424  (string (make-string len :element-type 'character)))
425  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) len)
426  (type simple-string string))
427  (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
428  (j start (1+ j)))
429  ((= j end) string)
430  (setf (aref string i)
431  (code-char (byte-to-ascii-lower (aref octets j)))))))
433 (defun append-byte-vectors (vec1 vec2)
434  (declare (type simple-byte-vector vec1 vec2)
435  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
436  (let* ((vec1-len (length vec1))
437  (vec2-len (length vec2))
438  (result (make-array (+ vec1-len vec2-len)
439  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
440  (declare (type simple-byte-vector result))
441  (replace result vec1 :start1 0)
442  (replace result vec2 :start1 vec1-len)
443  result))
445 ;;; multipart-parser
446 (defstruct (ll-multipart-parser (:constructor make-ll-multipart-parser
447  (&key boundary
448  &aux (header-parser
449  (let ((parser (make-http)))
450  (setf (http-state parser) +state-headers+)
451  parser)))))
452  (state 0 :type fixnum)
453  (header-parser)
454  boundary
455  body-mark
456  body-buffer
457  boundary-mark
458  boundary-buffer)
460 #.`(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
461  ,@(loop for i from 0
462  for state in '(parsing-delimiter-dash-start
463  parsing-delimiter-dash
464  parsing-delimiter
465  parsing-delimiter-end
466  parsing-delimiter-almost-done
467  parsing-delimiter-done
468  header-field-start
469  body-start
470  looking-for-delimiter
471  maybe-delimiter-start
472  maybe-delimiter-first-dash
473  maybe-delimiter-second-dash
474  body-almost-done
475  body-done)
476  collect `(defconstant ,(format-symbol t "+~A+" state) ,i)))
478 (defun http-multipart-parse (parser callbacks data &key (start 0) end)
479  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data))
480  (let* ((end (or end (length data)))
481  (boundary (map '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) #'char-code (ll-multipart-parser-boundary parser)))
482  (boundary-length (length boundary))
483  (header-parser (ll-multipart-parser-header-parser parser)))
484  (declare (type simple-byte-vector boundary))
485  (when (= start end)
486  (return-from http-multipart-parse start))
488  (macrolet ((with-body-cb (callback &body body)
489  `(handler-case (when-let ((,callback (callbacks-body callbacks)))
490  ,@body)
491  (error (e)
492  (error 'cb-body :error e))))
493  (call-body-cb (&optional (end '(ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser)))
494  (let ((g-end (gensym "END")))
495  `(with-body-cb callback
496  (when (ll-multipart-parser-body-buffer parser)
497  (funcall callback parser
498  (ll-multipart-parser-body-buffer parser)
499  0 (length (ll-multipart-parser-body-buffer parser)))
500  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-body-buffer parser) nil))
501  (when-let ((,g-end ,end))
502  (funcall callback parser data
503  (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser)
504  ,g-end)))))
505  (flush-boundary-buffer ()
506  `(with-body-cb callback
507  (when (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
508  (funcall callback parser
509  (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
510  0 (length (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)))
511  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser) nil)))))
512  (let* ((p start)
513  (byte (aref data p)))
514  #+http-debug
515  (log:debug (code-char byte))
516  (tagbody
517  (macrolet ((go-state (tag &optional (advance 1))
518  `(progn
519  ,(case advance
520  (0 ())
521  (1 '(incf p))
522  (otherwise `(incf p ,advance)))
523  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-state parser) ,tag)
524  #+http-debug
525  (log:debug ,(princ-to-string tag))
526  ,@(and (not (eql advance 0))
527  `((when (= p end)
528  (go exit-loop))
529  (setq byte (aref data p))
530  #+http-debug
531  (log:debug (code-char byte))))
532  (go ,tag))))
533  (tagcasev (ll-multipart-parser-state parser)
534  (+parsing-delimiter-dash-start+
535  (unless (= byte +dash+)
536  (go-state +header-field-start+ 0))
537  (go-state +parsing-delimiter-dash+))
539  (+parsing-delimiter-dash+
540  (unless (= byte +dash+)
541  (error 'invalid-multipart-body))
542  (go-state +parsing-delimiter+))
544  (+parsing-delimiter+
545  (let ((end2 (+ p boundary-length)))
546  (cond
547  ((ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
548  (when (< (+ end (length (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)) -3) end2)
549  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
550  (concatenate 'simple-byte-vector
551  (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
552  data))
553  (go exit-loop))
554  (let ((data2 (make-array boundary-length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
555  (boundary-buffer-length (length (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser))))
556  (replace data2 (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
557  :start2 2)
558  (replace data2 data
559  :start1 (- boundary-buffer-length 2))
560  (unless (search boundary data2)
561  ;; Still in the body
562  (when (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser)
563  (call-body-cb nil)
564  (flush-boundary-buffer)
565  (go-state +looking-for-delimiter+))
566  (error 'invalid-boundary))
567  (go-state +parsing-delimiter-end+ (- boundary-length boundary-buffer-length -2))))
568  ((< (1- end) end2)
569  ;; EOF
570  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
571  (if (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
572  (concatenate 'simple-byte-vector
573  (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-buffer parser)
574  (subseq data (max 0 (- p 2))))
575  (subseq data (max 0 (- p 2)))))
576  (go exit-loop))
577  (T
578  (unless (search boundary data :start2 p :end2 end2)
579  ;; Still in the body
580  (when (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser)
581  (go-state +looking-for-delimiter+))
582  (error 'invalid-boundary))
583  (go-state +parsing-delimiter-end+ boundary-length)))))
585  (+parsing-delimiter-end+
586  (casev byte
587  (+cr+ (go-state +parsing-delimiter-almost-done+))
588  (+lf+ (go-state +parsing-delimiter-almost-done+ 0))
589  (+dash+ (go-state +body-almost-done+))
590  (otherwise
591  ;; Still in the body
592  (when (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser)
593  (call-body-cb nil)
594  (flush-boundary-buffer)
595  (go-state +looking-for-delimiter+))
596  (error 'invalid-boundary))))
598  (+parsing-delimiter-almost-done+
