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Mercurial > core / emacs/util.el

changeset 698: 96958d3eb5b0
parent: f15e0f021a64
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 22:04:59 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: fixes
1 ;;; std/util.el --- standard utils -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;;; Code:
4 (require 'cl-lib)
5 (require 'calendar)
6 ;;; Helpers
7 (defun group (source n)
8  "This is Paul Graham's group utility from On Lisp.
10 Group a list of arguments SOURCE by any provided grouping amount
11 N.
13 For example:
14 (group (quote (foo 2 bar 4)) 2) ;=> ((foo 2) (bar 4))
15 (group (quote (a b c d e f)) 3) ;=> ((a b c) (d e f))
16 "
17  (when (zerop n) (error "zero length"))
18  (cl-labels ((rec (source acc)
19  (let ((rest (nthcdr n source)))
20  (if (consp rest)
21  (rec rest (cons
22  (cl-subseq source 0 n)
23  acc))
24  (nreverse
25  (cons source acc))))))
26  (when source (rec source nil))))
28 (defun flatten (x)
29  "Paul Graham's flatten utility from On Lisp.
31 Given a tree X, return all the leaves of the tree."
32  (cl-labels ((rec (x acc)
33  (cond ((null x) acc)
34  ((atom x) (cons x acc))
35  (t (rec
36  (car x)
37  (rec (cdr x) acc))))))
38  (rec x nil)))
40 (defun mkstr (&rest args)
41  "Paul Graham's mkstr utility from On Lisp.
43 Coerce ARGS into a single string and return it."
44  (let* ((s ""))
45  (dolist (a args)
46  (cond
47  ((null a) nil)
48  ((sequencep a) (setq s (concat s a)))
49  ((numberp a) (setq s(concat s (number-to-string a))))
50  ((symbolp a) (setq s(concat s (symbol-name a))))))
51  s))
53 (defun symb (&rest args)
54  "Paul Graham's symb utility from On Lisp.
56 Concat ARGS and return a newly interned symbol."
57  (intern (apply #'mkstr args)))
59 ;;; Config
60 (defun add-to-load-path (&rest paths)
61  "Add PATHS to `load-path'."
62  (mapc (lambda (x)
63  (cond
64  ((listp x) (mapc #'add-to-load-path x))
65  ('_ (cl-pushnew x load-path))))
66  paths))
68 (defmacro add-packages (&rest pkgs)
69  "add list of packages PKGS to `package-selected-packages'"
70  `(mapc (lambda (x) (add-to-list 'package-selected-packages x)) ',pkgs))
72 (defun load-keys (&optional custom)
73  (let ((keydefs (or custom (concat user-emacs-directory "keys.el"))))
74  (load keydefs nil t)))
76 ;;; OS
77 (defmacro when-sys= (name body)
78  "(when (string= (system-name) NAME) BODY)"
79  `(when ,(string= (system-name) name) ,body))
81 (defun darwin-p () (string= system-type "darwin"))
82 (defun linux-p () (string= system-type "gnu/linux"))
84 (defun join-paths (root &rest dirs)
85  "helper function for joining strings to a path."
86  (let ((result root))
87  (cl-loop for dir in dirs do
88  (setq result (concat (file-name-as-directory result) dir)))
89  result))
91 (defun wc ()
92  "Return a 3-element list with lines, words and characters in
93 region or whole buffer."
94  (interactive)
95  (let ((n 0)
96  (start (if mark-active (region-beginning) (point-min)))
97  (end (if mark-active (region-end) (point-max))))
98  (save-excursion
99  (goto-char start)
100  (while (< (point) end) (if (forward-word 1) (setq n (1+ n)))))
101  (list (count-lines start end) n (- end start))))
103 ;;; Regexps
104 (defvar default-line-regexp-alist
105  '((empty . "[\s\t]*$")
106  (indent . "^[\s\t]+")
107  (non-empty . "^.+$")
108  (list . "^\\([\s\t#*+]+\\|[0-9]+[^\s]?[).]+\\)")
109  (heading . "^[=-]+"))
110  "Alist of regexp types used by `default-line-regexp-p'.")
112 (defun default-line-regexp-p (type &optional n)
113  "Test for TYPE on line.
114 TYPE is the car of a cons cell in
115 `default-line-regexp-alist'. It matches a regular
116 expression.
117 With optional N, search in the Nth line from point."
118  (save-excursion
119  (goto-char (pos-bol))
120  (and (not (bobp))
121  (or (beginning-of-line n) t)
122  (save-match-data
123  (looking-at
124  (alist-get type default-line-regexp-alist))))))
126 ;;; Time
127 (defun format-iso-week-number (&optional date)
128  "format DATE as ISO week number with week days starting on
129  Monday. If DATE is nil use current date."
130  (let* ((week (format-time-string "%W" date))
131  (prefix (if (= (length week) 1)
132  "w0" "w")))
133  (concat prefix week)))
135 (defun last-day-of-year (&optional date)
136  "Return the last day of the year as time."
137  (encode-time 0 0 0 31 12 (nth 5 (decode-time
138  (or date (current-time))))))
140 (defun last-day-of-month (&optional date)
141  "Return the last day of month as time."
142  (let* ((now (decode-time (or date (current-time))))
143  (month (nth 4 now))
144  (year (nth 5 now))
145  (last-day-of-month (calendar-last-day-of-month month year)))
146  (encode-time 0 0 0 last-day-of-month month year)))
148 (defun last-day-of-week (&optional date)
149  "Return the last day of the week as time."
150  (let* ((now (or date (current-time)))
151  (datetime (decode-time now))
152  (dow (nth 6 datetime)))
153  (time-add now (days-to-time (- 7 dow)))))
155 (defun first-day-of-week (&optional date)
156  "Return the first day of the week as time."
157  (let* ((now (or date (current-time)))
158  (datetime (decode-time now))
159  (dow (nth 6 datetime)))
160  (time-subtract now (days-to-time dow))))
162 ;;; Hashtables
163 (defun hash-table-alist (table)
164  "Returns an association list containing the keys and values of hash table
165 TABLE."
166  (let ((alist nil))
167  (maphash (lambda (k v)
168  (push (cons k v) alist))
169  table)
170  (nreverse alist)))
172 ;;; Server
173 ;;;###autoload
174 (defun kill-emacs-restart ()
175  (interactive)
176  (server-force-delete)
177  (server-start))
179 (define-key special-event-map [sigusr1] 'kill-emacs-restart)
181 (defun upgrade-emacs (&optional ask)
182  (interactive)
183  (package-refresh-contents)
184  (package-install-selected-packages (not ask))
185  (package-upgrade-all ask))
187 (provide 'util)
188 ;; util.el ends here