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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/net/codec/osc.lisp

changeset 698: 96958d3eb5b0
parent: 750629f830b2
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 22:04:59 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: fixes
1 (in-package :net/codec/osc)
3 ;;; params
4 (defparameter *default-osc-buffer-size* 1024)
6 ;; utility functions for osc-string/padding slonking
8 (defun cat (&rest args)
9  (apply #'concatenate '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) args))
11 (defun padding-length (s)
12  "returns the length of padding required for a given length of string"
13  (declare (type fixnum s))
14  (- 4 (mod s 4)))
16 (defun padded-length (s)
17  "returns the length of an osc-string made from a given length of string"
18  (declare (type fixnum s))
19  (+ s (- 4 (mod s 4))))
21 (defun string-padding (string)
22  "returns the padding required for a given osc string"
23  (declare (type simple-string string))
24  (pad (padding-length (length string))))
26 (defun pad (n)
27  "make a sequence of the required number of #\Nul characters"
28  (declare (type fixnum n))
29  (make-array n :initial-element 0 :fill-pointer n))
31 (defclass osc-data () ())
33 (defclass message (osc-data)
34  ((command
35  :reader command
36  :initarg :command)
37  (args
38  :reader args
39  :initarg :args
40  :initform nil)))
42 (defclass bundle (osc-data)
43  ((timetag
44  :reader timetag
45  :initarg :timetag
46  :initform :now)
47  (elements
48  :reader elements
49  :initarg :elements
50  :initform nil)))
52 ;; Constructors
54 (defun make-message (command args)
55  (unless (listp args)
56  (setf args (list args)))
57  (make-instance 'message
58  :command command
59  :args args))
61 (defun message (command &rest args)
62  (make-message command args))
64 (defun make-bundle (timetag elements)
65  (unless (listp elements)
66  (setf elements (list elements)))
67  (make-instance 'bundle
68  :timetag timetag
69  :elements elements))
71 (defun bundle (timetag &rest elements)
72  (make-bundle timetag elements))
74 (defgeneric format-osc-data (data &key stream width))
76 (defmethod format-osc-data ((message message) &key (stream t)
77  (width 80))
78  (let ((args-string (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (args message))))
79  (when (> (length args-string) width)
80  (setf args-string
81  (concatenate 'string
82  (subseq args-string 0 width)
83  "...")))
84  (format stream "~a ~a~%"
85  (command message)
86  args-string)))
88 (defmethod format-osc-data ((bundle bundle) &key (stream t) (width 80))
89  (format stream "~&[ ~a~%" (timetag bundle))
90  (dolist (element (elements bundle))
91  (format-osc-data element :stream stream :width width))
92  (format stream "~&]~%"))
94 ;;; Time
96 (defconstant +unix-epoch+ (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0))
97 (defconstant +2^32+ (expt 2 32))
98 (defconstant +2^32/million+ (/ +2^32+ (expt 10 6)))
99 (defconstant +usecs+ (expt 10 6))
101 (deftype timetag () '(unsigned-byte 64))
103 (defun timetagp (object)
104  (typep object 'timetag))
106 (defun unix-secs+usecs->timetag (secs usecs)
107  (let ((sec-offset (+ secs +unix-epoch+))) ; Seconds from 1900.
108  (setf sec-offset (ash sec-offset 32)) ; Make seconds the top 32
109  ; bits.
110  (let ((usec-offset
111  (round (* usecs +2^32/MILLION+)))) ; Fractional part.
112  (the timetag (+ sec-offset usec-offset)))))
114 (defun get-current-timetag ()
115  "Returns a fixed-point 64 bit NTP-style timetag, where the top 32
116 bits represent seconds since midnight 19000101, and the bottom 32 bits
117 represent the fractional parts of a second."
118  #+sbcl (multiple-value-bind (secs usecs)
119  (sb-ext:get-time-of-day)
120  (the timetag (unix-secs+usecs->timetag secs usecs)))
121  #-sbcl (error "Can't encode timetags using this implementation."))
123 (defun timetag+ (original seconds-offset)
124  (declare (type timetag original))
125  (let ((offset (round (* seconds-offset +2^32+))))
126  (the timetag (+ original offset))))
129 ;;;=====================================================================
130 ;;; Functions for using double-float unix timestamps.
