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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/skel/core/obj.lisp

changeset 696: 38e9c3be2392
parent: 2bad47888dbf
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 21:11:52 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: prep for adding zdict wrapper, change default control stack size of inferior-lisp to 8M
1 ;;; skel/core/obj.lisp --- Skel Objects
3 ;;; Code:
4 (in-package :skel/core/obj)
6 (defclass skel (id)
7  ()
8  (:documentation "Base class for skeleton objects. Inherits from `sxp'."))
10 (defmethod sk-new ((self t) &rest initargs)
11  (apply #'make-instance self initargs))
13 (defmethod print-object ((self skel) stream)
14  (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t)
15  (format stream ":ID ~A" (format-sxhash (id self)))))
17 (defmethod initialize-instance :around ((self skel) &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
18  ;; TODO 2023-09-10: make fast
19  (unless (getf initargs :id)
20  (setf (id self) (sxhash self)))
21  (when (next-method-p)
22  (call-next-method)))
24 ;; TODO 2023-09-11: research other hashing strategies - maybe use the
25 ;; sxhash as a nonce for UUID
26 ;; note that the sk-meta class does not inherit from skel or sxp.
27 ;;; Meta
28 (defclass sk-meta ()
29  ((name :initarg :name :initform nil :type (or null string) :accessor sk-name)
30  (path :initarg :path :initform nil :type (or null pathname) :accessor sk-path)
31  (author :initform "" :initarg :author :type contact-designator :accessor sk-author)
32  (version :initform "" :initarg :version :type string :accessor sk-version)
33  (tags :initform nil :initarg :tags :accessor sk-tags)
34  (description :initarg :description :initform nil :type (or null string) :accessor sk-description)
35  (license :initarg :license :type license-designator :accessor sk-license))
36  (:documentation "Skel Meta class."))
38 (defun sk-init (class &rest initargs)
39  (apply #'make-instance class initargs))
41 (defmacro sk-init-dir (class &rest initargs)
42  `(let ((self (sk-init ',class ,@initargs)))
43  (unless (getf ',initargs :path)
44  (setf (sk-path self) (sb-posix:getcwd)))
45  self))
47 (defmacro sk-init-file (class &rest initargs)
48  `(let ((self (sk-init ',class ,@initargs)))
49  (unless (getf ',initargs :path)
50  (setf (sk-path self) *default-skelfile*))
51  self))
53 ;;; Component
55 ;; SK-COMPONENTs are similar in nature to ASDF/COMPONENT:COMPONENT objects but
56 ;; much more lightweight. We use this class with the assumption that whatever
57 ;; it's wrapping is contained within another SKEL object, such as in the
58 ;; :COMPONENTS slots of SK-PROJECTs.
60 ;; Container objects such as SK-PROJECT are NOT subclasses of SK-COMPONENT,
61 ;; unlike in ASDF where systems are subclasses of components.
63 (defclass sk-component (skel)
64  ((parent :initarg :parent :accessor sk-parent)))
66 ;;; Module
68 ;; Again just like ASDF, we define a SK-MOD class which subclasses
69 ;; SK-COMPONENT. The SK-MOD class is used for components which have
70 ;; sub-components themselves.
72 (defclass sk-mod (sk-component sk-meta)
73  ((components :initarg :components :accessor sk-components)))
75 (defun make-sk-mod (form)
76  "Make a new SK-MOD."
77  (if (listp form)
78  (apply #'make-instance 'sk-mod
79  (let ((name (pop form))
80  (components
81  (mapcar
82  (lambda (f)
83  (sk-load-component (car f) (cdr f)))
84  form)))
85  `(:name ,name :components ,components)))
86  (make-instance 'sk-mod :name form :components nil)))
88 (defmethod sk-new ((self (eql :mod)) &key form path)
89  (let ((mod (make-sk-mod form)))
90  (when path (setf (sk-path mod) path))
91  mod))
93 (defmethod sk-load-component ((kind (eql :mod)) (form t) &optional (path *default-pathname-defaults*))
94  (sk-new kind :form form :path path))
96 ;;; Script
98 ;; Scripts are always assumed to point to an executable file. They can be ran
99 ;; directly with SK-RUN.
