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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/obj/uuid.lisp

changeset 698: 96958d3eb5b0
parent: 9eb2c112aa16
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 22:04:59 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: fixes
1 ;;; obj/uuid.lisp --- UUIDs
3 ;;
5 ;;; Code:
6 (in-package :obj/uuid)
8 (defvar *clock-seq* 0
9  "Holds the clock sequence. It is set when a version 1 uuid is
10 generated for the first time and remains unchanged during a whole
11 session.")
13 (defvar *node* nil
14  "Holds the IEEE 802 MAC address or a random number when such is not
15 available")
17 (defvar *ticks-per-count* 1024
18  "Holds the amount of ticks per count. The ticks per count determine
19 the number of possible version 1 uuids created for one time
20 interval. Common Lisp provides INTERNAL-TIME-UNITS-PER-SECOND which
21 gives the ticks per count for the current system so *ticks-per-count*
24 (defparameter *uuid-random-state* nil
25  "Holds the random state used for generation of random numbers")
27 (defclass uuid ()
28  ((time-low :initarg :time-low
29  :type (unsigned-byte 32)
30  :accessor time-low
31  :initform 0)
32  (time-mid :initarg :time-mid
33  :type (unsigned-byte 16)
34  :accessor time-mid
35  :initform 0)
36  (time-high-and-version :initarg :time-high
37  :type (unsigned-byte 16)
38  :accessor time-high
39  :initform 0)
40  (clock-seq-and-reserved :initarg :clock-seq-var
41  :type (unsigned-byte 8)
42  :accessor clock-seq-var
43  :initform 0)
44  (clock-seq-low :initarg :clock-seq-low
45  :type (unsigned-byte 8)
46  :accessor clock-seq-low
47  :initform 0)
48  (node :initarg :node
49  :type (unsigned-byte 48)
50  :accessor node
51  :initform 0))
52  (:documentation "Represents an uuid"))
54 (defun make-uuid-from-string (string)
55  "Creates an uuid from the string represenation of an uuid. (example input string 6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8)"
56  (unless (= (length string) 36)
57  (error "~@<Could not parse ~S as UUID: string representation ~
58 has invalid length (~D). A valid UUID string representation has 36 ~
59 characters.~@:>" string (length string)))
60  (unless (and (eq (aref string 8) #\-)
61  (eq (aref string 13) #\-)
62  (eq (aref string 18) #\-)
63  (eq (aref string 23) #\-))
64  (error "~@<Could not parse ~S as UUID: positions 8, ~
65 13, 18, 21 and 23 have to contain ~C (~A) characters.~@:>"
66  string #\- (char-name #\-)))
67  (labels ((parse-block (string start end)
68  (parse-integer string :start start :end end :radix 16)))
69  (make-instance 'uuid
70  :time-low (parse-block string 0 8)
71  :time-mid (parse-block string 9 13)
72  :time-high (parse-block string 14 18)
73  :clock-seq-var (parse-block string 19 21)
74  :clock-seq-low (parse-block string 21 23)
75  :node (parse-block string 24 36))))
77 (defparameter +namespace-dns+ (make-uuid-from-string "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
78  "The DNS Namespace. Can be used for the generation of uuids version 3 and 5")
79 (defparameter +namespace-url+ (make-uuid-from-string "6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
80  "The URL Namespace. Can be used for the generation of uuids version 3 and 5")
81 (defparameter +namespace-oid+ (make-uuid-from-string "6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
82  "The OID Namespace. Can be used for the generation of uuids version 3 and 5")
83 (defparameter +namespace-x500+ (make-uuid-from-string "6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8")
84  "The x500+ Namespace. Can be used for the generation of uuids version 3 and 5")
