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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/obj/tests.lisp

changeset 275: 78ef6145e272
parent: d7aa08025537
child: 9eb2c112aa16
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 18:41:40 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: return of the uri
1 (defpackage :obj/tests
2  (:use :cl :std :rt :obj))
4 (in-package :obj/tests)
6 (defsuite :obj)
7 (in-suite :obj)
9 (defun eps= (a b &optional (eps 1e-10))
10  (<= (abs (- a b)) eps))
12 (defun rgb= (rgb1 rgb2 &optional (eps 1e-10))
13  "Compare RGB colors for (numerical) equality."
14  (let ((r1 (rgb-red rgb1))
15  (g1 (rgb-green rgb1))
16  (b1 (rgb-blue rgb1))
17  (r2 (rgb-red rgb2))
18  (g2 (rgb-green rgb2))
19  (b2 (rgb-blue rgb2)))
20  (and (eps= r1 r2 eps)
21  (eps= g1 g2 eps)
22  (eps= b1 b2 eps))))
24 (defun random-rgb ()
25  (rgb (random 1d0) (random 1d0) (random 1d0)))
27 (defun random-hsv ()
28  (hsv (random 360d0) (random 1d0) (random 1d0)))
30 (deftest colors ()
31  (loop repeat 100 do
32  (let ((rgb (random-rgb))
33  (hsv (random-hsv)))
34  (is (typep (as-hsv rgb) 'hsv))
35  (is (typep (as-rgb hsv) 'rgb))))
36  (let ((rgb (rgb 0.070 0.203 0.337)))
37  (is (equal "#123456" (print-hex-rgb rgb)))
38  (is (equal "123456" (print-hex-rgb rgb :hash nil)))
39  (is (equal "#135" (print-hex-rgb rgb :short t)))
40  (is (equal "135" (print-hex-rgb rgb :short t :hash nil)))
41  (is (equal "12345678" (print-hex-rgb rgb :alpha 0.47)))
42  (is (equal "#1357" (print-hex-rgb rgb :alpha 0.47 :short t)))
43  (is (equal "1357" (print-hex-rgb rgb :alpha 0.47 :hash nil :short t)))
44  (is (rgb= rgb (parse-hex-rgb "#123456") 0.01))
45  (is (rgb= rgb (parse-hex-rgb "123456") 0.01))
46  (is (rgb= rgb (parse-hex-rgb "#135") 0.01))
47  (is (rgb= rgb (parse-hex-rgb "135") 0.01))
48  (flet ((aux (l1 l2)
49  (and (rgb= (car l1) (car l2) 0.01)
50  (eps= (cadr l1) (cadr l2) 0.01))))
51  (is (aux (list rgb 0.47) (multiple-value-list (parse-hex-rgb "#12345678"))))
52  (is (aux (list rgb 0.47) (multiple-value-list (parse-hex-rgb "12345678"))))
53  (is (aux (list rgb 0.47) (multiple-value-list (parse-hex-rgb "#1357"))))
54  (is (aux (list rgb 0.47) (multiple-value-list (parse-hex-rgb "1357")))))
55  (is (equal "#123456" (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
56  (print-hex-rgb rgb :destination t))))
57  (is (rgb= rgb (parse-hex-rgb "foo#123456zzz" :start 3 :end 10) 0.001))))
59 (defun random-csv-file (&optional (name (symbol-name (gensym))) (n 1000))
60  (let ((path (merge-pathnames (format nil "~a.csv" name) "/tmp/")))
61  (with-open-file (f path :direction :output)
62  (dotimes (i n) (format f "~a,test~a,~x,~%" i (+ n i) (random 8d0))))
63  path))
65 (deftest tables ()
66  (let ((csv (random-csv-file)))
67  (is (typep (table-from-csv csv) 'table))))
69 (deftest ids ()
70  (is (= (reset-id t) (reset-id '(1 2 3))))
71  (is (not (equalp (make-id nil) (make-id nil)))))
73 (deftest def-iter ())
75 (deftest def-seq ())
77 (deftest castable-solo ()
78  (is (typep (make-castable) 'castable))
79  (is (null (clrchash (make-castable))))
80  (is (eql nil (getchash nil (make-castable))))
81  (is (eql nil (getchash t (make-castable))))
82  (is (eql t (getchash nil (make-castable) t)))
83  (is (eql t (setf (getchash t (make-castable)) t)))
84  (is (null (remchash t (make-castable))))
85  (let ((map (make-castable))) ;; basic
86  (is (setf (getchash t map) t))
87  (is (getchash t map))
88  (is (remchash t map))
89  (is (null (getchash t map)))
90  (is (null (remchash t map))))
91  (let ((map (make-castable))) ;; rizzlin and sizzlin
92  (is (null (dotimes (i 100) (setf (getchash i map) i))))
93  (is (loop for i from 0 below 100 always (= i (getchash i map))))
94  (is (= 100 (castable-count map)))
95  (is (null (clrchash map)))
96  (is (= 0 (castable-count map)))
97  (is (null (getchash 0 map))))
98  (let ((map (make-castable :test 'eq)) ;;eq
99  (key (make-string 1 :initial-element #\a)))
100  (is (setf (getchash key map) t))
101  (is (getchash key map))
102  (is (null (getchash (make-string 1 :initial-element #\a) map))))
103  (let ((map (make-castable :test 'eq))) ;;eql
104  (is (setf (getchash 0 map) t))
105  (is (getchash 0 map))
