/* Android window system support. Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Emacs. GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . */ #ifndef _ANDROID_GUI_H_ #define _ANDROID_GUI_H_ struct android_char_struct { int rbearing; int lbearing; int width; int ascent; int descent; }; typedef struct android_char_struct XCharStruct; typedef unsigned short android_handle; typedef android_handle android_pixmap, Emacs_Pixmap; typedef android_handle android_window, Emacs_Window; typedef android_handle android_gcontext, GContext; typedef android_handle android_drawable, Drawable; typedef android_handle android_cursor, Emacs_Cursor; typedef unsigned int android_time; struct android_rectangle { int x, y; unsigned width, height; }; struct android_point { int x, y; }; /* Keep this in sync with EmacsGC.java! */ enum android_gc_function { ANDROID_GC_COPY = 0, ANDROID_GC_XOR = 1, }; enum android_gc_value_mask { ANDROID_GC_FOREGROUND = (1 << 0), ANDROID_GC_BACKGROUND = (1 << 1), ANDROID_GC_FUNCTION = (1 << 2), ANDROID_GC_CLIP_X_ORIGIN = (1 << 3), ANDROID_GC_CLIP_Y_ORIGIN = (1 << 4), ANDROID_GC_CLIP_MASK = (1 << 5), ANDROID_GC_STIPPLE = (1 << 6), ANDROID_GC_FILL_STYLE = (1 << 7), ANDROID_GC_TILE_STIP_X_ORIGIN = (1 << 8), ANDROID_GC_TILE_STIP_Y_ORIGIN = (1 << 9), }; enum android_fill_style { ANDROID_FILL_SOLID = 0, ANDROID_FILL_OPAQUE_STIPPLED = 1, }; enum android_window_value_mask { ANDROID_CW_BACK_PIXEL = (1 << 1), ANDROID_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT = (1 << 2), }; struct android_set_window_attributes { /* The background pixel. */ unsigned long background_pixel; /* Whether or not the window is override redirect. This cannot be set after creation on Android. */ bool override_redirect; }; struct android_gc_values { /* The foreground and background. */ unsigned long foreground, background; /* The function. */ enum android_gc_function function; /* The fill style. */ enum android_fill_style fill_style; /* The clip X and Y origin. */ int clip_x_origin, clip_y_origin; /* The clip mask image and stipple. */ android_pixmap clip_mask, stipple; /* The tile-stipple X and Y origins. */ int ts_x_origin, ts_y_origin; }; /* X-like graphics context structure. This is implemented in EmacsGC.java, but a copy is kept here to avoid sending changes all the time. */ struct android_gc { /* Array of clip rectangles. */ struct android_rectangle *clip_rects; /* Number of clip rectangles. When -1, it means clipping should not be applied. */ int num_clip_rects; /* The Java-side handle. */ android_gcontext gcontext; /* Current foreground color. */ unsigned long foreground; /* Current background color. */ unsigned long background; /* The function. */ enum android_gc_function function; /* The fill style. */ enum android_fill_style fill_style; /* The clip X and Y origin. */ int clip_x_origin, clip_y_origin; /* The clip mask image and stipple. */ android_pixmap clip_mask, stipple; /* The tile-stipple X and Y origins. */ int ts_x_origin, ts_y_origin; }; enum android_swap_action { ANDROID_COPIED, }; enum android_shape { ANDROID_CONVEX, }; enum android_coord_mode { ANDROID_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, }; struct android_swap_info { /* The window to swap. */ android_window swap_window; /* Unused field present only for consistency with X. */ enum android_swap_action swap_action; }; #define NativeRectangle Emacs_Rectangle #define CONVERT_TO_NATIVE_RECT(xr, nr) ((xr) = (nr)) #define CONVERT_FROM_EMACS_RECT(xr, nr) ((nr) = (xr)) #define STORE_NATIVE_RECT(nr, rx, ry, rwidth, rheight) \ ((nr).x = (rx), (nr).y = (ry), \ (nr).width = (rwidth), (nr).height = (rheight)) \ #define ForgetGravity 0 #define NorthWestGravity 1 #define NorthGravity 2 #define NorthEastGravity 3 #define WestGravity 4 #define CenterGravity 5 #define EastGravity 6 #define SouthWestGravity 7 #define SouthGravity 8 #define SouthEastGravity 9 #define StaticGravity 10 #define NoValue 0x0000 #define XValue 0x0001 #define YValue 0x0002 #define WidthValue 0x0004 #define HeightValue 0x0008 #define AllValues 0x000F #define XNegative 0x0010 #define YNegative 0x0020 #define USPosition (1L << 0) /* user specified x, y */ #define USSize (1L << 1) /* user specified width, height */ #define PPosition (1L << 2) /* program specified position */ #define PSize (1L << 3) /* program specified size */ #define PMinSize (1L << 4) /* program specified minimum size */ #define PMaxSize (1L << 5) /* program specified maximum size */ #define PResizeInc (1L << 6) /* program specified resize increments */ #define PAspect (1L << 7) /* program specified min, max aspect ratios */ #define PBaseSize (1L << 8) /* program specified base for incrementing */ #define PWinGravity (1L << 