86 (defun get-node-id ()
87  "Get MAC address of first ethernet device"
88  (let ((node
89  #+linux
90  (let ((interface (first (remove "lo"
91  (mapcan (lambda (x) (last (pathname-directory x)))
92  (directory "/sys/class/net/*/address"))
93  :test #'equal))))
94  (when (not (null interface))
95  (with-open-file (address (make-pathname :directory
96  `(:absolute "sys" "class" "net" ,interface)
97  :name "address"))
98  (parse-integer (remove #\: (read-line address)) :radix 16))))))
99  (unless node
100  (unless *uuid-random-state*
101  (setf *uuid-random-state* (make-random-state t)))
102  (setf node (dpb #b01 (byte 8 0) (random #xffffffffffff *uuid-random-state*))))
103  node))
105 (let ((uuids-this-tick 0)
106  (last-time 0))
107  (defun get-timestamp ()
108  "Get timestamp, compensate nanoseconds intervals"
109  (tagbody
110  restart
111  (let ((time-now (+ (* (get-universal-time) 10000000) 100103040000000000)))
112  ;10010304000 is time between 1582-10-15 and 1900-01-01 in seconds
113  (cond ((not (= last-time time-now))
114  (setf uuids-this-tick 0
115  last-time time-now)
116  (return-from get-timestamp time-now))
117  (T
118  (cond ((< uuids-this-tick *ticks-per-count*)
119  (incf uuids-this-tick)
120  (return-from get-timestamp (+ time-now uuids-this-tick)))
121  (T
122  (sleep 0.0001)
123  (go restart)))))))))
125 (defun format-v3or5-uuid (hash ver)
126  "Helper function to format a version 3 or 5 uuid. Formatting means setting the appropriate version bytes."
127  (check-type ver (or (eql 3) (eql 5)) "either 3 or 5.")
129  (let ((result (octet-vector-to-uuid (subseq hash 0 16))))
130  (setf (time-high result) (dpb (ecase ver
131  (3 #b0011)
132  (5 #b0101))
133  (byte 4 12)
134  (logior (ash (aref hash 6) 8)
135  (aref hash 7)))
136  (clock-seq-var result) (dpb #b10 (byte 2 6) (aref hash 8)))
137  result))
139 (defmethod print-object ((id uuid) stream)
140  "Prints an uuid in the string represenation of an uuid. (example string 6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8)"
141  (format stream "~8,'0X-~4,'0X-~4,'0X-~2,'0X~2,'0X-~12,'0X"
142  (time-low id)
143  (time-mid id)
144  (time-high id)
145  (clock-seq-var id)
146  (clock-seq-low id)
147  (node id)))
149 (defun print-bytes (stream uuid)
150  "Prints the raw bytes in hex form. (example output 6ba7b8109dad11d180b400c04fd430c8)"
151  (format stream "~8,'0X~4,'0X~4,'0X~2,'0X~2,'0X~12,'0X"
152  (time-low uuid)
153  (time-mid uuid)
154  (time-high uuid)
155  (clock-seq-var uuid)
156  (clock-seq-low uuid)
157  (node uuid)))
159 (defun format-as-urn (stream uuid)
160  "Prints the uuid as a urn"
161  (format stream "urn:uuid:~(~A~)" uuid))
163 (defun make-null-uuid ()
164  "Generates a NULL uuid (i.e 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)"
165  (make-instance 'uuid))
167 (defun make-v1-uuid ()
168  "Generates a version 1 (time-based) uuid."
169  (unless *uuid-random-state*
170  (setf *uuid-random-state* (make-random-state t)))
171  (let ((timestamp (get-timestamp)))
172  (when (zerop *clock-seq*)
173  (setf *clock-seq* (random 10000 *uuid-random-state*)))
174  (unless *node*
175  (setf *node* (get-node-id)))
176  (make-instance 'uuid
177  :time-low (ldb (byte 32 0) timestamp)
178  :time-mid (ldb (byte 16 32) timestamp)
179  :time-high (dpb #b0001 (byte 4 12) (ldb (byte 12 48) timestamp))
180  :clock-seq-var (dpb #b10 (byte 2 6) (ldb (byte 6 8) *clock-seq*))
181  :clock-seq-low (ldb (byte 8 0) *clock-seq*)
182  :node *node*)))
184 (defun make-v3-uuid (namespace name)
185  "Generates a version 3 (named based MD5) uuid."
