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Mercurial > core / lisp/std/condition.lisp

changeset 646: 95fd920af398
parent: 3e6a17fb5712
child: 5e8b1855f866
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:08:29 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: error handling methods for clap
1 ;;; condition.lisp --- Conditions and other exception handlers
3 ;;; Code:
4 (in-package :std/condition)
6 (defvar *std-error-message* "An error occured")
8 (define-condition std-error (error)
9  ((message :initarg :message
10  :initform *std-error-message*
11  :reader std-error-message))
12  (:documentation "Standard Error")
13  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
14  (format stream "~X" (std-error-message condition)))))
16 (defun std-error (&rest args)
17  (cerror
18  "Ignore and continue"
19  'std-error
20  :message (format nil "~A: ~A" *std-error-message* args)))
22 (define-condition std-warning (warning)
23  ((message :initarg :message
24  :initform nil
25  :reader std-warning-message))
26  (:documentation "Standard Warning")
27  (:report
28  (lambda (condition stream)
29  (when (std-warning-message condition)
30  (format stream "~X" (std-warning-message condition))))))
32 (defun std-warning (&optional message)
33  (warn 'std-warning :message message))
35 (defun car-eql (a cons)
36  (eql a (car cons)))
38 (defmacro deferror (name (&rest parent-types) (&rest slot-specs) &rest options)
39  "Define an error condition."
40  (let ((fun (member :auto options :test #'car-eql)))
41  (when fun (setq options (remove (car fun) options)))
42  `(prog1
43  (define-condition ,name ,(or parent-types '(std-error)) ,slot-specs ,@options)
44  (when ',fun
45  (if (member 'simple-error ',parent-types)
46  (def-simple-error-reporter ,name)
47  (def-error-reporter ,name))))))
49 (defmacro def-error-reporter (err)
50  `(defun ,err (&rest args)
51  ,(format nil "Signal an error of type ~A with ARGS." err)
52  (cerror
53  "Ignore and continue"
54  ',err
55  :message (format nil "~A: ~A" ,*std-error-message* args))))
57 (defmacro def-simple-error-reporter (name)
58  `(progn
59  (defun ,name (fmt &rest args)
60  ,(format nil "Signal an error of type ~A with FMT string and ARGS." name)
61  (cerror
62  "Ignore and continue"
63  ',name
64  :format-control fmt
65  :format-arguments args))))
67 (defmacro defwarning (name (&rest parent-types) (&rest slot-specs) &rest options)
68  "Define an warning condition."
69  (let ((fun (member :auto options :test #'car-eql)))
70  (when fun (setq options (remove (car fun) options)))
71  `(prog1
72  (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
73  (define-condition ,name ,(or parent-types '(std-warning)) ,slot-specs ,@options))
74  (when ',fun
75  (if (member 'simple-warning ',parent-types)
76  (def-simple-warning-reporter ,name)
77  (def-warning-reporter ,name))))))
79 (defmacro def-warning-reporter (name)
80  `(defun ,name (&optional message)
81  ,(format nil "Signal a warning of type ~A with optional MESSAGE." name)
82  (warn
83  ',name
84  :message message)))
86 (defmacro def-simple-warning-reporter (name)
87  `(defun ,name (fmt &rest args)
88  ,(format nil "Signal an error of type ~A with FMT string and ARGS." name)
89  (warn
90  ',name
91  :format-control fmt
92  :format-arguments args)))
94 (defmacro nyi! (&optional comment)
95  `(prog1
96  (error "Not Yet Implemented!")
97  (when ',comment (print ',comment))))
99 (defun required-argument (&optional name)
100  "Signals an error for a missing argument of NAME. Intended for
101 use as an initialization form for structure and class-slots, and
102 a default value for required keyword arguments."
103  (error "Required argument ~@[~S ~]missing." name))
105 (define-condition simple-style-warning (simple-warning style-warning)
106  ())
108 (defun simple-style-warning (message &rest args)
109  (warn 'simple-style-warning :format-control message :format-arguments args))
111 ;; We don't specify a :report for simple-reader-error to let the
112 ;; underlying implementation report the line and column position for
113 ;; us. Unfortunately this way the message from simple-error is not
114 ;; displayed, unless there's special support for that in the
115 ;; implementation. But even then it's still inspectable from the
116 ;; debugger...