599  (unless (= byte +lf+)
600  (error 'invalid-boundary))
601  (when (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser)
602  ;; got a part
603  (when (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser)
604  (call-body-cb))
605  (when-let ((callback (callbacks-message-complete callbacks)))
606  (handler-case (funcall callback parser)
607  (error (e)
608  (error 'cb-message-complete :error e)))))
609  (go-state +parsing-delimiter-done+))
611  (+parsing-delimiter-done+
612  (when-let ((callback (callbacks-message-begin callbacks)))
613  (handler-case (funcall callback parser)
614  (error (e)
615  (error 'cb-message-begin :error e))))
616  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser) p)
617  (go-state +header-field-start+ 0))
619  (+header-field-start+
620  (let ((next (parse-headers header-parser callbacks data p end)))
621  (setq p (1- next)) ;; XXX
622  ;; parsing headers done
623  (when (= (http-state header-parser) +state-body+)
624  (when-let ((callback (callbacks-headers-complete callbacks)))
625  (handler-case (funcall callback parser)
626  (error (e)
627  (error 'cb-headers-complete :error e))))
628  (setf (http-state header-parser) +state-headers+))
629  (go-state +body-start+ 0)))
631  (+body-start+
632  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser) (1+ p))
633  (go-state +looking-for-delimiter+))
635  (+looking-for-delimiter+
636  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser) nil)
637  (casev byte
638  (+cr+ (setf (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser) p)
639  (go-state +maybe-delimiter-start+))
640  (otherwise (go-state +looking-for-delimiter+))))
642  (+maybe-delimiter-start+
643  (unless (= byte +lf+)
644  (go-state +looking-for-delimiter+ 0))
645  (go-state +maybe-delimiter-first-dash+))
647  (+maybe-delimiter-first-dash+
648  (if (= byte +dash+)
649  (go-state +maybe-delimiter-second-dash+)
650  (if (= byte +cr+)
651  (progn
652  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser) p)
653  (go-state +maybe-delimiter-start+))
654  (go-state +looking-for-delimiter+))))
656  (+maybe-delimiter-second-dash+
657  (if (= byte +dash+)
658  (go-state +parsing-delimiter+)
659  (go-state +looking-for-delimiter+)))
661  (+body-almost-done+
662  (casev byte
663  (+dash+ (go-state +body-done+ 0))
664  (otherwise (error 'invalid-multipart-body))))
666  (+body-done+
667  (when (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser)
668  ;; got a part
669  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-body-buffer parser) nil)
670  (call-body-cb)
671  (when-let ((callback (callbacks-message-complete callbacks)))
672  (handler-case (funcall callback parser)
673  (error (e)
674  (error 'cb-message-complete :error e))))
675  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser) nil))
676  (go exit-loop))))
677  exit-loop)
678  (when (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser)
679  (when (<= +looking-for-delimiter+
680  (ll-multipart-parser-state parser)
681  +maybe-delimiter-second-dash+)
682  (call-body-cb (or (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser) p)))
683  ;; buffer the last part
684  (when (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser)
685  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-body-buffer parser)
686  (if (ll-multipart-parser-body-buffer parser)
687  (concatenate 'simple-byte-vector
688  (ll-multipart-parser-body-buffer parser)
689  (subseq data (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser)))
690  (subseq data (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser)))))
692  (setf (ll-multipart-parser-body-mark parser) 0
693  (ll-multipart-parser-boundary-mark parser) nil))
694  p))))
696 (defun make-multipart-parser (content-type callback)
697  (check-type content-type string)
698  (let ((boundary (find-boundary content-type)))
699  (unless boundary
700  (return-from make-multipart-parser nil))
702  (let ((parser (make-ll-multipart-parser :boundary boundary))
703  (headers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
704  parsing-content-disposition
705  parsing-header-field
706  field-meta
707  header-value-buffer
708  (body-buffer (make-smart-buffer))
709  callbacks)
710  (flet ((collect-prev-header-value ()
711  (when header-value-buffer
712  (let ((header-value
713  (babel:octets-to-string
714  header-value-buffer)))
715  (when parsing-content-disposition
716  (setq field-meta
717  (let (parsing-key
718  (field-meta (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
719  (parse-header-value-parameters header-value
720  :header-parameter-key-callback
721  (lambda (data start end)
722  (setq parsing-key
723  (string-downcase (subseq data start end))))
724  :header-parameter-value-callback
725  (lambda (data start end)
726  (setf (gethash parsing-key field-meta)
727  (subseq data start end))))
728  field-meta)))
729  (setf (gethash parsing-header-field headers)
730  header-value)))))
731  (setq callbacks
732  (make-callbacks
733  :header-field (lambda (parser data start end)
734  (declare (ignore parser))
735  (collect-prev-header-value)
736  (setq header-value-buffer (make-concatenated-xsubseqs))
738  (let ((header-name
739  (ascii-octets-to-lower-string data :start start :end end)))
740  (setq parsing-content-disposition
741  (string= header-name "content-disposition"))
742  (setq parsing-header-field header-name)))
743  :header-value (lambda (parser data start end)
744  (declare (ignore parser))
745  (xnconcf header-value-buffer
746  (subseq (subseq data start end) 0)))
747  :headers-complete (lambda (parser)
748  (declare (ignore parser))
749  (collect-prev-header-value))
750  :message-complete (lambda (parser)
751  (declare (ignore parser))
752  (funcall callback
753  (gethash "name" field-meta)
754  headers
755  field-meta
756  body-buffer)
757  (setq headers (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
758  body-buffer (vector)
759  header-value-buffer nil))
760  :body (lambda (parser data start end)
761  (declare (ignore parser))
762  (write-sequence data body-buffer start end)))))
763  (lambda (data)
764  (http-multipart-parse parser callbacks data)
765  (= (ll-multipart-parser-state parser) +body-done+)))))
767 ;;; http
768 ;;
769 ;; Types
771 (deftype status-code () '(integer 0 10000))
773 ;;
774 ;; States
776 (defconstant +state-first-line+ 0)
777 (defconstant +state-headers+ 1)
778 (defconstant +state-chunk-size+ 2)
779 (defconstant +state-body+ 3)
780 (defconstant +state-chunk-body-end-crlf+ 4)
781 (defconstant +state-trailing-headers+ 5)
