path: root/pc-bios/keymaps
diff options
authorAnthony Liguori <>2009-05-27 09:36:33 -0500
committerAnthony Liguori <>2009-05-28 02:14:56 -0500
commitf452095e3f8d03b87d8df939a370ab767f221c36 (patch)
treec19fcaed2b10b18aedfbd4b525d6568b30bb6834 /pc-bios/keymaps
parent9fa06385f634764203b98c83cc8fd6fbf15331f2 (diff)
Move keymaps into pc-bios
This isn't the most ideal layout, but it makes -L /path/to/git/pc-bios Just Work which is very convenient. Signed-off-by: Anthony Liguori <>
Diffstat (limited to 'pc-bios/keymaps')
35 files changed, 3627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/ar b/pc-bios/keymaps/ar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c430c03bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/ar
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# generated from XKB map ar
+include common
+map 0x401
+exclam 0x02 shift
+at 0x03 shift
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+dollar 0x05 shift
+percent 0x06 shift
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+parenright 0x0b shift
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+Arabic_dad 0x10 altgr
+Arabic_fatha 0x10 shift altgr
+Arabic_sad 0x11 altgr
+Arabic_fathatan 0x11 shift altgr
+Arabic_theh 0x12 altgr
+Arabic_damma 0x12 shift altgr
+Arabic_qaf 0x13 altgr
+Arabic_dammatan 0x13 shift altgr
+Arabic_feh 0x14 altgr
+UFEF9 0x14 shift altgr
+Arabic_ghain 0x15 altgr
+Arabic_hamzaunderalef 0x15 shift altgr
+Arabic_ain 0x16 altgr
+grave 0x16 shift altgr
+Arabic_ha 0x17 altgr
+division 0x17 shift altgr
+Arabic_khah 0x18 altgr
+multiply 0x18 shift altgr
+Arabic_hah 0x19 altgr
+Arabic_semicolon 0x19 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+Arabic_jeem 0x1a altgr
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+Arabic_dal 0x1b altgr
+Arabic_sheen 0x1e altgr
+backslash 0x1e shift altgr
+Arabic_seen 0x1f altgr
+Arabic_yeh 0x20 altgr
+bracketleft 0x20 shift altgr
+Arabic_beh 0x21 altgr
+bracketright 0x21 shift altgr
+Arabic_lam 0x22 altgr
+UFEF7 0x22 shift altgr
+Arabic_alef 0x23 altgr
+Arabic_hamzaonalef 0x23 shift altgr
+Arabic_teh 0x24 altgr
+Arabic_tatweel 0x24 shift altgr
+Arabic_noon 0x25 altgr
+Arabic_comma 0x25 shift altgr
+Arabic_meem 0x26 altgr
+slash 0x26 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+Arabic_kaf 0x27 altgr
+apostrophe 0x28
+quotedbl 0x28 shift
+Arabic_tah 0x28 altgr
+grave 0x29
+asciitilde 0x29 shift
+Arabic_thal 0x29 altgr
+Arabic_shadda 0x29 shift altgr
+backslash 0x2b
+bar 0x2b shift
+less 0x2b altgr
+greater 0x2b shift altgr
+Arabic_hamzaonyeh 0x2c altgr
+asciitilde 0x2c shift altgr
+Arabic_hamza 0x2d altgr
+Arabic_sukun 0x2d shift altgr
+Arabic_hamzaonwaw 0x2e altgr
+Arabic_kasra 0x2e shift altgr
+Arabic_ra 0x2f altgr
+Arabic_kasratan 0x2f shift altgr
+UFEFB 0x30 altgr
+UFEF5 0x30 shift altgr
+Arabic_alefmaksura 0x31 altgr
+Arabic_maddaonalef 0x31 shift altgr
+Arabic_tehmarbuta 0x32 altgr
+apostrophe 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+Arabic_waw 0x33 altgr
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+Arabic_zain 0x34 altgr
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
+Arabic_zah 0x35 altgr
+Arabic_question_mark 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/common b/pc-bios/keymaps/common
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..adc56c77d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/common
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+include modifiers
+# Top row
+1 0x2
+2 0x3
+3 0x4
+4 0x5
+5 0x6
+6 0x7
+7 0x8
+8 0x9
+9 0xa
+0 0xb
+BackSpace 0xe
+# QWERTY first row
+Tab 0xf localstate
+ISO_Left_Tab 0xf shift
+q 0x10 addupper
+w 0x11 addupper
+e 0x12 addupper
+r 0x13 addupper
+t 0x14 addupper
+y 0x15 addupper
+u 0x16 addupper
+i 0x17 addupper
+o 0x18 addupper
+p 0x19 addupper
+# QWERTY second row
+a 0x1e addupper
+s 0x1f addupper
+d 0x20 addupper
+f 0x21 addupper
+g 0x22 addupper
+h 0x23 addupper
+j 0x24 addupper
+k 0x25 addupper
+l 0x26 addupper
+Return 0x1c localstate
+# QWERTY third row
+z 0x2c addupper
+x 0x2d addupper
+c 0x2e addupper
+v 0x2f addupper
+b 0x30 addupper
+n 0x31 addupper
+m 0x32 addupper
+space 0x39 localstate
+less 0x56
+greater 0x56 shift
+bar 0x56 altgr
+brokenbar 0x56 shift altgr
+# Esc and Function keys
+Escape 0x1 localstate
+F1 0x3b localstate
+F2 0x3c localstate
+F3 0x3d localstate
+F4 0x3e localstate
+F5 0x3f localstate
+F6 0x40 localstate
+F7 0x41 localstate
+F8 0x42 localstate
+F9 0x43 localstate
+F10 0x44 localstate
+F11 0x57 localstate
+F12 0x58 localstate
+# Printscreen, Scrollock and Pause
+# Printscreen really requires four scancodes (0xe0, 0x2a, 0xe0, 0x37),
+# but (0xe0, 0x37) seems to work.
