use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap, fs, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use crate::smtp::session::TestSession; use ahash::AHashMap; use directory::config::ConfigDirectory; use mail_auth::{dmarc::Policy, DkimResult, DmarcResult, IprevResult, SpfResult, MX}; use sieve::runtime::Variable; use smtp::{ config::{scripts::ConfigSieve, ConfigContext, IfBlock}, core::{Session, SessionAddress, SMTP}, inbound::AuthResult, scripts::{ functions::html::{get_attribute, html_attr_tokens, html_img_area, html_to_tokens}, ScriptModification, ScriptResult, }, }; use tokio::runtime::Handle; use utils::config::Config; use crate::smtp::{TestConfig, TestSMTP}; const CONFIG: &str = r#" [sieve.trusted] from-name = "Sieve Daemon" from-addr = "" return-path = "" hostname = "" no-capability-check = true [sieve.trusted.limits] redirects = 3 out-messages = 5 received-headers = 50 cpu = 500000 nested-includes = 5 duplicate-expiry = "7d" [directory."spamdb"] type = "sql" address = "sqlite://%PATH%/test_antispam.db?mode=rwc" #address = "sqlite:///tmp/test_antispam.db?mode=rwc" [directory."spamdb".pool] max-connections = 10 min-connections = 0 idle-timeout = "5m" [directory."spamdb".lookup] token-insert = "INSERT INTO bayes_tokens (h1, h2, ws, wh) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(h1, h2) DO UPDATE SET ws = ws +, wh = wh + excluded.wh" token-lookup = "SELECT ws, wh FROM bayes_tokens WHERE h1 = ? AND h2 = ?" id-insert = "INSERT INTO seen_ids (id, ttl) VALUES (?, datetime('now', ? || ' seconds'))" id-lookup = "SELECT 1 FROM seen_ids WHERE id = ? AND ttl > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" id-cleanup = "DELETE FROM seen_ids WHERE ttl < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" reputation-insert = "INSERT INTO reputation (token, score, count, ttl) VALUES (?, ?, 1, datetime('now', '30 days')) ON CONFLICT(token) DO UPDATE SET score = (count + 1) * (excluded.score + 0.98 * score) / (0.98 * count + 1), count = count + 1, ttl = excluded.ttl" reputation-lookup = "SELECT score, count FROM reputation WHERE token = ?" reputation-cleanup = "DELETE FROM reputation WHERE ttl < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" [directory."default"] type = "memory" [directory."default".lookup] domains = [""] [directory."spam"] type = "memory" [directory."spam".lookup."free-domains"] type = "glob" comment = '#' values = ["", "", "", "*"] [directory."spam".lookup."disposable-domains"] type = "glob" comment = '#' values = ["", "*"] [directory."spam".lookup."redirectors"] type = "glob" comment = '#' values = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] [directory."spam".lookup."dmarc-allow"] type = "glob" comment = '#' values = [""] [directory."spam".lookup."spf-dkim-allow"] type = "glob" comment = '#' values = [""] [directory."spam".lookup."domains-allow"] type = "glob" values = [] [directory."spam".lookup."mime-types"] type = "map" comment = '#' values = ["html text/html|BAD", "pdf application/pdf|NZ", "txt text/plain|message/disposition-notification|text/rfc822-headers", "zip AR", "js BAD|NZ", "hta BAD|NZ"] [directory."spam".lookup."trap-address"] type = "glob" comment = '#' values = ["spamtrap@*"] [directory."spam".lookup."scores"] type = "map" values = "file://%CFG_PATH%/maps/" [resolver] public-suffix = "file://%LIST_PATH%/public-suffix.dat" [sieve.trusted.scripts] "#; const CREATE_TABLES: &[&str; 3] = &[ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bayes_tokens ( h1 INTEGER NOT NULL, h2 INTEGER NOT NULL, ws INTEGER, wh INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (h1, h2) )", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS seen_ids ( id STRING NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ttl DATETIME NOT NULL )", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reputation ( token STRING NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, score FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', count INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ttl DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )", ]; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn antispam() { /*tracing::subscriber::set_global_default( tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_env_filter( tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::builder() .parse( "smtp=debug,imap=debug,jmap=debug,store=debug,utils=debug,directory=debug", ) .unwrap(), ) .finish(), ) .unwrap();*/ // Prepare config let tests = [ "html", "subject", "bounce", "received", "messageid", "date", "from", "replyto", "recipient", "mime", "headers", "url", "dmarc", "ip", "helo", "rbl", "replies_out", "replies_in", "spamtrap", "bayes_classify", "reputation", "pyzor", ]; let mut core = SMTP::test(); let qr = core.init_test_queue("smtp_antispam_test"); let base_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .parent() .unwrap() .to_path_buf() .join("resources") .join("config") .join("spamfilter"); let mut config = CONFIG .replace("%PATH%", qr._temp_dir.temp_dir.as_path().to_str().unwrap()) .replace( "%LIST_PATH%", PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("resources") .join("smtp") .join("lists") .to_str() .unwrap(), ) .replace("%CFG_PATH%", base_path.as_path().to_str().unwrap()); let base_path = base_path.join("scripts"); let script_config = fs::read_to_string(base_path.join("config.sieve")).unwrap(); let script_prelude = fs::read_to_string(base_path.join("prelude.sieve")).unwrap(); let mut all_scripts = script_config.clone() + "\n" + script_prelude.as_str(); for test_name in tests { let mut script = fs::read_to_string(base_path.join(format!