path: root/src/kdf
diff options
authorGuillaume LE VAILLANT <>2017-08-05 14:51:51 +0200
committerGuillaume LE VAILLANT <>2017-08-06 19:35:55 +0200
commit4d0b0266b6dbe649dd79c30d45568df20cfbfda1 (patch)
treec8304f30426d0e20108a794457b03117e626390a /src/kdf
parent735f0ea02e6fb6d84087b99d5f62b37418d2f165 (diff)
Move key derivation functions to their own directory
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kdf')
4 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kdf/kdf-common.lisp b/src/kdf/kdf-common.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b7f796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kdf/kdf-common.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+;;;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+(in-package :crypto)
+(defgeneric derive-key (kdf passphrase salt iteration-count key-length))
+(defclass pbkdf1 ()
+ ((digest :reader kdf-digest)))
+(defclass pbkdf2 ()
+ ((digest-name :initarg :digest :reader kdf-digest)))
+(defclass scrypt-kdf ()
+ ((N :initarg :N :reader scrypt-kdf-N)
+ (r :initarg :r :reader scrypt-kdf-r)
+ (p :initarg :p :reader scrypt-kdf-p)))
+(defun make-kdf (kind &key digest (N 4096) (r 8) (p 2))
+ ;; PBKDF1, at least, will do stricter checking; this is good enough for now.
+ "digest is used for pbkdf1 and pbkdf2.
+ N, p, and r are cost factors for scrypt."
+ (case kind
+ ((pbkdf1 :pbkdf1)
+ (unless (digestp digest)
+ (error 'unsupported-digest :name digest))
+ (make-instance 'pbkdf1 :digest digest))
+ ((pbkdf2 :pbkdf2)
+ (unless (digestp digest)
+ (error 'unsupported-digest :name digest))
+ (make-instance 'pbkdf2 :digest digest))
+ ((scrypt-kdf :scrypt-kdf)
+ (when (or (<= N 1)
+ (not (zerop (logand N (1- N))))
+ (>= (* r p) (expt 2 30)))
+ (error 'unsupported-scrypt-cost-factors :N N :r r :p p))
+ (make-instance 'scrypt-kdf :N N :r r :p p))
+ (t
+ (error 'unsupported-kdf :kdf kind))))
diff --git a/src/kdf/password-hash.lisp b/src/kdf/password-hash.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd0b25f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kdf/password-hash.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+;;;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+(in-package :crypto)
+(defun make-random-salt (&optional (size 16))
+ "Generate a byte vector of SIZE (default 16) random bytes, suitable
+for use as a password salt."
+ (random-data size))
+(defun pbkdf2-hash-password (password &key (salt (make-random-salt))
+ (digest 'sha256)
+ (iterations 1000))
+ "Given a PASSWORD as a byte vector, a SALT as a byte
+vector (MAKE-RANDOM-SALT is called to generate a random salt if none
+is provided), a digest function (SHA256 by default), and a number of
+iterations (1000), returns the PBKDF2-derived hash of the
+password (byte vector) as the first value, and the SALT (byte vector)
+as the second value."
+ (values (pbkdf2-derive-key digest password salt iterations (digest-length digest))
+ salt))
+(defun pbkdf2-hash-password-to-combined-string (password &key
+ (salt (make-random-salt))
+ (digest 'sha256)
+ (iterations 1000))
+ "Given a PASSWORD byte vector, a SALT as a byte vector (MAKE-RANDOM-SALT
+is called to generate a random salt if none is provided), a digest
+function (SHA256 by default), and a number of iterations (1000),
+returns the salt and PBKDF2-derived hash of the password encoded in a
+single ASCII string, suitable for use with PBKDF2-CHECK-PASSWORD."
+ (with-standard-io-syntax
+ (format nil "PBKDF2$~a:~a$~a$~a" digest iterations
+ (byte-array-to-hex-string salt)
+ (byte-array-to-hex-string
+ (pbkdf2-hash-password password :iterations iterations
+ :salt salt :digest digest)))))
+(defun constant-time-equal (data1 data2)
+ "Returns T if the elements in DATA1 and DATA2 are identical, NIL otherwise.
+All the elements of DATA1 and DATA2 are compared to prevent timing attacks."
