path: root/symbols/ios/tv_displays/materialsymbolssharp/tv_displays_grad200fill1_symbol.svg
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Diffstat (limited to 'symbols/ios/tv_displays/materialsymbolssharp/tv_displays_grad200fill1_symbol.svg')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/symbols/ios/tv_displays/materialsymbolssharp/tv_displays_grad200fill1_symbol.svg b/symbols/ios/tv_displays/materialsymbolssharp/tv_displays_grad200fill1_symbol.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d7ebda564067
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+++ b/symbols/ios/tv_displays/materialsymbolssharp/tv_displays_grad200fill1_symbol.svg
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1126)"><path d="M11 -16.22 V-84.23 H89.096 V-75.98 H19.25 V-16.22 H11 Z M56.096 13.77 V3.77 H30.971 V-64.259 H115.096 V3.77 H89.875 V13.77 H56.096 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 506.415 1126)"><path d="M12.5 -17.23 V-82.73 H88 V-75.98 H19.25 V-17.23 H12.5 Z M56.875 12.27 V2.27 H32.125 V-63.105 H113.625 V2.27 H88.75 V12.27 H56.875 Z"/></g><g id="Bold-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2294.23 696)"><path d="M4.931 -8.305 V-77.639 H74.462 V-65.015 H17.555 V-8.305 H4.931 Z M44.184 7.179 V-2.289 H23.966 V-58.604 H95.37 V-2.289 H75.259 V7.179 H44.184 Z"/></g><g id="Semibold-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1998.1 696)"><path d="M5.532 -8.906 V-77.038 H73.905 V-65.701 H16.869 V-8.906 H5.532 Z M42.984 6.578 V-2.89 H22.851 V-59.719 H94.727 V-2.89 H74.655 V6.578 H42.984 Z"/></g><g id="Medium-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1701.85 696)"><path d="M5.982 -9.356 V-76.588 H73.486 V-66.215 H16.355 V-9.356 H5.982 Z M42.083 6.128 V-3.34 H22.015 V-60.555 H94.245 V-3.34 H74.202 V6.128 H42.083 Z"/></g><g id="Regular-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1405.73 696)"><path d="M6.312 -9.686 V-76.258 H73.18 V-66.593 H15.977 V-9.686 H6.312 Z M41.422 5.798 V-3.67 H21.402 V-61.168 H93.891 V-3.67 H73.87 V5.798 H41.422 Z"/></g><g id="Light-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1109.75 696)"><path d="M8.284 -11.014 V-74.285 H71.738 V-66.593 H15.977 V-11.014 H8.284 Z M42.447 3.826 V-5.642 H22.919 V-59.651 H91.956 V-5.642 H72.391 V3.826 H42.447 Z"/></g><g id="Thin-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 814.015 696)"><path d="M10.257 -12.341 V-72.313 H70.297 V-66.593 H15.977 V-12.341 H10.257 Z M43.471 1.853 V-7.615 H24.436 V-58.134 H90.022 V-7.615 H70.911 V1.853 H43.471 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 517.792 696)"><path d="M11.441 -13.138 V-71.129 H69.432 V-66.593 H15.977 V-13.138 H11.441 Z M44.085 0.67 V-8.798 H25.347 V-57.223 H88.861 V-8.798 H70.024 V0.67 H44.085 Z"/></g></g></svg> \ No newline at end of file