# CL-PPCRE - Portable Perl-compatible regular expressions for Common Lisp ## Abstract CL-PPCRE is a portable regular expression library for Common Lisp which has the following features: * It is **compatible with Perl** (especially when used in conjunction with [cl-interpol](http://weitz.de/cl-interpol/), to allow compatible parsing of regexp strings). * It is pretty **fast**. * It is **portable** between ANSI-compliant Common Lisp implementations. * It is **thread-safe**. * In addition to specifying regular expressions as strings like in Perl you can also use **S-expressions**. * It comes with a **[BSD-style license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)** so you can basically do with it whatever you want. CL-PPCRE has been used successfully in various applications like [BioBike](http://nostoc.stanford.edu/Docs/), [clutu](http://clutu.com/), [LoGS](http://www.hpc.unm.edu/~download/LoGS/), [CafeSpot](http://cafespot.net/), [Eboy](http://www.eboy.com/), or [The Regex Coach](http://weitz.de/regex-coach/). Further documentation can be found in `docs/index.html`, or on [the cl-ppcre homepage](https://edicl.github.io/cl-ppcre/).