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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/rt/tracing.lisp

changeset 679: 12287fab15d0
parent: a37b1d3371fc
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 21:16:45 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: rocksdb load opts and env updates
1 ;;; lib/rt/tracing.lisp --- Tracing Framework
3 ;; This package provides utilities for tracing Lisp code and
4 ;; displaying traces to the user. In addition to extending the
5 ;; built-in TRACE macro and SB-DEBUG functionality we have a tracer
6 ;; which works with Chrome's built-in tracer: chrome://trace.
8 ;; The chrome tracer is a slightly modernized version of TeMPOraL's
9 ;; work available here:
11 ;; ref:
13 ;; - sb-debug manual:
15 ;; - sb-debug notes:
17 ;;; Code:
18 (in-package :rt/tracing)
20 (defmacro traced-flet (functions &body body)
21  (flet ((add-traces (function)
22  (destructuring-bind
23  (name lambda-list &body body) function
24  `(,name ,lambda-list
25  ,@(cons `(format t
26  "Calling ~a with ~@{~a=~a, ~}~%"
27  ',name
28  ,@(loop for symbol in lambda-list
29  collecting `(quote ,symbol)
30  collecting symbol))
31  body)))))
32  `(flet ,(mapcar #'add-traces functions) ,@body)))
34 ;;; This is an implementation of a chromium-based Lisp tracer authored
35 ;;; by TeMPOraL. The source is available here:
36 ;;;
38 (defvar *trace-events* nil "A list of trace entries, pushed onto from the beginning.")
40 (defvar *original-trace-start-breakpoint-fun* #'sb-debug::trace-start-breakpoint-fun "Original SBCL function being overwritten by the tracer.")
41 (defvar *original-trace-end-breakpoint-fun* #'sb-debug::trace-end-breakpoint-fun "Original SBCL function being overwritten by the tracer.")
43 (defvar *clock-reset-fun* nil)
44 (defvar *clock-get-time-fun* nil)
46 (defvar *trace-event-default-pid* 1 "The default value for PID for the trace events. This library is currently intended for use within a single process only.")
48 (defvar +arg-converter-ignore-all+ (constantly nil) "A converter that rejects all parameters.")
49 (defvar +arg-converter-passthrough+ (lambda (&rest args) args) "A converter that remembers all args as is, without modifying them.")
50 (defvar +arg-converter-store-only-simple-objects+ (lambda (&rest args)
51  (mapcar (lambda (arg)
52  (typecase arg
53  ((or boolean character number symbol)
54  arg)
55  (t
56  (type-of arg))))
57  args))
58  "A converter that remembers directly only objects of simple types, that cannot or are very unlikely to be destructively modified.")
59 (defvar +arg-converter-store-only-simple-objects-and-strings+ (lambda (&rest args)
60  (mapcar (lambda (arg)
61  (typecase arg
62  ((or boolean character number symbol string)
63  arg)
64  (t
65  (type-of arg))))
66  args))
67  "Like `+ARG-CONVERTER-STORE-ONLY-SIMPLE-OBJECTS+', but also records strings as-is, hoping they don't get destructively modified too much.")
69 (defvar *default-arg-converter* +arg-converter-ignore-all+)
70 (defvar *tracing-arg-converters* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
74 ;;; The format of trace event; created primarily for reference, though later on we might upgrade to vector storage, and then it'll come helpful.
75 (defstruct (trace-event (:type list))
76  "A single event being traced. "
77  (phase :undefined :type keyword)
78  (name nil :type (or symbol cons))
79  (thread 0 :type t)
80  (timestamp 0 :type fixnum)
81  (args nil :type t)
82  (duration 0 :type (or null (unsigned-byte 62)))
83  (id nil :type t))
85 ;;; TODO: define accessors manually, to save performance? or somehow optimize it. -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-11-04
87 (declaim (inline convert-args))
88 (defun convert-args (traced-fn-name args)
89  "Depending on the function being traced, named `TRACED-FN-NAME', and the value of `*DEFAULT-ARG-CONVERTER*'
90 convert the list of arguments `ARGS' to a form suitable for storing with the trace event, using a converter
91 registered under `*TRACING-ARG-CONVERTERS*'.