+Print 0xb7 localstate
+Sys_Req 0xb7 localstate
+Execute 0xb7 localstate
+Scroll_Lock 0x46
+# Insert - PgDown
+Insert 0xd2 localstate
+Delete 0xd3 localstate
+Home 0xc7 localstate
+End 0xcf localstate
+Page_Up 0xc9 localstate
+Page_Down 0xd1 localstate
+# Arrow keys
+Left 0xcb localstate
+Up 0xc8 localstate
+Down 0xd0 localstate
+Right 0xcd localstate
+# Numpad
+Num_Lock 0x45
+KP_Divide 0xb5
+KP_Multiply 0x37
+KP_Subtract 0x4a
+KP_Add 0x4e
+KP_Enter 0x9c
+KP_Decimal 0x53 numlock
+KP_Separator 0x53 numlock
+KP_Delete 0x53
+KP_0 0x52 numlock
+KP_Insert 0x52
+KP_1 0x4f numlock
+KP_End 0x4f
+KP_2 0x50 numlock
+KP_Down 0x50
+KP_3 0x51 numlock
+KP_Next 0x51
+KP_4 0x4b numlock
+KP_Left 0x4b
+KP_5 0x4c numlock
+KP_Begin 0x4c
+KP_6 0x4d numlock
+KP_Right 0x4d
+KP_7 0x47 numlock
+KP_Home 0x47
+KP_8 0x48 numlock
+KP_Up 0x48
+KP_9 0x49 numlock
+KP_Prior 0x49
+Caps_Lock 0x3a
+# Inhibited keys
+Multi_key 0x0 inhibit
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/da b/pc-bios/keymaps/da
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3884dcf145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/da
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# generated from XKB map dk
+include common
+map 0x406
+exclam 0x02 shift
+exclamdown 0x02 altgr
+onesuperior 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+at 0x03 altgr
+twosuperior 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+sterling 0x04 altgr
+threesuperior 0x04 shift altgr
+currency 0x05 shift
+dollar 0x05 altgr
+onequarter 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+cent 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+yen 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+division 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+guillemotleft 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+guillemotright 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+plus 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+plusminus 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+dead_acute 0x0d
+dead_grave 0x0d shift
+bar 0x0d altgr
+brokenbar 0x0d shift altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+cent 0x12 shift altgr
+registered 0x13 altgr
+thorn 0x14 altgr
+THORN 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oe 0x18 altgr
+OE 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+aring 0x1a
+Aring 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+dead_diaeresis 0x1b
+dead_circumflex 0x1b shift
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_caron 0x1b shift altgr
+ordfeminine 0x1e altgr
+masculine 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+ae 0x27
+AE 0x27 shift
+oslash 0x28
+Ooblique 0x28 shift
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+onehalf 0x29
+section 0x29 shift
+threequarters 0x29 altgr
+paragraph 0x29 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x2b
+asterisk 0x2b shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x2b altgr
+multiply 0x2b shift altgr
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+copyright 0x2e altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+dead_cedilla 0x33 altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+hyphen 0x35 altgr
+macron 0x35 shift altgr
+nobreakspace 0x39 altgr
+less 0x56
+greater 0x56 shift
+backslash 0x56 altgr
+notsign 0x56 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/de b/pc-bios/keymaps/de
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed929c743b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/de
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# generated from XKB map de
+include common
+map 0x407
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+section 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr
+currency 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+ssharp 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+acute 0x0d
+dead_acute 0x0d
+grave 0x0d shift
+dead_grave 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+z 0x15 addupper
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+udiaeresis 0x1a
+Udiaeresis 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+plus 0x1b
+asterisk 0x1b shift
+asciitilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+odiaeresis 0x27
+Odiaeresis 0x27 shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 altgr
+adiaeresis 0x28
+Adiaeresis 0x28 shift
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+asciicircum 0x29
+dead_circumflex 0x29
+degree 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+numbersign 0x2b
+apostrophe 0x2b shift
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+y 0x2c addupper
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/de-ch b/pc-bios/keymaps/de-ch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..852f8b8dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/de-ch
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# rdesktop Swiss-German (de-ch) keymap file
+# 2003-06-03 by
+include common
+map 0x00000807
+# Scan Code 1
+section 0x29
+degree 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 2
+plus 0x2 shift
+brokenbar 0x02 altgr
+# Scan Code 3
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+at 0x03 altgr
+# Scan Code 4
+asterisk 0x04 shift
+numbersign 0x04 altgr
+# Scan Code 5
+ccedilla 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 6
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 7
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+notsign 0x07 altgr
+# Scan Code 8
+slash 0x08 shift
+bar 0x08 altgr
+# Scan Code 9
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+cent 0x09 altgr
+# Scan Code 10
+parenright 0x0a shift
+# Scan Code 11
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 12
+apostrophe 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+dead_acute 0x0c altgr
+# Scan Code 13
+dead_circumflex 0x0d
+dead_grave 0x0d shift
+dead_tilde 0x0d altgr
+# Scan Code 19
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+# Scan Code 22
+z 0x15 addupper
+# Scan Code 27
+udiaeresis 0x1a
+egrave 0x1a shift
+bracketleft 0x1a altgr
+# Scan Code 28
+dead_diaeresis 0x1b
+exclam 0x1b shift
+bracketright 0x1b altgr
+# Scan Code 40
+odiaeresis 0x27
+eacute 0x27 shift
+# Scan Code 41
+adiaeresis 0x28
+agrave 0x28 shift
+braceleft 0x28 altgr
+# Scan Code 42 (only on international keyboards)
+dollar 0x2b
+sterling 0x2b shift
+braceright 0x2b altgr
+# Scan Code 45 (only on international keyboards)
+backslash 0x56 altgr
+# Scan Code 46
+y 0x2c addupper
+# Scan Code 53
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+# Scan Code 54
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+# Scan Code 55
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+# Suppress Windows unsupported AltGr keys
+# Scan Code 17
+paragraph 0x10 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 21
+tslash 0x14 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 22
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 23
+downarrow 0x16 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 24
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 25
+oslash 0x18 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 26
+thorn 0x19 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 31
+ae 0x1e altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 32
+ssharp 0x1f altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 33
+eth 0x20 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 34
+dstroke 0x21 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 35
+eng 0x22 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 36
+hstroke 0x23 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 38
+kra 0x25 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 39
+lstroke 0x26 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 46
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 47
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 49
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 50
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr inhibit
+# Scan Code 52
+mu 0x32 altgr inhibit
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/en-gb b/pc-bios/keymaps/en-gb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b45f06c7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/en-gb
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# generated from XKB map gb
+include common
+map 0x809
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+EuroSign 0x05 altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+parenright 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+dead_acute 0x27 altgr
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x28
+at 0x28 shift
+dead_circumflex 0x28 altgr
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+grave 0x29
+notsign 0x29 shift
+bar 0x29 altgr
+numbersign 0x2b
+asciitilde 0x2b shift
+dead_grave 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+less 0x2c shift altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+greater 0x2d shift altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
+backslash 0x56
+bar 0x56 shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/en-us b/pc-bios/keymaps/en-us
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5784bbb39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/en-us
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# generated from XKB map us
+include common
+map 0x409
+exclam 0x02 shift
+at 0x03 shift
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+dollar 0x05 shift
+percent 0x06 shift
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+parenright 0x0b shift
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+apostrophe 0x28
+quotedbl 0x28 shift
+grave 0x29
+asciitilde 0x29 shift
+backslash 0x2b
+bar 0x2b shift
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/es b/pc-bios/keymaps/es
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c29eec5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/es
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# generated from XKB map es
+include common
+map 0x40a
+exclam 0x02 shift
+bar 0x02 altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+at 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+periodcentered 0x04 shift
+numbersign 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+asciitilde 0x05 altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+notsign 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+exclamdown 0x0d
+questiondown 0x0d shift
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+dead_grave 0x1a
