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changeset 0: 87b04952fb18
child: 04e86b94ef1a
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 19:51:45 -0400
permissions: -rw-r--r--
description: init
1 * DRAFT dylib-skel-1
2 - State "DRAFT" from [2023-11-05 Sun 22:23]
3 ** Overview
4 Our core languages are [[][Rust]] and [[][Lisp]] - this is the killer combo which will allow NAS-T
5 to rapidly develop high-quality software. As such, it's crucial that these two very
6 different languages (i.e. compilers) are able to interoperate seamlessly.
8 Some interop methods are easy to accomodate via the OS - such as IPC or data sharing,
9 but others are a bit more difficult.
11 In this 2-part series we'll build a FFI bridge between Rust and Lisp, which is something
12 that /can/ be difficult, due to some complications with Rust and because this is not the
13 most popular software stack (yet ;). This is an experiment and may not make it to our
14 code-base, but it's definitely something worth adding to the toolbox in case we need it.
16 ** FFI
17 The level of interop we're after in this case is [[][FFI]].
19 Basically, calling Rust code from Lisp and vice-versa. There's an article about calling
20 Rust from Common Lisp [[][here]] which shows the basics and serves as a great starting point
21 for those interested.
22 *** Rust != C
23 The complication(s) with Rust I mentioned early is really just that /it is not C/. =C=
24 is old, i.e. well-supported with a stable ABI, making the process of creating bindings
25 for a C library a breeze in many languages.
27 For a Rust library we need to first appease the compiler, as explained in [[][this section]]
28 of the Rustonomicon. Among other things it involves changing the calling-convention of
29 functions with a type signature and editing the Cargo.toml file to produce a
30 C-compatible ABI binary. The Rust default ABI is unstable and can't reliably be used
31 like the C ABI can.
33 *** Overhead
34 Using FFI involves some overhead. Check [[][here]] for an example benchmark across a few
35 languages. While building the NAS-T core, I'm very much aware of this, and will need a
36 few sanity benchmarks to make sure the cost doesn't outweigh the benefit. In particular,
37 I'm concerned about crossing multiple language barriers (Rust<->C<->Lisp).
39 ** Rust -> C -> Lisp
40 *** Setup
41 For starters, I'm going to assume we all have Rust (via =rustup=) and Lisp (=sbcl= only)
42 installed on our GNU/Linux system (some tweaks needed for Darwin/Windows, not covered in
43 this post).
44 **** Cargo
45 Create a new library crate. For this example we're focusing on a 'skeleton' for
46 /dynamic/ libraries only, so our experiment will be called =dylib-skel= or *dysk* for
47 short.
48 src_sh[:exports code]{cargo init dysk --lib && cd dysk}
50 A =src/ will be generated for you. Go ahead and delete that. We're going to be
51 making our own file directly in the root directory (just to be cool).
53 The next step is to edit your =Cargo.toml= file. Add these lines after the =[package]=
54 section and before =[dependencies]=:
55 #+begin_src conf-toml
56 [lib]
57 crate-type = ["cdylib","rlib"]
58 path = ""
59 [[bin]]
60 name="dysk-test"
61 path=""
62 #+end_src
64 This tells Rust to generate a shared C-compatible object with a extension which we
65 can open using [[][dlopen]].
66 **** cbindgen
67 ***** install
68 Next, we want the =cbindgen= program which we'll use to generate header files for
69 C/C++. This step isn't necessary at all, we just want it for further experimentation.
71 src_sh[:exports code]{cargo install --force cbindgen}
73 We append the =cbindgen= crate as a /build dependency/ to our =Cargo.toml= like so:
74 #+begin_src conf-toml
75 [build-dependencies]
76 cbindgen = "0.24"
77 #+end_src
78 ***** cbindgen.toml
79 #+begin_src conf-toml :tangle cbindgen.toml
80 language = "C"
81 autogen_warning = "/* Warning, this file is autogenerated by cbindgen. Don't modify this manually. */"
82 include_version = true
83 namespace = "dysk"
84 cpp_compat = true
85 after_includes = "#define DYSK_VERSION \"0.1.0\""
86 line_length = 88
87 tab_width = 2
88 documentation = true
89 documentation_style = "c99"
90 usize_is_size_t = true
91 [cython]
92 header = '"dysk.h"'
93 #+end_src
94 *****
95 #+begin_src rust :tangle
96 fn main() -> Result<(), cbindgen::Error> {
97  if let Ok(b) = cbindgen::generate(std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()) {
98  b.write_to_file("dysk.h"); Ok(())}
99  else { panic!("failed to generate dysk.h from cbindgen.toml") } }
100 #+end_src
101 ***
102 #+begin_src rust :tangle
103 //! --- dysk library
104 use std::ffi::{c_char, c_int, CString};
105 #[no_mangle]
106 pub extern "C" fn dysk_hello() -> *const c_char {
107  CString::new("hello from rust").unwrap().into_raw()}
108 #[no_mangle]
109 pub extern "C" fn dysk_plus(a:c_int,b:c_int) -> c_int {a+b}
110 #[no_mangle]
111 pub extern "C" fn dysk_plus1(n:c_int) -> c_int {n+1}
112 #+end_src
113 ***
114 #+begin_src rust :tangle
115 //! --- dysk test
116 fn main() { let mut i = 0u32; while i < 500000000 {i+=1; dysk::dysk_plus1(2 as core::ffi::c_int);}}
117 #+end_src
118 *** compile
119 #+begin_src sh
120 cargo build --release
121 #+end_src
122 *** load from SBCL
123 #+begin_src lisp :tangle dysk.lisp
124 (load-shared-object #P"target/release/")
125 (define-alien-routine dysk-hello c-string)
126 (define-alien-routine dysk-plus int (a int) (b int))
127 (define-alien-routine dysk-plus1 int (n int))
128 (dysk-hello) ;; => "hello from rust"
129 #+end_src
130 *** benchmark
131 #+begin_src shell
132 time target/release/dysk-test
133 #+end_src
134 #+begin_src lisp :tangle test.lisp
135 (time (dotimes (_ 500000000) (dysk-plus1 2)))
136 #+end_src