131 ;;;=====================================================================
133 (defun get-unix-time ()
134  "Returns a a double-float representing real-time now in seconds,
135 with microsecond precision, relative to 19700101."
136  #+sbcl (multiple-value-bind (secs usecs)
137  (sb-ext:get-time-of-day)
138  (the double-float (+ secs (microseconds->subsecs usecs))))
139  #-sbcl (error "Can't encode timetags using this implementation."))
141 (defun unix-time->timetag (unix-time)
142  (multiple-value-bind (secs subsecs)
143  (floor unix-time)
144  (the timetag
145  (unix-secs+usecs->timetag secs
146  (subsecs->microseconds subsecs)))))
148 (defun timetag->unix-time (timetag)
149  (if (= timetag 1)
150  1 ; immediate timetag
151  (let* ((secs (ash timetag -32))
152  (subsec-int32 (- timetag (ash secs 32))))
153  (the double-float (+ (- secs +unix-epoch+)
154  (int32->subsecs subsec-int32))))))
156 (defun microseconds->subsecs (usecs)
157  (declare (type (integer 0 1000000) usecs))
158  (coerce (/ usecs +usecs+) 'double-float))
160 (defun subsecs->microseconds (subsecs)
161  (declare (type (float 0.0 1.0) subsecs))
162  (round (* subsecs +usecs+)))
164 (defun int32->subsecs (int32)
165  "This maps a 32 bit integer, representing subsecond time, to a
166 double float in the range 0-1."
167  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) int32))
168  (coerce (/ int32 +2^32+) 'double-float))
170 (defun print-as-double (time)
171  (format t "~%~F" (coerce time 'double-float))
172  time)
174 (defgeneric encode-osc-data (data))
176 (defmethod encode-osc-data ((data message))
177  "Encode an osc message with the given address and args."
178  (with-slots (command args) data
179  (concatenate '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))
180  (encode-address command)
181  (encode-typetags args)
182  (encode-args args))))
184 (defmethod encode-osc-data ((data bundle))
185  "Encode an osc bundle. A bundle contains a timetag (symbol or 64bit
186  int) and a list of message or nested bundle elements."
187  (with-slots (timetag elements) data
188  (cat '(35 98 117 110 100 108 101 0) ; #bundle
189  (if timetag
190  (encode-timetag timetag)
191  (encode-timetag :now))
192  (apply #'cat (mapcar #'encode-bundle-elt elements)))))
194 (defgeneric encode-bundle-elt (data))
196 (defmethod encode-bundle-elt ((data message))
197  (let ((bytes (encode-osc-data data)))
198  (cat (encode-int32 (length bytes)) bytes)))
200 (defmethod encode-bundle-elt ((data bundle))
201  (let ((bytes (encode-osc-data data)))
202  (cat (encode-int32 (length bytes)) bytes)))
204 ;; Auxilary functions
206 (defun encode-address (address)
207  (cat (map 'vector #'char-code address)
208  (string-padding address)))
210 (defun encode-typetags (data)
211  "creates a typetag string suitable for the given data.
212  valid typetags according to the osc spec are ,i ,f ,s and ,b
213  non-std extensions include ,{h|t|d|S|c|r|m|T|F|N|I|[|]}
214  see the spec for more details. ..
216  NOTE: currently handles the following tags
217  i => #(105) => int32
218  f => #(102) => float
219  s => #(115) => string
220  b => #(98) => blob
221  h => #(104) => int64
222  and considers non int/float/string data to be a blob."
224  (let ((lump (make-array 0 :adjustable t
225  :fill-pointer t)))
226  (macrolet ((write-to-vector (char)
227  `(vector-push-extend
228  (char-code ,char) lump)))
229  (write-to-vector #\,)
230  (dolist (x data)
231  (typecase x
232  (integer (if (>= x 4294967296) (write-to-vector #\h) (write-to-vector #\i)))
233  (float (write-to-vector #\f))
234  (simple-string (write-to-vector #\s))
235  (keyword (write-to-vector #\s))
236  (t (write-to-vector #\b)))))
237  (cat lump
238  (pad (padding-length (length lump))))))
240 (defun encode-args (args)
241  "encodes args in a format suitable for an OSC message"
242  (let ((lump (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)))
243  (macrolet ((enc (f)
244  `(setf lump (cat lump (,f x)))))
245  (dolist (x args)
246  (typecase x
247  (integer (if (>= x 4294967296) (enc encode-int64) (enc encode-int32)))
248  (float (enc encode-float32))
249  (simple-string (enc encode-string))
250  (t (enc encode-blob))))
251  lump)))
254 ;;;;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
255 ;;
256 ;; decoding OSC messages
257 ;;
258 ;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
260 (defun bundle-p (buffer &optional (start 0))
261  "A bundle begins with '#bundle' (8 bytes). The start argument should
262 index the beginning of a bundle in the buffer."
