// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory). // #ifdef GFLAGS #ifdef NUMA #include #endif #ifndef OS_WIN #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "db/db_impl/db_impl.h" #include "db/memtable.h" #include "db/write_batch_internal.h" #include "env/composite_env_wrapper.h" #include "file/line_file_reader.h" #include "file/writable_file_writer.h" #include "options/cf_options.h" #include "rocksdb/db.h" #include "rocksdb/env.h" #include "rocksdb/iterator.h" #include "rocksdb/slice.h" #include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h" #include "rocksdb/status.h" #include "rocksdb/table_properties.h" #include "rocksdb/utilities/ldb_cmd.h" #include "rocksdb/write_batch.h" #include "table/meta_blocks.h" #include "table/table_reader.h" #include "tools/trace_analyzer_tool.h" #include "trace_replay/trace_replay.h" #include "util/coding.h" #include "util/compression.h" #include "util/gflags_compat.h" #include "util/random.h" #include "util/string_util.h" using GFLAGS_NAMESPACE::ParseCommandLineFlags; DEFINE_string(trace_path, "", "The trace file path."); DEFINE_string(output_dir, "", "The directory to store the output files."); DEFINE_string(output_prefix, "trace", "The prefix used for all the output files."); DEFINE_bool(output_key_stats, false, "Output the key access count statistics to file\n" "for accessed keys:\n" "file name: ---accessed_key_stats.txt\n" "Format:[cf_id value_size access_keyid access_count]\n" "for the whole key space keys:\n" "File name: ---whole_key_stats.txt\n" "Format:[whole_key_space_keyid access_count]"); DEFINE_bool(output_access_count_stats, false, "Output the access count distribution statistics to file.\n" "File name: ---accessed_" "key_count_distribution.txt \n" "Format:[access_count number_of_access_count]"); DEFINE_bool(output_time_series, false, "Output the access time in second of each key, " "such that we can have the time series data of the queries \n" "File name: ---time_series.txt\n" "Format:[type_id time_in_sec access_keyid]."); DEFINE_bool(try_process_corrupted_trace, false, "In default, trace_analyzer will exit if the trace file is " "corrupted due to the unexpected tracing cases. If this option " "is enabled, trace_analyzer will stop reading the trace file, " "and start analyzing the read-in data."); DEFINE_int32(output_prefix_cut, 0, "The number of bytes as prefix to cut the keys.\n" "If it is enabled, it will generate the following:\n" "For accessed keys:\n" "File name: ---" "accessed_key_prefix_cut.txt \n" "Format:[acessed_keyid access_count_of_prefix " "number_of_keys_in_prefix average_key_access " "prefix_succ_ratio prefix]\n" "For whole key space keys:\n" "File name: --" "-whole_key_prefix_cut.txt\n" "Format:[start_keyid_in_whole_keyspace prefix]\n" "if 'output_qps_stats' and 'top_k' are enabled, it will output:\n" "File name: --" "-accessed_top_k_qps_prefix_cut.txt\n" "Format:[the_top_ith_qps_time QPS], [prefix qps_of_this_second]."); DEFINE_bool(convert_to_human_readable_trace, false, "Convert the binary trace file to a human readable txt file " "for further processing. " "This file will be extremely large " "(similar size as the original binary trace file). " "You can specify 'no_key' to reduce the size, if key is not " "needed in the next step.\n" "File name: _human_readable_trace.txt\n" "Format:[ type_id cf_id value_size time_in_micorsec]."); DEFINE_bool(output_qps_stats, false, "Output the query per second(qps) statistics \n" "For the overall qps, it will contain all qps of each query type. " "The time is started from the first trace record\n" "File name: _qps_stats.txt\n" "Format: [qps_type_1 qps_type_2 ...... overall_qps]\n" "For each cf and query, it will have its own qps output.\n" "File name: --_qps_stats.txt \n" "Format:[query_count_in_this_second]."); DEFINE_bool(no_print, false, "Do not print out any result"); DEFINE_string( print_correlation, "", "intput format: [correlation pairs][.,.]\n" "Output the query correlations between the pairs of query types " "listed in the parameter, input should select the operations from:\n" "get, put, delete, single_delete, rangle_delete, merge. No space " "between the pairs separated by commar. Example: =[get,get]... " "It will print out the number of pairs of 'A after B' and " "the average time interval between the two query."); DEFINE_string(key_space_dir, "", " \n" "The key space files should be: .txt"); DEFINE_bool(analyze_get, false, "Analyze the Get query."); DEFINE_bool(analyze_put, false, "Analyze the Put query."); DEFINE_bool(analyze_delete, false, "Analyze the Delete query."); DEFINE_bool(analyze_single_delete, false, "Analyze the SingleDelete query."); DEFINE_bool(analyze_range_delete, false, "Analyze the DeleteRange query."); DEFINE_bool(analyze_merge, false, "Analyze the Merge