101 (defclass sk-script (sk-component sk-meta sxp)
102  ((kind :initform nil :initarg :kind :type (or null script-designator) :accessor sk-kind)))
104 (defmethod sk-new ((self (eql :script)) &key form path)
105  (let ((script (make-sk-script form)))
106  (setf (sk-path script) path)
107  script))
109 (defmethod sk-load-component ((kind (eql :script)) (form t) &optional (path *default-pathname-defaults*))
110  (sk-new kind :form form :path path))
112 (defmethod write-sxp-stream ((self sk-script) stream &key (pretty t) (case :downcase) &allow-other-keys)
113  (write `(,(sk-path self)) :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t))
115 (defun make-sk-script (script)
116  "Make a new SK-SCRIPT."
117  (apply #'make-instance 'sk-script
118  (if (listp script)
119  (let ((kind (first script))
120  (path (second script)))
121  (list :path path
122  :name (pathname-name path)
123  :kind kind))
124  (list :path script
125  :name (pathname-name script)
126  :kind (when-let ((ext (pathname-type script)))
127  (keywordicate ext))))))
129 (defmethod sk-run ((self sk-script))
130  (sb-ext:run-program (sk-path self) nil :output t))
132 (defmethod sk-write ((self sk-script) stream)
133  (with-slots (path) self
134  (write-string path)))
136 (defmethod print-object ((self sk-script) stream)
137  (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t)
138  (format stream ":~A ~A" (sk-kind self) (sk-name self))))
140 ;;; Config
141 (defclass sk-config (skel sxp)
142  ((vc :initform *default-skel-vc-kind* :initarg :vc :type (or vc-designator sk-vc-meta) :accessor sk-vc)
143  (store :initform *skel-store* :initarg :store :type pathname :accessor sk-store)
144  (stash :initform *skel-stash* :initarg :stash :type pathname :accessor sk-stash)
145  (cache :initform *skel-cache* :initarg :cache :type pathname :accessor sk-cache)
146  (registry :initform *skel-registry* :initarg :registry :type pathname :accessor sk-registry)
147  (scripts :initform nil :initarg :scripts :type (or pathname list (vector pathname)) :accessor sk-scripts)
148  (license :initform nil :initarg :license :type license-designator :accessor sk-license)
149  (log-level :initform *log-level* :initarg :log-level :type log-level-designator)
150  (fmt :initform :pretty :initarg :fmt :type symbol)
151  (auto-insert :initform nil :initarg :auto-insert :type form))
152  (:documentation "Root configuration class for the SKEL system. This class doesn't need to be exposed externally, but specifies all shared fields of SK-*-CONFIG types."))
