// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). // #include "rocksdb/ldb_tool.h" #include "rocksdb/utilities/ldb_cmd.h" #include "tools/ldb_cmd_impl.h" namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { LDBOptions::LDBOptions() = default; void LDBCommandRunner::PrintHelp(const LDBOptions& ldb_options, const char* /*exec_name*/, bool to_stderr) { std::string ret; ret.append(ldb_options.print_help_header); ret.append("\n\n"); ret.append("commands MUST specify --" + LDBCommand::ARG_DB + "= when necessary\n"); ret.append("\n"); ret.append("commands can optionally specify\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_ENV_URI + "= or --" + LDBCommand::ARG_FS_URI + "= if necessary"); ret.append("\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_SECONDARY_PATH + "= to open DB as secondary instance. Operations " "not supported in secondary instance will fail.\n\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_LEADER_PATH + "= to open DB as a follower instance. Operations " "not supported in follower instance will fail.\n\n"); ret.append( "The following optional parameters control if keys/values are " "input/output as hex or as plain strings:\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_KEY_HEX + " : Keys are input/output as hex\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_VALUE_HEX + " : Values are input/output as hex\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_HEX + " : Both keys and values are input/output as hex\n"); ret.append("\n"); ret.append( "The following optional parameters control the database " "internals:\n"); ret.append( " --" + LDBCommand::ARG_CF_NAME + "= : name of the column family to operate on. default: default " "column family\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_TTL + " with 'put','get','scan','dump','query','batchput'" " : DB supports ttl and value is internally timestamp-suffixed\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_TRY_LOAD_OPTIONS + " : Try to load option file from DB. Default to true if " + LDBCommand::ARG_DB + " is specified and not creating a new DB and not open as TTL DB. " "Can be set to false explicitly.\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_DISABLE_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS + " : Set options.force_consistency_checks = false.\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_OPTIONS + " : Ignore unknown options when loading option file.\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_BLOOM_BITS + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_FIX_PREFIX_LEN + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_COMPRESSION_TYPE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_COMPRESSION_MAX_DICT_BYTES + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_BLOCK_SIZE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_AUTO_COMPACTION + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_DB_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_FILE_SIZE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_ENABLE_BLOB_FILES + " : Enable key-value separation using BlobDB\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_MIN_BLOB_SIZE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_BLOB_FILE_SIZE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_BLOB_COMPRESSION_TYPE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_ENABLE_BLOB_GARBAGE_COLLECTION + " : Enable blob garbage collection\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_BLOB_GARBAGE_COLLECTION_AGE_CUTOFF + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_BLOB_GARBAGE_COLLECTION_FORCE_THRESHOLD + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_BLOB_COMPACTION_READAHEAD_SIZE + "=\n"); ret.append(" --" + LDBCommand::ARG_READ_TIMESTAMP + "= : read timestamp, required if column " "family enables timestamp, otherwise invalid if provided."); ret.append("\n\n"); ret.append("Data Access Commands:\n"); PutCommand::Help(ret); PutEntityCommand::Help(ret); GetCommand::Help(ret); GetEntityCommand::Help(ret); MultiGetCommand::Help(ret); MultiGetEntityCommand::Help(ret); BatchPutCommand::Help(ret); ScanCommand::Help(ret); DeleteCommand::Help(ret); SingleDeleteCommand::Help(ret); DeleteRangeCommand::Help(ret); DBQuerierCommand::Help(ret); ApproxSizeCommand::Help(ret); CheckConsistencyCommand::Help(ret); ListFileRangeDeletesCommand::Help(ret); ret.append("\n\n"); ret.append("Admin Commands:\n"); WALDumperCommand::Help(ret); CompactorCommand::Help(ret); ReduceDBLevelsCommand::Help(ret); ChangeCompactionStyleCommand::Help(ret); DBDumperCommand::Help(ret); DBLoaderCommand::Help(ret); ManifestDumpCommand::Help(ret); UpdateManifestCommand::Help(ret); FileChecksumDumpCommand::Help(ret); GetPropertyCommand::Help(ret); ListColumnFamiliesCommand::Help(ret); CreateColumnFamilyCommand::Help(ret); DropColumnFamilyCommand::Help(ret); DBFileDumperCommand::Help(ret); InternalDumpCommand::Help(ret); DBLiveFilesMetadataDumperCommand::Help(ret); RepairCommand::Help(ret); BackupCommand::Help(ret); RestoreCommand::Help(ret); CheckPointCommand::Help(ret); WriteExternalSstFilesCommand::Help(ret); IngestExternalSstFilesCommand::Help(ret); UnsafeRemoveSstFileCommand::Help(ret); fprintf(to_stderr ? stderr : stdout, "%s\n", ret.c_str()); } int LDBCommandRunner::RunCommand( int argc, char const* const* argv, Options options, const LDBOptions& ldb_options, const std::vector* column_families) { if (argc <= 2) { if (argc <= 1) { PrintHelp(ldb_options, argv[0], /*to_stderr*/ true); return 1; } else if (std::string(argv[1]) == "--version") { printf("ldb from RocksDB %d.%d.%d\n", ROCKSDB_MAJOR, ROCKSDB_MINOR, ROCKSDB_PATCH); return 0; } else if (std::string(argv[1]) == "--help") { PrintHelp(ldb_options, argv[0], /*to_stderr*/ false); return 0; } else { PrintHelp(ldb_options, argv[0], /*to_stderr*/ true); return 1; } } LDBCommand* cmdObj = LDBCommand::InitFromCmdLineArgs( argc, argv, options, ldb_options, column_families); if (cmdObj == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command\n"); PrintHelp(ldb_options, argv[0], /*to_stderr*/ true); return 1; } if (!cmdObj->ValidateCmdLineOptions()) { return 1; } cmdObj->Run(); LDBCommandExecuteResult ret = cmdObj->GetExecuteState(); if (!ret.ToString().empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ret.ToString().c_str()); } delete cmdObj; return ret.IsFailed() ? 1 : 0; } void LDBTool::Run(int argc, char** argv, Options options, const LDBOptions& ldb_options, const std::vector* column_families) { int error_code = LDBCommandRunner::RunCommand(argc, argv, options, ldb_options, column_families); exit(error_code); } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE