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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/dat/mime.lisp

changeset 667: bb8aa1eda12b
parent: da17bf652e48
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 17:03:54 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: graph, css vars, corfu-terminal fix
1 ;;; mime.lisp --- MIME Database
3 ;;
5 ;;; Code:
6 (in-package :dat/mime)
8 (defun read-mime-match-offset (offset)
9  "Mime offsets are encoded as single int or range N:N. Returns an integer of a
10 cons of two ints."
11  (let ((len (length offset)))
12  (if (= 1 len)
13  (parse-integer offset)
14  (multiple-value-bind (int1 pos) (parse-integer offset :junk-allowed t)
15  (if (>= pos len)
16  int1
17  (cons int1 (parse-integer offset :start (1+ pos))))))))
19 (defstruct mime-magic offset value type)
21 (defstruct mime-type type name superclasses glob magic)
23 (declaim (inline mime-type))
24 (defun mime-type (mime-type)
25  (mime-type-type mime-type))
27 (defun load-mime-info (&optional (path #p"/usr/share/mime/packages/"))
28  (let ((types (xmlrep-find-child-tags "mime-type"
29  (xml-parse (with-open-file (file path)
30  (with-output-to-string (st)
31  (loop for l = (read-line file nil)
32  while l
33  do (std:println l st)))))))
34  (mime-types))
35  ;; assumes all children have a single attribute - TYPE
36  (dolist (mime types mime-types)
37  (let ((type (xmlrep-attrib-value "type" mime)))
38  (push (make-mime-type :type type
39  :name (car (split-sequence #\/ type :count 1 :from-end t))
40  :superclasses
41  (mapcar (lambda (x) (xmlrep-attrib-value "type" x))
42  (xmlrep-find-child-tags "sub-class-of" mime))
43  :glob
44  (mapcar (lambda (x) (xmlrep-attrib-value "pattern" x))
45  (xmlrep-find-child-tags "glob" mime))
46  :magic
47  (loop for magic in (xmlrep-find-child-tags "magic" mime)
48  while magic
49  collect (loop for match in (xmlrep-find-child-tags "match" magic)
50  collect (make-mime-magic
51  :offset (read-mime-match-offset
52  (xmlrep-attrib-value "offset" match))
53  :value (xmlrep-attrib-value "value" match)
54  :type (xmlrep-attrib-value "type" match)))))
55  mime-types)))))
57 (defvar *mime-types* #+linux (load-mime-info))
59 (defvar *mime-database*
60  #+linux
61  (let ((tbl (make-hash-table :size (length *mime-types*) :test 'equal)))
62  (dolist (mime *mime-types* tbl)
63  (setf (gethash (mime-type mime) tbl) mime))))
65 (defvar *mime-db*
66  #+linux
67  (let ((tbl (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ;; at least as large as *MIME-DATABASE*
68  (dolist (mime *mime-types* tbl)
69  (when-let ((patterns (mime-type-glob mime)))
70  (dolist (p patterns)
71  (when (wild-pathname-p p) ;; drop '.*'
72  (setf p (subseq p 2)))
73  (setf (gethash p tbl) (mime-type mime)))))))
75 (defun get-mime (value)
76  "Return the name of a MIME-TYPE from *MIME-DB*. The resulting value is a string
77 which can be passed to MIME* to get the actual object from *MIME-DATABASE*."
78  (gethash value *mime-db*))
80 (defun get-mime* (value)
81  "Return a MIME-TYPE from *MIME-DATABASE*."
82  (gethash value *mime-database*))
84 ;; from TRIVIAL-MIMES
85 (defun mime-probe (pathname)
86  "Attempts to get the mime-type through a call to the FILE shell utility.
87 If the file does not exist or the platform is not unix, NIL is returned."
88  #+unix
89  (when (probe-file pathname)
90  (let ((output (uiop:run-program (list "file" #+darwin "-bI" #-darwin "-bi"
91  (uiop:native-namestring pathname))
92  :output :string)))
93  (with-output-to-string (mime)
94  (loop for c across output
95  for char = (char-downcase c)
96  ;; Allowed characters as per RFC6383
97  while (find char "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$&-^_.+/")
98  do (write-char char mime)))))
99  #-unix
100  NIL)
102 (defun mime-lookup (path)
103  (get-mime (pathname-type path)))
105 (defun mime (path &optional (default "application/octet-stream"))
106  (or (mime-lookup path)
107  (mime-probe path)
108  default))
110 ;; TODO 2024-06-11: from TRIVIAL-MIMES
111 (defun mime-equal (m1 m2)
112  (or (equal "*" m1)
113  (equal "*" m2)
114  (equal "*/*" m1)
115  (equal "*/*" m2)
116  (destructuring-bind (type1 subtype1 &rest parameters1)
117  (uiop:split-string m1 :separator '(#\/ #\;))
118  (declare (ignorable parameters1))
119  (destructuring-bind (type2 subtype2 &rest parameters2)
120  (uiop:split-string m2 :separator '(#\/ #\;))
121  (declare (ignorable parameters2))
122  (cond
123  ((or (equal "*" subtype1)
124  (equal "*" subtype2)
125  (equal "" subtype1)
126  (equal "" subtype2))
127  (string-equal type1 type2))
128  ((string-equal type1 type2)
129  (string-equal subtype1 subtype2))
130  (t nil))))))
132 (defmacro mime-case (file &body cases)
133  "A case-like macro that works with MIME type of FILE.
135 Otherwise clause is the last clause that starts with T or OTHERWISE,.
137 Example:
138 \(mime-case #p\"~/CHANGES.txt\"
139  ((\"application/json\" \"application/*\") \"Something opaque...\")
140  (\"text/plain\" \"That's a plaintext file :D\")
141  (t \"I don't know this type!\"))"
142  (let ((mime (gensym "mime")))
143  `(let ((,mime (mime ,file)))
144  (cond
145  ,@(loop for ((mimes . body) . rest) on cases
146  when (member mimes '(T OTHERWISE))
147  collect `(t ,@body) into clauses
148  and do (if rest
149  (warn "Clauses after T and OTHERWISE are not reachable.")
150  (return clauses))
151  collect `((member ,mime (list ,@(uiop:ensure-list mimes)) :test #'mime-equal)
152  ,@body)
153  into clauses
154  finally (return clauses))))))