154 (defmethod sk-new ((self (eql :config)) &rest args &key (type :user))
155  (setf self
156  (case type
157  (:user 'sk-user-config)
158  (:system 'sk-system-config)
159  (t 'sk-config)))
160  (apply #'sk-new self args))
162 (declaim (inline bound-string-p sk-dir))
163 (defun bound-string-p (o s) (and (slot-boundp o s) (stringp (slot-value o s))))
164 (defun sk-dir (o)
165  (let ((str (directory-namestring (sk-path o))))
166  (if (sb-sequence:emptyp str)
167  *default-pathname-defaults*
168  (pathname str))))
170 (defmethod load-ast ((self sk-config))
171  ;; internal ast is never tagged
172  (with-slots (ast) self
173  (if (formp ast)
174  ;; ast is valid, modify object, set ast nil
175  (progn
176  (sb-int:doplist (k v) ast
177  (when-let ((s (find-sk-symbol k)))
178  (setf (slot-value self s) v))) ;; needs to be the correct package
179  (when (bound-string-p self 'stash) (setf (sk-stash self) (merge-pathnames (sk-stash self) (sk-dir self))))
180  (when (bound-string-p self 'store) (setf (sk-store self) (merge-pathnames (sk-store self) (sk-dir self))))
181  (when (bound-string-p self 'cache) (setf (sk-cache self) (merge-pathnames (sk-cache self) (sk-dir self))))
182  (when (bound-string-p self 'registry) (setf (sk-registry self) (merge-pathnames (sk-registry self) (sk-dir self))))
183  ;; SCRIPTS
184  (if (bound-string-p self 'scripts)
185  (if-let* ((path (probe-file (pathname (the simple-string (sk-scripts self))))))
186  (setf (sk-scripts self)
187  (if (directory-path-p path)
188  (find-files path)
189  (list path)))
190  (warn! (format nil "ignoring missing scripts directory: ~A" (sk-scripts self)))))
191  (unless *keep-ast* (setf (ast self) nil))
192  self)
193  ;; invalid ast, signal error
194  (invalid-skel-ast ast))))
196 (defmethod build-ast ((self sk-config) &key (nullp nil) (exclude '(ast id)))
197  (setf (ast self)
198  (unwrap-object self
199  :slots t
200  :methods nil
201  :nullp nullp
202  :exclude exclude)))
204 (defmethod sk-write-file ((self sk-config)
205  &key (path *default-skelfile*)
206  (nullp nil)
207  (header t)
208  (fmt :canonical)
209  (if-exists :error))
210  (build-ast self :nullp nullp)
211  (prog1
212  (with-open-file (out path
213  :direction :output
214  :if-exists if-exists
215  :if-does-not-exist :create)
216  (when header (princ
217  (make-source-header-comment
218  (sk-name self)
219  :cchar #\;
220  :timestamp t
221  :description (sk-description self)
222  :opts '("mode:skel;"))
223  out))
224  (write-sxp-stream self out :fmt fmt))
225  (unless *keep-ast* (setf (ast self) nil))))
227 (defmethod write-sxp-stream ((self sk-config) stream &key (pretty t) (case :downcase) (fmt :pretty))
228  (case fmt
229  (:pretty
230  (if (listp (ast self))
231  (with-open-stream (st stream)
232  (loop for (k v . rest) on (ast self)
233  by #'cddr
234  unless (or (null v) (null k))
235  do
236  (write k :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t)
237  (write-char #\space st)
238  (if (or (eq (type-of v) 'skel) (subtypep (type-of v) 'structure-object))
239  (write-sxp-stream v stream :fmt fmt)
240  (write v :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t))
241  (write-char #\newline st)))
242  (skel-io-error)))
243  (t (write (ast self) :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t))))
245 (defclass sk-system-config (sk-config sk-meta) ())
247 (defun default-sk-system-config ()
248  (make-instance 'sk-system-config))
250 (defclass sk-user-config (sk-config sk-meta)
251  ((user :initarg :user :type string :accessor sk-user)
252  (name :initarg :name :type string :accessor sk-name)
253  (email :initarg :email :type string :accessor sk-email))
254  (:documentation "User configuration object, typically written to ~/.skelrc."))
256 (defun default-sk-user-config () (make-instance 'sk-user-config))
258 (declaim (type (or sk-user-config null) *skel-user-config*))
259 (declaim (type (or sk-system-config null) *skel-system-config*))
260 (defvar *skel-user-config* nil)
261 (defvar *skel-system-config* nil)
263 ;;; Rule
264 (defstruct (sk-rule (:constructor %make-sk-rule (target source recipe)))
265 "Maps a SOURCE to a corresponding TARGET
266 via the special form stored in RECIPE."