("{test_name}.sieve"))).unwrap(); if !["reputation", "replies_out", "pyzor"].contains(&test_name) { all_scripts = all_scripts + "\n" + script.as_str(); } if test_name == "reputation" { script = "let \"score\" \"env.score\";\n\n".to_string() + script.as_str() + concat!( "\n\nif eval \"score != env.final_score\" ", "{let \"t.INVALID_SCORE\" \"score\";}\n" ); } else if test_name == "bayes_classify" { script = script.replace("200", "10"); } config.push_str(&format!( "{test_name} = '''{script_config}\n{script_prelude}\n{script}\n'''\n" )); } for test_name in ["composites", "scores", "epilogue"] { all_scripts = all_scripts + "\n" + fs::read_to_string(base_path.join(format!("{test_name}.sieve"))) .unwrap() .as_str(); } config.push_str(&format!("combined = '''{all_scripts}\n'''\n")); // Parse config let config = Config::new(&config).unwrap(); let mut ctx = ConfigContext::new(&[]); = config.parse_directory().unwrap(); core.sieve = config.parse_sieve(&mut ctx).unwrap(); let config = &mut core.session.config; config.rcpt.relay = IfBlock::new(true); // Create tables let sdb ="spamdb").unwrap(); for query in CREATE_TABLES { sdb.query(query, &[]).await.expect(query); } // Add mock DNS entries for (domain, ip) in [ ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ( "", "", ), ( "", "", ), ( "", "", ), ( "", "", ), ( "", "", ), ] { core.resolvers.dns.ipv4_add( domain, vec![ip.parse().unwrap()], Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(100), ); } for mx in [ "", "", "", "", ] { core.resolvers.dns.mx_add( mx, vec![MX { exchanges: vec!["".parse().unwrap()], preference: 10, }], Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(100), ); } let core = Arc::new(core); // Run tests let base_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("resources") .join("smtp") .join("antispam"); let span = tracing::info_span!("sieve_antispam"); for &test_name in tests.iter().chain(&["combined"]) { /*if test_name != "combined" { continue; }*/ println!("===== {test_name} ====="); let script = ctx.scripts.remove(test_name).unwrap(); let contents = fs::read_to_string(base_path.join(format!("{test_name}.test"))).unwrap(); let mut lines = contents.lines(); let mut has_more = true; while has_more { let mut message = String::new(); let mut in_params = true; let mut variables: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut expected_variables = AHashMap::new(); let mut expected_headers = AHashMap::new(); // Build session let mut session = Session::test(core.clone()); for line in lines.by_ref() { if in_params { if line.is_empty() { in_params = false; continue; } let (param, value) = line.split_once(' ').unwrap(); let value = value.trim(); match param { "remote_ip" => { = value.parse().unwrap(); } "helo_domain" => { = value.to_string(); } "authenticated_as" => { = value.to_string(); } "spf.result" | "spf_ehlo.result" => { variables.insert( param.to_string(), SpfResult::from_str(value).as_str().to_string().into(), ); } "iprev.result" => { variables.insert( param.to_string(), IprevResult::from_str(value).as_str().to_string().into(), ); } "dkim.result" | "arc.result" => { variables.insert( param.to_string(), DkimResult::from_str(value).as_str().to_string().into(), ); } "" => { variables.insert( param.to_string(), value .split_ascii_whitespace() .map(|s| Variable::from(s.to_string())) .collect::>() .into(), ); } "envelope_from" => { = Some(SessionAddress::new(value.to_string())); } "envelope_to" => { session .data .rcpt_to .push(SessionAddress::new(value.to_string())); } "iprev.ptr" => { variables.insert(param.to_string(), value.to_string().into()); } "dmarc.result" => { variables.insert( param.to_string(), DmarcResult::from_str(value).as_str().to_string().into(), ); } "dmarc.policy" => { variables.insert( param.to_string(), Policy::from_str(value).as_str().to_string().into(), ); } "expect" => { expected_variables.extend(value.split_ascii_whitespace().map(|v| { v.split_once('=') .map(|(k, v)| { ( k.to_lowercase(), if v.contains('.') { Variable::Float(v.parse().unwrap()) } else { Variable::Integer(v.parse().unwrap()) }, ) }) .unwrap_or((v.to_lowercase(), Variable::Integer(1))) })); } "expect_header" => { if let Some((header, value)) = value.split_once(' ') { expected_headers .insert(header.to_string(), value.trim().to_string()); } else { expected_headers.insert(value.to_string(), String::new()); } } "score" | "final_score" => { variables .insert(param.to_string(), value.parse::().unwrap().into()); } _ if param.starts_with("param.") | param.starts_with("tls.") => { variables.insert(param.to_string(), value.to_string().into()); } _ => panic!