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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/net/codec/dns.lisp

changeset 698: 96958d3eb5b0
parent: bcf772e86fbc
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 22:04:59 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: fixes
1 ;;; lib/net/codec/dns.lisp --- DNS Record utils
3 ;; from:
5 ;;; Code:
6 (in-package :net/codec/dns)
8 ;;; Record Types
10 (define-condition dns-condition ()
11  ())
13 (define-condition dns-server-failure (error dns-condition)
14  ((dns-server :initarg :dns-server :reader dns-server)
15  (response-code :initarg :response-code :reader response-code))
16  (:report (lambda (c s) (format s "DNS server ~% ~a~%responded with failure code ~d~@[~% ~a~]"
17  (dns-server c) (response-code c) (response-code-name (response-code c))))))
19 (defun response-code-name (code)
20  (case code
21  (0 :success)
22  (1 :format-error)
23  (2 :server-failure)
24  (3 :no-such-domain)
25  (4 :not-implemented)
26  (5 :query-refused)
27  (6 :name-should-not-exist)
28  (7 :set-should-not-exist)
29  (8 :set-does-not-exist)
30  (9 :not-authorized)
31  (10 :not-in-zone)
32  (11 :type-not-implemented)
33  (16 :bad-version)
34  (17 :key-not-recognised)
35  (18 :bad-time)
36  (19 :bad-mode)
37  (20 :duplicate-key)
38  (21 :bad-algorithm)
39  (22 :bad-truncation)
40  (23 :bad-cookie)))
42 (defmacro with-dns-error-handling (&body body)
43  `(handler-bind ((dns-server-failure
44  (lambda (e)
45  (unless (find (response-code e) '(1 3 6 7 8))
46  (continue e)))))
47  ,@body))
49 ;;; Note: we assume that we never cross byte boundaries when accessing bits.
50 (defmacro with-decoding ((octets start &optional (pos (gensym "POS"))) &body body)
51  `(let ((,pos ,start))
52  (flet ((int1 ()
53  (prog1 (logbitp (* 8 (rem ,pos 1)) (aref ,octets (floor ,pos)))
54  (incf ,pos 1/8)))
55  (int4 ()
56  (prog1 (ldb (byte 4 (* 8 (rem ,pos 1))) (aref ,octets (floor ,pos)))
57  (incf ,pos 4/8)))
58  (int8 ()
59  (prog1 (aref ,octets (floor ,pos))
60  (incf ,pos 1)))
61  (int16 () ;; big-endian
62  (prog1 (+ (ash (aref ,octets (+ 0 (floor ,pos))) 8)
63  (ash (aref ,octets (+ 1 (floor ,pos))) 0))
64  (incf ,pos 2)))
65  (int32 ()
66  (prog1 (+ (ash (aref ,octets (+ 0 (floor ,pos))) 24)
67  (ash (aref ,octets (+ 1 (floor ,pos))) 16)
68  (ash (aref ,octets (+ 2 (floor ,pos))) 8)
69  (ash (aref ,octets (+ 3 (floor ,pos))) 0))
70  (incf ,pos 4))))
71  (declare (ignorable #'int1 #'int4 #'int8 #'int16 #'int32))
72  ,@body)))
74 (defmacro with-encoding ((octets start &optional (pos (gensym "POS"))) &body body)
75  `(let ((,pos ,start))
76  (flet ((int1 (value)
77  (let ((octet (aref ,octets (floor ,pos))))
78  (setf (ldb (byte 1 (* 8 (rem ,pos 1))) octet)
79  (ecase value
80  ((0 1) value)
81  ((T) 1)
82  ((NIL) 0)))
83  (setf (aref ,octets (floor ,pos)) octet)
84  (incf ,pos 1/8)))
85  (int4 (value)
86  (let ((octet (aref ,octets (floor ,pos))))
87  (setf (ldb (byte 4 (* 8 (rem ,pos 1))) octet) value)
88  (setf (aref ,octets (floor ,pos)) octet)
89  (incf ,pos 4/8)))
90  (int8 (value)
91  (setf (aref ,octets (floor ,pos)) value)
92  (incf ,pos 1))
93  (int16 (value) ;; big-endian
94  (setf (aref ,octets (+ 0 ,pos)) (ldb (byte 8 8) value))
95  (setf (aref ,octets (+ 1 ,pos)) (ldb (byte 8 0) value))
96  (incf ,pos 2))