+dead_circumflex 0x1a shift
+bracketleft 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+plus 0x1b
+asterisk 0x1b shift
+bracketright 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+ntilde 0x27
+Ntilde 0x27 shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+dead_acute 0x28
+dead_diaeresis 0x28 shift
+braceleft 0x28 altgr
+masculine 0x29
+ordfeminine 0x29 shift
+backslash 0x29 altgr
+ccedilla 0x2b
+Ccedilla 0x2b shift
+braceright 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+less 0x56
+greater 0x56 shift
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/et b/pc-bios/keymaps/et
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85541a3772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/et
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+map 0x00000425
+include common
+# Top row
+dead_caron 0x29
+dead_tilde 0x29 shift
+# 1
+exclam 0x2 shift
+# 2
+quotedbl 0x3 shift
+at 0x3 altgr
+# 3
+numbersign 0x4 shift
+sterling 0x4 altgr
+# 4
+currency 0x5 shift
+dollar 0x5 altgr
+# 5
+percent 0x6 shift
+# 6
+ampersand 0x7 shift
+# 7
+slash 0x8 shift
+braceleft 0x8 altgr
+# 8
+parenleft 0x9 shift
+bracketleft 0x9 altgr
+# 9
+parenright 0xa shift
+bracketright 0xa altgr
+# 0
+equal 0xb shift
+braceright 0xb altgr
+plus 0xc
+question 0xc shift
+backslash 0xc altgr
+acute 0xd
+dead_acute 0xd
+grave 0xd shift
+dead_grave 0xd shift
+# QWERTY first row
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+udiaeresis 0x1a
+Udiaeresis 0x1a shift
+otilde 0x1b
+Otilde 0x1b shift
+section 0x1b altgr
+# QWERTY second row
+scaron 0x1f altgr
+Scaron 0x1f altgr shift
+odiaeresis 0x27
+Odiaeresis 0x27 shift
+adiaeresis 0x28
+Adiaeresis 0x28 shift
+asciicircum 0x28 altgr
+apostrophe 0x2b
+asterisk 0x2b shift
+onehalf 0x2b altgr
+# QWERTY third row
+less 0x56
+greater 0x56 shift
+bar 0x56 altgr
+zcaron 0x2c altgr
+Zcaron 0x2c altgr shift
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/fi b/pc-bios/keymaps/fi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a4e0f0454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/fi
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# generated from XKB map se_FI
+include common
+map 0x40b
+exclam 0x02 shift
+exclamdown 0x02 altgr
+onesuperior 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+at 0x03 altgr
+twosuperior 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+sterling 0x04 altgr
+threesuperior 0x04 shift altgr
+currency 0x05 shift
+dollar 0x05 altgr
+onequarter 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+cent 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+yen 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+division 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+guillemotleft 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+guillemotright 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+plus 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+dead_acute 0x0d
+dead_grave 0x0d shift
+plusminus 0x0d altgr
+notsign 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+cent 0x12 shift altgr
+registered 0x13 altgr
+thorn 0x14 altgr
+THORN 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oe 0x18 altgr
+OE 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+aring 0x1a
+Aring 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+dead_diaeresis 0x1b
+dead_circumflex 0x1b shift
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_caron 0x1b shift altgr
+ordfeminine 0x1e altgr
+masculine 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+ampersand 0x25 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+odiaeresis 0x27
+Odiaeresis 0x27 shift
+oslash 0x27 altgr
+Ooblique 0x27 shift altgr
+adiaeresis 0x28
+Adiaeresis 0x28 shift
+ae 0x28 altgr
+AE 0x28 shift altgr
+section 0x29
+onehalf 0x29 shift
+paragraph 0x29 altgr
+threequarters 0x29 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x2b
+asterisk 0x2b shift
+acute 0x2b altgr
+multiply 0x2b shift altgr
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+less 0x2c shift altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+greater 0x2d shift altgr
+copyright 0x2e altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+apostrophe 0x30 shift altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+dead_cedilla 0x33 altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+hyphen 0x35 altgr
+macron 0x35 shift altgr
+nobreakspace 0x39 altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/fo b/pc-bios/keymaps/fo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c00d9d4def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/fo
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+map 0x438
+include common
+# Top row
+onehalf 0x29
+section 0x29 shift
+# 1
+exclam 0x2 shift
+# 2
+quotedbl 0x3 shift
+at 0x3 altgr
+# 3
+numbersign 0x4 shift
+sterling 0x4 altgr
+# 4
+currency 0x5 shift
+dollar 0x5 altgr
+# 5
+percent 0x6 shift
+# 6
+ampersand 0x7 shift
+# 7
+slash 0x8 shift
+braceleft 0x8 altgr
+# 8
+parenleft 0x9 shift
+bracketleft 0x9 altgr
+# 9
+parenright 0xa shift
+bracketright 0xa altgr
+# 0
+equal 0xb shift
+braceright 0xb altgr
+plus 0xc
+question 0xc shift
+plusminus 0xc altgr
+bar 0xd altgr
+dead_acute 0xd
+# QWERTY first row
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+aring 0x1a
+Aring 0x1a shift
+eth 0x1b addupper
+asciitilde 0x1b altgr
+# QWERTY second row
+ae 0x27 addupper
+oslash 0x28
+Ooblique 0x28 shift
+apostrophe 0x2b
+asterisk 0x2b shift
+# QWERTY third row
+less 0x56
+greater 0x56 shift
+backslash 0x56 altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/fr b/pc-bios/keymaps/fr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba5a176c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/fr
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+include common
+map 0x40c
+# Top row
+twosuperior 0x29
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+ampersand 0x02
+1 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+eacute 0x03
+2 0x03 shift
+asciitilde 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x04
+3 0x04 shift
+numbersign 0x04 altgr
+apostrophe 0x05
+4 0x05 shift
+braceleft 0x05 altgr
+parenleft 0x06
+5 0x06 shift
+bracketleft 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+minus 0x07
+6 0x07 shift
+bar 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+egrave 0x08
+7 0x08 shift
+grave 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+underscore 0x09
+8 0x09 shift
+backslash 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+ccedilla 0x0a
+9 0x0a shift
+asciicircum 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+agrave 0x0b
+0 0x0b shift
+at 0x0b altgr
+parenright 0x0c
+degree 0x0c shift
+bracketright 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+braceright 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+# AZERTY first row
+a 0x10 addupper
+ae 0x10 altgr
+AE 0x10 shift altgr
+z 0x11 addupper
+guillemotleft 0x11 altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+dead_circumflex 0x1a
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a shift
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+dollar 0x1b
+sterling 0x1b shift
+currency 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+# AZERTY second row
+q 0x1e addupper
+Greek_OMEGA 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+m 0x27 addupper
+masculine 0x27 shift altgr
+ugrave 0x28
+percent 0x28 shift
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+asterisk 0x2b
+mu 0x2b shift
+dead_grave 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+# AZERTY third row
+less 0x56
+greater 0x56 shift
+w 0x2c addupper
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+comma 0x32
+question 0x32 shift
+dead_acute 0x32 altgr
+dead_doubleacute 0x32 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x33
+period 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+colon 0x34
+slash 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+exclam 0x35
+section 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-be b/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-be
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62f71286e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-be
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# generated from XKB map be
+include common
+map 0x80c
+ampersand 0x02
+1 0x02 shift
+bar 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+eacute 0x03
+2 0x03 shift
+at 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x04
+3 0x04 shift
+numbersign 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x05
+4 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x06
+5 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+section 0x07
+6 0x07 shift
+asciicircum 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+egrave 0x08
+7 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+exclam 0x09
+8 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+ccedilla 0x0a
+9 0x0a shift
+braceleft 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+agrave 0x0b
+0 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+parenright 0x0c
+degree 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+minus 0x0d
+underscore 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+a 0x10 addupper
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+z 0x11 addupper
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+cent 0x12 shift altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+dead_circumflex 0x1a
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a shift
+bracketleft 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+dollar 0x1b
+asterisk 0x1b shift
+bracketright 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+q 0x1e addupper
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+m 0x27 addupper
+dead_acute 0x27 altgr
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+ugrave 0x28
+percent 0x28 shift
+dead_acute 0x28 altgr
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+twosuperior 0x29
+threesuperior 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+mu 0x2b
+sterling 0x2b shift
+dead_grave 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+w 0x2c addupper
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+comma 0x32
+question 0x32 shift
+dead_cedilla 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x33
+period 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+colon 0x34
+slash 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+equal 0x35