92 Returns the representation of `ARGS' to store."
93  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
94  (apply (the function (gethash traced-fn-name *tracing-arg-converters* *default-arg-converter*))
95  args))
97 (declaim (inline make-trace-event-fast))
98 (defun make-trace-event-fast (phase name thread timestamp args duration id)
99  "Like `MAKE-TRACE-EVENT', but inlined, unsafe and without typechecking."
100  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
101  (list phase name thread timestamp (convert-args name args) duration id))
103 ;;; Timer
105 ;;; TODO: make it so that user can plug a high-resolution timer here. -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-10-18
107 (sb-ext:defglobal *hack-clock-jitter* 0 "A crude hack because our clock has too little resolution.")
108 (declaim (type fixnum *hack-clock-jitter*))
110 ;;; TODO: this needs to be a function that can be changed between invocations of tracing!
111 ;;; I want to allow for injecting higher resolution clocks if available.
112 ;;; -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-11-01
114 (defun get-current-time-usec* ()
115  "Get current time with microsecond resolution."
116  (sb-ext:atomic-incf *hack-clock-jitter*)
117  (the (unsigned-byte 62)
118  (+ (* (get-internal-real-time) 1000)
119  *hack-clock-jitter*)))
121 (declaim (ftype (function () (unsigned-byte 62)) get-current-time-usec*)
122  (inline get-current-time-usec*))
123 (defun get-current-time-usec-nojitter ()
124  "Get current time with microsecond resolution. No extra jitter involved."
125  (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
126  (the (unsigned-byte 62) (* (get-internal-real-time) 1000)))
128 ;;; XXX: below is our new, usec clock -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-11-02
129 (let ((clock-offset 0))
130  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 62) clock-offset))
131  (defun %%start-clock ()
132  (setf clock-offset (sb-kernel::get-time-of-day)))
133  (defun %%get-time-usec ()
134  (multiple-value-bind (sec usec)
135  (sb-kernel::get-time-of-day)
136  (+ (* (- sec clock-offset) 1000000) usec)))
137  (defun %%time (thunk)
138  (let ((start (%%get-time-usec)))
139  (funcall thunk)
140  (- (%%get-time-usec) start)))
141  (setf *clock-reset-fun* #'%%start-clock
142  *clock-get-time-fun* #'%%get-time-usec))
144 (declaim (ftype (function () (values (unsigned-byte 62) &optional)) get-current-time)
145  (inline get-current-time))
146 (defun get-current-time ()
147  (funcall *clock-get-time-fun*))
149 (defun post-process-entries (entries &key correct-zero-duration)
150  "Destructively modify `ENTRIES', making it more compact and, if `CORRECT-ZERO-DURATION' is T,
151 changing zero-length events to have 1us length, also modifying other times to offset for that.
152 `ENTRIES' is expected to be in order entries were added. The function maintain separate offsets per (process, thread) pair.
153 Returns a processed list, to replace old value `ENTRIES'. As additional values, returns the total accumulated clock offset,
154 and the stacks containing unclosed duration entries, keyed by thread."
155  (let ((offset 0)
156  (stacks (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
157  (dolist (entry entries entries)
158  ;; Always update event time to account for clock offset.
159  (incf (trace-event-timestamp entry) offset)
161  ;; Match starting and ending events to offset clock in case of zero-length events, and to convert
162  ;; matching pairs of Duration events into Complete events.
163  (let ((entry-ht-id (cons 1 (trace-event-thread entry)))) ;1 is the currently supported PID
164  (ecase (trace-event-phase entry)
165  (:enter
166  ;; Push the :enter entry to stack.
167  (push entry (gethash entry-ht-id stacks)))
168  (:exit
169  (let ((begin-event (first (gethash entry-ht-id stacks))))
170  (if (equalp (trace-event-name begin-event)
171  (trace-event-name entry))
172  (progn
173  ;; Actual post-processing happens here.
174  ;; If zero-length and correct-zero-duration is on, update close time and offset.