97  (int32 (value) ;; big-endian
98  (setf (aref ,octets (+ 0 ,pos)) (ldb (byte 8 24) value))
99  (setf (aref ,octets (+ 1 ,pos)) (ldb (byte 8 16) value))
100  (setf (aref ,octets (+ 2 ,pos)) (ldb (byte 8 8) value))
101  (setf (aref ,octets (+ 3 ,pos)) (ldb (byte 8 0) value))
102  (incf ,pos 4)))
103  (declare (ignorable #'int1 #'int4 #'int8 #'int16 #'int32))
104  ,@body)))
106 (defmacro maybe-set ((octets offset) &body calls)
107  `(with-encoding (,octets ,offset pos)
108  ,@(loop for (func value) in calls
109  collect `(if ,value
110  (,func ,value)
111  (incf pos ,(ecase func
112  (int1 1/8)
113  (int4 4/8)
114  (int8 1)
115  (int16 2)
116  (int32 4)))))
117  pos))
119 (defparameter *record-type-table*
120  '((:A 1)
121  (:AAAA 28)
122  (:AFSDB 18)
123  (:APL 42)
124  (:CAA 257)
125  (:CDNSKEY 60)
126  (:CDS 59)
127  (:CERT 37)
128  (:CNAME 5)
129  (:CSYNC 62)
130  (:DHCID 49)
131  (:DLV 32769)
132  (:DNAME 39)
133  (:DNSKEY 48)
134  (:DS 43)
135  (:HINFO 13)
136  (:HIP 55)
137  (:IPSECKEY 45)
138  (:KEY 25)
139  (:KX 36)
140  (:LOC 29)
141  (:MX 15)
142  (:NAPTR 35)
143  (:NS 2)
144  (:NSEC 47)
145  (:NSEC3 50)
146  (:NSEC3PARAM 51)
147  (:OPENPGPKEY 61)
148  (:PTR 12)
149  (:RRSIG 46)
150  (:RP 17)
151  (:SIG 24)
152  (:SMIMEA 53)
153  (:SOA 6)
154  (:SRV 33)
155  (:SSHFP 44)
156  (:TA 32768)
157  (:TKEY 249)
158  (:TLSA 52)
159  (:TSIG 250)
160  (:TXT 16)
161  (:URI 256)
162  (:ZONEMD 63)
163  ;; Pseudo records
164  (T 255)
165  (* 255)
166  (:* 255)
167  (:AXFR 252)
168  (:IXFR 251)
169  (:OPT 41)
170  ;; Obsolete
171  (:MD 3)
172  (:MF 4)
173  (:MAILA 254)
174  (:MB 7)
175  (:MG 8)
176  (:MR 9)
177  (:MINFO 14)
178  (:MAILB 253)
179  (:WKS 11)
180  (:NB 32)
181  (:NBSTAT 33)
182  (:NULL 10)
183  (:A6 38)
184  (:NXT 30)
185  (:KEY 25)
186  (:SIG 24)
187  (:HINFO 13)
188  (:RP 17)
189  (:X25 19)
190  (:ISDN 20)
191  (:RT 21)
192  (:NSAP 22)
193  (:NSAP-PTR 23)
194  (:PX 26)
195  (:EID 31)
196  (:NIMLOC 32)
197  (:ATMA 34)
198  (:APL 42)
199  (:SINK 40)
200  (:GPOS 27)
201  (:UINFO 100)
202  (:UID 101)
203  (:GID 102)
204  (:UNSPEC 103)
205  (:SPF 99)
206  (:NINFO 56)
207  (:RKEY 57)
208  (:TALINK 58)
209  (:NID 104)
210  (:L32 105)
211  (:L64 106)
212  (:LP 107)
213  (:EUI48 108)
214  (:EUI64 109)
215  (:DOA 259)))
217 (defun record-type-id (record-type &optional (error T))
218  (or (second (find record-type *record-type-table* :key #'first :test #'string-equal))
219  (when error "No such record type ~s" record-type)))
221 (defun id-record-type (id)
222  (or (first (find id *record-type-table* :key #'second :test #'=))
223  id))
225 (defun encode-host (name octets offset)
226  (let ((start 0)
227  (name (encode-domain name)))
228  (flet ((finish (end)
229  (setf (aref octets (+ offset start)) (- end start))
230  (loop for i from (1+ start) to end
231  do (setf (aref octets (+ offset i)) (char-code (char-downcase (char name (1- i))))))
232  (setf start (1+ end))))
233  (loop for i from 0 below (length name)
234  do (when (char= #\. (char name i))
235  (finish i))
236  finally (finish (length name)))
237  (setf (aref octets (+ offset start)) 0)
238  (+ offset start 1))))
240 (defun decode-host* (string)
241  (loop with i = 0
242  while (< i (length string))
243  do (let ((jump (char-code (char string i))))
244  (setf (char string i) #\.)