+plus 0x35 shift
+dead_tilde 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
+backslash 0x56 altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-ca b/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-ca
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b645208e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-ca
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Canadian French
+# By Simon Germain
+include common
+map 0xc0c
+backslash 0x29 altgr
+plusminus 0x2 altgr
+at 0x3 altgr
+sterling 0x4 altgr
+cent 0x5 altgr
+currency 0x6 altgr
+notsign 0x7 altgr
+bar 0x29 shift
+twosuperior 0x9 altgr
+threesuperior 0xa altgr
+onequarter 0xb altgr
+onehalf 0xc altgr
+threequarters 0xd altgr
+section 0x18 altgr
+paragraph 0x19 altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a altgr
+bracketright 0x1b altgr
+asciitilde 0x27 altgr
+braceleft 0x28 altgr
+braceright 0x2b altgr
+less 0x2b
+greater 0x2b shift
+guillemotleft 0x56
+guillemotright 0x56 shift
+degree 0x56 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+eacute 0x35
+dead_acute 0x35 altgr
+dead_grave 0x28
+dead_circumflex 0x1a
+dead_circumflex 0x1a shift
+dead_cedilla 0x1b
+dead_diaeresis 0x1b shift
+exclam 0x2 shift
+quotedbl 0x3 shift
+slash 0x4 shift
+dollar 0x5 shift
+percent 0x6 shift
+question 0x7 shift
+ampersand 0x8 shift
+asterisk 0x9 shift
+parenleft 0xa shift
+parenright 0xb shift
+underscore 0xc shift
+plus 0xd shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-ch b/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-ch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4620d2033b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/fr-ch
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# generated from XKB map fr_CH
+include common
+map 0x100c
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+section 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr
+currency 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+ssharp 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+acute 0x0d
+dead_acute 0x0d
+grave 0x0d shift
+dead_grave 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+z 0x15 addupper
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+udiaeresis 0x1a
+Udiaeresis 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+plus 0x1b
+asterisk 0x1b shift
+asciitilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+odiaeresis 0x27
+Odiaeresis 0x27 shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 altgr
+adiaeresis 0x28
+Adiaeresis 0x28 shift
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+asciicircum 0x29
+dead_circumflex 0x29
+degree 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+numbersign 0x2b
+apostrophe 0x2b shift
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+y 0x2c addupper
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/hr b/pc-bios/keymaps/hr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..613aa6925d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/hr
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# generated from XKB map hr
+include common
+map 0x41a
+exclam 0x02 shift
+asciitilde 0x02 altgr
+dead_tilde 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+dead_caron 0x03 altgr
+caron 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+asciicircum 0x04 altgr
+dead_circumflex 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+dead_breve 0x05 altgr
+breve 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+degree 0x06 altgr
+dead_abovering 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+dead_ogonek 0x07 altgr
+ogonek 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+grave 0x08 altgr
+dead_grave 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+dead_abovedot 0x09 altgr
+abovedot 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+dead_acute 0x0a altgr
+apostrophe 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x0b altgr
+doubleacute 0x0b shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x0c altgr
+diaeresis 0x0c shift altgr
+plus 0x0d
+asterisk 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+cedilla 0x0d shift altgr
+backslash 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+bar 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+z 0x15 addupper
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+scaron 0x1a
+Scaron 0x1a shift
+division 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+dstroke 0x1b
+Dstroke 0x1b shift
+multiply 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+bracketright 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x25 altgr
+ampersand 0x25 shift altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 altgr
+ccaron 0x27
+Ccaron 0x27 shift
+dead_acute 0x27 altgr
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+cacute 0x28
+Cacute 0x28 shift
+ssharp 0x28 altgr
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+dead_cedilla 0x29
+dead_diaeresis 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+zcaron 0x2b
+Zcaron 0x2b shift
+currency 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+y 0x2c addupper
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+less 0x2c shift altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+greater 0x2d shift altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+at 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+braceleft 0x30 altgr
+apostrophe 0x30 shift altgr
+braceright 0x31 altgr
+section 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/hu b/pc-bios/keymaps/hu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8aba444417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/hu
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Hungarian keyboard layout (QWERTZ)
+# Created by: The NeverGone <>
+include common
+map 0x40e
+# AltGr keys:
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+asciitilde 0x02 altgr
+caron 0x03 altgr
+asciicircum 0x04 altgr
+breve 0x05 altgr
+degree 0x06 altgr
+ogonek 0x07 altgr
+grave 0x08 altgr
+abovedot 0x09 altgr
+acute 0x0a altgr
+doubleacute 0x0b altgr
+diaeresis 0x0c altgr
+cedilla 0x0d altgr
+backslash 0x10 altgr
+bar 0x11 altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+Iacute 0x17 altgr
+division 0x1a altgr
+multiply 0x1b altgr
+dstroke 0x1f altgr
+Dstroke 0x20 altgr
+bracketleft 0x21 altgr
+bracketright 0x22 altgr
+iacute 0x24 altgr
+lstroke 0x25 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 altgr
+dollar 0x27 altgr
+ssharp 0x28 altgr
+currency 0x2b altgr
+less 0x56 altgr
+greater 0x2c altgr
+numbersign 0x2d altgr
+ampersand 0x2e altgr
+at 0x2f altgr
+braceleft 0x30 altgr
+braceright 0x31 altgr
+semicolon 0x33 altgr
+asterisk 0x35 altgr
+# Shift keys:
+section 0x29 shift
+apostrophe 0x02 shift
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+plus 0x04 shift
+exclam 0x05 shift
+percent 0x06 shift
+slash 0x07 shift
+equal 0x08 shift
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+parenright 0x0a shift
+Odiaeresis 0x0b shift
+Udiaeresis 0x0c shift
+Oacute 0x0d shift
+Z 0x15 shift
+Odoubleacute 0x1a shift
+Uacute 0x1b shift
+Eacute 0x27 shift
+Aacute 0x28 shift
+Udoubleacute 0x2b shift
+Y 0x2c shift
+question 0x33 shift
+colon 0x34 shift
+underscore 0x35 shift
+F13 0x3b shift
+F14 0x3c shift
+F15 0x3d shift
+F16 0x3e shift
+F17 0x3f shift
+F18 0x40 shift
+F19 0x41 shift
+F20 0x42 shift
+F21 0x43 shift
+F22 0x44 shift
+F23 0x57 shift
+F24 0x58 shift
+# Ctrl keys:
+F25 0x3b ctrl
+F26 0x3c ctrl
+F27 0x3d ctrl
+F28 0x3e ctrl
+F29 0x3f ctrl
+F30 0x40 ctrl
+F31 0x41 ctrl
+F32 0x42 ctrl
+F33 0x43 ctrl
+F34 0x44 ctrl
+F35 0x57 ctrl
+#NoSymbol 0x58 ctrl
+0 0x29
+odiaeresis 0x0b
+udiaeresis 0x0c
+oacute 0x0d
+z 0x15
+odoubleacute 0x1a
+uacute 0x1b
+eacute 0x27
+aacute 0x28
+udoubleacute 0x2b
+y 0x2c
+comma 0x33
+period 0x34
+minus 0x35
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/is b/pc-bios/keymaps/is
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21dc1fd3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/is
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# 2004-03-16 Halldór Guðmundsson and Morten Lange
+# Keyboard definition file for the Icelandic keyboard
+# to be used in rdesktop 1.3.x ( See
+# generated from XKB map de, and changed manually
+# Location for example /usr/local/share/rdesktop/keymaps/is
+include common
+map 0x40f
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+#section 0x04 shift
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr
+currency 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+#ssharp 0x0c
+odiaeresis 0x0c
+#question 0x0c shift
+Odiaeresis 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+#acute 0x0d
+minus 0x0d
+#dead_acute 0x0d
+#grave 0x0d shift
+#dead_grave 0x0d shift
+underscore 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+#z 0x15 addupper
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+#thorn 0x19 altgr
+#THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+#udiaeresis 0x1a
+#Udiaeresis 0x1a shift
+#dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+#dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+eth 0x1a
+ETH 0x1a shift
+apostrophe 0x1b
+question 0x1b shift
+#plus 0x1b
+#asterisk 0x1b shift
+asciitilde 0x1b altgr
+#grave 0x1b altgr
+#dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+#dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+#ae 0x1e altgr
+#AE 0x1e shift altgr
+#eth 0x20 altgr
+#eth 0x20
+#ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+#ETH 0x20 shift
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+#adiaeresis 0x27
+#Adiaeresis 0x27 shift
+ae 0x27
+AE 0x27 shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 altgr
+#adiaeresis 0x28
+#Adiaeresis 0x28 shift
+#dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+#asciicircum 0x29
+acute 0x28
+dead_acute 0x28
+#dead_circumflex 0x29
+#degree 0x29 shift
+#notsign 0x29 altgr
+plus 0x2b
+asterisk 0x2b shift
+grave 0x2b altgr
+#numbersign 0x2b
+#apostrophe 0x2b shift
+#dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+#y 0x2c addupper
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+#minus 0x35
+#underscore 0x35 shift
+thorn 0x35
+THORN 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/it b/pc-bios/keymaps/it
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00ca73a3e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/it
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# generated from XKB map it
+include common
+map 0x410
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+grave 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+igrave 0x0d
