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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/cli/clap/cmd.lisp

changeset 643: f901de70a80e
parent: cc13027df6fa
child: 3e6a17fb5712
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 21:26:30 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: opt fixes and test updates
1 ;;; cli/clap/cmd.lisp --- Clap Commands
3 ;; Command Objects used to build CLI Applications.
5 ;;; Commentary:
7 ;;
9 ;;; Code:
10 (in-package :cli/clap/obj)
12 (defclass cli-cmd ()
13  ;; name slot is required and must be a string
14  ((name :initarg :name :initform (required-argument :name) :accessor cli-name :type string)
15  (opts :initarg :opts :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'cli-opt :adjustable t)
16  :accessor cli-opts :type (vector cli-opt))
17  (cmds :initarg :cmds :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'cli-cmd :adjustable t)
18  :accessor cli-cmds :type (vector cli-cmd))
19  (thunk :initform #'default-thunk :initarg :thunk :accessor cli-thunk :type function-lambda-expression)
20  (lock :initform nil :initarg :lock :accessor cli-lock-p :type boolean)
21  (description :initarg :description :accessor cli-description :type string)
22  (args :initform nil :initarg :args :accessor cli-cmd-args))
23  (:documentation "CLI command class inherited by both the 'main' command which is executed when
24 a CLI is called without arguments, and all subcommands."))
26 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self cli-cmd) &key)
27  (with-slots (name thunk opts cmds) self
28  (unless (stringp name) (setf name (format nil "~(~A~)" name)))
29  (unless (vectorp cmds) (setf cmds (make-cmds cmds)))
30  (unless (vectorp opts) (setf opts (make-opts opts)))
31  (when (symbolp thunk) (setf thunk (symbol-function thunk)))
32  self))
34 (defmethod print-object ((self cli-cmd) stream)
35  (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t)
36  (format stream "~A :opts ~A :cmds ~A :args ~A"
37  (cli-name self)
38  (length (cli-opts self))
39  (length (cli-cmds self))
40  (length (cli-cmd-args self)))))
42 (defmethod print-usage ((self cli-cmd) &optional stream)
43  (with-slots (opts cmds) self
44  (format stream "~(~A~) ~A~A~A"
45  (cli-name self)
46  (if-let ((d (and (slot-boundp self 'description) (cli-description self))))
47  (format nil ": ~A" d)
48  "")
49  (if (null opts)
50  ""
51  (format nil "~{~% ~A~^~}" (loop for o across opts collect (print-usage o nil))))
52  (if (null cmds)
53  ""
54  (format nil "~{!~A~}" (loop for c across cmds collect (print-usage c nil)))))))
56 (defmethod push-cmd ((self cli-cmd) (place cli-cmd))
57  (vector-push self (cli-cmds place)))
59 (defmethod push-opt ((self cli-opt) (place cli-cmd))
60  (vector-push self (cli-opts place)))
62 (defmethod pop-cmd ((self cli-cmd))
63  (vector-pop (cli-cmds self)))
65 (defmethod pop-opt ((self cli-opt))
66  (vector-pop (cli-opts self)))
68 (defmethod cli-equal ((a cli-cmd) (b cli-cmd))
69  (with-slots (name opts cmds) a
70  (with-slots ((bn name) (bo opts) (bc cmds)) b
71  (and (string= name bn)
72  (if (and (null opts) (null bo))
73  t
74  (unless (member nil (loop for oa across opts
75  for ob across bo
76  collect (cli-equal oa ob)))
77  t))
78  (if (and (null cmds) (null bc))
79  t
80  (unless (member nil (loop for ca across cmds
81  for cb across bc
82  collect (cli-equal ca cb)))
83  t))))))
85 (defmethod find-cmd ((self cli-cmd) name &optional active)
86  (when-let ((c (find name (cli-cmds self) :key #'cli-name :test #'string=)))
87  (if active
88  ;; maybe issue warning here? report to user
89  (if (cli-lock-p c)
90  c
91  (clap-error c))
92  c)))
94 (defmethod active-cmds ((self cli-cmd))
95  (remove-if-not #'cli-lock-p (cli-cmds self)))
97 (defmethod find-opts ((self cli-cmd) name &key active recurse)
98  (let ((ret))
99  (flet ((%find (o obj)
100  (when-let ((found (find o (cli-opts obj) :key #'cli-opt-name :test 'equal)))
101  (push found ret))))
102  (when (and recurse (cli-cmds self))
103  (loop for c across (cli-cmds self)
104  do (%find name c)))
105  (%find name self)
106  (when active
107  (setf ret (remove-if-not #'cli-lock-p ret)))
108  ret)))
110 (defmethod active-opts ((self cli-cmd) &optional global)
111  (remove-if-not
112  (if global
113  #'active-global-opt-p
114  #'cli-opt-lock)
115  (cli-opts self)))
117 (defmethod find-short-opts ((self cli-cmd) ch &key recurse)
118  (let ((ret))
119  (flet ((%find (ch obj)
120  (when-let ((found (find ch (cli-opts obj) :key #'cli-opt-name :test #'opt-string-prefix-eq)))
121  (push found ret))))
122  (when (and recurse (cli-cmds self))
123  (loop for c across (cli-cmds self)
124  do (%find ch c)))
125  (%find ch self)
126  ret)))
128 (declaim (inline solop))
129 (defun solop (self)
130  (and (= 0 (length (active-cmds self)) (length (active-opts self)))))
132 (defmethod proc-args ((self cli-cmd) args)
133  "Process ARGS into an ast. Each element of the ast is a node with a
134 :kind slot, indicating the type of node and a :form slot which stores
135 a value.
