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Mercurial > core / lisp/std/seq.lisp

changeset 651: af486e0a40c9
parent: 16bb4464adcb
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 22:13:06 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: multi-binaries, working on removing x.lisp
1 ;;; std/seq.lisp --- Standard Sequences
3 ;;
5 ;;; Code:
6 (in-package :std/seq)
8 ;; from serapeum
9 (declaim (inline firstn))
10 (defun firstn (n list)
11  (loop repeat n for x in list collect x))
13 (defun take (n seq)
14  "Return, at most, the first N elements of SEQ, as a *new* sequence
15 of the same type as SEQ.
17 If N is longer than SEQ, SEQ is simply copied.
19 If N is negative, then |N| elements are taken (in their original
20 order) from the end of SEQ."
21  (declare (type signed-array-length n))
22  (sb-impl::seq-dispatch seq
23  (if (minusp n)
24  (last seq (abs n))
25  (firstn n seq))
26  (if (minusp n)
27  (subseq seq (max 0 (+ (length seq) n)))
28  (subseq seq 0 (min n (length seq))))))
30 (defun starts-with-subseq (prefix sequence &rest args
31  &key
32  return-suffix
33  &allow-other-keys)
34  "Test whether the first elements of SEQUENCE are the same (as per TEST) as the elements of PREFIX.
36 If RETURN-SUFFIX is T the function returns, as a second value, a
37 sub-sequence or displaced array pointing to the sequence after PREFIX."
38  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
39  (let ((sequence-length (length sequence))
40  (prefix-length (length prefix)))
41  (when (< sequence-length prefix-length)
42  (return-from starts-with-subseq (values nil nil)))
43  (flet ((make-suffix (start)
44  (when return-suffix
45  (cond
46  ((not (arrayp sequence))
47  (if start
48  (subseq sequence start)
49  (subseq sequence 0 0)))
50  ((not start)
51  (make-array 0
52  :element-type (array-element-type sequence)
53  :adjustable nil))
54  (t
55  (make-array (- sequence-length start)
56  :element-type (array-element-type sequence)
57  :displaced-to sequence
58  :displaced-index-offset start
59  :adjustable nil))))))
60  (remf args :return-suffix)
61  (let ((mismatch (apply #'mismatch prefix sequence
62  args)))
63  (cond
64  ((not mismatch)
65  (values t (make-suffix nil)))
66  ((= mismatch prefix-length)
67  (values t (make-suffix mismatch)))
68  (t
69  (values nil nil)))))))
71 (defun ends-with-subseq (suffix sequence &key (test #'eql))
72  "Test whether SEQUENCE ends with SUFFIX. In other words: return true if
73 the last (length SUFFIX) elements of SEQUENCE are equal to SUFFIX."
74  (let ((sequence-length (length sequence))
75  (suffix-length (length suffix)))
76  (when (< sequence-length suffix-length)
77  ;; if SEQUENCE is shorter than SUFFIX, then SEQUENCE can't end with SUFFIX.
78  (return-from ends-with-subseq nil))
79  (loop for sequence-index from (- sequence-length suffix-length) below sequence-length
80  for suffix-index from 0 below suffix-length
81  when (not (funcall test (elt sequence sequence-index) (elt suffix suffix-index)))
82  do (return-from ends-with-subseq nil)
83  finally (return t))))
85 (defun split-sequence (delimiter seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (test nil test-supplied) (test-not nil test-not-supplied) (key nil key-supplied))
86  "Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by delimiter.
88 If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included
89 in the result; otherwise they will be discarded. All other keywords
90 work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE. In particular, the
91 behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions of
92 this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless
93 :count is supplied. The second return value is an index suitable as an
94 argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing
95 stopped."