+asciicircum 0x0d shift
+asciitilde 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+cent 0x12 shift altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+egrave 0x1a
+eacute 0x1a shift
+bracketleft 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+plus 0x1b
+asterisk 0x1b shift
+bracketright 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+ograve 0x27
+ccedilla 0x27 shift
+at 0x27 altgr
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+agrave 0x28
+degree 0x28 shift
+numbersign 0x28 altgr
+backslash 0x29
+bar 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+ugrave 0x2b
+section 0x2b shift
+dead_grave 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/ja b/pc-bios/keymaps/ja
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d90a78c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/ja
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# generated from XKB map jp106
+include common
+map 0x411
+exclam 0x02 shift
+kana_NU 0x02 altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+kana_FU 0x03 altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+kana_A 0x04 altgr
+kana_a 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+kana_U 0x05 altgr
+kana_u 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+kana_E 0x06 altgr
+kana_e 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+kana_O 0x07 altgr
+kana_o 0x07 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x08 shift
+kana_YA 0x08 altgr
+kana_ya 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+kana_YU 0x09 altgr
+kana_yu 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+kana_YO 0x0a altgr
+kana_yo 0x0a shift altgr
+asciitilde 0x0b shift
+kana_WA 0x0b altgr
+kana_WO 0x0b shift altgr
+minus 0x0c
+equal 0x0c shift
+kana_HO 0x0c altgr
+asciicircum 0x0d
+asciitilde 0x0d shift
+kana_HE 0x0d altgr
+kana_TA 0x10 altgr
+kana_TE 0x11 altgr
+kana_I 0x12 altgr
+kana_i 0x12 shift altgr
+kana_SU 0x13 altgr
+kana_KA 0x14 altgr
+kana_N 0x15 altgr
+kana_NA 0x16 altgr
+kana_NI 0x17 altgr
+kana_RA 0x18 altgr
+kana_SE 0x19 altgr
+at 0x1a
+grave 0x1a shift
+voicedsound 0x1a altgr
+bracketleft 0x1b
+braceleft 0x1b shift
+semivoicedsound 0x1b altgr
+kana_openingbracket 0x1b shift altgr
+kana_CHI 0x1e altgr
+kana_TO 0x1f altgr
+kana_SHI 0x20 altgr
+kana_HA 0x21 altgr
+kana_KI 0x22 altgr
+kana_KU 0x23 altgr
+kana_MA 0x24 altgr
+kana_NO 0x25 altgr
+kana_RI 0x26 altgr
+semicolon 0x27
+plus 0x27 shift
+kana_RE 0x27 altgr
+colon 0x28
+asterisk 0x28 shift
+kana_KE 0x28 altgr
+Zenkaku_Hankaku 0x29
+bracketright 0x2b
+braceright 0x2b shift
+kana_MU 0x2b altgr
+kana_closingbracket 0x2b shift altgr
+kana_TSU 0x2c altgr
+kana_tsu 0x2c shift altgr
+kana_SA 0x2d altgr
+kana_SO 0x2e altgr
+kana_HI 0x2f altgr
+kana_KO 0x30 altgr
+kana_MI 0x31 altgr
+kana_MO 0x32 altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+kana_NE 0x33 altgr
+kana_comma 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+kana_RU 0x34 altgr
+kana_fullstop 0x34 shift altgr
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
+kana_ME 0x35 altgr
+kana_conjunctive 0x35 shift altgr
+Eisu_toggle 0x3a shift
+Execute 0x54 shift
+Kanji 0x70
+backslash 0x73
+yen 0x7d
+bar 0x7d shift
+underscore 0x73 shift
+Henkan_Mode 0x79
+Katakana_Real 0x70
+Katakana 0x70
+Muhenkan 0x7b
+Henkan_Mode_Real 0x79
+Henkan_Mode_Ultra 0x79
+backslash_ja 0x73
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/lt b/pc-bios/keymaps/lt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d9d619ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/lt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# generated from XKB map lt
+include common
+map 0x427
+exclam 0x02 shift
+aogonek 0x02 altgr
+Aogonek 0x02 shift altgr
+at 0x03 shift
+ccaron 0x03 altgr
+Ccaron 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+eogonek 0x04 altgr
+Eogonek 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+eabovedot 0x05 altgr
+Eabovedot 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+iogonek 0x06 altgr
+Iogonek 0x06 shift altgr
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+scaron 0x07 altgr
+Scaron 0x07 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+uogonek 0x08 altgr
+Uogonek 0x08 shift altgr
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+umacron 0x09 altgr
+Umacron 0x09 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+doublelowquotemark 0x0a altgr
+parenright 0x0b shift
+leftdoublequotemark 0x0b altgr
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+zcaron 0x0d altgr
+Zcaron 0x0d shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+apostrophe 0x28
+quotedbl 0x28 shift
+grave 0x29
+asciitilde 0x29 shift
+backslash 0x2b
+bar 0x2b shift
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
+endash 0x56
+EuroSign 0x56 shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/lv b/pc-bios/keymaps/lv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d91727912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/lv
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# generated from XKB map lv
+include common
+map 0x426
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+at 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+EuroSign 0x05 altgr
+cent 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+parenright 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+emacron 0x12 altgr
+Emacron 0x12 shift altgr
+rcedilla 0x13 altgr
+Rcedilla 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+umacron 0x16 altgr
+Umacron 0x16 shift altgr
+imacron 0x17 altgr
+Imacron 0x17 shift altgr
+omacron 0x18 altgr
+Omacron 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ISO_Next_Group 0x1c shift
+amacron 0x1e altgr
+Amacron 0x1e shift altgr
+scaron 0x1f altgr
+Scaron 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+gcedilla 0x22 altgr
+Gcedilla 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kcedilla 0x25 altgr
+Kcedilla 0x25 shift altgr
+lcedilla 0x26 altgr
+Lcedilla 0x26 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+dead_acute 0x27 altgr
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x28
+quotedbl 0x28 shift
+leftdoublequotemark 0x28 altgr
+doublelowquotemark 0x28 shift altgr
+grave 0x29
+asciitilde 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+backslash 0x2b
+bar 0x2b shift
+dead_grave 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+zcaron 0x2c altgr
+Zcaron 0x2c shift altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+greater 0x2d shift altgr
+ccaron 0x2e altgr
+Ccaron 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+apostrophe 0x30 shift altgr
+ncedilla 0x31 altgr
+Ncedilla 0x31 shift altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
+nobreakspace 0x39 altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/mk b/pc-bios/keymaps/mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18c1504842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/mk
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# generated from XKB map mk
+include common
+map 0x42f
+exclam 0x02 shift
+at 0x03 shift
+doublelowquotemark 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+leftdoublequotemark 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+percent 0x06 shift
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+parenright 0x0b shift
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+Cyrillic_lje 0x10 altgr
+Cyrillic_LJE 0x10 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_nje 0x11 altgr
+Cyrillic_NJE 0x11 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ie 0x12 altgr
+Cyrillic_IE 0x12 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_er 0x13 altgr
+Cyrillic_ER 0x13 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_te 0x14 altgr
+Cyrillic_TE 0x14 shift altgr
+Macedonia_dse 0x15 altgr
+Macedonia_DSE 0x15 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_u 0x16 altgr
+Cyrillic_U 0x16 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_i 0x17 altgr
+Cyrillic_I 0x17 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_o 0x18 altgr
+Cyrillic_O 0x18 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_pe 0x19 altgr
+Cyrillic_PE 0x19 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+Cyrillic_sha 0x1a altgr
+Cyrillic_SHA 0x1a shift altgr
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+Macedonia_gje 0x1b altgr
+Macedonia_GJE 0x1b shift altgr
+Cyrillic_a 0x1e altgr
+Cyrillic_A 0x1e shift altgr
+Cyrillic_es 0x1f altgr
+Cyrillic_ES 0x1f shift altgr
+Cyrillic_de 0x20 altgr
+Cyrillic_DE 0x20 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ef 0x21 altgr
+Cyrillic_EF 0x21 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ghe 0x22 altgr
+Cyrillic_GHE 0x22 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ha 0x23 altgr
+Cyrillic_HA 0x23 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_je 0x24 altgr
+Cyrillic_JE 0x24 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ka 0x25 altgr
+Cyrillic_KA 0x25 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_el 0x26 altgr
+Cyrillic_EL 0x26 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+Cyrillic_che 0x27 altgr
+Cyrillic_CHE 0x27 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x28
+quotedbl 0x28 shift
+Macedonia_kje 0x28 altgr
+Macedonia_KJE 0x28 shift altgr
+grave 0x29
+asciitilde 0x29 shift
+backslash 0x2b
+bar 0x2b shift
+Cyrillic_zhe 0x2b altgr
+Cyrillic_ZHE 0x2b shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ze 0x2c altgr
+Cyrillic_ZE 0x2c shift altgr
+Cyrillic_dzhe 0x2d altgr
+Cyrillic_DZHE 0x2d shift altgr
+Cyrillic_tse 0x2e altgr
+Cyrillic_TSE 0x2e shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ve 0x2f altgr
+Cyrillic_VE 0x2f shift altgr
+Cyrillic_be 0x30 altgr
+Cyrillic_BE 0x30 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_en 0x31 altgr
+Cyrillic_EN 0x31 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_em 0x32 altgr
+Cyrillic_EM 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+semicolon 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+colon 0x34 shift altgr
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/modifiers b/pc-bios/keymaps/modifiers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d73b7a6637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/modifiers
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Shift_R 0x36
+Shift_L 0x2a
+Alt_R 0xb8
+Mode_switch 0xb8
+ISO_Level3_Shift 0xb8
+Alt_L 0x38
+Control_R 0x9d
+Control_L 0x1d
+# Translate Super to Windows keys.