("Invalid parameter {param:?}"), } } else { has_more = line.trim().eq_ignore_ascii_case(""); if !has_more { message.push_str(line); message.push_str("\r\n"); } else { break; } } } if message.is_empty() { panic!("No message found"); } // Build script params let mut expected = expected_variables.keys().collect::>(); expected.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a)); println!("Testing tags {:?}", expected); let mut params = session .build_script_parameters("data") .with_expected_variables(expected_variables) .with_message(Arc::new(message.into_bytes())); for (name, value) in variables { params = params.set_variable(name, value); } // Run script let handle = Handle::current(); let span = span.clone(); let core_ = core.clone(); let script = script.clone(); match core .spawn_worker(move || core_.run_script_blocking(script, params, handle, span)) .await .unwrap() { ScriptResult::Accept { modifications } => { if modifications.len() != expected_headers.len() { panic!( "Expected {:?} headers, got {:?}", expected_headers, modifications ); } for modification in modifications { if let ScriptModification::AddHeader { name, value } = modification { if let Some(expected_value) = expected_headers.remove(name.as_str()) { if !expected_value.is_empty() && !value.starts_with(expected_value.as_str()) { panic!( "Expected header {:?} to be {:?}, got {:?}", name, expected_value, value ); } } else { panic!("Unexpected header {:?}", name); } } else { panic!("Unexpected modification {:?}", modification); } } } ScriptResult::Reject(message) => panic!("{}", message), ScriptResult::Replace { message, modifications, } => println!( "Replace: {} with modifications {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&message), modifications ), ScriptResult::Discard => println!("Discard"), } } } } #[test] fn html_tokens() { for (input, expected) in [ ( "hello
", vec![ Variable::from("using <>
", vec![ Variable::from("".to_string()), Variable::from("
", vec![ Variable::from("_test".to_string()), Variable::from("< >>hello world< br \n />", vec![ Variable::from("<".to_string()), Variable::from("<".to_string()), Variable::from("hello world".to_string()), Variable::from("
ignore headxyz", "


" ), vec![ Variable::from("".to_string()), Variable::from("what is ♥?

ßĂΒγ ", "don't hurt me.

" ), vec![ Variable::from("", "this is the actual text" ), vec![ Variable::from( concat!( "", "text", "< a href = test ignore>text", "< a href = fudge href ignore>text", " a href = \"unknown\" ", ), vec![ Variable::from("hello world".to_string()), Variable::from("test".to_string()), Variable::from("fudge".to_string()), Variable::from("foobar".to_string()), ], ), ] { assert_eq!( html_attr_tokens(input, "a", vec![Cow::from("href")]), expected, "Failed for '{:?}'", input ); } for (tag, attr_name, expected) in [ ("", "20", "30", "", "" ))), 92600 ); } trait ParseConfigValue: Sized { fn from_str(value: &str) -> Self; } impl ParseConfigValue for SpfResult { fn from_str(value: &str) -> Self { match value { "pass" => SpfResult::Pass, "fail" => SpfResult::Fail, "softfail" => SpfResult::SoftFail, "neutral" => SpfResult::Neutral, "none" => SpfResult::None, "temperror" => SpfResult::TempError, "permerror" => SpfResult::PermError, _ => panic!("Invalid SPF result"), } } } impl ParseConfigValue for IprevResult { fn from_str(value: &str) -> Self { match value { "pass" => IprevResult::Pass, "fail" => IprevResult::Fail(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "temperror" => IprevResult::TempError(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "permerror" => IprevResult::PermError(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "none" => IprevResult::None, _ => panic!("Invalid IPREV result"), } } } impl ParseConfigValue for DkimResult { fn from_str(value: &str) -> Self { match value { "pass" => DkimResult::Pass, "none" => DkimResult::None, "neutral" => DkimResult::Neutral(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "fail" => DkimResult::Fail(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "permerror" => DkimResult::PermError(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "temperror" => DkimResult::TempError(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), _ => panic!("Invalid DKIM result"), } } } impl ParseConfigValue for DmarcResult { fn from_str(value: &str) -> Self { match value { "pass" => DmarcResult::Pass, "fail" => DmarcResult::Fail(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "temperror" => DmarcResult::TempError(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "permerror" => DmarcResult::PermError(mail_auth::Error::NotAligned), "none" => DmarcResult::None, _ => panic!("Invalid DMARC result"), } } } impl ParseConfigValue for Policy { fn from_str(value: &str) -> Self { match value { "reject" => Policy::Reject, "quarantine" => Policy::Quarantine, "none" => Policy::None, _ => panic!("Invalid DMARC policy"), } } }