267  (target "" :type string)
268  (source nil :type list)
269  (recipe nil :type list))
271 (declaim (inline make-sk-rule))
272 (defun make-sk-rule (target &optional source recipe)
273  (%make-sk-rule (string target) source recipe))
275 (defmethod sk-new ((self (eql :rule)) &rest args)
276  (declare (ignore self))
277  (apply #'sk-new 'sk-rule args))
279 (defmethod id ((self sk-rule))
280  (sxhash (list (sk-rule-target self) (sk-rule-source self))))
282 (defmethod write-sxp-stream ((self sk-rule) stream &key (pretty t) (case :downcase) &allow-other-keys)
283  (write `(,(sk-rule-target self) ,(sk-rule-source self) ,@(sk-rule-recipe self)) :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t))
285 (defmethod print-object ((self sk-rule) stream)
286  (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t)
287  (format stream "~A" (sk-rule-target self))
288  (when-let ((source (sk-rule-source self)))
289  (format stream " :source ~A" source))))
291 ;; Note that SK-RUN directly on a rule currently does NOT touch the sources.
292 (defmethod sk-run ((self sk-rule))
293  (with-slots (recipe) self
294  (mapcar (lambda (x)
295  (etypecase x
296  ((or symbol function) (funcall x :output t))
297  (t (eval x))))
298  recipe)))
300 (defmethod sk-write ((self sk-rule) stream)
301  (with-slots (target source recipe) self
302  (write-string (sk-rule-target target) stream) ;; target isn't typep SK-OBJECT
303  (write (sk-rule-source self) :stream stream)
304  (write (sk-rule-recipe self) :stream stream)))
306 (defun sk-make (obj &rest rules)
307  (if rules
308  (mapc
309  (lambda (r) (sk-run-with-sources obj r))
310  rules)
311  (unless (sequence:emptyp (sk-rules obj))
312  (let ((rule (aref (sk-rules obj) 0)))
313  (if (sk-rule-source rule)
314  (sk-make obj rule)
315  (sk-run rule))))))
317 (defun sk-run-with-sources (obj rule)
318  (when-let ((sources (and rule (sk-rule-source rule))))
319  (mapcar
320  (lambda (src)
321  (if-let* ((sr (sk-find-rule src obj)))
322  ;; TODO: check if we need to rerun sources
323  (sk-make obj sr)
324  (error "unhandled source: ~A for rule ~A" src rule)))
325  sources))
326  (sk-run rule))
328 ;;; Version Control
329 (defstruct sk-vc-remote-meta
330  (name :default :type keyword)
331  (path nil :type (or symbol string)))
333 (defmethod write-sxp-stream ((self sk-vc-remote-meta) stream &key (pretty t) (case :downcase) &allow-other-keys)
334  (write `(,(sk-vc-remote-meta-name self) ,(sk-vc-remote-meta-path self)) :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t))
336 (defstruct (sk-vc-meta (:constructor make-sk-vc-meta (kind &optional remotes)))
337  (kind *default-skel-vc-kind* :type vc-designator)
338  (remotes nil :type (or string list)))
340 (defmethod write-sxp-stream ((self sk-vc-meta) stream &key (pretty t) (case :downcase) (fmt :pretty))
341  (if (= 0 (length (sk-vc-meta-remotes self)))
342  (write (sk-vc-meta-kind self) :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t)
343  (progn
344  (format stream "(")
345  (write (sk-vc-meta-kind self) :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t)
346  (format stream " ")
347  (loop for x in (sk-vc-meta-remotes self)
348  do
349  (write-sxp-stream x stream :pretty pretty :case case :fmt fmt))
350  (format stream ")"))))
352 (defmethod print-object ((self sk-vc-meta) stream)
353  (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t)
