TBM:20040123:204400 rescanning buffers with accept extents doesn't work reliably, especially in accepting-values. The default present methods, and those for Lisp types, should be more careful about :acceptably. In the same vein, command-line-command-unparser should be prepared to emit accept-extents (how?) if the arguments aren't acceptable as text. TBM:20031112:002300 These are TODO's from the 0.9 release notes. The listed functions are unimplemented unless otherwise noted. General designs need more work, particularly the support of compositing. make-design-from-output-record (setf* pointer-position) More spiffy presentation accept and present methods with-input-editor-typeout read-only extents in Goatee with-accept-help accepting-values needs a lot of work command-line-complete-input display-command-table-menu, menu-choose-command-from-table notify-user :accept-values panes display-command-menu restraining-pane RS:20030805:111640 Changing the sheet-transformation of a pane does not alter its native transformation, despite the fact that calls are made to invalidate-cached-transformations and note-sheet-transformation-changed. Perhaps this code is responsible: (defmethod invalidate-cached-transformations ((sheet mirrored-sheet-mixin)) (with-slots (native-transformation device-transformation) sheet (setf ;; native-transformation nil XXX hm... device-transformation nil)) (loop for child in (sheet-children sheet) do (invalidate-cached-transformations child))) RS:20030805:101708 The way the text-field pane handles keyboard input focus (by remembering who had it before and restoring it) does not work very well with respect to other X applications. It would be better for each pane to decide when it wants the input focus. ====================== Resolved issues ====================== TBM:20060323:175700 A compound output recording record structure based on R trees or another spatial data structure is needed. [Implemented by Christophe Rhodes and Andreas Fuchs]. drag-output-record, dragging-output define-drag-and-drop-translator raise-frame, bury-frame frame-drag-and-drop-feedback, frame-drag-and-drop-highlighting TBM:20040524:100000 command-enable TBM:20040121:150000 presentation type histories, frame-maintain-presentation-histories [This has been implemented but needs some work] presentation-default-processor [ The presentation generic function is defined and called, but there aren't real methods defined yet.] TBM:20031124:230300 command-or-form presentation type TBM:20031119:142500 presentation-single-box TBM:20031113:234700 surrounding-output-with-border - :move-cursor RS:20030805:102038 Output recording is broken for records that inherit from coord-seq-mixin. Contrary to comments in the code, the coordinate sequence is not transformed before the output record is created. [resolved by moore and hefner in various ways]