+# This is hardcoded. See documentation for details.
+Super_R 0xdc
+Super_L 0xdb
+# Translate Menu to the Windows Application key.
+Menu 0xdd
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/nl b/pc-bios/keymaps/nl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4892f930d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/nl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Dutch (Netherlands)
+include common
+map 0x413
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+quotebl 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+underscore 0x08 shift
+sterling 0x08 altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+braceleft 0x09 altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+braceright 0x0a altgr
+apostrophe 0x0b shift
+slash 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+degree 0x0d
+dead_tilde 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a
+dead_circumflex 0x1a shift
+asterisk 0x1b
+bar 0x1b shift
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+plus 0x27
+plusminus 0x27 shift
+dead_acute 0x28
+dead_grave 0x28 shift
+at 0x29
+section 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+less 0x2b
+greater 0x2b shift
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+copyright 0x2e altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+hyphen 0x35
+equal 0x35 shift
+bracketright 0x56
+bracketleft 0x56 shift
+brokenbar 0x56 altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/nl-be b/pc-bios/keymaps/nl-be
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34fc881ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/nl-be
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Dutch (Belgium)
+map 0x813
+include common
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/no b/pc-bios/keymaps/no
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40a64790d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/no
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# generated from XKB map no
+include common
+map 0x414
+exclam 0x02 shift
+exclamdown 0x02 altgr
+onesuperior 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+at 0x03 altgr
+twosuperior 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+sterling 0x04 altgr
+threesuperior 0x04 shift altgr
+currency 0x05 shift
+dollar 0x05 altgr
+onequarter 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+cent 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+yen 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+division 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+guillemotleft 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+guillemotright 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+plus 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+plusminus 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+backslash 0x0d
+dead_grave 0x0d shift
+dead_acute 0x0d altgr
+notsign 0x0d shift altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+cent 0x12 shift altgr
+registered 0x13 altgr
+thorn 0x14 altgr
+THORN 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oe 0x18 altgr
+OE 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+aring 0x1a
+Aring 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+dead_diaeresis 0x1b
+dead_circumflex 0x1b shift
+asciicircum 0x01b shift
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+asciitilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_caron 0x1b shift altgr
+ordfeminine 0x1e altgr
+masculine 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+oslash 0x27
+Ooblique 0x27 shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+ae 0x28
+AE 0x28 shift
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+bar 0x29
+section 0x29 shift
+brokenbar 0x29 altgr
+paragraph 0x29 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x2b
+asterisk 0x2b shift
+multiply 0x2b shift altgr
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+copyright 0x2e altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+dead_cedilla 0x33 altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+hyphen 0x35 altgr
+macron 0x35 shift altgr
+nobreakspace 0x39 altgr
+onehalf 0x56 altgr
+threequarters 0x56 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/pl b/pc-bios/keymaps/pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09c600d355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/pl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# generated from XKB map pl
+include common
+map 0x415
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+at 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+onequarter 0x05 altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+parenright 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+eogonek 0x12 altgr
+Eogonek 0x12 shift altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oacute 0x18 altgr
+Oacute 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+aogonek 0x1e altgr
+Aogonek 0x1e shift altgr
+sacute 0x1f altgr
+Sacute 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+dead_acute 0x27 altgr
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x28
+quotedbl 0x28 shift
+dead_circumflex 0x28 altgr
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+grave 0x29
+asciitilde 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+backslash 0x2b
+bar 0x2b shift
+dead_grave 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+zabovedot 0x2c altgr
+Zabovedot 0x2c shift altgr
+zacute 0x2d altgr
+Zacute 0x2d shift altgr
+cacute 0x2e altgr
+Cacute 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+nacute 0x31 altgr
+Nacute 0x31 shift altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/pt b/pc-bios/keymaps/pt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6941f651c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/pt
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# generated from XKB map pt
+include common
+map 0x816
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+at 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+sterling 0x04 altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+section 0x05 altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+threequarters 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+guillemotleft 0x0d
+guillemotright 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+cent 0x12 shift altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+plus 0x1a
+asterisk 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+dead_acute 0x1b
+dead_grave 0x1b shift
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+ccedilla 0x27
+Ccedilla 0x27 shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+masculine 0x28
+ordfeminine 0x28 shift
+dead_circumflex 0x28 altgr
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+backslash 0x29
+bar 0x29 shift
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+dead_tilde 0x2b
+dead_circumflex 0x2b shift
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+less 0x56
+greater 0x56 shift
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/pt-br b/pc-bios/keymaps/pt-br
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54bafc5dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/pt-br
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# generated from XKB map br
+include common
+map 0x416
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+at 0x03 shift
+twosuperior 0x03 altgr
+onehalf 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+threesuperior 0x04 altgr
+threequarters 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+sterling 0x05 altgr