263  (= 35 (elt buffer start)))
265 (defun get-timetag (buffer &optional (start 0))
266  "Bytes 8-15 are the bundle timestamp. The start argument should
267 index the beginning of a bundle in the buffer."
268  (decode-timetag (subseq buffer
269  (+ 8 start)
270  (+ 16 start))))
272 (defun get-bundle-element-length (buffer &optional (start 16))
273  "Bytes 16-19 are the size of the bundle element. The start argument
274 should index the beginning of the bundle element (length, content)
275 pair in the buffer."
276  (decode-int32 (subseq buffer start (+ 4 start))))
278 (defun get-bundle-element (buffer &optional (start 16))
279  "Bytes 20 upto to the length of the content (defined by the
280 preceding 4 bytes) are the content of the bundle. The start argument
281 should index the beginning of the bundle element (length, content)
282 pair in the buffer."
283  (let ((length (get-bundle-element-length buffer start)))
284  (subseq buffer
285  (+ 4 start)
286  (+ (+ 4 start)
287  (+ length)))))
289 (defun split-sequence-by-n (sequence n)
290  (loop :with length := (length sequence)
291  :for start :from 0 :by n :below length
292  :collecting (coerce
293  (subseq sequence start (min length (+ start n)))
294  'list)))
296 (defun print-buffer (buffer &optional (n 8))
297  (format t "~%~{~{ ~5d~}~%~}Total: ~a bytes~2%"
298  (split-sequence-by-n buffer n)
299  (length buffer)))
301 (defun decode-bundle (buffer &key (start 0) end)
302  "Decodes an osc bundle/message into a bundle/message object. Bundles
303  comprise an osc-timetag and a list of elements, which may be
304  messages or bundles recursively. An optional end argument can be
305  supplied (i.e. the length value returned by socket-receive, or the
306  element length in the case of nested bundles), otherwise the entire
307  buffer is decoded - in which case, if you are reusing buffers, you
308  are responsible for ensuring that the buffer does not contain stale
309  data."
310  (unless end
311  (setf end (- (length buffer) start)))
312  (when *log-level*
313  (format t "~%Buffer start: ~a end: ~a~%" start end)
314  (print-buffer (subseq buffer start end)))
315  (if (bundle-p buffer start)
316  ;; Bundle
317  (let ((timetag (get-timetag buffer start)))
318  (incf start (+ 8 8)) ; #bundle, timetag bytes
319  (loop while (< start end)
320  for element-length = (get-bundle-element-length
321  buffer start)
322  do (incf start 4) ; length bytes
323  when *log-level*
324  do (format t "~&Bundle element length: ~a~%" element-length)
325  collect (decode-bundle buffer
326  :start start
327  :end (+ start element-length))
328  into elements
329  do (incf start (+ element-length))
330  finally (return
331  (values (make-bundle timetag elements)
332  timetag))))
333  ;; Message
334  (let ((message
335  (decode-message
336  (subseq buffer start (+ start end)))))
337  (make-message (car message) (cdr message)))))
339 (defun decode-message (message)
340  "reduces an osc message to an (address . data) pair. .."
341  (declare (type (vector *) message))
342  (let ((x (position (char-code #\,) message)))
343  (if (eq x nil)
344  (format t "message contains no data.. ")
345  (cons (decode-address (subseq message 0 x))
346  (decode-taged-data (subseq message x))))))
348 (defun decode-address (address)
349  (coerce (map 'vector #'code-char
350  (delete 0 address))
351  'string))
353 (defun decode-taged-data (data)
354  "decodes data encoded with typetags...