354  (format stream "~S" (sk-vc-meta-kind self))
355  (when-let ((remotes (sk-vc-meta-remotes self)))
356  (format stream " ~A" remotes))))
358 ;;; Project
359 (defclass sk-project (skel sxp sk-meta)
360  ((name :initarg :name :initform "" :type string)
361  (vc :initarg :vc :initform (make-sk-vc-meta *default-skel-vc-kind*) :type sk-vc-meta :accessor sk-vc)
362  (src :initarg :src :type pathname :accessor sk-src)
363  (stash :initarg :stash :accessor sk-stash :type pathname)
364  (store :initarg :store :accessor sk-store :type pathname)
365  (components :initform #() :initarg :components :accessor sk-components :type (vector sk-component))
366  (bind :initarg :bind :initform nil :accessor sk-bind :type list)
367  (phases :initarg :phases
368  :initform (make-hash-table)
369  :accessor sk-phases
370  :type hash-table)
371  (rules :initarg :rules
372  :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'sk-rule :adjustable t)
373  :accessor sk-rules
374  :type (vector sk-rule))
375  (include :initarg :include
376  :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'pathname :adjustable t)
377  :accessor sk-include
378  :type (vector pathname))))
380 (defmethod print-object ((self sk-project) stream)
381  (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t)
382  (format stream "~A [c=~A;i=~A;r=~A] :id ~A"
383  (sk-name self)
384  (length (sk-components self))
385  (length (sk-include self))
386  (length (sk-rules self))
387  (format-sxhash (id self)))))
389 (defmethod sk-new ((self (eql :project)) &rest args)
390  (declare (ignore self))
391  (apply #'sk-new 'sk-project args))
393 (defun find-sk-symbol (s)
394  (find-symbol* (symbol-name s) :skel/core/obj t))
396 (defun %recipe-phase-p (form)
397  "Return non-nil if FORM looks like (:PHASE &BODY BODY)."
398  (and (listp form) (>= (length form) 2) (keywordp (car form))))
400 (defun sk-multi-recipe-p (recipe)
401  "Return T if RECIPE looks like a list of (:PHASE &BODY BODY)."
402  (when (consp recipe)
403  (every '%recipe-phase-p recipe)))
405 (defun sk-case-bind (key val &optional sym)
406  "Switch on keyword KEY, evaluating a skel binding."
407  (case key
408  (:dir-locals
409  ;; nothing actually needs to be done here, the value itself can be parsed
410  ;; directly from emacs via sk.el package. For convenience, when SYM is
411  ;; present we bind it to the list of variables.
412  (when sym (list sym val)))
413  (:hook
414  ;; process the remainder of the form as specializer+body
415  (destructuring-bind (spec &rest body) val
416  (declare (ignore spec body))
417  (nyi!)))
418  (:cmd
419  ;; process the remainder as spec+defcmd-args+body
420  )
421  (:opt
422  ;; process the remainder as spec+defcmd-args+body
423  )
424  (:env
425  ;; process the remainder as a regular value but
426  ;; associate the name with a shell environment which
427  ;; is set to the value. If the cdr is of length 3
428  ;; then we simply remember the value and set it during
429  ;; any calls out from Lisp to the shell. When the form
430  ;; length is > 3 we parse the next value as a shell
431  ;; specification with additional options for checking
432  ;; for pre-existing values and 'exporting' the
433  ;; environment.
434  (if (= (length val) 1)
435  ;; TODO 2024-09-21: setenv
436  (list sym val)
437  ;; process additional shell opts
438  (nyi!)))))