query."); DEFINE_bool(analyze_iterator, false, " Analyze the iterate query like Seek() and SeekForPrev()."); DEFINE_bool(analyze_multiget, false, " Analyze the MultiGet query. NOTE: for" " MultiGet, we analyze each KV-pair read in one MultiGet query. " "Therefore, the total queries and QPS are calculated based on " "the number of KV-pairs being accessed not the number of MultiGet." "It can be improved in the future if needed"); DEFINE_bool(no_key, false, " Does not output the key to the result files to make smaller."); DEFINE_bool(print_overall_stats, true, " Print the stats of the whole trace, " "like total requests, keys, and etc."); DEFINE_bool(output_key_distribution, false, "Print the key size distribution."); DEFINE_bool( output_value_distribution, false, "Out put the value size distribution, only available for Put and Merge.\n" "File name: --" "-accessed_value_size_distribution.txt\n" "Format:[Number_of_value_size_between x and " "x+value_interval is: ]"); DEFINE_int32(print_top_k_access, 1, " " "Print the top k accessed keys, top k accessed prefix " "and etc."); DEFINE_int32(output_ignore_count, 0, ", ignores the access count <= this value, " "it will shorter the output."); DEFINE_int32(value_interval, 8, "To output the value distribution, we need to set the value " "intervals and make the statistic of the value size distribution " "in different intervals. The default is 8."); DEFINE_double(sample_ratio, 1.0, "If the trace size is extremely huge or user want to sample " "the trace when analyzing, sample ratio can be set (0, 1.0]"); namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE { const size_t kShadowValueSize = 10; std::map taOptToIndex = { {"get", kGet}, {"put", kPut}, {"delete", kDelete}, {"single_delete", kSingleDelete}, {"range_delete", kRangeDelete}, {"merge", kMerge}, {"iterator_Seek", kIteratorSeek}, {"iterator_SeekForPrev", kIteratorSeekForPrev}, {"multiget", kMultiGet}}; std::map taIndexToOpt = { {kGet, "get"}, {kPut, "put"}, {kDelete, "delete"}, {kSingleDelete, "single_delete"}, {kRangeDelete, "range_delete"}, {kMerge, "merge"}, {kIteratorSeek, "iterator_Seek"}, {kIteratorSeekForPrev, "iterator_SeekForPrev"}, {kMultiGet, "multiget"}}; namespace { uint64_t MultiplyCheckOverflow(uint64_t op1, uint64_t op2) { if (op1 == 0 || op2 == 0) { return 0; } if (std::numeric_limits::max() / op1 < op2) { return op1; } return (op1 * op2); } } // namespace // The default constructor of AnalyzerOptions AnalyzerOptions::AnalyzerOptions() : correlation_map(kTaTypeNum, std::vector(kTaTypeNum, -1)) {} AnalyzerOptions::~AnalyzerOptions() = default; void AnalyzerOptions::SparseCorrelationInput(const std::string& in_str) { std::string cur = in_str; if (cur.size() == 0) { return; } while (!cur.empty()) { if (cur.compare(0, 1, "[") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid correlation input: %s\n", in_str.c_str()); exit(1); } std::string opt1, opt2; std::size_t split = cur.find_first_of(','); if (split != std::string::npos) { opt1 = cur.substr(1, split - 1); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid correlation input: %s\n", in_str.c_str()); exit(1); } std::size_t end = cur.find_first_of(']'); if (end != std::string::npos) { opt2 = cur.substr(split + 1, end - split - 1); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid correlation input: %s\n", in_str.c_str()); exit(1); } cur = cur.substr(end + 1); if (taOptToIndex.find(opt1) != taOptToIndex.end() && taOptToIndex.find(opt2) != taOptToIndex.end()) { correlation_list.emplace_back(taOptToIndex[opt1], taOptToIndex[opt2]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid correlation input: %s\n", in_str.c_str()); exit(1); } } int sequence = 0; for (auto& it : correlation_list) { correlation_map[it.first][it.second] = sequence; sequence++; } } // The trace statistic struct constructor TraceStats::TraceStats() { cf_id = 0; cf_name = "0"; a_count = 0; a_key_id = 0; a_key_size_sqsum = 0; a_key_size_sum = 0; a_key_mid = 0; a_value_size_sqsum = 0; a_value_size_sum = 0; a_value_mid = 0; a_peak_qps = 0; a_ave_qps = 0.0; } TraceStats::~TraceStats() = default; // The trace analyzer constructor TraceAnalyzer::TraceAnalyzer(std::string& trace_path, std::string& output_path, AnalyzerOptions _analyzer_opts) : write_batch_ts_(0), trace_name_(trace_path), output_path_(output_path), analyzer_opts_(_analyzer_opts) { ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::EnvOptions env_options; env_ = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Default(); offset_ = 0; total_requests_ = 0; total_access_keys_ = 0; total_gets_ = 0; total_writes_ = 0; total_seeks_ = 0; total_seek_prevs_ = 0; total_multigets_ = 0; trace_create_time_ = 0; begin_time_ = 0; end_time_ = 0; time_series_start_ = 0; cur_time_sec_ = 0; if (FLAGS_sample_ratio > 1.0 || FLAGS_sample_ratio <= 0) { sample_max_ = 1; } else { sample_max_ = static_cast(1.0 / FLAGS_sample_ratio); } ta_.resize(kTaTypeNum); ta_[kGet].type_name = "get"; if (FLAGS_analyze_get) { ta_[kGet].