355  NOTE: currently handles the following tags
356  i => #(105) => int32
357  f => #(102) => float
358  s => #(115) => string
359  b => #(98) => blob
360  h => #(104) => int64"
362  (let ((div (position 0 data)))
363  (let ((tags (subseq data 1 div))
364  (acc (subseq data (padded-length div)))
365  (result '()))
366  (map 'vector
367  #'(lambda (x)
368  (cond
369  ((eq x (char-code #\i))
370  (push (decode-int32 (subseq acc 0 4))
371  result)
372  (setf acc (subseq acc 4)))
373  ((eq x (char-code #\h))
374  (push (decode-uint64 (subseq acc 0 8))
375  result)
376  (setf acc (subseq acc 8)))
377  ((eq x (char-code #\f))
378  (push (dec-float32 (subseq acc 0 4))
379  result)
380  (setf acc (subseq acc 4)))
381  ((eq x (char-code #\s))
382  (let ((pointer (padded-length (position 0 acc))))
383  (push (decode-string
384  (subseq acc 0 pointer))
385  result)
386  (setf acc (subseq acc pointer))))
387  ((eq x (char-code #\b))
388  (let* ((size (decode-int32 (subseq acc 0 4)))
389  (bl (+ 4 size))
390  (end (+ bl (mod (- 4 bl) 4))))
391  ;; NOTE: cannot use (padded-length bl), as it is not the same algorithm.
392  ;; Blobs of 4, 8, 12 etc bytes should not be padded!
393  (push (decode-blob (subseq acc 0 end))
394  result)
395  (setf acc (subseq acc end))))
396  (t (error "unrecognised typetag ~a" x))))
397  tags)
398  (nreverse result))))
401 ;;;;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;
402 ;;
403 ;; timetags
404 ;;
405 ;; - timetags can be encoded using a value, or the :now and :time
406 ;; keywords. the keywords enable either a tag indicating 'immediate'
407 ;; execution, or a tag containing the current time (which will most
408 ;; likely be in the past of any receiver) to be created.
409 ;;
410 ;; - see this c.l.l thread to sync universal-time and internal-time
411 ;;
413 ;; - In SBCL, using sb-ext:get-time-of-day to get accurate seconds and
414 ;; microseconds from OS.
415 ;;
416 ;;;; ;; ; ;
418 (defun encode-timetag (timetag)
419  "From the spec: `Time tags are represented by a 64 bit fixed point
420 number. The first 32 bits specify the number of seconds since midnight
421 on January 1, 1900, and the last 32 bits specify fractional parts of a
422 second to a precision of about 200 picoseconds. This is the
423 representation used by Internet NTP timestamps'. For an
424 'instantaneous' timetag use (encode-timetag :now), and for a timetag
425 with the current time use (encode-timetag :time)."
426  (cond
427  ((equalp timetag :now)
428  ;; a 1 bit timetag will be interpreted as 'immediately'
429  #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))
430  ((equalp timetag :time)
431  ;; encode timetag with current real time
432  (encode-int64 (get-current-timetag)))
433  ((timetagp timetag)
434  ;; encode osc timetag
435  (encode-int64 timetag))
436  (t (error "Argument given is not one of :now, :time, or timetagp."))))
438 (defun decode-timetag (timetag)
439  "Return a 64 bit timetag from a vector of 8 bytes in network byte
440  order."
441  (if (equalp timetag #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))
442  1 ; A timetag of 1 is defined as immediately.
443  (decode-uint64 timetag)))
445 ;;;;; ; ; ;; ;; ; ;
446 ;;
447 ;; dataformat en- de- cetera.
448 ;;
449 ;;; ;; ; ; ;
451 ;; floats are encoded using implementation specific 'internals' which is not
452 ;; particulaly portable, but 'works for now'.