175  (when (and correct-zero-duration
176  (= (trace-event-timestamp begin-event)
177  (trace-event-timestamp entry)))
178  (incf (trace-event-timestamp entry))
179  (incf offset))
181  ;; Convert task into complete task + counter
182  (setf (trace-event-phase begin-event) :complete
183  (trace-event-phase entry) :skip ;TODO: counters, if any, go here -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-11-04
184  (trace-event-duration begin-event) (- (trace-event-timestamp entry) (trace-event-timestamp begin-event))
185  (trace-event-args begin-event) `(:in ,(trace-event-args begin-event) :out ,(trace-event-args entry)))
187  ;; Pop the updated entry from stack.
188  (pop (gethash entry-ht-id stacks)))
189  (warn "Recorded entries misordered; expected ~A, got ~A." (trace-event-name begin-event) (trace-event-name entry))))))))
190  ;; Go over the list again, and remove "skip" entries.
191  (deletef entries :skip :key #'trace-event-phase)
192  (values entries
193  offset
194  stacks)))
196 ;;; Tracing process
198 (defun %trace-start-breakpoint-fun (info)
199  (let (conditionp)
200  (values
201  (lambda (frame bpt &rest args)
202  (declare (ignore bpt))
203  (sb-debug::discard-invalid-entries frame)
204  (let ((condition (sb-debug::trace-info-condition info))
205  (wherein (sb-debug::trace-info-wherein info)))
206  (setq conditionp
207  (and (not sb-debug::*in-trace*)
208  (or (not condition)
209  (apply (cdr condition) frame args))
210  (or (not wherein)
211  (sb-debug::trace-wherein-p frame wherein nil)))))
212  (when conditionp
213  (when (sb-debug::trace-info-encapsulated info)
214  (sb-ext:atomic-push (make-trace-event-fast :enter
215  (sb-debug::trace-info-what info)
216  sb-thread:*current-thread*
217  (get-current-time)
218  args
219  nil
220  nil)
221  *trace-events*))
222  ;; TODO: perhaps remove this, it seems unneeded -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-11-05
223  (with-standard-io-syntax
224  (apply #'sb-debug::trace-maybe-break info (sb-debug::trace-info-break info) "before"
225  frame args))))
226  (lambda (frame cookie)
227  (declare (ignore frame))
228  (push (cons cookie conditionp) sb-debug::*traced-entries*)))))
230 (declaim (ftype (function (sb-debug::trace-info) function) %trace-end-breakpoint-fun))
231 (defun %trace-end-breakpoint-fun (info)
232  (lambda (frame bpt values cookie)
233  (declare (ignore bpt))
234  (unless (eq cookie (caar sb-debug::*traced-entries*))
235  (setf sb-debug::*traced-entries*
236  (member cookie sb-debug::*traced-entries* :key #'car)))
238  (let ((entry (pop sb-debug::*traced-entries*)))
239  (when (and (not (sb-debug::trace-info-untraced info))
240  (or (cdr entry)
241  (let ((cond (sb-debug::trace-info-condition-after info)))
242  (and cond (apply #'funcall (cdr cond) frame values)))))
243  (sb-ext:atomic-push (make-trace-event-fast :exit
244  (sb-debug::trace-info-what info)
245  sb-thread:*current-thread*
246  (get-current-time)
247  values
248  nil
249  nil)
250  *trace-events*)
252  (apply #'sb-debug::trace-maybe-break info (sb-debug::trace-info-break-after info) "after"
253  frame values)))))
255 (defun install-tracing-overrides ()
256  (sb-ext:unlock-package (find-package 'sb-debug))
257  (setf (symbol-function 'sb-debug::trace-start-breakpoint-fun) #'%trace-start-breakpoint-fun
258  (symbol-function 'sb-debug::trace-end-breakpoint-fun) #'%trace-end-breakpoint-fun)
259  (sb-ext:lock-package (find-package 'sb-debug)))
261 (defun uninstall-tracing-overrides ()
262  (sb-ext:unlock-package (find-package 'sb-debug))
263  (setf (symbol-function 'sb-debug::trace-start-breakpoint-fun) *original-trace-start-breakpoint-fun*
264  (symbol-function 'sb-debug::trace-end-breakpoint-fun) *original-trace-end-breakpoint-fun*)
265  (sb-ext:lock-package (find-package 'sb-debug)))
267 (defun start-tracing (specs)
268  (install-tracing-overrides)
269  `(progn
270  (trace :encapsulate t :methods t ,@specs)))
272 (defun stop-tracing ()
273  (untrace)
274  (uninstall-tracing-overrides)
275  #+nil(setf *trace-events* (nreverse *trace-events*))
276  (multiple-value-bind (events offset stacks)
277  (post-process-entries (nreverse *trace-events*))
278  (declare (ignore offset stacks))
279  (setf *trace-events* events))
280  ;; TODO: report offsets and stacks -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-11-05
281  (values))
283 (defun reset-tracing ()
284  (setf *trace-events* nil
285  *hack-clock-jitter* 0))
287 (defun get-tracing-report-data ()
288  *trace-events*)
290 ;;; Trace operations:
291 ;;; 1. Reset
292 ;;; 2. Trace
293 ;;; 2.5 snapshot tracing?