440 ;; ast -> obj
441 (defmethod load-ast ((self sk-project))
442  ;; internal ast is never tagged
443  (with-slots (ast) self
444  (if (formp ast)
445  ;; ast is valid, modify object, set ast nil
446  (progn
447  (sb-int:doplist (k v) ast
448  (when-let ((s (find-sk-symbol k)))
449  (setf (slot-value self s) v))) ;; needs to be correct package
450  ;;; SRC
451  (if (bound-string-p self 'src)
452  (setf (sk-src self) (or (probe-file (sk-src self))
453  (probe-file (merge-pathnames (sk-src self) *skel-path*))
454  (error 'invalid-argument :reason "project source not found"
455  :item (sk-src self))))
456  (setf (sk-src self) (sk-dir self)))
457  (setq *skel-path* (or (sk-src self) *default-pathname-defaults*))
458  (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (make-pathname :defaults (namestring *skel-path*))))
459  (when (bound-string-p self 'stash) (setf (sk-stash self) (pathname (the simple-string (sk-stash self)))))
460  (when (bound-string-p self 'store) (setf (sk-store self) (pathname (the simple-string (sk-store self)))))
461  ;; VC
462  (when-let ((vc (sk-vc self)))
463  (etypecase vc
464  ((or sk-vc-meta null) nil)
465  (vc-designator (setf (sk-vc self) (make-sk-vc-meta vc)))
466  (list (setf (sk-vc self) (apply #'make-sk-vc-meta vc)))))
467  ;; INCLUDE
468  (when-let ((include (sk-include self)))
469  (setf (sk-include self) (map 'vector
470  ;; recursively load included projects
471  (lambda (i) (load-ast
472  (sk-read-file
473  (make-instance 'sk-project)
474  i)))
475  include)))
477  (when (slot-boundp self 'components)
478  (setf (sk-components self) (map 'vector
479  (lambda (c)
480  (sk-load-component
481  (car c)
482  (let ((val (cadr c)))
483  (if (listp val) val (pathname val)))
484  *default-pathname-defaults*))
485  (sk-components self)))))
486  ;; ;; ENV
487  ;; ;; TODO
488  ;; (when-let ((env (sk-env self)))
489  ;; (setf (sk-env self) (mapcar
490  ;; (lambda (e)
491  ;; (etypecase e
492  ;; (symbol (cons
493  ;; (sb-int:keywordicate e)
494  ;; (sb-posix:getenv (format nil "~a" (symbol-name e)))))
495  ;; (string (cons
496  ;; (sb-int:keywordicate e)
497  ;; (sb-posix:getenv (string-upcase e))))
498  ;; (list
499  ;; (cons (sb-int:keywordicate (car e)) (cadr e)))))
500  ;; env)))
501  ;; BIND contains a list of forms which are bound dynamically based
502  ;; on the contents of the cdr
503  (when-let ((bind (sk-bind self)))
504  (setf (sk-bind self)
505  (let ((ret))
506  ;; TODO 2024-09-21:
507  (dolist (b bind ret)
508  ;; if this is a list of length > 2 we parse the form as either
509  ;; (key &rest val) or (var param &rest val)
510  (let ((sym (car b))
511  (form (cdr b)))
512  ;; (form (cddr b)))
513  (if (keywordp sym)
514  (sk-case-bind sym form)
515  (cond
516  ;; (sym param &rest val) detected
517  ((> (length (cdr form)) 0)
518  (let ((key (cadr b)))
519  (if (keywordp key)
520  (sk-case-bind key form sym)
521  ;; if nothing else mube be a lambda
522  (push `(,sym ,(compile sym `(lambda ,(cadr b) ,@(cddr b)))) ret))))
523  (t
524  (push b ret)))))))))
525  ;; RULES
526  (when-let ((rules (sk-rules self)))
527  (setf (sk-rules self)
528  (coerce
529  (flatten
530  (mapcar
531  (lambda (x)
532  (destructuring-bind (target source &rest recipe) x
533  ;; TODO 2024-07-30: check for phases
534  (if (sk-multi-recipe-p recipe)
535  (flatten
536  (mapcar
537  (lambda (y)
538  (destructuring-bind (phase source &rest recipe) y
539  (let ((%target (keywordicate phase '- (string-upcase target))))
540  (let ((ph (gethash phase (sk-phases self))))
541  (setf (gethash phase (sk-phases self))