9) /* program specified window gravity */ #ifndef ANDROID_STUBIFY /* Universal NULL handle. */ static const int ANDROID_NONE, ANDROID_NO_SYMBOL; /* Keep these as conceptually close to X as possible: that makes synchronizing code between the ports much easier. */ enum android_event_type { ANDROID_KEY_PRESS, ANDROID_KEY_RELEASE, ANDROID_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY, ANDROID_FOCUS_IN, ANDROID_FOCUS_OUT, ANDROID_WINDOW_ACTION, ANDROID_ENTER_NOTIFY, ANDROID_LEAVE_NOTIFY, ANDROID_MOTION_NOTIFY, ANDROID_BUTTON_PRESS, ANDROID_BUTTON_RELEASE, ANDROID_TOUCH_DOWN, ANDROID_TOUCH_UP, ANDROID_TOUCH_MOVE, ANDROID_WHEEL, ANDROID_ICONIFIED, ANDROID_DEICONIFIED, ANDROID_CONTEXT_MENU, ANDROID_EXPOSE, ANDROID_INPUT_METHOD, }; struct android_any_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; android_window window; }; enum android_modifier_mask { ANDROID_SHIFT_MASK = 193, ANDROID_CONTROL_MASK = 4096, ANDROID_ALT_MASK = 2, ANDROID_SUPER_MASK = 4, ANDROID_META_MASK = 65536, }; struct android_key_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; android_window window; android_time time; unsigned int state; unsigned int keycode; /* If this field is -1, then android_lookup_string should be called to retrieve the associated individual characters. */ unsigned int unicode_char; /* If this field is non-zero, a text conversion barrier should be generated with its value as the counter. */ unsigned long counter; }; typedef struct android_key_event android_key_pressed_event; /* These hard coded values are Android modifier keycodes derived through experimentation. */ #define ANDROID_IS_MODIFIER_KEY(key) \ ((key) == 57 || (key) == 58 || (key) == 113 || (key) == 114 \ || (key) == 119 || (key) == 117 || (key) == 118 || (key) == 78 \ || (key) == 94 || (key) == 59 || (key) == 60 || (key) == 95 \ || (key) == 63 || (key) == 115) struct android_configure_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; android_window window; android_time time; int x, y; int width, height; }; struct android_focus_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; android_window window; android_time time; }; struct android_window_action_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; /* The window handle. This can be ANDROID_NONE. */ android_window window; /* Numerical identifier for this action. If 0 and WINDOW is set, then it means the frame associated with that window has been destroyed. Otherwise, it means Emacs should create a new frame. */ unsigned int action; }; struct android_crossing_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; android_window window; int x, y; unsigned long time; }; struct android_motion_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; android_window window; int x, y; unsigned long time; }; struct android_button_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; android_window window; int x, y; unsigned long time; unsigned int state; unsigned int button; }; struct android_expose_event { enum android_event_type type; unsigned long serial; android_window window; int x, y; int width, height; }; enum android_touch_event_flags { /* This touch sequence has been intercepted by the WM (probably for back gesture navigation or some such.) */ ANDROID_TOUCH_SEQUENCE_CANCELED = 1, }; struct android_touch_event { /* Type of the event. */ enum android_event_type type; /* Serial identifying the event. */ unsigned long serial; /* Window associated with the event. */ android_window window; /* X and Y coordinates of the event. */ int x, y; /* Time of the event, and the pointer identifier. */ unsigned long time; /* Index of the pointer being tracked. */ unsigned int pointer_id; /* Flags associated with this event. */ int flags; }; struct android_wheel_event { /* Type of the event. */ enum android_event_type type; /* Serial identifying the event. */ unsigned long serial; /* Window associated with the event. */ android_window window; /* X and Y coordinates of the event. */ int x, y; /* Time of the event, and the pointer identifier. */ unsigned long time; /* Modifier state at the time of the event. */ int state; /* Motion alongside the X and Y axes. */ double x_delta, y_delta; }; struct android_iconify_event { /* Type of the event. */ enum android_event_type type; /* Serial identifying the event. */ unsigned long serial; /* Window associated with the event. */ android_window window; }; struct android_menu_event { /* Type of the event. */ enum android_event_type type; /* Serial identifying the event. */ unsigned long serial; /* Window associated with the event. Always None. */ android_window window; /* Menu event ID. */ int menu_event_id; /* Menu event serial; this counter identifies the context menu. */ int menu_event_serial; }; enum android_ime_operation { ANDROID_IME_COMMIT_TEXT, ANDROID_IME_DELETE_SURROUNDING_TEXT, ANDROID_IME_FINISH_COMPOSING_TEXT, ANDROID_IME_SET_COMPOSING_TEXT, ANDROID_IME_SET_COMPOSING_REGION, ANDROID_IME_SET_POINT, ANDROID_IME_START_BATCH_EDIT, ANDROID_IME_END_BATCH_EDIT, ANDROID_IME_REQUEST_SELECTION_UPDATE, ANDROID_IME_REQUEST_CURSOR_UPDATES, }; enum { ANDROID_CURSOR_UPDATE_IMMEDIATE = 1, ANDROID_CURSOR_UPDATE_MONITOR = (1 << 1), }; struct android_ime_event { /* Type of the event. */ enum android_event_type type; /* The event serial. */ unsigned long serial; /* The associated window. */ android_window window; /* What operation is being performed. */ enum android_ime_operation operation; /* The details of the operation. START and END provide buffer indices, and may actually mean ``left'' and ``right''. */ ptrdiff_t start, end, position; /* The number of characters in TEXT. If OPERATION is ANDROID_IME_REQUEST_CURSOR_UPDATES, then this is actually the cursor update mode associated with that operation. */ size_t length; /* TEXT is either NULL, or a pointer to LENGTH bytes of malloced UTF-16 encoded text that must be decoded by Emacs. POSITION is where point should end up after the text is committed, relative to TEXT. If POSITION is less than 0, it is relative to TEXT's start; otherwise, it is relative to its end. */ unsigned short *text; /* Value to set the counter to after the operation completes. */ unsigned long counter; }; union android_event { enum android_event_type type; struct android_any_event xany; struct android_key_event xkey; struct android_configure_event xconfigure; struct android_focus_event xfocus; struct android_window_action_event xaction; struct android_crossing_event xcrossing; struct android_motion_event xmotion; struct android_button_event xbutton; struct android_expose_event xexpose; /* This has no parallel in X, since the X model of having monotonically increasing touch IDs can't work on Android. */ struct android_touch_event touch; /* This has no parallel in X outside the X Input Extension, and emulating the input extension interface would be awfully complicated. */ struct android_wheel_event wheel; /* This has no parallel in X because Android doesn't have window properties. */ struct android_iconify_event iconified; /* This is only used to transmit selected menu items. */ struct android_menu_event menu; /* This is used to dispatch input method editing requests. */ struct android_ime_event ime; }; enum { ANDROID_CURRENT_TIME = 0L, }; enum android_lookup_status { ANDROID_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, ANDROID_LOOKUP_NONE, ANDROID_LOOKUP_CHARS, ANDROID_LOOKUP_KEYSYM, ANDROID_LOOKUP_BOTH, }; enum android_ic_mode { ANDROID_IC_MODE_NULL = 0, ANDROID_IC_MODE_ACTION = 1, ANDROID_IC_MODE_TEXT = 2, }; extern int android_pending (void); extern void android_next_event (union android_event *); extern bool android_check_if_event (union android_event *, bool (*) (union android_event *, void *), void *); extern android_window android_create_window (android_window, int, int, int, int, enum android_window_value_mask, struct android_set_window_attributes *); extern void android_change_window_attributes (android_window, enum android_window_value_mask, struct android_set_window_attributes *); extern void android_set_window_background (android_window, unsigned long); extern void android_destroy_window (android_window); extern void android_reparent_window (android_window, android_window, int, int); extern void android_set_clip_rectangles (struct android_gc *, int, int, struct android_rectangle *, int); extern void android_change_gc (struct android_gc *, enum android_gc_value_mask, struct android_gc_values *); extern void android_clear_window (android_window); extern void android_map_window (android_window); extern void android_unmap_window (android_window); extern void android_resize_window (android_window, unsigned int, unsigned int); extern void android_move_window (android_window, int, int); extern void android_swap_buffers (struct android_swap_info *, int); extern void android_get_gc_values (struct android_gc *, enum android_gc_value_mask, struct android_gc_values *); extern void android_set_foreground (struct android_gc *, unsigned long); extern void android_fill_rectangle (android_drawable, struct android_gc *, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int); extern android_pixmap android_create_pixmap_from_bitmap_data (char *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned int); extern void android_set_clip_mask (struct android_gc *, android_pixmap); extern void android_set_fill_style (struct android_gc *, enum android_fill_style); extern void