+onequarter 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+cent 0x06 altgr
+dead_diaeresis 0x07 shift
+notsign 0x07 altgr
+diaeresis 0x07 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+parenright 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+section 0x0d altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+registered 0x13 altgr
+dead_acute 0x1a
+dead_grave 0x1a shift
+acute 0x1a altgr
+grave 0x1a shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1b
+braceleft 0x1b shift
+ordfeminine 0x1b altgr
+ccedilla 0x27
+Ccedilla 0x27 shift
+dead_tilde 0x28
+dead_circumflex 0x28 shift
+asciitilde 0x28 altgr
+asciicircum 0x28 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x29
+quotedbl 0x29 shift
+bracketright 0x2b
+braceright 0x2b shift
+masculine 0x2b altgr
+copyright 0x2e altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+semicolon 0x35
+colon 0x35 shift
+comma 0x53 numlock
+backslash 0x56
+bar 0x56 shift
+slash 0x73
+question 0x73 shift
+degree 0x73 altgr
+KP_Decimal 0x34
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/ru b/pc-bios/keymaps/ru
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3e7d24de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/ru
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# generated from XKB map ru
+include common
+map 0x419
+exclam 0x02 shift
+at 0x03 shift
+quotedbl 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+dollar 0x05 shift
+asterisk 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+colon 0x06 shift altgr
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+comma 0x07 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+period 0x08 shift altgr
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+semicolon 0x09 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+parenright 0x0b shift
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+Cyrillic_shorti 0x10 altgr
+Cyrillic_SHORTI 0x10 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_tse 0x11 altgr
+Cyrillic_TSE 0x11 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_u 0x12 altgr
+Cyrillic_U 0x12 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ka 0x13 altgr
+Cyrillic_KA 0x13 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ie 0x14 altgr
+Cyrillic_IE 0x14 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_en 0x15 altgr
+Cyrillic_EN 0x15 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ghe 0x16 altgr
+Cyrillic_GHE 0x16 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_sha 0x17 altgr
+Cyrillic_SHA 0x17 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_shcha 0x18 altgr
+Cyrillic_SHCHA 0x18 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ze 0x19 altgr
+Cyrillic_ZE 0x19 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+Cyrillic_ha 0x1a altgr
+Cyrillic_HA 0x1a shift altgr
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+Cyrillic_hardsign 0x1b altgr
+Cyrillic_HARDSIGN 0x1b shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ef 0x1e altgr
+Cyrillic_EF 0x1e shift altgr
+Cyrillic_yeru 0x1f altgr
+Cyrillic_YERU 0x1f shift altgr
+Cyrillic_ve 0x20 altgr
+Cyrillic_VE 0x20 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_a 0x21 altgr
+Cyrillic_A 0x21 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_pe 0x22 altgr
+Cyrillic_PE 0x22 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_er 0x23 altgr
+Cyrillic_ER 0x23 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_o 0x24 altgr
+Cyrillic_O 0x24 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_el 0x25 altgr
+Cyrillic_EL 0x25 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_de 0x26 altgr
+Cyrillic_DE 0x26 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+Cyrillic_zhe 0x27 altgr
+Cyrillic_ZHE 0x27 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x28
+quotedbl 0x28 shift
+Cyrillic_e 0x28 altgr
+Cyrillic_E 0x28 shift altgr
+grave 0x29
+asciitilde 0x29 shift
+Cyrillic_io 0x29 altgr
+Cyrillic_IO 0x29 shift altgr
+backslash 0x2b
+bar 0x2b shift
+Cyrillic_ya 0x2c altgr
+Cyrillic_YA 0x2c shift altgr
+Cyrillic_che 0x2d altgr
+Cyrillic_CHE 0x2d shift altgr
+Cyrillic_es 0x2e altgr
+Cyrillic_ES 0x2e shift altgr
+Cyrillic_em 0x2f altgr
+Cyrillic_EM 0x2f shift altgr
+Cyrillic_i 0x30 altgr
+Cyrillic_I 0x30 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_te 0x31 altgr
+Cyrillic_TE 0x31 shift altgr
+Cyrillic_softsign 0x32 altgr
+Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+Cyrillic_be 0x33 altgr
+Cyrillic_BE 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+Cyrillic_yu 0x34 altgr
+Cyrillic_YU 0x34 shift altgr
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
+slash 0x56 altgr
+bar 0x56 shift altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/sl b/pc-bios/keymaps/sl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56835a92c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/sl
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# generated from XKB map sl
+include common
+map 0x424
+exclam 0x02 shift
+asciitilde 0x02 altgr
+dead_tilde 0x02 shift altgr
+quotedbl 0x03 shift
+dead_caron 0x03 altgr
+caron 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+asciicircum 0x04 altgr
+dead_circumflex 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+dead_breve 0x05 altgr
+breve 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+degree 0x06 altgr
+dead_abovering 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+dead_ogonek 0x07 altgr
+ogonek 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+grave 0x08 altgr
+dead_grave 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+dead_abovedot 0x09 altgr
+abovedot 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+dead_acute 0x0a altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+dead_doubleacute 0x0b altgr
+doubleacute 0x0b shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x0c altgr
+diaeresis 0x0c shift altgr
+plus 0x0d
+asterisk 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+cedilla 0x0d shift altgr
+backslash 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+bar 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+z 0x15 addupper
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+idotless 0x17 shift altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+scaron 0x1a
+Scaron 0x1a shift
+division 0x1a altgr
+dstroke 0x1b
+Dstroke 0x1b shift
+multiply 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+bracketright 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x25 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 altgr
+ccaron 0x27
+Ccaron 0x27 shift
+cacute 0x28
+Cacute 0x28 shift
+ssharp 0x28 altgr
+dead_cedilla 0x29
+notsign 0x29 altgr
+zcaron 0x2b
+Zcaron 0x2b shift
+currency 0x2b altgr
+y 0x2c addupper
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+at 0x2f altgr
+braceleft 0x30 altgr
+braceright 0x31 altgr
+section 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+horizconnector 0x33 altgr
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+periodcentered 0x34 altgr
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/sv b/pc-bios/keymaps/sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d9080eff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/sv
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+map 0x0000041d
+include common
+# Top row
+section 0x29
+onehalf 0x29 shift
+# 1
+exclam 0x2 shift
+# 2
+quotedbl 0x3 shift
+at 0x3 altgr
+# 3
+numbersign 0x4 shift
+sterling 0x4 altgr
+# 4
+currency 0x5 shift
+dollar 0x5 altgr
+# 5
+percent 0x6 shift
+# 6
+ampersand 0x7 shift
