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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/nlp/textrank.lisp

changeset 698: 96958d3eb5b0
parent: 16bb4464adcb
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 22:04:59 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: fixes
1 ;;; textrank.lisp --- TextRank
3 ;; based on
5 ;;; Code:
6 (defpackage :nlp/textrank
7  (:use :cl :std :nlp/doc :nlp/tokenize)
8  (:export
9  :summarize-text :edges :document-vertex))
11 (in-package :nlp/textrank)
13 (defclass document-vertex (document)
14  ((edges :accessor edges :initform (make-hash-table)
15  :documentation "The keys of the hash table represent the
16  edges, the values of the hash table represent the edge
17  weights."))
18  (:documentation "The document vertex class represents a document
19 that is part of a graph. The edges slot of the document vertex class
20 is used to store edges of that particular vertex. The keys in the
21 edges slot hash table are the actual vertexes, and the values are the
22 edge weights."))
24 (defmethod cosine-similarity ((document-a document) (document-b document))
25  "Calculate the cosine similarity between two vectors."
26  (flet ((vector-product (document-a document-b)
27  (loop for a across (vector-data document-a)
28  for b across (vector-data document-b)
29  sum (* a b)))
30  (vector-sum-root (document)
31  (sqrt (loop for i across (vector-data document)
32  sum (* i i))))
33  (vector-zero-p (document)
34  (every #'zerop (vector-data document))))
35  (if (or (vector-zero-p document-a) (vector-zero-p document-b))
36  0 ; if either vector is completely zero, they are dissimilar
37  (/ (vector-product document-a document-b)
38  (* (vector-sum-root document-a) (vector-sum-root document-b))))))
40 (defmethod generate-document-similarity-vectors ((collection document-collection))
41  "Set the edge weights for all document neighbors (graph is fully connected)."
42  (with-accessors ((documents documents)) collection
43  (loop for document-a in documents
44  do (loop for document-b in documents
45  do (setf (gethash document-b (edges document-a))
46  (cosine-similarity document-a document-b))))))
48 (defmethod textrank ((collection document-collection) &key (epsilon 0.001)
49  (damping 0.85)
50  (initial-rank)
51  (iteration-limit 100))
52  "This method is used to calculate the text rankings for a document
53  collection. The `epsilon' is the maximum delta for a given node
54  rank change during an iteration to be considered convergent. The
55  `damping' is a factor utilized to normalize the data. The
56  `initial-rank' is the rank given to nodes before any
57  iterations. The `iteration-limit' is the amount of times the
58  algorithm may traverse the graph before giving up (if the algorithm
59  does not converge)."
60  (with-accessors ((documents documents)) collection
61  (unless (zerop (length documents))
62  (labels ((set-initial-rank ()
63  "Set the initial rank of all documents to a supplied
64  value OR 1/length of the documents."
65  (let ((initial-rank (or initial-rank (/ 1 (length documents)))))
66  (mapcar (lambda (document) (setf (rank document) initial-rank)) documents)))
67  (graph-neighbors (document)
68  "Return a list of neighbors. In a fully connected graph,
69  all nodes are a neighbor except for the node itself."
70  (remove document documents))
71  (graph-neighbor-edge-sum (document)
72  "Add up the edges of all neighbors of a given node."
73  (let ((sum (- (reduce #'+ (hash-table-values (edges document))) 1)))
74  (if (> sum 0) sum 1)))
75  (document-similarity (document-a document-b)
76  (gethash document-b (edges document-a) 0))
77  (convergedp (previous-score current-score)
78  "Check if a delta qualifies for convergence."
79  (<= (abs (- previous-score current-score)) epsilon))
80  (calculate-rank (document)
81  "Calculate the rank of a document."
82  (loop for neighbor in (graph-neighbors document)
83  sum (/ (* damping (rank neighbor) (document-similarity document neighbor))
84  (graph-neighbor-edge-sum neighbor)))))
85  (set-initial-rank)
86  (loop with converged = nil
87  for iteration from 0 to iteration-limit until converged
88  do (setf converged t)
89  (loop for document in documents
90  for old-rank = (rank document)
91  for new-rank = (calculate-rank document)
92  do (setf (rank document) new-rank)
93  unless (convergedp old-rank new-rank)
94  do (setf converged nil)))))))
96 (defun summarize-text (text &key (summary-length 3) (show-rank-p nil))
97  (let ((collection (make-instance 'document-collection)))
98  (loop for sentence in (sentence-tokenize text)
99  do (add-document collection
100  (make-instance 'document-vertex
101  :string-contents sentence)))
102  (tf-idf-vectorize-documents collection)
103  (generate-document-similarity-vectors collection)
104  (textrank collection :iteration-limit 100)
105  (take summary-length
106  (mapcar (if show-rank-p
107  (lambda (i) (cons (rank i) (string-contents i)))
108  #'string-contents)
109  (sort (documents collection) #'> :key #'rank)))))