106  (is (null (getchash 0.0 map))))
107  (let ((map (make-castable :test 'equal))) ;;equal
108  (is (setf (getchash "a" map) t))
109  (is (null (getchash "A" map))))
110  (let ((map (make-castable :test 'equalp))) ;;equalp
111  (is (setf (getchash #\a map) t))
112  (is (getchash #\A map))))
114 (deftest castable-multi (:disabled t)
115  (let ((tries 40000)
116  (threads 4))
117  (let ((table (make-castable)))
118  (with-threads (_ threads)
119  (loop repeat tries do (setf (getchash t table) t)))
120  (is (eql t (getchash t table)))
121  (is (= 1 (castable-count table))))
122  (let ((table (make-castable))
123  (/thread (floor (/ tries threads))))
124  (finish-threads
125  (with-threads (idx threads)
126  (loop for i from (* idx /thread) below (* (1+ idx) /thread)
127  do (setf (getchash i table) i))))
128  (print (castable-count table))
129  ;; (is (= tries (castable-count table)))
130  (is (loop for i from 0 below tries
131  do (print (getchash i table))
132  always (equal i (getchash i table)))))
133  ;; Concurrent set on same fields
134  (let ((table (make-castable)))
135  (finish
136  (finish-threads
137  (with-threads (idx threads)
138  (loop for i from 0 below tries
139  do (setf (getchash i table) i)))))
140  (is = tries (castable-count table))
141  (is eql T (loop for i from 0 below tries
142  always (eql i (getchash i table)))))
143  ;; Concurrent set on randomised fields
144  (let ((table (make-castable)))
145  (flet ((random-index (idx i)
146  (floor (* tries (/ (sxhash (+ (* idx tries) i)) most-positive-fixnum)))))
147  (finish
148  (finish-threads
149  (with-threads (idx threads)
150  (loop for i from 0 below tries
151  for j = (random-index idx i)
152  do (setf (getchash j table) j)))))
153  (is <= tries (castable-count table))))
154  ;; Concurrent set & remove
155  (let ((table (make-castable)))
156  (finish
157  (finish-threads
158  (with-threads (idx (/ threads 2))
159  (loop for i from idx below tries by threads
160  do (setf (getchash i table) i)))
161  (with-threads (idx (/ threads 2))
162  (loop for i from idx below tries by threads
163  do (loop until (remchash i table))))))
164  (is = 0 (castable-count table)))))
166 (deftest ring ())
168 (deftest generic-tree ()
169  (let ((tree (make-binary-node
170  0
171  (make-binary-node 1 (make-node 0) (make-node 1))
172  (make-binary-node 2 (make-node 2) (make-node 3)))))
173  (is (typep tree 'binary-node))))
175 (deftest bro-tree ())
177 (deftest rb-tree ())
179 (deftest avl-tree ())
181 (deftest graph ())
183 ;; TODO 2023-12-17:
184 (deftest uris ()
185  "Tests for different types of URIs. Attempts to conform with RFCs and test suites."
186  (let ((local #.(parse-uri "https://localhost/stash/index.json"))
187  (local2 (parse-uri "https://localhost/stash/index.json"))
188  (ftp (parse-uri "")))
189  (is (equal "localhost" (uri-host local)))
190  (is (eql :ftp (uri-scheme ftp)))
191  (is (= (obj/uri::uri-hash local) (obj/uri::uri-hash local2)))
192  (is (equal "foo%25bar" (uri-path (parse-uri "foo%25bar"))))
193  (is (equal "/test/foo%25bar.lisp"
194  (uri-to-string (string-to-uri "/test/foo%25bar.lisp"))))
195  (is (equal
196  "/test/foo%25bar.lisp"
197  (render-uri (parse-uri "/test/foo%25bar.lisp") nil)))
198  (is (equal ""
199  (render-uri (parse-uri "") nil)))
201  (dolist (xx ;; (list user-info ipaddr port)
202  '((nil "" nil)
203  (nil "" 81)
204  ("layer" "" nil)
205  ("layer" "" 81)
206  ("layer:pass" "" nil)
207  ("layer:pass" "" 81)
208  (nil "fe80::230:48ff:feb9:bbea" nil)
209  (nil "fe80::230:48ff:feb9:bbea" 81)
210  (nil "2001:470:1f05:548:230:48ff:feb9:bbea" nil)
211  (nil "2001:470:1f05:548:230:48ff:feb9:bbea" 81)
212  (nil "::1" nil)
213  (nil "::1" 81)))
214  (destructuring-bind (user-info host port) xx
215  (let* ((h (if (and (stringp host) (find #\: host))
216  (format nil "[~a]" host)
217  host))
218  (s (format nil "https://~@[~a@~]~a~a/foo.html"
219  user-info h (or (when port (format nil ":~d" port)) "")))
220  (u (parse-uri s)))
221  (format t ";; ~a~%" s)
222  (is (string= s (princ-to-string u)))
223  (is (string= host (uri-host u)))
224  (when user-info
225  (is (string= user-info (uri-userinfo u))))
226  (is (equal port (uri-port u))))))))