783 (defstruct (http (:conc-name :http-))
784  (method nil :type symbol)
785  (major-version 0 :type fixnum)
786  (minor-version 9 :type fixnum)
787  (status 0 :type status-code)
788  (content-length nil :type (or null integer))
789  (chunked-p nil :type boolean)
790  (upgrade-p nil :type boolean)
792  headers
794  ;; private
795  (header-read 0 :type fixnum)
796  (mark -1 :type fixnum)
797  (state +state-first-line+ :type fixnum))
799 (defun http-version (http)
800  (float
801  (+ (http-major-version http)
802  (/ (http-minor-version http) 10))))
804 (defstruct (http-request (:include http)
805  (:conc-name :http-))
806  resource)
808 (defstruct (http-response (:include http)
809  (:conc-name :http-))
810  status-text)
812 ;;; Errors
813 (define-condition http-error (net-error)
814  (description)
815  (:report
816  (lambda (condition stream)
817  (format stream "~A: ~A" (type-of condition) (slot-value condition 'description)))))
820 ;;
821 ;; Callback-related errors
823 (define-condition callback-error (http-error)
824  ((error :initarg :error
825  :initform nil))
826  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
827  (with-slots (description error) condition
828  (format stream "Callback Error: ~A~:[~;~:*~% ~A~]"
829  description
830  error)))))
832 (define-condition cb-message-begin (callback-error)
833  ((description :initform "the message-begin callback failed")))
834 (define-condition cb-url (callback-error)
835  ((description :initform "the url callback failed")))
836 (define-condition cb-first-line (callback-error)
837  ((description :initform "the first line callback failed")))
838 (define-condition cb-header-field (callback-error)
839  ((description :initform "the header-field callback failed")))
840 (define-condition cb-header-value (callback-error)
841  ((description :initform "the header-value callback failed")))
842 (define-condition cb-headers-complete (callback-error)
843  ((description :initform "the headers-complete callback failed")))
844 (define-condition cb-body (callback-error)
845  ((description :initform "the body callback failed")))
846 (define-condition cb-message-complete (callback-error)
847  ((description :initform "the message-complete callback failed")))
848 (define-condition cb-status (callback-error)
849  ((description :initform "the status callback failed")))
852 ;;
853 ;; Parsing-related errors
855 (define-condition parsing-error (http-error) ())
857 (define-condition invalid-eof-state (parsing-error)
858  ((description :initform "stream ended at an unexpected time")))
859 (define-condition header-overflow (parsing-error)
860  ((description :initform "too many header bytes seen; overflow detected")))
861 (define-condition closed-connection (parsing-error)
862  ((description :initform "data received after completed connection: close message")))
863 (define-condition invalid-version (parsing-error)
864  ((description :initform "invalid HTTP version")))
865 (define-condition invalid-status (parsing-error)
866  ((description :initform "invalid HTTP status code")
867  (status-code :initarg :status-code
868  :initform nil))
869  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
870  (with-slots (description status-code) condition
871  (format stream "~A: ~A~:[~;~:* (Code=~A)~]"
872  (type-of condition)
873  description
874  status-code)))))
875 (define-condition invalid-method (parsing-error)
876  ((description :initform "invalid HTTP method")))
877 (define-condition invalid-url (parsing-error)
878  ((description :initform "invalid URL")))
879 (define-condition invalid-host (parsing-error)
880  ((description :initform "invalid host")))
881 (define-condition invalid-port (parsing-error)
882  ((description :initform "invalid port")))
883 (define-condition invalid-path (parsing-error)
884  ((description :initform "invalid path")))
885 (define-condition invalid-query-string (parsing-error)
886  ((description :initform "invalid query string")))
887 (define-condition invalid-fragment (parsing-error)
888  ((description :initform "invalid fragment")))
889 (define-condition lf-expected (parsing-error)
890  ((description :initform "LF character expected")))
891 (define-condition invalid-header-token (parsing-error)
892  ((description :initform "invalid character in header")))
893 (define-condition invalid-content-length (parsing-error)
894  ((description :initform "invalid character in content-length header")))
895 (define-condition invalid-chunk-size (parsing-error)
896  ((description :initform "invalid character in chunk size header")))
897 (define-condition invalid-constant (parsing-error)
898  ((description :initform "invalid constant string")))
900 (define-condition invalid-internal-state (parsing-error)
901  ((description :initform "encountered unexpected internal state")
902  (code :initarg :code))
903  (:report
904  (lambda (condition stream)
905  (format stream "~A: ~A (Code=~A)"
906  (type-of condition)
907  (slot-value condition 'description)
908  (slot-value condition 'code)))))
909 (define-condition strict-error (parsing-error)
910  ((description :initform "strict mode assertion failed")
911  (form :initarg :form))
912  (:report
913  (lambda (condition stream)
914  (format stream "~A: ~A~% ~A"
915  (type-of condition)
916  (slot-value condition 'description)
917  (slot-value condition 'form)))))
918 (define-condition paused-error (parsing-error)
919  ((description :initform "parser is paused")))
920 (define-condition unknown-error (parsing-error)
921  ((description :initform "an unknown error occured")))
924 ;;
925 ;; Multipart parsing
927 (define-condition multipart-parsing-error (http-error) ())
929 (define-condition invalid-multipart-body (multipart-parsing-error)
930  ((description :initform "invalid multipart body")))
931 (define-condition invalid-boundary (multipart-parsing-error)
932  ((description :initform "invalid boundary")))
935 ;;
936 ;; Header value parsing
938 (define-condition header-value-parsing-error (multipart-parsing-error) ())
940 (define-condition invalid-header-value (header-value-parsing-error)
941  ((description :initform "invalid header value")))
942 (define-condition invalid-parameter-key (header-value-parsing-error)
943  ((description :initform "invalid parameter key")))
944 (define-condition invalid-parameter-value (header-value-parsing-error)
945  ((description :initform "invalid parameter value")))
947 ;;; parser
948 ;;
949 ;; Variables
951 (declaim (type fixnum +max-header-line+))
952 (defconstant +max-header-line+ 1024
953  "Maximum number of header lines allowed.