+# 7
+slash 0x8 shift
+braceleft 0x8 altgr
+# 8
+parenleft 0x9 shift
+bracketleft 0x9 altgr
+# 9
+parenright 0xa shift
+bracketright 0xa altgr
+# 0
+equal 0xb shift
+braceright 0xb altgr
+plus 0xc
+question 0xc shift
+backslash 0xc altgr
+acute 0xd
+dead_acute 0xd
+grave 0xd shift
+dead_grave 0xd shift
+# QWERTY first row
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+aring 0x1a
+Aring 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1b
+dead_circumflex 0x1b shift
+dead_tilde 0x1b altgr
+# QWERTY second row
+odiaeresis 0x27
+Odiaeresis 0x27 shift
+adiaeresis 0x28
+Adiaeresis 0x28 shift
+apostrophe 0x2b
+asterisk 0x2b shift
+# QWERTY third row
+less 0x56
+greater 0x56 shift
+bar 0x56 altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+comma 0x33
+semicolon 0x33 shift
+period 0x34
+colon 0x34 shift
+minus 0x35
+underscore 0x35 shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/th b/pc-bios/keymaps/th
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b65b6da5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/th
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# generated from XKB map th
+include common
+map 0x41e
+exclam 0x02 shift
+Thai_lakkhangyao 0x02 altgr
+plus 0x02 shift altgr
+at 0x03 shift
+slash 0x03 altgr
+Thai_leknung 0x03 shift altgr
+numbersign 0x04 shift
+minus 0x04 altgr
+Thai_leksong 0x04 shift altgr
+dollar 0x05 shift
+Thai_phosamphao 0x05 altgr
+Thai_leksam 0x05 shift altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+Thai_thothung 0x06 altgr
+Thai_leksi 0x06 shift altgr
+asciicircum 0x07 shift
+Thai_sarau 0x07 altgr
+Thai_sarauu 0x07 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x08 shift
+Thai_saraue 0x08 altgr
+Thai_baht 0x08 shift altgr
+asterisk 0x09 shift
+Thai_khokhwai 0x09 altgr
+Thai_lekha 0x09 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x0a shift
+Thai_totao 0x0a altgr
+Thai_lekhok 0x0a shift altgr
+parenright 0x0b shift
+Thai_chochan 0x0b altgr
+Thai_lekchet 0x0b shift altgr
+minus 0x0c
+underscore 0x0c shift
+Thai_khokhai 0x0c altgr
+Thai_lekpaet 0x0c shift altgr
+equal 0x0d
+plus 0x0d shift
+Thai_chochang 0x0d altgr
+Thai_lekkao 0x0d shift altgr
+Thai_maiyamok 0x10 altgr
+Thai_leksun 0x10 shift altgr
+Thai_saraaimaimalai 0x11 altgr
+quotedbl 0x11 shift altgr
+Thai_saraam 0x12 altgr
+Thai_dochada 0x12 shift altgr
+Thai_phophan 0x13 altgr
+Thai_thonangmontho 0x13 shift altgr
+Thai_saraa 0x14 altgr
+Thai_thothong 0x14 shift altgr
+Thai_maihanakat 0x15 altgr
+Thai_nikhahit 0x15 shift altgr
+Thai_saraii 0x16 altgr
+Thai_maitri 0x16 shift altgr
+Thai_rorua 0x17 altgr
+Thai_nonen 0x17 shift altgr
+Thai_nonu 0x18 altgr
+Thai_paiyannoi 0x18 shift altgr
+Thai_yoyak 0x19 altgr
+Thai_yoying 0x19 shift altgr
+bracketleft 0x1a
+braceleft 0x1a shift
+Thai_bobaimai 0x1a altgr
+Thai_thothan 0x1a shift altgr
+bracketright 0x1b
+braceright 0x1b shift
+Thai_loling 0x1b altgr
+comma 0x1b shift altgr
+Thai_fofan 0x1e altgr
+Thai_ru 0x1e shift altgr
+Thai_hohip 0x1f altgr
+Thai_khorakhang 0x1f shift altgr
+Thai_kokai 0x20 altgr
+Thai_topatak 0x20 shift altgr
+Thai_dodek 0x21 altgr
+Thai_sarao 0x21 shift altgr
+Thai_sarae 0x22 altgr
+Thai_chochoe 0x22 shift altgr
+Thai_maitho 0x23 altgr
+Thai_maitaikhu 0x23 shift altgr
+Thai_maiek 0x24 altgr
+Thai_maichattawa 0x24 shift altgr
+Thai_saraaa 0x25 altgr
+Thai_sorusi 0x25 shift altgr
+Thai_sosua 0x26 altgr
+Thai_sosala 0x26 shift altgr
+semicolon 0x27
+colon 0x27 shift
+Thai_wowaen 0x27 altgr
+Thai_soso 0x27 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x28
+quotedbl 0x28 shift
+Thai_ngongu 0x28 altgr
+period 0x28 shift altgr
+grave 0x29
+asciitilde 0x29 shift
+underscore 0x29 altgr
+percent 0x29 shift altgr
+ISO_First_Group 0x2a shift
+backslash 0x2b
+bar 0x2b shift
+Thai_khokhuat 0x2b altgr
+Thai_khokhon 0x2b shift altgr
+Thai_phophung 0x2c altgr
+parenleft 0x2c shift altgr
+Thai_popla 0x2d altgr
+parenright 0x2d shift altgr
+Thai_saraae 0x2e altgr
+Thai_choching 0x2e shift altgr
+Thai_oang 0x2f altgr
+Thai_honokhuk 0x2f shift altgr
+Thai_sarai 0x30 altgr
+Thai_phinthu 0x30 shift altgr
+Thai_sarauee 0x31 altgr
+Thai_thanthakhat 0x31 shift altgr
+Thai_thothahan 0x32 altgr
+question 0x32 shift altgr
+comma 0x33
+less 0x33 shift
+Thai_moma 0x33 altgr
+Thai_thophuthao 0x33 shift altgr
+period 0x34
+greater 0x34 shift
+Thai_saraaimaimuan 0x34 altgr
+Thai_lochula 0x34 shift altgr
+slash 0x35
+question 0x35 shift
+Thai_fofa 0x35 altgr
+Thai_lu 0x35 shift altgr
+ISO_Last_Group 0x36 shift
diff --git a/pc-bios/keymaps/tr b/pc-bios/keymaps/tr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5650e1e93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc-bios/keymaps/tr
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# generated from XKB map tr
+include common
+map 0x41f
+exclam 0x02 shift
+onesuperior 0x02 altgr
+exclamdown 0x02 shift altgr
+apostrophe 0x03 shift
+at 0x03 altgr
+oneeighth 0x03 shift altgr
+dead_circumflex 0x04 shift
+numbersign 0x04 altgr
+sterling 0x04 shift altgr
+plus 0x05 shift
+dollar 0x05 altgr
+percent 0x06 shift
+onehalf 0x06 altgr
+threeeighths 0x06 shift altgr
+ampersand 0x07 shift
+asciicircum 0x07 altgr
+fiveeighths 0x07 shift altgr
+slash 0x08 shift
+braceleft 0x08 altgr
+seveneighths 0x08 shift altgr
+parenleft 0x09 shift
+bracketleft 0x09 altgr
+trademark 0x09 shift altgr
+parenright 0x0a shift
+bracketright 0x0a altgr
+plusminus 0x0a shift altgr
+equal 0x0b shift
+braceright 0x0b altgr
+degree 0x0b shift altgr
+asterisk 0x0c
+question 0x0c shift
+backslash 0x0c altgr
+questiondown 0x0c shift altgr
+minus 0x0d
+underscore 0x0d shift
+dead_cedilla 0x0d altgr
+dead_ogonek 0x0d shift altgr
+at 0x10 altgr
+Greek_OMEGA 0x10 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x11 altgr
+Lstroke 0x11 shift altgr
+EuroSign 0x12 altgr
+paragraph 0x13 altgr
+registered 0x13 shift altgr
+tslash 0x14 altgr
+Tslash 0x14 shift altgr
+leftarrow 0x15 altgr
+yen 0x15 shift altgr
+downarrow 0x16 altgr
+uparrow 0x16 shift altgr
+idotless 0x17
+I 0x17 shift
+rightarrow 0x17 altgr
+oslash 0x18 altgr
+Ooblique 0x18 shift altgr
+thorn 0x19 altgr
+THORN 0x19 shift altgr
+gbreve 0x1a
+Gbreve 0x1a shift
+dead_diaeresis 0x1a altgr
+dead_abovering 0x1a shift altgr
+udiaeresis 0x1b
+Udiaeresis 0x1b shift
+asciitilde 0x1b altgr
+dead_macron 0x1b shift altgr
+ae 0x1e altgr
+AE 0x1e shift altgr
+ssharp 0x1f altgr
+section 0x1f shift altgr
+eth 0x20 altgr
+ETH 0x20 shift altgr
+dstroke 0x21 altgr
+ordfeminine 0x21 shift altgr
+eng 0x22 altgr
+ENG 0x22 shift altgr
+hstroke 0x23 altgr
+Hstroke 0x23 shift altgr
+kra 0x25 altgr
+ampersand 0x25 shift altgr
+lstroke 0x26 altgr
+Lstroke 0x26 shift altgr
+scedilla 0x27
+Scedilla 0x27 shift
+dead_acute 0x27 altgr
+dead_doubleacute 0x27 shift altgr
+i 0x28
+Iabovedot 0x28 shift
+dead_circumflex 0x28 altgr
+dead_caron 0x28 shift altgr
+backslash 0x29
+quotedbl 0x29 shift
+asciitilde 0x29 altgr
+comma 0x2b
+semicolon 0x2b shift
+bar 0x2b altgr
+dead_breve 0x2b shift altgr
+guillemotleft 0x2c altgr
+less 0x2c shift altgr
+guillemotright 0x2d altgr
+greater 0x2d shift altgr
+cent 0x2e altgr
+copyright 0x2e shift altgr
+leftdoublequotemark 0x2f altgr
+grave 0x2f shift altgr
+rightdoublequotemark 0x30 altgr
+apostrophe 0x30 shift altgr
+mu 0x32 altgr
+masculine 0x32 shift altgr
+odiaeresis 0x33
+Odiaeresis 0x33 shift
+less 0x33 altgr
+multiply 0x33 shift altgr
+ccedilla 0x34
+Ccedilla 0x34 shift
+greater 0x34 altgr
+division 0x34 shift altgr
+period 0x35
+colon 0x35 shift
+dead_belowdot 0x35 altgr
+dead_abovedot 0x35 shift altgr