# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals try: from builtins import str except ImportError: from __builtin__ import str from targets_builder import TARGETSBuilder import json import os import fnmatch import sys from util import ColorString # This script generates TARGETS file for Buck. # Buck is a build tool specifying dependencies among different build targets. # User can pass extra dependencies as a JSON object via command line, and this # script can include these dependencies in the generate TARGETS file. # Usage: # $python3 buckifier/buckify_rocksdb.py # (This generates a TARGET file without user-specified dependency for unit # tests.) # $python3 buckifier/buckify_rocksdb.py \ # '{"fake": { \ # "extra_deps": [":test_dep", "//fakes/module:mock1"], \ # "extra_compiler_flags": ["-DROCKSDB_LITE", "-Os"], \ # } \ # }' # (Generated TARGETS file has test_dep and mock1 as dependencies for RocksDB # unit tests, and will use the extra_compiler_flags to compile the unit test # source.) # tests to export as libraries for inclusion in other projects _EXPORTED_TEST_LIBS = ["env_basic_test"] # Parse src.mk files as a Dictionary of # VAR_NAME => list of files def parse_src_mk(repo_path): src_mk = repo_path + "/src.mk" src_files = {} for line in open(src_mk): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue if '=' in line: current_src = line.split('=')[0].strip() src_files[current_src] = [] elif '.cc' in line: src_path = line.split('.cc')[0].strip() + '.cc' src_files[current_src].append(src_path) return src_files # get all .cc / .c files def get_cc_files(repo_path): cc_files = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(repo_path): # noqa: B007 T25377293 Grandfathered in root = root[(len(repo_path) + 1):] if "java" in root: # Skip java continue for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.cc'): cc_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return cc_files # Get tests from Makefile def get_tests(repo_path): Makefile = repo_path + "/Makefile" # Dictionary TEST_NAME => IS_PARALLEL tests = {} found_tests = False for line in open(Makefile): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("TESTS ="): found_tests = True elif found_tests: if line.endswith("\\"): # remove the trailing \ line = line[:-1] line = line.strip() tests[line] = False else: # we consumed all the tests break found_parallel_tests = False for line in open(Makefile): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("PARALLEL_TEST ="): found_parallel_tests = True elif found_parallel_tests: if line.endswith("\\"): # remove the trailing \ line = line[:-1] line = line.strip() tests[line] = True else: # we consumed all the parallel tests break return tests # Parse extra dependencies passed by user from command line def get_dependencies(): deps_map = { '': { 'extra_deps': [], 'extra_compiler_flags': [] } } if len(sys.argv) < 2: return deps_map def encode_dict(data): rv = {} for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): v = encode_dict(v) rv[k] = v return rv extra_deps = json.loads(sys.argv[1], object_hook=encode_dict) for target_alias, deps in extra_deps.items(): deps_map[target_alias] = deps return deps_map # Prepare TARGETS file for buck def generate_targets(repo_path, deps_map): print(ColorString.info("Generating TARGETS")) # parsed src.mk file src_mk = parse_src_mk(repo_path) # get all .cc files cc_files = get_cc_files(repo_path) # get tests from Makefile tests = get_tests(repo_path) if src_mk is None or cc_files is None or tests is None: return False TARGETS = TARGETSBuilder("%s/TARGETS" % repo_path) # rocksdb_lib TARGETS.add_library( "rocksdb_lib", src_mk["LIB_SOURCES"] + src_mk["TOOL_LIB_SOURCES"]) # rocksdb_test_lib TARGETS.add_library( "rocksdb_test_lib", src_mk.get("MOCK_LIB_SOURCES", []) + src_mk.get("TEST_LIB_SOURCES", []) + src_mk.get("EXP_LIB_SOURCES", []) + src_mk.get("ANALYZER_LIB_SOURCES", []), [":rocksdb_lib"], extra_external_deps=""" + [ ("googletest", None, "gtest"), ]""") # rocksdb_tools_lib TARGETS.add_library( "rocksdb_tools_lib", src_mk.get("BENCH_LIB_SOURCES", []) + src_mk.get("ANALYZER_LIB_SOURCES", []) + ["test_util/testutil.cc"], [":rocksdb_lib"]) # rocksdb_stress_lib TARGETS.add_rocksdb_library( "rocksdb_stress_lib", src_mk.get("ANALYZER_LIB_SOURCES", []) + src_mk.get('STRESS_LIB_SOURCES', []) + ["test_util/testutil.cc"]) print("Extra dependencies:\n{0}".format(json.dumps(deps_map))) # c_test.c is added through TARGETS.add_c_test(). If there # are more than one .c test file, we need to extend # TARGETS.add_c_test() to include other C tests too. TARGETS.add_c_test() # test for every .cc test we found in the Makefile for target_alias, deps in deps_map.items(): for test in sorted(tests): if test == 'c_test': continue match_src = [src for src in cc_files if ("/%s.cc" % test) in src] if len(match_src) == 0: print(ColorString.warning("Cannot find .cc file for %s" % test)) continue elif len(match_src) > 1: print(ColorString.warning("Found more than one .cc for %s" % test)) print(match_src) continue assert(len(match_src) == 1) is_parallel = tests[test] test_target_name = \ test if not target_alias else test + "_" + target_alias TARGETS.register_test( test_target_name, match_src[0], is_parallel, json.dumps(deps['extra_deps']), json.dumps(deps['extra_compiler_flags'])) if test in _EXPORTED_TEST_LIBS: test_library = "%s_lib" % test_target_name TARGETS.add_library(test_library, match_src, [":rocksdb_test_lib"]) TARGETS.flush_tests() print(ColorString.info("Generated TARGETS Summary:")) print(ColorString.info("- %d libs" % TARGETS.total_lib)) print(ColorString.info("- %d binarys" % TARGETS.total_bin)) print(ColorString.info("- %d tests" % TARGETS.total_test)) return True def get_rocksdb_path(): # rocksdb = {script_dir}/.. script_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) script_dir = os.path.abspath(script_dir) rocksdb_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(script_dir, "../")) return rocksdb_path def exit_with_error(msg): print(ColorString.error(msg)) sys.exit(1) def main(): deps_map = get_dependencies() # Generate TARGETS file for buck ok = generate_targets(get_rocksdb_path(), deps_map) if not ok: exit_with_error("Failed to generate TARGETS files") if __name__ == "__main__": main()