542  (push (make-sk-rule %target source recipe) ph))))))
543  recipe))
544  (make-sk-rule target source recipe))))
545  (coerce rules 'list)))
546  '(vector sk-rule))))
547  (unless *keep-ast* (setf (ast self) nil))
548  (setf (id self) (sxhash (cons (sk-name self) (sk-version self))))
549  self)
550  ;; invalid ast, signal error
551  (invalid-skel-ast ast))))
553 ;; obj -> ast
554 (defmethod build-ast ((self sk-project) &key (nullp nil) (exclude '(ast id phases)))
555  (setf (ast self)
556  (unwrap-object self
557  :slots t
558  :methods nil
559  :nullp nullp
560  :exclude exclude)))
562 ;; TODO 2023-09-26: This belongs in sxp
563 (defmethod write-sxp-stream ((self sk-project) stream &key (pretty t) (case :downcase) (fmt :pretty))
564  (case fmt
565  (:pretty
566  (if (listp (ast self))
567  (with-open-stream (st stream)
568  (loop for (k v . rest) on (ast self)
569  by #'cddr
570  unless (or (null v) (null k))
571  do
572  (write k :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t)
573  (write-char #\space st)
574  (if (or (eq (type-of v) 'skel) (subtypep (type-of v) 'structure-object))
575  (write-sxp-stream v stream :pretty pretty :case case)
576  (write v :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t))
577  (write-char #\newline st)))
578  (skel-io-error)))
579  (t (write (ast self) :stream stream :pretty pretty :case case :readably t :array t :escape t))))
581 ;; file -> ast
582 (defmethod sk-read-file ((self sk-project) path)
583  (wrap self (file-read-forms path))
584  (setf (sk-path self) (ensure-absolute-pathname path *default-pathname-defaults*))
585  ;; TODO 2024-04-18: make generic
586  self)
588 ;; ast -> file
589 (defmethod sk-write-file ((self sk-project)
590  &key
591  (path *default-skelfile*) (nullp nil) (header t) (fmt :canonical)
592  (if-exists :error))
593  (build-ast self :nullp nullp)
594  (prog1
595  (with-open-file (out path
596  :direction :output
597  :if-exists if-exists
598  :if-does-not-exist :create)
599  (when header (princ
600  (make-source-header-comment
601  (sk-name self)
602  :cchar #\;
603  :timestamp t
604  :description (sk-description self)
605  :opts '("mode:skel;"))
606  out))
607  (write-sxp-stream self out :fmt fmt))
608  (unless *keep-ast* (setf (ast self) nil))))
610 (defmethod sk-install-user-config ((self sk-project) (cfg sk-user-config))
611  (with-slots (vc store stash license author) (debug! cfg) ;; log-level, custom, fmt
612  (setf (sk-vc self) vc)
613  (setf (sk-stash self) stash)
614  (setf (sk-store self) store)
615  (setf (sk-license self) license)
616  (setf (sk-author self) author)))
618 (defmethod sk-find-rule (name self)
619  (find (string-upcase name) (sk-rules self) :test 'equalp :key #'sk-rule-target))
621 (defmethod sk-find-script ((name string) (self skel) &key)
622  (find name (sk-scripts self) :test 'equal :key #'sk-name))
624 (defmethod sk-call ((self sk-project) (arg sk-rule))
625  (sk-make self arg))
627 (defmethod sk-call ((self sk-project) (arg t))
628  (sk-make self (sk-find-rule arg self)))
630 (defmethod sk-call ((self sk-project) (arg (eql :compile)))
631  (loop for c across (sk-components self)
632  collect (sk-compile self)))
634 (defmethod sk-call ((self sk-project) (arg (eql :build)))
635  (loop for c across (sk-components self)
636  collect (sk-build self)))
638 (defmethod sk-call ((self sk-project) (arg (eql :load)))
639  (loop for c across (sk-components self)
640  collect (sk-load self)))
642 (defmethod sk-call* ((self sk-project) &rest args)
643  (mapcar (lambda (arg) (sk-call self arg)) args))