137 For now we parse group separators '--' and insert a nil into the tree,
138 this will likely change to generating a new branch in the ast as it
139 should be."
140  (make-cli-ast
141  (let ((holes)) ;; list of arg indexes which can be skipped since they're
142  ;; consumed by an opt
143  (loop
144  for i below (length args)
145  for (a . args) on args
146  if (member i holes)
147  do (continue) ;; skip args which have been consumed already
148  else
149  if (= (length a) 1)
150  collect (make-cli-node 'arg a) ; always treat single-char as arg
151  else
152  if (short-opt-p a) ;; SHORT OPT
153  collect
154  (if-let ((o (find-short-opts self (aref a 1) :recurse t)))
155  (%compose-short-opt (car o) a)
156  (make-cli-node 'arg a))
157  else
158  if (long-opt-p a) ;; LONG OPT
159  collect
160  (let ((o (find-opts self (string-left-trim "-" a) :recurse t))
161  (has-eq (long-opt-has-eq-p a)))
162  (cond
163  ((and has-eq o)
164  (setf (cli-opt-val o) (cdr has-eq))
165  (make-cli-node 'opt o))
166  ((and (not has-eq) o)
167  (prog1 (%compose-long-opt (car o) args)
168  (push (1+ i) holes)))
169  ((and has-eq (not o))
170  (warn 'warning "opt not recognized" a)
171  (let ((val (cdr has-eq)))
172  (make-cli-node 'opt (make-cli-opt :name (car has-eq) :kind (type-of val) :val val))))
173  (t ;; (not o) (not has-eq)
174  (warn 'warning "opt not recognized" a)
175  (make-cli-node 'arg a))))
176  ;; OPT GROUP
177  else
178  if (opt-group-p a)
179  collect nil
180  ;; CMD
181  else
182  collect
183  (let ((cmd (find-cmd self a)))
184  (if cmd
185  ;; TBD
186  (make-cli-node 'cmd (find-cmd self a))
187  ;; ARG
188  (make-cli-node 'arg a)))))))
190 (defmethod install-ast ((self cli-cmd) (ast cli-ast))
191  "Install the given AST, recursively filling in value slots."
192  (with-slots (cmds opts) self
193  ;; we assume all nodes in the ast have been validated and the ast
194  ;; itself is consumed. validation is performed in proc-args.
196  ;; before doing anything else we lock SELF, which should remain
197  ;; locked for the full runtime duration.
198  (setf (cli-lock-p self) t)
199  (loop named install
200  for (node . tail) on (debug! (ast ast))
201  until (null node)
202  do
203  (let ((kind (cli-node-kind node)) (form (cli-node-form node)))
204  (case kind
205  ;; opts
206  (opt
207  (let ((name (cli-opt-name form)))
208  (when-let ((o (car (find-opts self name))))
209  (setf o form)
210  (setf (cli-opt-lock o) t))))
211  ;; when we encounter a command we recurse over the tail
212  (cmd
213  (when-let ((c (find-cmd self (cli-name form))))
214  ;; handle the rest of the AST
215  (setf c (install-ast c (make-cli-ast tail)))
216  (return-from install)))
217  (arg (push-arg form self)))))
218  (setf (cli-cmd-args self) (nreverse (cli-cmd-args self)))
219  self))
221 (defmethod install-thunk ((self cli-cmd) (lambda function) &optional compile)
222  "Install THUNK into the corresponding slot in cli-cmd SELF."
223  (let ((%thunk (if compile (compile nil lambda) lambda)))
224  (setf (cli-thunk self) %thunk)
225  self))
227 (defmethod push-arg (arg (self cli-cmd))
228  "Push an ARG onto the corresponding slot of a CLI-CMD."
229  (push arg (cli-cmd-args self)))
231 (defmethod parse-args ((self cli-cmd) args &key (compile t))
232  "Parse ARGS and return the updated object SELF.
233 ARGS is assumed to be a valid cli-ast (list of cli-nodes), unless COMPILE is
234 t, in which case a list of strings is assumed."
235  (with-slots (opts cmds) self
236  (let ((args (if compile (proc-args self args) args)))
237  (install-ast self args))))
239 ;; WARNING: make sure to fill in the opt and cmd slots with values
240 ;; from the top-level args before calling a command.
241 (defmethod call-cmd ((self cli-cmd) args opts)
242  (trace! "calling command:" args opts)
243  (funcall (cli-thunk self) args opts))
245 (defmethod do-cmd ((self cli-cmd))
246  "Perform the command, recursively calling child commands and opts if necessary."
247  (loop for o across (active-opts self)
248  do (do-opt o))
249  (if (solop self)
250  (call-cmd self (cli-cmd-args self) (active-opts self))
251  (loop for c across (active-cmds self)
252  do (do-cmd c))))