955 This restriction is for protecting users' application
956 against denial-of-service attacks where the attacker feeds
957 us a never-ending header that the application keeps buffering.")
960 ;;
961 ;; Types
963 (deftype pointer () 'integer)
966 ;;
967 ;; Callbacks
969 (defstruct callbacks
970  (message-begin nil :type (or null function)) ;; 1 arg
971  (url nil :type (or null function))
972  (first-line nil :type (or null function))
973  (status nil :type (or null function))
974  (header-field nil :type (or null function))
975  (header-value nil :type (or null function))
976  (headers-complete nil :type (or null function)) ;; 1 arg
977  (body nil :type (or null function))
978  (message-complete nil :type (or null function)))
980 (defmacro callback-data (name http callbacks data start end)
981  (with-gensyms (callback e)
982  `(when-let ((,callback (,(format-symbol t "~A-~A" :callbacks name) ,callbacks)))
983  (handler-bind ((error
984  (lambda (,e)
985  (unless (typep ,e 'http-error)
986  (error ',(format-symbol t "~A-~A" :cb name)
987  :error ,e)
988  (abort ,e)))))
989  (funcall ,callback ,http ,data ,start ,end)))))
991 (defmacro callback-notify (name http callbacks)
992  (with-gensyms (callback e)
993  `(when-let ((,callback (,(format-symbol t "~A-~A" :callbacks name) ,callbacks)))
994  (handler-bind ((error
995  (lambda (,e)
996  (unless (typep ,e 'http-error)
997  (error ',(format-symbol t "~A-~A" :cb name)
998  :error ,e)
999  (abort ,e)))))
1000  (funcall ,callback ,http)))))
1003 ;;
1004 ;; Parser utilities
1006 (define-condition eof () ())
1008 (define-condition expect-failed (parsing-error)
1009  ((description :initform "expect failed")))
1012 ;;
1013 ;; Tokens
1015 (declaim (type (simple-array character (128)) +tokens+))
1016 (define-constant +tokens+
1017  (make-array 128
1018  :element-type 'character
1019  :initial-contents
1020  '( #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul
1021  #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul
1022  #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul
1023  #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul
1024  #\Nul #\! #\Nul #\# #\$ #\% #\& #\'
1025  #\Nul #\Nul #\* #\+ #\Nul #\- #\. #\Nul
1026  #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7
1027  #\8 #\9 #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul
1028  #\Nul #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g
1029  #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o
1030  #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v #\w
1031  #\x #\y #\z #\Nul #\Nul #\Nul #\^ #\_
1032  #\` #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g
1033  #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o
1034  #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v #\w
1035  #\x #\y #\z #\Nul #\| #\Nul #\~ #\Nul ))
1036  :test 'equalp)
1038 (declaim (type (simple-array fixnum (128)) +unhex+))
1039 (define-constant +unhex+
1040  (make-array 128 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents
1041  '(-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1042  -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1043  -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1044  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1045  -1 10 11 12 13 14 15 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1046  -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1047  -1 10 11 12 13 14 15 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1048  -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1))
1049  :test 'equalp)
1051 (defun unhex-byte (byte)
1052  (aref +unhex+ byte))
1054 ;;
1055 ;; Main
1057 (defun parse-method (data start end)
1058  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
1059  (type pointer start end))
1060  (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1061  (return-from parse-method
1062  (values
1063  (prog1
1064  (match-case
1066  ("COPY" :COPY)
1068  ("DELETE" :DELETE)
1069  ("GET" :GET)
1070  ("HEAD" :HEAD)
1071  ("LOCK" :LOCK)
1072  ("MKCOL" :MKCOL)
1075  ("MOVE" :MOVE)
1076  ("MERGE" :MERGE)
1077  ("M-SEARCH" :M-SEARCH)
1078  ("NOTIFY" :NOTIFY)
1080  ("POST" :POST)
1083  ("PUT" :PUT)
1084  ("PURGE" :PURGE)
1085  ("PATCH" :PATCH)
1086  ("REPORT" :REPORT)
1087  ("SEARCH" :SEARCH)
1089  ("TRACE" :TRACE)
1090  ("UNLOCK" :UNLOCK)
1092  (otherwise (error 'invalid-method)))
1093  (unless (= (current) +space+)
1094  (error 'invalid-method)))
1095  (pos))))
1096  (error 'eof))
1098 (defun parse-url (data start end)
1099  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
1100  (type pointer start end))
1101  (flet ((url-char-byte-p (byte)
1102  (or (<= (char-code #\!) byte (char-code #\~))
1103  (<= 128 byte))))
1104  (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1105  (skip-while url-char-byte-p)
1106  (return-from parse-url (pos)))
1107  (error 'eof)))
1109 (defun parse-http-version (data start end)
1110  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
1111  (type pointer start end))
1112  (let (major minor)
1113  (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1114  (or (match? "HTTP/")
1115  (return-from parse-http-version (values nil nil (pos))))
1116  (if (digit-byte-char-p (current))
1117  (setq major (digit-byte-char-to-integer (current)))
1118  (return-from parse-http-version (values nil nil (pos))))
1119  (advance)