294 ;;; 3. Stop tracing
295 ;;; 4. Save report
297 (defvar *tracing-p* nil "Is currently tracing activity happening?")
299 ;;; Trace info entry type, for function call
300 ;;; - Timestamp
301 ;;; - Function name
302 ;;; - Function args maybe? (trace-with-args), on enter
303 ;;; - Function return value, on exit
304 ;;; - Beginning or ending
305 ;;; - Thread ID
309 ;;; This prints a representation of the return values delivered.
310 ;;; First, this checks to see that cookie is at the top of
311 ;;; *TRACED-ENTRIES*; if it is not, then we need to adjust this list
312 ;;; to determine the correct indentation for output. We then check to
313 ;;; see whether the function is still traced and that the condition
314 ;;; succeeded before printing anything.
316 (defmacro with-tracing ((&rest specs) &body body)
317  `(unwind-protect
318  (progn
319  (reset-tracing)
320  (start-tracing ',specs)
321  (progn
322  ,@body))
323  (stop-tracing)))
327 (defun function-name->name-and-category (function-name)
328  (etypecase function-name
329  (symbol
330  (values (symbol-name function-name) (package-name (symbol-package function-name))))
331  (cons
332  (ecase (first function-name)
333  (setf
334  (values (format nil "~S" function-name) (package-name (symbol-package (second function-name)))))
335  ;; TODO investigate
336  ((method sb-pcl::combined-method)
337  (values (remove #\Newline (format nil "~S" function-name))
338  (if (consp (second function-name))
339  (package-name (symbol-package (second (second function-name))))
340  (package-name (symbol-package (second function-name))))))))))
342 (defgeneric post-process-arg (arg)
343  (:method ((arg t))
344  "Passthrough method."
345  (or (ignore-errors
346  (prin1-to-string arg))
347  "!!Error printing argument!!"))
348  (:documentation "A hook useful for changing the printed representation of input and return values."))