186  (format-v3or5-uuid
187  (digest-uuid :md5 (uuid-to-octet-vector namespace) name)
188  3))
190 (defun make-v4-uuid ()
191  "Generates a version 4 (random) uuid"
192  (unless *uuid-random-state*
193  (setf *uuid-random-state* (make-random-state t)))
194  (make-instance 'uuid
195  :time-low (random #xffffffff *uuid-random-state*)
196  :time-mid (random #xffff *uuid-random-state*)
197  :time-high (dpb #b0100 (byte 4 12) (ldb (byte 12 0) (random #xffff *uuid-random-state*)))
198  :clock-seq-var (dpb #b10 (byte 2 6) (ldb (byte 8 0) (random #xff *uuid-random-state*)))
199  :clock-seq-low (random #xff *uuid-random-state*)
200  :node (random #xffffffffffff *uuid-random-state*)))
202 (defun make-v5-uuid (namespace name)
203  "Generates a version 5 (name based SHA1) uuid."
204  (format-v3or5-uuid
205  (digest-uuid :sha1 (uuid-to-octet-vector namespace) name)
206  5))
208 (defun uuid= (uuid1 uuid2)
209  (or (eq uuid1 uuid2)
210  (and (= (time-low uuid1) (time-low uuid2))
211  (= (time-mid uuid1) (time-mid uuid2))
212  (= (time-high uuid1) (time-high uuid2))
213  (= (clock-seq-var uuid1) (clock-seq-var uuid2))
214  (= (clock-seq-low uuid1) (clock-seq-low uuid2))
215  (= (node uuid1)(node uuid2)))))
217 (defun uuid-to-octet-vector (uuid)
218  "Converts an uuid to byte-array"
219  (let ((array (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
220  (with-slots (time-low time-mid time-high-and-version clock-seq-and-reserved clock-seq-low node)
221  uuid
222  (loop for i from 3 downto 0
223  do (setf (aref array (- 3 i)) (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 i)) time-low)))
224  (loop for i from 5 downto 4
225  do (setf (aref array i) (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 (- 5 i))) time-mid)))
226  (loop for i from 7 downto 6
227  do (setf (aref array i) (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 (- 7 i))) time-high-and-version)))
228  (setf (aref array 8) (ldb (byte 8 0) clock-seq-and-reserved))
229  (setf (aref array 9) (ldb (byte 8 0) clock-seq-low))
230  (loop for i from 15 downto 10
231  do (setf (aref array i) (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 (- 15 i))) node)))
232  array)))
234 (defmacro arr-to-bytes (from to array)
235  "Helper macro used in byte-array-to-uuid."
236  `(loop for i from ,from to ,to
237  with res = 0
238  do (setf (ldb (byte 8 (* 8 (- ,to i))) res) (aref ,array i))
239  finally (return res)))
241 (defun octet-vector-to-uuid (array)
242  "Converts a byte-array generated with uuid-to-byte-array to an uuid."
243  (check-type array
244  (array (unsigned-byte 8) (16))
245  "Provided value is not an one-dimensional array with 16 elements of type (unsigned-byte 8)")
246  (make-instance 'uuid
247  :time-low (arr-to-bytes 0 3 array)
248  :time-mid (arr-to-bytes 4 5 array)
249  :time-high (arr-to-bytes 6 7 array)
250  :clock-seq-var (aref array 8)
251  :clock-seq-low (aref array 9)
252  :node (arr-to-bytes 10 15 array)))
254 (defun digest-uuid (digest uuid name)
255  "Helper function that produces a digest from a namespace (a byte array) and a string. Used for the
256 generation of version 3 and 5 uuids."
257  (declare (ignorable digest uuid name))
258  #+ironclad
259  (let ((digester (ironclad:make-digest digest)))
260  (ironclad:update-digest digester uuid)
261  (ironclad:update-digest digester (trivial-utf-8:string-to-utf-8-bytes name))
262  (ironclad:produce-digest digester)))