1120  (or (skip? #\.) (return-from parse-http-version (values nil nil (pos))))
1121  (if (digit-byte-char-p (current))
1122  (setq minor (digit-byte-char-to-integer (current)))
1123  (return-from parse-http-version (values nil nil (pos))))
1124  (advance)
1125  (return-from parse-http-version
1126  (values major minor (pos))))
1127  (error 'eof)))
1129 (defun parse-status-code (http callbacks data start end)
1130  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
1131  (type pointer start end))
1132  (or (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1133  (if (digit-byte-char-p (current))
1134  (setf (http-status http) (digit-byte-char-to-integer (current)))
1135  (error 'invalid-status))
1136  (loop
1137  (advance)
1138  (cond
1139  ((digit-byte-char-p (current))
1140  (setf (http-status http)
1141  (+ (the fixnum (* 10 (http-status http)))
1142  (digit-byte-char-to-integer (current))))
1143  (when (< 999 (http-status http))
1144  (error 'invalid-status :status-code (http-status http))))
1145  ((= (current) +space+)
1146  ;; Reading the status text
1147  (advance)
1148  (let ((status-text-start (pos)))
1149  (skip* (not #\Return))
1150  (advance)
1151  (skip #\Newline)
1152  (callback-data :status http callbacks data status-text-start (- (pos) 1)))
1153  (return))
1154  ((= (current) +cr+)
1155  ;; No status text
1156  (advance)
1157  (skip #\Newline)
1158  (return))
1159  (T (error 'invalid-status))))
1160  (pos))
1161  (error 'eof)))
1163 (defun parse-header-field-and-value (http callbacks data start end)
1164  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
1165  (type pointer start end))
1166  (or
1167  (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1168  (let ((field-start (pos))
1169  field-end)
1170  (macrolet ((skip-until-value-start-and (&body body)
1171  `(progn
1172  ;; skip #\: and leading spaces
1173  (skip #\:)
1174  (skip* #\Space #\Tab)
1175  (cond
1176  ((= (current) +cr+)
1177  ;; continue to the next line
1178  (advance)
1179  (skip #\Newline)
1180  (cond
1181  ((or (= (current) +space+)
1182  (= (current) +tab+))
1183  (skip* #\Space #\Tab)
1184  (if (= (current) +cr+)
1185  ;; empty body
1186  (progn
1187  (advance)
1188  (skip #\Newline)
1189  (callback-data :header-field http callbacks data field-start field-end)
1190  (callback-data :header-value http callbacks data (pos) (pos)))
1191  (progn ,@body)))
1192  ;; empty body
1193  (t
1194  (callback-data :header-field http callbacks data field-start field-end)
1195  (callback-data :header-value http callbacks data (pos) (pos)))))
1196  (t ,@body))))
1197  (handle-otherwise ()
1198  `(progn
1199  ;; skip until field end
1200  (do ((char (aref +tokens+ (current))
1201  (aref +tokens+ (current))))
1202  ((= (current) (char-code #\:)))
1203  (declare (type character char))
1204  (when (char= char #\Nul)
1205  (error 'invalid-header-token))
1206  (advance))
1208  (setq field-end (pos))
1209  (skip-until-value-start-and
1210  (advance-to*
1211  (parse-header-value http callbacks data (pos) end field-start field-end)))))
1212  (expect-field-end (&body body)
1213  `(if (= (current) #.(char-code #\:))
1214  (progn
1215  (setq field-end (pos))
1216  ,@body)
1217  (handle-otherwise))))
1218  (match-i-case
1219  ("content-length"
1220  (expect-field-end
1221  (skip-until-value-start-and
1222  (multiple-value-bind (value-start value-end next content-length)
1223  (parse-header-value-content-length data (pos) end)
1224  (declare (type pointer next))
1225  (setf (http-content-length http) content-length)
1226  (advance-to* next)
1227  (callback-data :header-field http callbacks data field-start field-end)
1228  (callback-data :header-value http callbacks data value-start value-end)))))
1229  ("transfer-encoding"
1230  (expect-field-end
1231  (skip-until-value-start-and
1232  (multiple-value-bind (value-start value-end next chunkedp)
1233  (parse-header-value-transfer-encoding data (pos) end)
1234  (declare (type pointer next))
1235  (setf (http-chunked-p http) chunkedp)
1236  (advance-to* next)
1237  (callback-data :header-field http callbacks data field-start field-end)
1238  (callback-data :header-value http callbacks data value-start value-end)))))
1239  ("upgrade"
1240  (expect-field-end
1241  (skip-until-value-start-and
1242  (setf (http-upgrade-p http) T)
1243  (let ((value-start (pos)))
1244  (skip* (not #\Return))
1245  (advance)
1246  (skip #\Newline)
1247  (callback-data :header-field http callbacks data field-start field-end)
1248  (callback-data :header-value http callbacks data value-start (- (pos) 2))))))
1249  (otherwise (handle-otherwise)))))
1250  (pos))
1251  (error 'eof)))
1253 (defun parse-header-value (http callbacks data start end &optional field-start field-end)
1254  (or (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1255  (skip* (not #\Return))
1256  (advance)
1257  (skip #\Newline)
1258  (when field-start
1259  (callback-data :header-field http callbacks data field-start field-end))
1260  (callback-data :header-value http callbacks data start (- (pos) 2))
1261  (pos))
1262  (error 'eof)))
1264 (defun parse-header-value-transfer-encoding (data start end)
1265  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
1266  (type pointer start end))
1267  (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1268  (match-i-case
1269  ("chunked"
1270  (if (= (current) +cr+)
1271  (progn
1272  (advance)