117 (define-condition simple-reader-error
118  (sb-int:simple-reader-error)
119  ())
121 (defun simple-reader-error (stream message &rest args)
122  (error 'simple-reader-error
123  :stream stream
124  :format-control message
125  :format-arguments args))
127 (define-condition simple-parse-error (simple-error parse-error)
128  ())
130 (defun simple-parse-error (message &rest args)
131  (error 'simple-parse-error
132  :format-control message
133  :format-arguments args))
135 (define-condition simple-program-error (simple-error program-error)
136  ())
138 (defun simple-program-error (message &rest args)
139  (error 'simple-program-error
140  :format-control message
141  :format-arguments args))
143 (define-condition circular-dependency (simple-error)
144  ((items
145  :initarg :items
146  :initform (error "Must specify items")
147  :reader circular-dependency-items))
148  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
149  (declare (ignore condition))
150  (format stream "Circular dependency detected")))
151  (:documentation "A condition which is signalled when a circular dependency is encountered."))
153 (define-condition unknown-argument (error)
154  ((name
155  :initarg :name
156  :initform (error "Must specify argument name")
157  :reader unknown-argument-name)
158  (kind
159  :initarg :kind
160  :initform (error "Must specify argument kind")
161  :reader unknown-argument-kind))
162  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
163  (format stream "Unknown argument ~A of kind ~A"
164  (unknown-argument-name condition)
165  (unknown-argument-kind condition))))
166  (:documentation "A condition which is signalled when an unknown argument is encountered."))
168 (defun unknown-argument-p (value)
169  (typep value 'unknown-argument))
171 (define-condition missing-argument (simple-error)
172  ((item
173  :initarg :item
174  :initform (error "Must specify argument item")
175  :reader missing-argument-item))
176  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
177  (declare (ignore condition))
178  (format stream "Missing argument")))
179  (:documentation "A condition which is signalled when an option expects an argument, but none was provided"))
181 (defun missing-argument-p (value)
182  (typep value 'missing-argument))
184 (define-condition invalid-argument (simple-error)
185  ((item
186  :initarg :item
187  :initform (error "Must specify argument item")
188  :reader invalid-argument-item
189  :documentation "The argument which is identified as invalid")
190  (reason
191  :initarg :reason
192  :initform (error "Must specify reason")
193  :reader invalid-argument-reason
194  :documentation "The reason why this argument is invalid"))
195  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
196  (format stream "Invalid argument: ~A~%Reason: ~A" (invalid-argument-item condition) (invalid-argument-reason condition))))
197  (:documentation "A condition which is signalled when an argument is identified as invalid."))
199 (defmacro ignore-some-conditions ((&rest conditions) &body body)
200  "Similar to CL:IGNORE-ERRORS but the (unevaluated) CONDITIONS
201 list determines which specific conditions are to be ignored."
202  `(handler-case
203  (progn ,@body)
204  ,@(loop for condition in conditions collect
205  `(,condition (c) (values nil c)))))
207 (defmacro unwind-protect-case ((&optional abort-flag) protected-form &body clauses)
208  "Like CL:UNWIND-PROTECT, but you can specify the circumstances that
209 the cleanup CLAUSES are run.
211  clauses ::= (:NORMAL form*)* | (:ABORT form*)* | (:ALWAYS form*)*
213 Clauses can be given in any order, and more than one clause can be
214 given for each circumstance. The clauses whose denoted circumstance
215 occured, are executed in the order the clauses appear.
217 ABORT-FLAG is the name of a variable that will be bound to T in
218 CLAUSES if the PROTECTED-FORM aborted preemptively, and to NIL
219 otherwise.
221 Examples:
223  (unwind-protect-case ()
224  (protected-form)
225  (:normal (format t \"This is only evaluated if PROTECTED-FORM executed normally.~%\"))
226  (:abort (format t \"This is only evaluated if PROTECTED-FORM aborted preemptively.~%\"))
227  (:always (format t \"This is evaluated in either case.~%\")))
229  (unwind-protect-case (aborted-p)
230  (protected-form)
231  (:always (perform-cleanup-if aborted-p)))
232 "
233  (check-type abort-flag (or null symbol))
234  (let ((gflag (gensym "FLAG+")))
235  `(let ((,gflag t))
236  (unwind-protect (multiple-value-prog1 ,protected-form (setf ,gflag nil))
237  (let ,(and abort-flag `((,abort-flag ,gflag)))
238  ,@(loop for (cleanup-kind . forms) in clauses
239  collect (ecase cleanup-kind
240  (:normal `(when (not ,gflag) ,@forms))
241  (:abort `(when ,gflag ,@forms))
242  (:always `(progn ,@forms)))))))))