245  (incf i (1+ jump))))
246  (decode-domain
247  (if (string/= "" string)
248  (subseq string 1)
249  string)))
251 (defun decode-host (octets offset start)
252  (loop with i = offset
253  with pos = offset
254  with jumped = NIL
255  with stream = (make-string-output-stream)
256  until (= 0 (aref octets i))
257  ;; Handle label compression jump
258  do (cond ((<= 192 (aref octets i))
259  (setf i (+ start
260  (- (+ (* 256 (aref octets i)) (aref octets (1+ i)))
261  #b1100000000000001)))
262  (setf jumped T)
263  (incf pos 1))
264  (T
265  (write-char (code-char (aref octets i)) stream)))
266  (incf i)
267  (unless jumped
268  (incf pos))
269  finally (return (values (decode-host* (get-output-stream-string stream)) (1+ pos)))))
271 (defun decode-header (octets offset)
272  (with-decoding (octets offset pos)
273  (values (list :id (int16)
274  :recursion-desired (int1)
275  :truncated-message (int1)
276  :authorative-answer (int1)
277  :operation (int4)
278  :reply-p (int1)
279  :response-code (int4)
280  :checking-disabled (int1)
281  :authenticated-data (int1)
282  :z-reserved (int1)
283  :recursion-available (int1)
284  :question-count (int16)
285  :answer-count (int16)
286  :authority-count (int16)
287  :additional-count (int16))
288  pos)))
290 (defun encode-header (octets offset &key id recursion-desired truncated-message authorative-answer operation reply-p response-code checking-disabled authenticated-data z-reserved recursion-available question-count answer-count authority-count additional-count)
291  (maybe-set (octets offset)
292  (int16 id)
293  (int1 recursion-desired)
294  (int1 truncated-message)
295  (int1 authorative-answer)
296  (int4 operation)
297  (int1 reply-p)
298  (int4 response-code)
299  (int1 checking-disabled)
300  (int1 authenticated-data)
301  (int1 z-reserved)
302  (int1 recursion-available)
303  (int16 question-count)
304  (int16 answer-count)
305  (int16 authority-count)
306  (int16 additional-count)))
308 (defun encode-query (octets offset hostname &key type class)
309  (let ((type (etypecase type
310  ((or string symbol) (record-type-id type))
311  ((unsigned-byte 16) type))))
312  (setf offset (encode-host hostname octets offset))
313  (maybe-set (octets offset)
314  (int16 type)
315  (int16 class))))
317 (defun decode-query (octets offset)
318  (with-decoding (octets offset pos)
319  (values (list :type (id-record-type (int16))
320  :class (int16))
321  pos)))
323 (defun decode-data (octets offset)
324  (with-decoding (octets offset pos)
325  (values (list :type (id-record-type (int16))
326  :class (int16)
327  :ttl (int32)
328  :length (int16))
329  pos)))
331 (defgeneric decode-record-payload (type octets start end))
333 (defmethod decode-record-payload (type octets start end)
334  (subseq octets start end))
336 (defmethod decode-record-payload ((type (eql :A)) octets start end)
337  (format NIL "~d.~d.~d.~d"
338  (aref octets (+ 0 start))
339  (aref octets (+ 1 start))
340  (aref octets (+ 2 start))
341  (aref octets (+ 3 start))))
343 (defmethod decode-record-payload ((type (eql :AAAA)) octets start end)
344  (usocket:vector-to-ipv6-host octets))
346 (defmethod decode-record-payload ((type (eql :TXT)) octets start end)
347  (decode-host octets start 0))
349 (defmethod decode-record-payload ((type (eql :URI)) octets start end)
350  (decode-host octets start 0))
352 (defmethod decode-record-payload ((type (eql :CNAME)) octets start end)
353  (decode-host octets start 0))
355 (defmethod decode-record-payload ((type (eql :PTR)) octets start end)
356  (decode-host octets start 0))
358 ;; TODO: decode more.
360 (defmethod decode-record-payload ((type (eql :MX)) octets start end)
361  (with-decoding (octets start pos)
362  (list :priority (int16)
363  :name (decode-host octets pos 0))))
365 (defmethod decode-record-payload ((type (eql :SOA)) octets start end)
366  (multiple-value-bind (mname pos) (decode-host octets start 0)
367  (multiple-value-bind (rname pos) (decode-host octets pos 0)
368  (with-decoding (octets pos)
369  (list :mname mname
370  :rname rname
371  :serial (int32)
372  :refresh (int32)
373  :retry (int32)
374  :expire (int32)
375  :minimum (int32))))))
377 (defun decode-record (octets offset)
378  (multiple-value-bind (data pos) (decode-data octets offset)
379  (setf (getf data :data) (decode-record-payload (getf data :type) octets pos (+ pos (getf data :length))))
380  (values data (+ pos (getf data :length)))))
382 (defun decode-response (server octets offset limit)
383  (declare (ignorable limit))
384  ;; FIXME: Implement buffer limiting.
385  (multiple-value-bind (header pos) (decode-header octets offset)
386  (when (< 0 (getf header :response-code))
387  (error 'dns-server-failure :dns-server server :response-code (getf header :response-code)))
388  (let ((record-offset pos))
389  (flet ((decode (fun)
390  (multiple-value-bind (name pos) (decode-host octets record-offset offset)
391  (multiple-value-bind (query pos) (funcall fun octets pos)
392  (setf record-offset pos)
393  (setf (getf query :name) name)
394  query))))
395  (list* :questions
396  (loop repeat (getf header :question-count)
397  collect (decode #'decode-query))
398  :answers
399  (loop repeat (getf header :answer-count)
400  collect (decode #'decode-record))
401  :authorities
402  (loop repeat (getf header :authority-count)
403  collect (decode #'decode-record))
404  :additional
405  (loop repeat (getf header :additional-count)
406  collect (decode #'decode-record))
407  header)))))