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Mercurial > demo / examples/db/mini-redis.lisp

changeset 38: 8259376eee11
parent: c6d0a37a046a
child: 1ef551e24009
author: ellis <>
date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:45:44 -0500
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: examples
1 ;;; examples/db/mini-redis.lisp --- Mini-Redis client/server
3 ;; based on
5 ;; if the heap gets exhausted you probably want to trying increasing
6 ;; the dynamic-space-size at runtime.
8 ;;; Code:
9 (defpackage :examples/mini-redis
10  (:use :cl :std :net :obj :cli :sb-concurrency :sb-thread)
11  (:export :main))
13 (in-package :examples/mini-redis)
15 (defparameter *worker-count* 4)
16 (defparameter *writer-proportion* 0.5)
17 (defvar *keys*
18  (loop for n below 130 by 2
19  collect (format nil "~r" n)))
20 (defvar *other-keys*
21  (loop for n from 1 below 128 by 2
22  collect (format nil "~r" n)))
23 (defvar *ops* 400000)
25 (defun make-server ()
26  (make-castable :test #'equal))
28 (defstruct conn tx rx)
30 (defun connect-to-server (server)
31  (let ((tx (make-mailbox))
32  (rx (make-mailbox)))
33  (make-thread
34  (lambda ()
35  (let ((msg (receive-message tx)))
36  (loop do
37  (case (car msg)
38  (:quit (return))
39  (:get
40  (multiple-value-bind (val p)
41  (getchash (cdr msg) server)
42  (if p
43  (send-message rx `(:found ,val))
44  (send-message rx `(:not-found)))))
45  (:put
46  (setf (getchash (cadr msg) server)
47  (copy-seq (caddr msg)))
48  (send-message rx '(:ok)))
49  (t (return))))))
50  :name "mini-redis-conn")
51  (make-conn :tx tx :rx rx)))
53 (defun find-val (conn name)
54  (send-message
55  (conn-tx conn)
56  `(:get ,name))
57  (let ((rx (receive-message (conn-rx conn))))
58  (case (car rx)
59  (:found
60  (values (cdr rx) t))
61  (:not-found
62  (values nil nil)))))
64 (defun (setf find-val) (val conn name)
65  (send-message
66  (conn-tx conn)
67  `(:put ,name ,val))
68  (receive-message
69  (conn-rx conn)))
71 (defun close-conn (conn)
72  (send-message
73  (conn-tx conn)
74  `(:quit)))
76 (defun worker (n server
77  ready start
78  writer-proportion names)
79  (declare (optimize (speed 3))
80  (single-float writer-proportion))
81  (let ((name (elt names n))
82  (bitmap (make-array 100
83  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
84  :initial-element 0))
85  (conn (connect-to-server server)))
86  (dotimes (i 100)
87  (setf (aref bitmap i)
88  (if (< (random 1.0) writer-proportion)
89  1
90  0)))
91  (signal-semaphore ready)
92  (wait-on-semaphore start)
93  (let ((position 0))
94  (dotimes (o (the fixnum *ops*))
95  (if (zerop (aref bitmap position))
96  (find-val conn name)
97  (setf (find-val conn name)
98  #(1)))
99  (setf position (mod (1+ position) 100))))
100  (close-conn conn)))
102 (defun run (&optional (worker-count *worker-count*)
103  (writer-proportion *writer-proportion*)
104  (keys *keys*))
105  (let* ((ready (make-semaphore :name "ready-threads"))
106  (start (make-semaphore :name "start-threads"))
107  (server (make-server))
108  (workers (loop for n below worker-count
109  collect (let ((n n))
110  (make-thread
111  (lambda ()
112  (worker n server
113  ready start
114  writer-proportion
115  keys)))))))
116  (dotimes (n worker-count)
117  (wait-on-semaphore ready))
118  (let ((start-time (get-internal-real-time)))
119  (signal-semaphore start worker-count)
120  (mapc #'join-thread workers)
121  (let* ((time (float (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) start-time)
122  internal-time-units-per-second)))
123  (throughput (/ (* *ops* worker-count) time)))
124  (format t "~&~20@a: ~$ seconds (~d transactions/second)"
125  "mini-redis" time (round throughput))))
126  server))
128 (defmain ()
129  (run))