350 (defmethod post-process-arg ((arg sequence))
351  (if (every (lambda (el) (typep el 'number)) arg)
352  (format nil "[~{~F~^, ~}]" (coerce arg 'list))
353  (call-next-method)))
355 ;;; FIXME: Something breaks if not collecting args, and :skip-args is NIL. Probably the getf in printing. -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-11-05
356 (defun trace-event->json (trace-event &key (skip-args nil))
357  (flet ((sanitize-and-format-args-list (argslist)
358  (if skip-args "\"_\""
359  (substitute #\Space #\Newline (format nil "[~{~S~^, ~}]" (mapcar #'post-process-arg argslist))))))
360  (ecase (trace-event-phase trace-event)
361  (:enter
362  (multiple-value-bind (name category)
363  (function-name->name-and-category (trace-event-name trace-event))
364  (format nil
365  "{ \"name\" : ~S, \"cat\" : ~S, \"ph\" : \"B\", \"pid\" : 1, \"tid\" : ~D, \"ts\" : ~D, \"args\" : { \"in\" : ~A }}"
366  name
367  category
368  (sb-impl::get-lisp-obj-address (trace-event-thread trace-event))
369  (trace-event-timestamp trace-event)
370  (sanitize-and-format-args-list (trace-event-args trace-event)))))
371  (:exit
372  (multiple-value-bind (name category)
373  (function-name->name-and-category (trace-event-name trace-event))
374  (format nil
375  "{ \"name\" : ~S, \"cat\" : ~S, \"ph\" : \"E\", \"pid\" : 1, \"tid\" : ~D, \"ts\" : ~D, \"args\" : { \"out\" : ~A }}"
376  name
377  category
378  (sb-impl::get-lisp-obj-address (trace-event-thread trace-event))
379  (trace-event-timestamp trace-event)
380  (sanitize-and-format-args-list (trace-event-args trace-event)))))
381  (:complete
382  (multiple-value-bind (name category)
383  (function-name->name-and-category (trace-event-name trace-event))
384  (format nil
385  "{ \"name\" : ~S, \"cat\" : ~S, \"ph\" : \"X\", \"pid\" : 1, \"tid\" : ~D, \"ts\" : ~D, \"dur\" : ~D, \"args\" : { \"in\" : ~A, \"out\" : ~A }}"
386  name
387  category
388  (sb-impl::get-lisp-obj-address (trace-event-thread trace-event))
389  (trace-event-timestamp trace-event)
390  (trace-event-duration trace-event)
391  (sanitize-and-format-args-list (getf (trace-event-args trace-event) :in))
392  (sanitize-and-format-args-list (getf (trace-event-args trace-event) :out))))))))
394 (defun thread->json (thread)
395  (format nil
396  "{ \"name\" : \"thread_name\", \"ph\" : \"M\", \"pid\" : 1, \"tid\" : ~D, \"args\" : { \"name\" : ~S }}"
397  (sb-impl::get-lisp-obj-address thread)
398  (sb-thread:thread-name thread)))
400 (defun extract-threads (events)
401  (loop
402  with uniques-ht = (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
403  for event in events
404  do
405  (setf (gethash (trace-event-thread event) uniques-ht) t)
406  finally
407  (return (hash-table-keys uniques-ht))))
409 ;;; FIXME: save with streams instead? -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-10-14
410 (defun save-report (output-file-name &key (skip-args t))
411  (with-open-file (stream output-file-name :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
412  ;; TODO: preamble -- Jacek Złydach, 2019-10-14
413  (format stream "{~%\"traceEvents\" : [~%")
414  (loop
415  for (entry . restp) on *trace-events*
416  do
417  (write-string (trace-event->json entry :skip-args skip-args) stream)
418  (when restp
419  (write-string "," stream)
420  (terpri stream)))
421  (loop
422  for (thread . restp) on (extract-threads *trace-events*)
423  initially
424  (write-string "," stream)
425  (terpri stream)
426  do
427  (write-string (thread->json thread) stream)
428  (when restp
429  (write-string "," stream)
430  (terpri stream)))
432  (format stream "~&],
433 \"displayTimeUnit\" : \"ms\",
434 \"application\" : \"FIXME\",
435 \"version\" : \"FIXME\",
436 \"traceTime\" : ~S
437 }"
438  " TODO local-time independent time"
439  ;;(local-time:format-timestring nil (local-time:now))
440  ))
441  (values))
445 ;;; Helper function for blacklisting symbols when tracing whole packages.
446 (defun package-symbols-except (name &rest exceptions)
447  (let (symbols
448  (package (sb-impl::find-undeleted-package-or-lose name)))
449  (do-all-symbols (symbol (find-package name))
450  (when (eql package (symbol-package symbol))
451  (when (and (fboundp symbol)
452  (not (macro-function symbol))
453  (not (special-operator-p symbol)))
454  (push symbol symbols))
455  (let ((setf-name `(setf ,symbol)))
456  (when (fboundp setf-name)
457  (push setf-name symbols)))))
458  (set-difference symbols exceptions :key (lambda (x)
459  (if (consp x)
460  (string (second x))
461  (string x))) :test #'string-equal)))