1273  (skip #\Newline)
1274  (return-from parse-header-value-transfer-encoding
1275  (values start (- (pos) 2) (pos) t)))
1276  (progn
1277  (skip+ (not #\Return))
1278  (advance)
1279  (skip #\Newline)
1280  (return-from parse-header-value-transfer-encoding
1281  (values start (- (pos) 2) (pos) nil)))))
1282  (otherwise
1283  (skip* (not #\Return))
1284  (advance)
1285  (skip #\Newline)
1286  (return-from parse-header-value-transfer-encoding
1287  (values start (- (pos) 2) (pos) nil)))))
1288  (error 'eof))
1290 (defun parse-header-value-content-length (data start end)
1291  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
1292  (type pointer start end))
1293  (let ((content-length 0))
1294  (declare (type integer content-length))
1295  (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1296  (if (digit-byte-char-p (current))
1297  (setq content-length (digit-byte-char-to-integer (current)))
1298  (error 'invalid-content-length))
1299  (loop
1300  (advance)
1301  (cond
1302  ((digit-byte-char-p (current))
1303  (setq content-length
1304  (+ (* 10 content-length)
1305  (digit-byte-char-to-integer (current)))))
1306  ((= (current) +cr+)
1307  (advance)
1308  (skip #\Newline)
1309  (return-from parse-header-value-content-length
1310  (values start (- (pos) 2) (pos) content-length)))
1311  ((= (current) +space+)
1312  ;; Discard spaces
1313  )
1314  (t (error 'invalid-content-length)))))
1315  (error 'eof)))
1317 (defun parse-header-line (http callbacks data start end)
1318  (declare (type simple-byte-vector data)
1319  (type pointer start end))
1320  (when (<= end start)
1321  (error 'eof))
1322  (let ((current (aref data start)))
1323  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) current))
1324  (cond
1325  ((or (= current +tab+)
1326  (= current +space+))
1327  (parse-header-value http callbacks data start end))
1328  ((/= current +cr+)
1329  (parse-header-field-and-value http callbacks data start end))
1330  (t
1331  (incf start)
1332  (when (= start end)
1333  (error 'eof))
1334  (setq current (aref data start))
1335  (unless (= current +lf+)
1336  (error 'expect-failed))
1337  (values (1+ start) t)))))
1339 (defun parse-headers (http callbacks data start end)
1340  (declare (type http http)
1341  (type simple-byte-vector data)
1342  (type pointer start end))
1343  (or (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1344  ;; empty headers
1345  (when (= (current) +cr+)
1346  (advance)
1347  (if (= (current) +lf+)
1348  (return-from parse-headers (1+ (pos)))
1349  (error 'expect-failed)))
1351  (advance-to* (parse-header-field-and-value http callbacks data start end))
1353  (setf (http-mark http) (pos))
1354  (loop
1355  (when (= +max-header-line+ (the fixnum (incf (http-header-read http))))
1356  (error 'header-overflow))
1357  (multiple-value-bind (next endp)
1358  (parse-header-line http callbacks data (pos) end)
1359  (advance-to* next)
1360  (when endp
1361  (return)))
1362  (setf (http-mark http) (pos)))
1363  (setf (http-mark http) (pos))
1364  (setf (http-state http) +state-body+)
1366  (pos))
1367  (error 'eof)))
1369 (defun read-body-data (http callbacks data start end)
1370  (declare (type http http)
1371  (type simple-byte-vector data)
1372  (type pointer start end))
1373  (let ((readable-count (the pointer (- end start))))
1374  (declare (dynamic-extent readable-count)
1375  (type pointer readable-count))
1376  (if (<= (http-content-length http) readable-count)
1377  (let ((body-end (+ start (http-content-length http))))
1378  (declare (dynamic-extent body-end))
1379  (setf (http-content-length http) 0)
1380  (callback-data :body http callbacks data start body-end)
1381  (setf (http-mark http) body-end)
1382  (values body-end t))
1383  ;; still needs to read
1384  (progn
1385  (decf (http-content-length http) readable-count)
1386  (callback-data :body http callbacks data start end)
1387  (setf (http-mark http) end)
1388  (values end nil)))))
1390 (defun http-message-needs-eof-p (http)
1391  (let ((status-code (http-status http)))
1392  (declare (type status-code status-code))
1393  (when (= status-code 0) ;; probably request
1394  (return-from http-message-needs-eof-p nil))
1396  (when (or (< 99 status-code 200) ;; 1xx e.g. Continue
1397  (= status-code 204) ;; No Content
1398  (= status-code 304)) ;; Not Modified
1399  (return-from http-message-needs-eof-p nil))
1401  (when (or (http-chunked-p http)
1402  (http-content-length http))
1403  (return-from http-message-needs-eof-p nil))
1404  T))
1406 (defun parse-body (http callbacks data start end requestp)
1407  (declare (type http http)
1408  (type simple-byte-vector data)
1409  (type pointer start end))
1410  (macrolet ((message-complete ()
1411  `(progn
1412  (callback-notify :message-complete http callbacks)
1413  (setf (http-state http) +state-first-line+))))
1414  (case (http-content-length http)
1415  (0
1416  ;; Content-Length header given but zero: Content-Length: 0\r\n
1417  (message-complete)
1418  start)
1419  ('nil
1420  (if (or requestp
1421  (not (http-message-needs-eof-p http)))
1422  ;; Assume content-length 0 - read the next
1423  (progn
1424  (message-complete)
1425  ;; By returning "start", we'll continue
1426  ;; to parse the next request in case if
1427  ;; HTTP pipelining is used. Probably
1428  ;; we need some way to enable (or disable)
1429  ;; HTTP pipelining support.
