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Mercurial > core / lisp/lib/organ/element/headline.lisp

changeset 698: 96958d3eb5b0
parent: f6a340b92274
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 22:04:59 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: fixes
1 ;;; lib/organ/element/headline.lisp --- Org Headline
3 ;; Headlines
5 ;;; Code:
7 (in-package :organ)
9 (define-org-element todo-keyword
10  ((todo-type :accessor todo-keyword-type :initarg :type :initform "" :type string)))
12 (define-org-parser (todo-keyword :from string)
13  (when-let ((kw (org-todo-keyword-p input)))
14  (org-create :todo-keyword :type kw)))
16 (define-org-element priority
17  ((level :accessor org-priority-level :initarg :level :type character)))
19 (define-org-parser (priority :from string)
20  (with-lexer-environment (input)
21  (when (and (char= #\[ (peek))
22  (consume)
23  (char= #\# (peek))
24  (consume)
25  (not (char= #\] (peek))))
26  (when-let ((c (consume)))
27  (when (and (characterp (peek))
28  (char= #\] (peek))) ;; kludge
29  (org-create :priority :level c))))))
31 (defun org-parse-todo-keyword-and-priority (input)
32  "Parse INPUT returning the following values:
35  (let (kw prio rest)
36  (multiple-value-bind (match subs)
37  ;; scan for todo-keyword
38  (scan-to-strings org-todo-keyword-rx input)
39  (if match
40  (let ((k (aref subs 0)))
41  (if-let ((%kw (org-parse :todo-keyword k)))
42  (let* ((next (aref subs 1))
43  (prio? (org-parse :priority next)))
44  (setq kw %kw
45  prio prio?
46  rest (if prio? (trim (subseq next 4)) next)))
47  (setq rest (trim match))))
48  ;; no kw found
49  (let* ((next (trim input))
50  (prio? (org-parse :priority next)))
51  (setq kw nil ;; kw always comes before priority.
52  prio (org-parse :priority next)
53  rest (if prio? (subseq next 4) next)))))
54  (values kw prio rest)))
56 (define-org-element tag
57  ((name :initform "" :initarg :name :type string)))
59 (define-org-parser (tag :from string)
60  (org-create type :name input))
62 ;;; Headline
63 ;; when level=0, headline is uninitialized
64 (define-org-element headline
65  ((stars :initarg :stars :accessor hl-stars :initform 0)
66  (keyword :initarg :kw :accessor hl-kw :initform nil)
67  (priority :initarg :priority :accessor hl-priority :initform nil)
68  (title :initarg :title :accessor hl-title :initform "")
69  (tags :initarg :tags :accessor hl-tags :initform nil))
70  :documentation "Org Headline object without connection to other
71  elements. This is a deviation from the org-element specification in
72  the name of utility. Properties, Logbook, and Body objects are
73  defined separately too, so a complete Heading object can be
74  summarized as a list of at most four elements: The headline,
75  properties, logbook and body.")
77 (defmethod org-parse ((type (eql :headline)) (input string))
78  (let ((res (org-create type)))
79  (with-input-from-string (s input)
80  ;; first we parse 'just' the headline
81  (when (peek-char #\* s)
82  (let ((line (read-line s)))
83  (multiple-value-bind (start _ reg-start reg-end)
84  ;; scan for headline
85  (cl-ppcre:scan org-headline-rx line)
86  (declare (ignore _))
87  (when start
88  (loop for rs across reg-start
89  for re across reg-end
90  for i from 0
91  do
92  (if (= i 0)
93  (setf (hl-stars res) (- re rs))
94  (multiple-value-bind (kw prio title)
95  (org-parse-todo-keyword-and-priority (subseq line rs))
96  (setf (hl-kw res) kw
97  (hl-priority res) prio
98  (hl-title res) title))))))
99  ;; scan for tags, modifies title slot
100  (let ((tag-str (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings org-tag-rx (hl-title res))))
101  (when tag-str
102  (setf (hl-tags res) (apply #'vector (mapcar (lambda (x) (org-create :tag :name x)) (org-tag-split tag-str)))
103  ;; Q 2023-12-27: should we preserve whitespace here?
104  (hl-title res) (string-right-trim
105  *whitespaces*
106  (subseq (hl-title res) 0 (- (length (hl-title res)) 1 (length tag-str)))))))))
107  ;; TODO 2023-07-24: cookies,priority,comment,footnote,archive
108  res)))