96  (let ((len (length seq))
97  (other-keys (nconc (when test-supplied
98  (list :test test))
99  (when test-not-supplied
100  (list :test-not test-not))
101  (when key-supplied
102  (list :key key)))))
103  (unless end (setq end len))
104  (if from-end
105  (loop for right = end then left
106  for left = (max (or (apply #'position delimiter seq
107  :end right
108  :from-end t
109  other-keys)
110  -1)
111  (1- start))
112  unless (and (= right (1+ left))
113  remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
114  if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
115  ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
116  return (values (nreverse subseqs) right)
117  else
118  collect (subseq seq (1+ left) right) into subseqs
119  and sum 1 into nr-elts
120  until (< left start)
121  finally (return (values (nreverse subseqs) (1+ left))))
122  (loop for left = start then (+ right 1)
123  for right = (min (or (apply #'position delimiter seq
124  :start left
125  other-keys)
126  len)
127  end)
128  unless (and (= right left)
129  remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
130  if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
131  ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
132  return (values subseqs left)
133  else
134  collect (subseq seq left right) into subseqs
135  and sum 1 into nr-elts
136  until (>= right end)
137  finally (return (values subseqs right))))))
139 (defun split-sequence-if (predicate seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (key nil key-supplied))
140  "Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by items satisfying
141 predicate.
143 If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included
144 in the result; otherwise they will be discarded. All other keywords
145 work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE-IF. In particular, the
146 behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions of
147 this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless
148 :count is supplied. The second return value is an index suitable as an
149 argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing
150 stopped."
151  (let ((len (length seq))
152  (other-keys (when key-supplied
153  (list :key key))))
154  (unless end (setq end len))
155  (if from-end
156  (loop for right = end then left
157  for left = (max (or (apply #'position-if predicate seq
158  :end right
159  :from-end t
160  other-keys)
161  -1)
162  (1- start))
163  unless (and (= right (1+ left))
164  remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
165  if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
166  ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
167  return (values (nreverse subseqs) right)
168  else
169  collect (subseq seq (1+ left) right) into subseqs
170  and sum 1 into nr-elts
171  until (< left start)
172  finally (return (values (nreverse subseqs) (1+ left))))
173  (loop for left = start then (+ right 1)
174  for right = (min (or (apply #'position-if predicate seq
175  :start left
176  other-keys)
177  len)
178  end)
179  unless (and (= right left)
180  remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
181  if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
182  ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
183  return (values subseqs left)
184  else
185  collect (subseq seq left right) into subseqs
186  and sum 1 into nr-elts
187  until (>= right end)
188  finally (return (values subseqs right))))))
190 (defun split-sequence-if-not (predicate seq &key (count nil) (remove-empty-subseqs nil) (from-end nil) (start 0) (end nil) (key nil key-supplied))
191  "Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by items satisfying
192 (CL:COMPLEMENT predicate).
194 If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included
195 in the result; otherwise they will be discarded. All other keywords
196 work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT. In particular,
197 the behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions
198 of this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless
199 :count is supplied. The second return value is an index suitable as an
200 argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing
201 stopped." ; Emacs syntax highlighting is broken, and this helps: "
202  (let ((len (length seq))
203  (other-keys (when key-supplied
204  (list :key key))))
205  (unless end (setq end len))
206  (if from-end
207  (loop for right = end then left
208  for left = (max (or (apply #'position-if-not predicate seq
209  :end right
210  :from-end t
211  other-keys)
212  -1)
213  (1- start))
214  unless (and (= right (1+ left))
215  remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
216  if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
217  ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
218  return (values (nreverse subseqs) right)
219  else
220  collect (subseq seq (1+ left) right) into subseqs
221  and sum 1 into nr-elts
222  until (< left start)
223  finally (return (values (nreverse subseqs) (1+ left))))
224  (loop for left = start then (+ right 1)
225  for right = (min (or (apply #'position-if-not predicate seq
226  :start left
227  other-keys)
228  len)
229  end)
230  unless (and (= right left)
231  remove-empty-subseqs) ; empty subseq we don't want
232  if (and count (>= nr-elts count))
233  ;; We can't take any more. Return now.
234  return (values subseqs left)
235  else
236  collect (subseq seq left right) into subseqs
237  and sum 1 into nr-elts
238  until (>= right end)
239  finally (return (values subseqs right))))))