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Mercurial > core / lisp/std/fmt.lisp

changeset 685: ebe3315b7add
parent: a0dfde3cb3c4
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Sun, 29 Sep 2024 22:44:52 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: evdev/kbd fully operational, rustls and blake3 cleanups
1 ;;; std/fmt.lisp --- printer and format utils
3 ;;; Code:
4 (in-package :std/fmt)
6 (defun iprintln (x &optional (n 2) stream)
7  (println (format nil "~A~A" (make-string n :initial-element #\Space) x) stream))
9 (defun printer-status ()
10  (format t ";; *print-array* = ~a~%" *print-array*)
11  (format t ";; *print-base* = ~a~%" *print-base*)
12  (format t ";; *print-case* = ~a~%" *print-case*)
13  (format t ";; *print-circle* = ~a~%" *print-circle*)
14  (format t ";; *print-escape* = ~a~%" *print-escape*)
15  (format t ";; *print-gensym* = ~a~%" *print-gensym*)
16  (format t ";; *print-length* = ~a~%" *print-length*)
17  (format t ";; *print-level* = ~a~%" *print-level*)
18  (format t ";; *print-lines* = ~a~%" *print-lines*)
19  (format t ";; *print-miser-width* = ~a~%" *print-miser-width*)
20  (format t ";; *print-pprint-dispatch* = ~a~%" *print-pprint-dispatch*)
21  (format t ";; *print-pretty* = ~a~%" *print-pretty*)
22  (format t ";; *print-radix* = ~a~%" *print-radix*)
23  (format t ";; *print-readably* = ~a~%" *print-readably*)
24  (format t ";; *print-right-margin* = ~a~%" *print-right-margin*))
26 (defun fmt-row (data &optional stream)
27  (format stream "| ~{~A~^ | ~} |~%" data))
29 (defun format-sxhash (code &optional stream)
30  "Turn the fixnum value CODE into a human-friendly string. CODE should
31 be produced by `sxhash'."
32  (let (r)
33  (dotimes (i 8 r)
34  (push (ldb (byte 8 (* i 8)) code) r))
35  (format
36  stream
37  "~{~A~^-~}"
38  (mapcar
39  (lambda (x) (format nil "~{~(~2,'0x~)~}" x))
40  (group r 2)))))
42 ;;; Trees
44 ;; from
46 ;; Example:
48 ;; (let ((tree '(A B1 B2 (B3 C1) C2)))
49 ;; ; enumerate all layout options and draw the tree for each one.
50 ;; (dolist (layout '(:up :centered :down))
51 ;; (format t "Layout = :~A~%" layout)
52 ;; (fmt-tree t tree :layout layout)))
54 ;; Layout = :UP
55 ;; ╭─ C2
56 ;; │ ╭─ C1
57 ;; ├─ B3
58 ;; ├─ B2
59 ;; ├─ B1
60 ;; A
61 ;; Layout = :CENTERED
62 ;; ╭─ B2
63 ;; ├─ B1
64 ;; A
65 ;; ├─ B3
66 ;; │ ╰─ C1
67 ;; ╰─ C2
68 ;; Layout = :DOWN
69 ;; A
70 ;; ├─ B1
71 ;; ├─ B2
72 ;; ├─ B3
73 ;; │ ╰─ C1
74 ;; ╰─ C2
76 ;; Unicode plain ASCII representation
77 (defvar *space* " ")
78 (defvar *upper-knee* " ╭─ ") ; " .- "
79 (defvar *pipe* " │ ") ; " | "
80 (defvar *tee* " ├─ ") ; " +- "
81 (defvar *lower-knee* " ╰─ ") ; " '- "
83 (defun format-tree-segments (node &key (layout :centered)
84  (node-formatter #'write-to-string))
85  (unless node
86  (return-from format-tree-segments nil)) ; nothing to do here
87  (setq node (ensure-cons node))
88  (flet ((prefix-node-strings (child-node &key layout node-formatter
89  (upper-connector *pipe*)
90  (root-connector *tee*)
91  (lower-connector *pipe*))
92  "A local utility to add connectors to a string representation
93  of a tree segment to connect it to other tree segments."
94  (multiple-value-bind (u r l)
95  (format-tree-segments child-node
96  :layout layout
97  :node-formatter node-formatter)
98  ; prefix tree segment with connector glyphs to connect it to
99  ; other segments.
100  (nconc
101  (mapcar
102  (lambda (str) (concatenate 'string upper-connector str))
103  u)
104  (list (concatenate 'string root-connector r))
105  (mapcar
106  (lambda (str) (concatenate 'string lower-connector str))
107  l)))))
108  (let* ((children (rest node))
109  (pivot (case layout ; the split point of the list of children
110  (:up (length children)) ; split at top
111  (:down 0) ; split at bottom
112  (otherwise (round (/ (length children) 2))))) ; bisect
113  (upper-children (reverse (subseq children 0 pivot))) ; above root
114  (lower-children (subseq children pivot))) ; nodes below root
115  (values ; compile multiple value return of upper-children root lower children
116  (when upper-children
117  (loop with top = (prefix-node-strings (first upper-children)
118  :layout layout
119  :node-formatter node-formatter
120  :upper-connector *space*
121  :root-connector *upper-knee*) ; top node has special connectors
122  for child-node in (rest upper-children)
123  nconc (prefix-node-strings child-node
124  :layout layout
125  :node-formatter node-formatter)
126  into strlist
127  finally (return (nconc top strlist))))
128  (let ((root-name (funcall node-formatter (car node)))) ; root node
129  (if (= 1 (length root-name))
130  (concatenate 'string " " root-name) ; at least 2 chars needed
131  ;else
132  root-name))
133  (when lower-children
134  (loop for (head . tail) on lower-children
135  while tail ; omit the last child
136  nconc (prefix-node-strings head
137  :layout layout
138  :node-formatter node-formatter)
139  into strlist
140  finally (return
141  (nconc
142  strlist
143  ; bottom node has special connectors
144  (prefix-node-strings head
145  :layout layout
146  :node-formatter node-formatter
147  :root-connector *lower-knee*
148  :lower-connector *space*)))))))))
150 (defun fmt-tree (stream root &key
151  (plist nil)
152  (layout :centered)
153  (node-formatter #'write-to-string))
154  (multiple-value-bind (u r l)
155  (format-tree-segments (if plist (cons (car root) (group (cdr root) 2)) root)
156  :layout layout
157  :node-formatter node-formatter)
158  (format stream "~{~A~%~}" (nconc u (list r) l))))