+ (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) data1 data2)
+ (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (let ((res (if (= (length data1) (length data2)) 0 1)))
+ (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) res))
+ (loop for d1 across data1
+ for d2 across data2
+ do (setf res (logior res (logxor d1 d2))))
+ (zerop res)))
+(defun pbkdf2-check-password (password combined-salt-and-digest)
+ "Given a PASSWORD byte vector and a combined salt and digest string
+produced by PBKDF2-HASH-PASSWORD-TO-COMBINED-STRING, checks whether
+the password is valid."
+ ;; can we have a dependency on regular expressions, please?
+ (let* ((positions (loop with start = 0 repeat 3 collect
+ (setf start (position #\$ combined-salt-and-digest
+ :start (1+ start)))))
+ (digest-separator-position
+ (position #\: combined-salt-and-digest :start (first positions))))
+ (constant-time-equal
+ (pbkdf2-hash-password
+ password
+ :digest (find-symbol (subseq combined-salt-and-digest
+ (1+ (first positions))
+ digest-separator-position)
+ '#:ironclad)
+ :iterations (parse-integer combined-salt-and-digest
+ :start (1+ digest-separator-position)
+ :end (second positions))
+ :salt (hex-string-to-byte-array combined-salt-and-digest
+ :start (1+ (second positions))
+ :end (third positions)))
+ (hex-string-to-byte-array combined-salt-and-digest
+ :start (1+ (third positions))))))
diff --git a/src/kdf/pkcs5.lisp b/src/kdf/pkcs5.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1e48e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kdf/pkcs5.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+;;;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+(in-package :crypto)
+;;; PBKDF1 from RFC 2898, section 5.1
+(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((kdf pbkdf1) slot-names &rest initargs
+ &key digest &allow-other-keys)
+ (declare (ignore slot-names initargs))
+ (let ((digest-name (massage-symbol digest)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Permit DIGEST to be NULL to indicate reinitializing the whole
+ ;; instance.
+ ((cl:null digest)
+ (reinitialize-instance (kdf-digest kdf)))
+ ((not (digestp digest-name))
+ (error 'unsupported-digest :name digest-name))
+ ;; Don't cons unnecessarily. (Although this depends how expensive
+ ;; TYPEP is with a non-constant type...)
+ ((and (slot-boundp kdf 'digest)
+ (typep (digest kdf) digest-name))
+ (reinitialize-instance (kdf-digest kdf)))
+ ((member digest-name '(md2 md5 sha1))
+ (setf (slot-value kdf 'digest)
+ (funcall (the function (get digest-name '%make-digest)))))
+ (t
+ (error 'ironclad-error
+ :format-control "Digest ~A not supported for PBKDF1"
+ :format-arguments (list digest))))
+ kdf))
+(defmethod derive-key ((kdf pbkdf1) passphrase salt iteration-count key-length)
+ (check-type iteration-count (integer 1 *))
+ (check-type key-length (integer 1 *))
+ (loop with digest = (kdf-digest kdf)
+ with digest-length = (digest-length digest)
+ with key = (make-array 20 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ initially
+ (update-digest digest passphrase)
+ (update-digest digest salt)
+ (produce-digest digest :digest key)
+ for i from 1 below iteration-count
+ do
+ (reinitialize-instance digest)
+ (update-digest digest key :end digest-length)
+ (produce-digest digest :digest key)
+ finally
+ (return (subseq key 0 (min key-length (length key))))))
+;;; PBKDF2, from RFC 2898, section 5.2
+(defun pbkdf2-derive-key (digest passphrase salt iteration-count key-length)
+ (check-type iteration-count (integer 1 *))
+ (check-type key-length (integer 1 *))
+ (loop with count = 1
+ with hmac = (make-hmac passphrase digest)
+ with hmac-length = (digest-length digest)
+ with key = (make-array key-length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+ :initial-element 0)
+ with key-position = 0
+ with count-buffer = (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ with hmac-out = (make-array hmac-length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ while (plusp key-length)
+ do (let ((size (min hmac-length key-length)))
+ (reinitialize-instance hmac :key passphrase)
+ (update-hmac hmac salt)
+ (setf (nibbles:ub32ref/be count-buffer 0) count)
+ (update-hmac hmac count-buffer)
+ (hmac-digest hmac :buffer hmac-out)
+ (xor-block size hmac-out key key-position key key-position)
+ (loop for i from 1 below iteration-count
+ do
+ (reinitialize-instance hmac :key passphrase)
+ (update-hmac hmac hmac-out)
+ (hmac-digest hmac :buffer hmac-out)
+ (xor-block size hmac-out key key-position key key-position)
+ finally
+ (decf key-length size)
+ (incf key-position size)
+ (incf count)))
+ finally (return key)))
+(defmethod derive-key ((kdf pbkdf2) passphrase salt iteration-count key-length)
+ (pbkdf2-derive-key (kdf-digest kdf) passphrase salt iteration-count key-length))
diff --git a/src/kdf/scrypt.lisp b/src/kdf/scrypt.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb3ec71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kdf/scrypt.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+;;;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+(in-package :crypto)
+;;; scrypt from Colin Percival's
+;;; "Stronger Key Derivation via Sequential Memory-Hard Functions"
+;;; presented at BSDCan'09, May 2009.