1430  start)
1431  ;; read until EOF
1432  (progn
1433  (callback-data :body http callbacks data start end)
1434  (setf (http-mark http) end)
1435  (message-complete)
1436  end)))
1437  (otherwise
1438  ;; Content-Length header given and non-zero
1439  (multiple-value-bind (next completedp)
1440  (read-body-data http callbacks data start end)
1441  (when completedp
1442  (message-complete))
1443  next)))))
1445 (defun parse-chunked-body (http callbacks data start end)
1446  (declare (type http http)
1447  (type simple-byte-vector data)
1448  (type pointer start end))
1450  (when (= start end)
1451  (return-from parse-chunked-body start))
1453  (or (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1454  (tagbody
1455  (cond
1456  ((= (http-state http) +state-chunk-size+)
1457  (go chunk-size))
1458  ((= (http-state http) +state-body+)
1459  (go body))
1460  ((= (http-state http) +state-chunk-body-end-crlf+)
1461  (go body-end-crlf))
1462  ((= (http-state http) +state-trailing-headers+)
1463  (go trailing-headers))
1464  (T (error 'invalid-internal-state :code (http-state http))))
1466  chunk-size
1467  (let ((unhex-val (unhex-byte (current))))
1468  (declare (type fixnum unhex-val)
1469  (dynamic-extent unhex-val))
1470  (when (= unhex-val -1)
1471  (error 'invalid-chunk-size))
1472  (setf (http-content-length http) unhex-val)
1474  (loop
1475  (advance)
1476  (if (= (current) +cr+)
1477  (progn
1478  (advance)
1479  (tagbody
1480  (skip #\Newline)
1481  :eof
1482  (return)))
1483  (progn
1484  (setq unhex-val (unhex-byte (current)))
1485  (cond
1486  ((= unhex-val -1)
1487  (cond
1488  ((or (= (current) (char-code #\;))
1489  (= (current) (char-code #\Space)))
1490  (skip* (not #\Return))
1491  (advance)
1492  (tagbody
1493  (skip #\Newline)
1494  :eof
1495  (return)))
1496  (t (error 'invalid-chunk-size))))
1497  (t (setf (http-content-length http)
1498  (+ (* 16 (http-content-length http)) unhex-val)))))))
1499  (setf (http-state http) +state-body+)
1500  (if (eofp)
1501  (return-from parse-chunked-body (pos))
1502  (setf (http-mark http) (pos))))
1504  body
1505  (cond
1506  ((zerop (http-content-length http))
1507  ;; trailing headers
1508  (setf (http-state http) +state-trailing-headers+)
1509  (go trailing-headers))
1510  (T
1511  (multiple-value-bind (next completedp)
1512  (read-body-data http callbacks data (pos) end)
1513  (declare (type pointer next))
1514  (unless completedp
1515  (return-from parse-chunked-body (pos)))
1516  (setf (http-state http) +state-chunk-body-end-crlf+)
1517  (advance-to next))))
1519  body-end-crlf
1520  (skip #\Return)
1521  (tagbody
1522  (skip #\Newline)
1523  :eof
1524  (setf (http-state http) +state-chunk-size+)
1525  (when (eofp)
1526  (return-from parse-chunked-body (pos))))
1527  (setf (http-mark http) (pos))
1528  (go chunk-size)
1530  trailing-headers
1531  (return-from parse-chunked-body
1532  (prog1 (parse-headers http callbacks data (pos) end)
1533  (callback-notify :message-complete http callbacks)))))
1534  (error 'eof)))
1536 (defun parse-request (http callbacks data &key (start 0) end (head-request nil))
1537  (declare (type http http)
1538  (type simple-byte-vector data)
1539  (ignorable head-request))
1540  (let ((end (or end (length data))))
1541  (declare (type pointer start end))
1542  (handler-bind ((match-failed
1543  (lambda (c)
1544  (declare (ignore c))
1545  (error 'expect-failed))))
1546  (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1547  (setf (http-mark http) start)
1549  (tagbody
1550  (let ((state (http-state http)))
1551  (declare (type fixnum state))
1552  (cond
1553  ((= +state-first-line+ state)
1554  (go first-line))
1555  ((= +state-headers+ state)
1556  (go headers))
1557  ((<= +state-chunk-size+ state +state-trailing-headers+)
1558  (go body))
1559  (T (error 'invalid-internal-state :code state))))
1561  first-line
1562  ;; skip first empty line (some clients add CRLF after POST content)
1563  (when (= (current) +cr+)
1564  (advance)
1565  (tagbody
1566  (skip #\Newline)
1567  :eof
1568  (when (eofp)
1569  (return-from parse-request (pos)))))
1571  (setf (http-mark http) (pos))
1572  (callback-notify :message-begin http callbacks)
1574  (multiple-value-bind (method next)
1575  (parse-method data (pos) end)
1576  (declare (type pointer next))
1577  (setf (http-method http) method)
1578  (advance-to* next))
1579  (skip* #\Space)
1580  (let ((url-start-mark (pos))
1581  (url-end-mark (parse-url data (pos) end)))
1582  (declare (type pointer url-start-mark url-end-mark))
1583  (tagbody retry-url-parse
1584  (advance-to* url-end-mark)
1586  (skip* #\Space)
1588  (cond
1589  ;; No HTTP version
1590  ((= (current) +cr+)
1591  (callback-data :url http callbacks data url-start-mark url-end-mark)
1592  (advance)
1593  (skip #\Newline))
1594  (t (multiple-value-bind (major minor next)
1595  (parse-http-version data (pos) end)
1596  (declare (type pointer next))
1597  (unless major
1598  ;; Invalid HTTP version.
1599  ;; Assuming it's also a part of URI.
1600  (let ((new-url-end-mark (parse-url data next end)))
1601  (when (= url-end-mark new-url-end-mark)
1602  (error 'invalid-version))
1603  (setq url-end-mark new-url-end-mark)
1604  (go retry-url-parse)))
1605  (callback-data :url http callbacks data url-start-mark url-end-mark)
1606  (setf (http-major-version http) major
1607  (http-minor-version http) minor)
1608  (advance-to* next))
1609  (skip #\Return)
1610  (skip #\Newline)))))
1612  (setf (http-mark http) (pos))
1613  (setf (http-state http) +state-headers+)
1614  (callback-notify :first-line http callbacks)
1616  headers
1617  (advance-to* (parse-headers http callbacks data (pos) end))
1619  (callback-notify :headers-complete http callbacks)
1620  (setf (http-header-read http) 0)
1622  ;; Exit, the rest of the connect is in a different protocol.
1623  (when (http-upgrade-p http)
1624  (setf (http-state http) +state-first-line+)
1625  (callback-notify :message-complete http callbacks)
1626  (return-from parse-request (pos)))
1628  (setf (http-state http)
1629  (if (http-chunked-p http)
1630  +state-chunk-size+
1631  +state-body+))
1633  body
1634  (if (http-chunked-p http)
1635  (advance-to* (parse-chunked-body http callbacks data (pos) end))
1636  (progn
1637  (and (advance-to* (parse-body http callbacks data (pos) end t))
1638  (go first-line))))
1639  (return-from parse-request (pos)))))
1640  (error 'eof)))
1642 (defun parse-response (http callbacks data &key (start 0) end (head-request nil))
1643  (declare (type http http)
1644  (type simple-byte-vector data))
1645  (let ((end (or end
1646  (length data))))
1647  (declare (type pointer start end))
1648  (handler-bind ((match-failed
1649  (lambda (c)
1650  (declare (ignore c))
1651  (error 'expect-failed))))
1652  (with-octets-parsing (data :start start :end end)
1653  (setf (http-mark http) start)
1655  (tagbody
1656  (let ((state (http-state http)))
1657  (declare (type fixnum state))
1658  (cond
1659  ((= +state-first-line+ state)
1660  (go first-line))
1661  ((= +state-headers+ state)
1662  (go headers))
1663  ((<= +state-chunk-size+ state +state-trailing-headers+)
1664  (go body))
1665  (T (error 'invalid-internal-state :code state))))
1667  first-line
1668  (setf (http-mark http) (pos))
1669  (callback-notify :message-begin http callbacks)
1671  (multiple-value-bind (major minor next)
1672  (parse-http-version data (pos) end)
1673  (declare (type pointer next))
1674  (setf (http-major-version http) major
1675  (http-minor-version http) minor)
1676  (advance-to* next))
1678  (cond
1679  ((= (current) +space+)
1680  (advance)
1681  (advance-to (parse-status-code http callbacks data (pos) end)))
1682  ((= (current) +cr+)
1683  (skip #\Newline))
1684  (T (error 'invalid-version)))
1686  (setf (http-mark http) (pos))
1687  (setf (http-state http) +state-headers+)
1688  (callback-notify :first-line http callbacks)
1690  headers
1691  (advance-to* (parse-headers http callbacks data (pos) end))
1693  (callback-notify :headers-complete http callbacks)
1694  (setf (http-header-read http) 0)
1695  (setf (http-state http)
1696  (if (http-chunked-p http)
1697  +state-chunk-size+
1698  +state-body+))
1700  (when head-request
1701  (callback-notify :message-complete http callbacks)
1702  (setf (http-state http) +state-first-line+)
1703  (return-from parse-response (pos)))
1705  body
1706  (if (http-chunked-p http)
1707  (advance-to* (parse-chunked-body http callbacks data (pos) end))
1708  (progn
1709  (advance-to* (parse-body http callbacks data (pos) end nil))
1710  (unless (eofp)
1711  (go first-line))))
1712  (return-from parse-response (pos)))))
1713  (error 'eof)))
1715 (defun parse-header-value-parameters (data &key
1716  header-value-callback
1717  header-parameter-key-callback
1718  header-parameter-value-callback)
1719  (declare (type simple-string data)
1720  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2)))
1722  (let* ((header-name-mark 0)
1723  parameter-key-mark
1724  parameter-value-mark
1725  parsing-quoted-string-p
1726  (p 0)
1727  (end (length data))
1728  (char (aref data p)))
1729  (declare (type character char))
1731  (when (= end 0)
1732  (return-from parse-header-value-parameters 0))
1734  (macrolet ((go-state (state &optional (advance 1))
1735  `(locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
1736  (incf p ,advance)
1737  (when (= p end)
1738  (go eof))
1739  (setq char (aref data p))
1740  (go ,state))))
1741  (flet ((tokenp (char)
1742  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
1743  (let ((byte (char-code char)))
1744  (and (< byte 128)
1745  (not (char= (the character (aref +tokens+ byte)) #\Nul))))))
1746  (tagbody
1747  parsing-header-value-start
1748  (case char
1749  ((#\Space #\Tab)
1750  (go-state parsing-header-value))
1751  (otherwise
1752  (unless (tokenp char)
1753  (error 'invalid-header-value))
1754  (setq header-name-mark p)
1755  (go-state parsing-header-value 0)))
1757  parsing-header-value
1758  (case char
1759  (#\;
1760  (when header-value-callback
1761  (funcall (the function header-value-callback)
1762  data header-name-mark p))
1763  (setq header-name-mark nil)
1764  (go-state looking-for-parameter-key))
1765  (otherwise (go-state parsing-header-value)))
1767  looking-for-parameter-key
1768  (case char
1769  ((#\Space #\Tab #\; #\Newline #\Return)
1770  (go-state looking-for-parameter-key))
1771  (otherwise
1772  (unless (tokenp char)
1773  (error 'invalid-parameter-key))
1774  (setq parameter-key-mark p)
1775  (go-state parsing-parameter-key)))
1777  parsing-parameter-key
1778  (case char
1779  (#\=
1780  (assert parameter-key-mark)
1781  (when header-parameter-key-callback
1782  (funcall (the function header-parameter-key-callback)
1783  data parameter-key-mark p))
1784  (setq parameter-key-mark nil)
1785  (go-state parsing-parameter-value-start))
1786  (otherwise
1787  (unless (tokenp char)
1788  (error 'invalid-parameter-key))
1789  (go-state parsing-parameter-key)))
1791  parsing-parameter-value-start
1792  (case char
1793  (#\"
1794  ;; quoted-string
1795  (setq parameter-value-mark (1+ p))
1796  (setq parsing-quoted-string-p t)
1797  (go-state parsing-parameter-quoted-value))
1798  ((#.+space+ #.+tab+)
1799  (go-state parsing-parameter-value-start))
1800  (otherwise
1801  (setq parameter-value-mark p)
1802  (go-state parsing-parameter-value 0)))
1804  parsing-parameter-quoted-value
1805  (if (char= char #\")
1806  (progn
1807  (assert parameter-value-mark)
1808  (setq parsing-quoted-string-p nil)
1809  (when header-parameter-value-callback
1810  (funcall (the function header-parameter-value-callback)
1811  data parameter-value-mark p))
1812  (setq parameter-value-mark nil)
1813  (go-state looking-for-parameter-key))
1814  (go-state parsing-parameter-quoted-value))
1816  parsing-parameter-value
1817  (case char
1818  (#\;
1819  (assert parameter-value-mark)
1820  (when header-parameter-value-callback
1821  (funcall (the function header-parameter-value-callback)
1822  data parameter-value-mark p))
1823  (setq parameter-value-mark nil)
1824  (go-state looking-for-parameter-key))
1825  (otherwise
1826  (go-state parsing-parameter-value)))
1828  eof
1829  (when header-name-mark
1830  (when header-value-callback
1831  (funcall (the function header-value-callback)
1832  data header-name-mark p)))
1833  (when parameter-key-mark
1834  (error 'invalid-eof-state))
1835  (when parameter-value-mark
1836  (when parsing-quoted-string-p
1837  (error 'invalid-eof-state))
1838  (when header-parameter-value-callback
1839  (funcall (the function header-parameter-value-callback)
1840  data parameter-value-mark p))))))
1841  p))