android_copy_area (android_drawable, android_drawable, struct android_gc *, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int); extern void android_free_pixmap (android_drawable); extern void android_set_background (struct android_gc *, unsigned long); extern void android_fill_polygon (android_drawable, struct android_gc *, struct android_point *, int, enum android_shape, enum android_coord_mode); extern void android_draw_rectangle (android_drawable, struct android_gc *, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int); extern void android_draw_point (android_window, struct android_gc *, int, int); extern void android_draw_line (android_window, struct android_gc *, int, int, int, int); extern android_pixmap android_create_pixmap (unsigned int, unsigned int, int); extern void android_set_ts_origin (struct android_gc *, int, int); extern void android_clear_area (android_window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int); extern android_pixmap android_create_bitmap_from_data (char *, unsigned int, unsigned int); extern void android_bell (void); extern void android_set_input_focus (android_window, unsigned long); extern void android_raise_window (android_window); extern void android_lower_window (android_window); extern int android_query_tree (android_window, android_window *, android_window *, android_window **, unsigned int *); extern void android_get_geometry (android_window, android_window *, int *, int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *); extern void android_move_resize_window (android_window, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int); extern void android_map_raised (android_window); extern void android_translate_coordinates (android_window, int, int, int *, int *); extern int android_wc_lookup_string (android_key_pressed_event *, wchar_t *, int, int *, enum android_lookup_status *); extern void android_update_ic (android_window, ptrdiff_t, ptrdiff_t, ptrdiff_t, ptrdiff_t); extern void android_reset_ic (android_window, enum android_ic_mode); extern void android_update_extracted_text (android_window, void *, int); extern void android_update_cursor_anchor_info (android_window, float, float, float, float); extern int android_set_fullscreen (android_window, bool); enum android_cursor_shape { ANDROID_XC_XTERM = 1008, ANDROID_XC_LEFT_PTR = 1000, ANDROID_XC_WATCH = 1004, ANDROID_XC_HAND2 = 1002, ANDROID_XC_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW = 1014, ANDROID_XC_SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW = 1015, ANDROID_XC_LEFT_SIDE = 1020, ANDROID_XC_TOP_LEFT_CORNER = 1020, ANDROID_XC_TOP_SIDE = 1020, ANDROID_XC_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER = 1020, ANDROID_XC_RIGHT_SIDE = 1020, ANDROID_XC_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER = 1020, ANDROID_XC_BOTTOM_SIDE = 1020, ANDROID_XC_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER = 1020, ANDROID_XC_NULL = 0, }; extern android_cursor android_create_font_cursor (enum android_cursor_shape); extern void android_define_cursor (android_window, android_cursor); extern void android_free_cursor (android_cursor); #endif /* Image support. Keep the API as similar to XImage as possible. To avoid leaving a huge mess of "#ifndef ANDROID_STUBIFY" in image.c, stubs should be defined for all functions. */ enum android_image_format { ANDROID_Z_PIXMAP, }; struct android_image { int width, height; enum android_image_format format; char *data; int depth; int bytes_per_line; int bits_per_pixel; }; extern struct android_image *android_create_image (unsigned int, enum android_image_format, char *, unsigned int, unsigned int); extern void android_destroy_image (struct android_image *); extern void android_put_pixel (struct android_image *, int, int, unsigned long); extern unsigned long android_get_pixel (struct android_image *, int, int); extern struct android_image *android_get_image (android_drawable, enum android_image_format); extern void android_put_image (android_pixmap, struct android_image *); /* Native image transforms. */ /* 3x2 matrix describing a projective transform. See android_transform_coordinates for details. */ struct android_transform { float m1, m2, m3; float m4, m5, m6; }; extern void android_project_image_bilinear (struct android_image *, struct android_image *, struct android_transform *); extern void android_project_image_nearest (struct android_image *, struct android_image *, struct android_transform *); /* X emulation stuff also needed while building stubs. */ extern struct android_gc *android_create_gc (enum android_gc_value_mask, struct android_gc_values *); extern void android_free_gc (struct android_gc *); #endif /* _ANDROID_GUI_H_ */