+(defun scrypt-vector-salsa (b)
+ (declare (type (simple-octet-vector 64) b))
+ (let ((x (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
+ (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (16)) x))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent x))
+ (fill-block-ub8-le x b 0)
+ (salsa20/8-core b x)))
+(defun block-mix (b xy xy-start r)
+ (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) b xy))
+ ;; The derivation of the bound here is that (* I 64) in the first loop below
+ ;; must be a legitimate array index. That loop runs to (* 2 R), hence the
+ ;; truncation by 128. The subtraction of 64 comes from loops further down.
+ (declare (type (integer 0 (#.(truncate (- array-dimension-limit 64) 128))) r))
+ (let ((xs (make-array 64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+ (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (64)) xs))
+ (declare (dynamic-extent xs))
+ (replace xs b :start2 (* 64 (1- (* 2 r))) :end1 64)
+ (dotimes (i (* 2 r))
+ (xor-block 64 xs b (* i 64) xs 0)
+ (scrypt-vector-salsa xs)
+ (replace xy xs :start1 (+ xy-start (* i 64)) :end2 64))
+ (dotimes (i r)
+ (replace b xy :start1 (* i 64) :end1 (+ 64 (* i 64)) :start2 (+ xy-start (* 64 2 i))))
+ (dotimes (i r)
+ (replace b xy :start1 (* 64 (+ i r)) :end1 (+ (* 64 (+ i r)) 64) :start2 (+ xy-start (* 64 (1+ (* i 2))))))))
+(defun smix (b b-start r N v xy)
+ (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) b v xy))
+ (declare (type (integer 0 (#.(truncate array-dimension-limit 128))) r))
+ (let ((x xy)
+ (xy-start (* 128 r))
+ (smix-length (* 128 r)))
+ (replace x b :end1 smix-length :start2 b-start)
+ (dotimes (i N)
+ (replace v x :start1 (* i smix-length) :end2 smix-length)
+ (block-mix x xy xy-start r))
+ (dotimes (i N)
+ (let ((j (ldb (byte 32 0) (logand (nibbles:ub64ref/le x (* (1- (* 2 r)) 64)) (1- N)))))
+ (xor-block smix-length x v (* j smix-length) x 0)
+ (block-mix x xy xy-start r)))
+ (replace b x :start1 b-start :end1 (+ b-start smix-length))))
+(defmethod derive-key ((kdf scrypt-kdf) passphrase salt iteration-count key-length)
+ (declare (ignore iteration-count))
+ (let* ((pb-kdf (make-kdf 'PBKDF2 :digest 'SHA256))
+ (xy (make-array (* 256 (scrypt-kdf-r kdf)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (v (make-array (* 128 (scrypt-kdf-r kdf) (scrypt-kdf-N kdf)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (b (derive-key pb-kdf passphrase salt 1 (* (scrypt-kdf-p kdf) 128 (scrypt-kdf-r kdf)))))
+ (dotimes (i (scrypt-kdf-p kdf))
+ (smix b (* i 128 (scrypt-kdf-r kdf)) (scrypt-kdf-r kdf) (scrypt-kdf-N kdf) v xy))
+ (reinitialize-instance pb-kdf :digest 'SHA256)
+ (derive-key pb-kdf passphrase b 1 key-length)))