454 (defun enc-float32 (f)
455  "encode an ieee754 float as a 4 byte vector. currently sbcl/cmucl specific"
456  (encode-int32 (sb-kernel:single-float-bits f)))
458 (defun dec-float32 (s)
459  "ieee754 float from a vector of 4 bytes in network byte order"
460  (sb-kernel:make-single-float (decode-int32 s)))
462 (defmacro defint-decoder (num-of-octets &optional docstring)
463  (let ((decoder-name (intern (format nil "~:@(decode-uint~)~D" (* 8 num-of-octets))))
464  (seq (gensym))
465  (int (gensym)))
466  `(defun ,decoder-name (,seq)
467  ,@(when docstring
468  (list docstring))
469  (let* ((,int 0)
470  ,@(loop
471  for n below num-of-octets
472  collect `(,int (dpb (aref ,seq ,n) (byte 8 (* 8 (- (1- ,num-of-octets) ,n)))
473  ,int))))
474  ,int))))
476 (defint-decoder 8)
478 (defun decode-uint32 (s)
479  "4 byte -> 32 bit unsigned int"
480  (let ((i (+ (ash (elt s 0) 24)
481  (ash (elt s 1) 16)
482  (ash (elt s 2) 8)
483  (elt s 3))))
484  i))
486 (defmacro defint-encoder (num-of-octets &optional docstring)
487  (let ((enc-name (intern (format nil "~:@(encode-int~)~D" (* 8 num-of-octets))))
488  (buf (gensym))
489  (int (gensym)))
490  `(defun ,enc-name (,int)
491  ,@(when docstring
492  (list docstring))
493  (let ((,buf (make-array ,num-of-octets :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
494  ,@(loop
495  for n below num-of-octets
496  collect `(setf (aref ,buf ,n)
497  (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 (- (1- ,num-of-octets) ,n)))
498  ,int)))
499  ,buf))))
501 (defint-encoder 4 "Convert an integer into a sequence of 4 bytes in network byte order (32 bit).")
502 (defint-encoder 8 "Convert an integer into a sequence of 8 bytes in network byte order (64 bit).")
504 (defun decode-int32 (s)
505  "4 byte -> 32 bit int -> two's complement (in network byte order)"
506  (let ((i (decode-uint32 s)))
507  (if (>= i #.(1- (expt 2 31)))
508  (- (- #.(expt 2 32) i))
509  i)))
511 (defun decode-int64 (s)
512  "8 byte -> 64 bit int -> two's complement (in network byte order)"
513  (let ((i (decode-uint64 s)))
514  (if (>= i #.(1- (expt 2 63)))
515  (- (- #.(expt 2 64) i))
516  i)))
518 ;; osc-strings are unsigned bytes, padded to a 4 byte boundary
520 (defun encode-string (string)
521  "encodes a string as a vector of character-codes, padded to 4 byte boundary"
522  (cat (map 'vector #'char-code string)
523  (string-padding string)))
525 (defun decode-string (data)
526  "converts a binary vector to a string and removes trailing #\nul characters"
527  (string-trim '(#\nul) (coerce (map 'vector #'code-char data) 'string)))
530 ;; blobs are binary data, consisting of a length (int32) and bytes which are
531 ;; osc-padded to a 4 byte boundary.
533 (defun encode-blob (blob)
534  "encodes a blob from a given vector"
535  (let ((bl (length blob)))
536  (cat (encode-int32 bl) blob
537  (pad (padding-length bl)))))
539 (defun decode-blob (blob)
540  "decode a blob as a vector of unsigned bytes."
541  (let ((size (decode-int32
542  (subseq blob 0 4))))
543  (subseq blob 4 (+ 4 size))))
545 (defun make-osc-tree ()
546  (make-hash-table :test 'equalp))
549 ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ;
550 ;;
551 ;; register/delete and dispatch. ..
552 ;;
553 ;;;; ; ; ; ;;
555 (defun dp-register (tree address function)
556  "Registers a function to respond to incoming osc messages. Since
557  only one function should be associated with an address, any
558  previous registration will be overwritten."
559  (setf (gethash address tree)
560  function))
562 (defun dp-remove (tree address)
563  "Removes the function associated with the given address."
564  (remhash address tree))
566 (defun dp-match (tree pattern)
567  "Returns a list of functions which are registered for dispatch for a
568 given address pattern."
569  (list (gethash pattern tree)))
571 (defgeneric dispatch (tree data device address port &optional timetag
572  parent-bundle))
574 (defmethod dispatch (tree (data message) device address port &optional
575  timetag
576  parent-bundle)
577  "Calls the function(s) matching the address(pattern) in the osc
578 message passing the message object, the recieving device, and
579 optionally in the case where a message is part of a bundle, the
580 timetag of the bundle and the enclosing bundle."
581  (let ((pattern (command data)))
582  (dolist (x (dp-match tree pattern))
583  (unless (eq x NIL)
584  (funcall x (command data) (args data) device address port
585  timetag parent-bundle)))))
587 (defmethod dispatch (tree (data bundle) device address port &optional
588  timetag
589  parent-bundle)
590  "Dispatches each bundle element in sequence."
591  (declare (ignore timetag parent-bundle))
592  (dolist (element (elements data))
593  (dispatch tree element device address port (timetag data) data)))