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kGet].enabled = false; } ta_[kPut].type_name = "put"; if (FLAGS_analyze_put) { ta_[kPut].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kPut].enabled = false; } ta_[kDelete].type_name = "delete"; if (FLAGS_analyze_delete) { ta_[kDelete].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kDelete].enabled = false; } ta_[kSingleDelete].type_name = "single_delete"; if (FLAGS_analyze_single_delete) { ta_[kSingleDelete].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kSingleDelete].enabled = false; } ta_[kRangeDelete].type_name = "range_delete"; if (FLAGS_analyze_range_delete) { ta_[kRangeDelete].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kRangeDelete].enabled = false; } ta_[kMerge].type_name = "merge"; if (FLAGS_analyze_merge) { ta_[kMerge].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kMerge].enabled = false; } ta_[kIteratorSeek].type_name = "iterator_Seek"; if (FLAGS_analyze_iterator) { ta_[kIteratorSeek].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kIteratorSeek].enabled = false; } ta_[kIteratorSeekForPrev].type_name = "iterator_SeekForPrev"; if (FLAGS_analyze_iterator) { ta_[kIteratorSeekForPrev].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kIteratorSeekForPrev].enabled = false; } ta_[kMultiGet].type_name = "multiget"; if (FLAGS_analyze_multiget) { ta_[kMultiGet].enabled = true; } else { ta_[kMultiGet].enabled = false; } for (int i = 0; i < kTaTypeNum; i++) { ta_[i].sample_count = 0; } } TraceAnalyzer::~TraceAnalyzer() = default; // Prepare the processing // Initiate the global trace reader and writer here Status TraceAnalyzer::PrepareProcessing() { Status s; // Prepare the trace reader if (trace_reader_ == nullptr) { s = NewFileTraceReader(env_, env_options_, trace_name_, &trace_reader_); } else { s = trace_reader_->Reset(); } if (!s.ok()) { return s; } // Prepare and open the trace sequence file writer if needed if (FLAGS_convert_to_human_readable_trace) { std::string trace_sequence_name; trace_sequence_name = output_path_ + "/" + FLAGS_output_prefix + "-human_readable_trace.txt"; s = env_->NewWritableFile(trace_sequence_name, &trace_sequence_f_, env_options_); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } } // prepare the general QPS file writer if (FLAGS_output_qps_stats) { std::string qps_stats_name; qps_stats_name = output_path_ + "/" + FLAGS_output_prefix + "-qps_stats.txt"; s = env_->NewWritableFile(qps_stats_name, &qps_f_, env_options_); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } qps_stats_name = output_path_ + "/" + FLAGS_output_prefix + "-cf_qps_stats.txt"; s = env_->NewWritableFile(qps_stats_name, &cf_qps_f_, env_options_); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } } return Status::OK(); } Status TraceAnalyzer::ReadTraceHeader(Trace* header) { assert(header != nullptr); std::string encoded_trace; // Read the trace head Status s = trace_reader_->Read(&encoded_trace); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = TracerHelper::DecodeTrace(encoded_trace, header); if (header->type != kTraceBegin) { return Status::Corruption("Corrupted trace file. Incorrect header."); } if (header->payload.substr(0, kTraceMagic.length()) != kTraceMagic) { return Status::Corruption("Corrupted trace file. Incorrect magic."); } return s; } Status TraceAnalyzer::ReadTraceFooter(Trace* footer) { assert(footer != nullptr); Status s = ReadTraceRecord(footer); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } if (footer->type != kTraceEnd) { return Status::Corruption("Corrupted trace file. Incorrect footer."); } return s; } Status TraceAnalyzer::ReadTraceRecord(Trace* trace) { assert(trace != nullptr); std::string encoded_trace; Status s = trace_reader_->Read(&encoded_trace); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } return TracerHelper::DecodeTrace(encoded_trace, trace); } // process the trace itself and redirect the trace content // to different operation type handler. With different race // format, this function can be changed Status TraceAnalyzer::StartProcessing() { Status s; Trace header; s = ReadTraceHeader(&header); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read the header\n"); return s; } // Set the default trace file version as version 0.2 int trace_file_version = 2; s = TracerHelper::ParseTraceHeader(header, &trace_file_version, &db_version_); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } trace_create_time_ = header.ts; if (FLAGS_output_time_series) { time_series_start_ = header.ts; } Trace trace; std::unique_ptr record; while (s.ok()) { trace.reset(); s = ReadTraceRecord(&trace); if (!s.ok()) { break; } end_time_ = trace.ts; if (trace.type == kTraceEnd) { break; } // Do not count TraceEnd (if there is one) total_requests_++; s = TracerHelper::DecodeTraceRecord(&trace, trace_file_version, &record); if (s.IsNotSupported()) { continue; } if (!s.ok()) { return s; } s = record->Accept(this, nullptr); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot process the TraceRecord\n"); return s; } } if (s.IsIncomplete()) { // Fix it: Reaching eof returns Incomplete status at the moment. return Status::OK(); } return s; } // After the trace is processed by StartProcessing, the statistic data // is stored in the map or other in memory data structures. To get the // other statistic result such as key size distribution, value size // distribution, these data structures are re-processed here. Status TraceAnalyzer::MakeStatistics() { int ret; Status s; for (int type = 0; type < kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (!ta_[type].enabled) { continue; } for (auto& stat : ta_[type].stats) { stat.second.a_key_id = 0; for (auto& record : stat.second.a_key_stats) { record.second.key_id = stat.second.a_key_id; stat.second.a_key_id++; if (record.second.access_count <= static_cast(FLAGS_output_ignore_count)) { continue; } // Generate the key access count distribution data if (FLAGS_output_access_count_stats) { if (stat.second.a_count_stats.find(record.second.access_count) == stat.second.a_count_stats.end()) { stat.second.a_count_stats[record.second.access_count] = 1; } else { stat.second.a_count_stats[record.second.access_count]++; } } // Generate the key size distribution data if (FLAGS_output_key_distribution) { if (stat.second.a_key_size_stats.find(record.first.size()) == stat.second.a_key_size_stats.end()) { stat.second.a_key_size_stats[record.first.size()] = 1; } else { stat.second.a_key_size_stats[record.first.size()]++; } } if (!FLAGS_print_correlation.empty()) { s = MakeStatisticCorrelation(stat.second, record.second); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } } } // Output the prefix cut or the whole content of the accessed key space if (FLAGS_output_key_stats || FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0) { s = MakeStatisticKeyStatsOrPrefix(stat.second); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } } // output the access count distribution if (FLAGS_output_access_count_stats && stat.second.a_count_dist_f) { for (auto& record : stat.second.a_count_stats) { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "access_count: %" PRIu64 " num: %" PRIu64 "\n", record.first, record.second); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.second.a_count_dist_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write access count distribution file failed\n"); return s; } } } // find the medium of the key size uint64_t k_count = 0; bool get_mid = false; for (auto& record : stat.second.a_key_size_stats) { k_count += record.second; if (!get_mid && k_count >= stat.second.a_key_mid) { stat.second.a_key_mid = record.first; get_mid = true; } if (FLAGS_output_key_distribution && stat.second.a_key_size_f) { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 "\n", record.first, record.second); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.second.a_key_size_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write key size distribution file failed\n"); return s; } } } // output the value size distribution uint64_t v_begin = 0, v_end = 0, v_count = 0; get_mid = false; for (auto& record : stat.second.a_value_size_stats) { v_begin = v_end; v_end = (record.first + 1) * FLAGS_value_interval; v_count += record.second; if (!get_mid && v_count >= stat.second.a_count / 2) { stat.second.a_value_mid = (v_begin + v_end) / 2; get_mid = true; } if (FLAGS_output_value_distribution && stat.second.a_value_size_f && (type == TraceOperationType::kPut || type == TraceOperationType::kMerge)) { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "Number_of_value_size_between %" PRIu64 " and %" PRIu64 " is: %" PRIu64 "\n", v_begin, v_end, record.second); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.second.a_value_size_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write value size distribution file failed\n"); return s; } } } } } // Make the QPS statistics if (FLAGS_output_qps_stats) { s = MakeStatisticQPS(); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } } return Status::OK(); } // Process the statistics of the key access and // prefix of the accessed keys if required Status TraceAnalyzer::MakeStatisticKeyStatsOrPrefix(TraceStats& stats) { int ret; Status s; std::string prefix = "0"; uint64_t prefix_access = 0; uint64_t prefix_count = 0; uint64_t prefix_succ_access = 0; double prefix_ave_access = 0.0; stats.a_succ_count = 0; for (auto& record : stats.a_key_stats) { // write the key access statistic file if (!stats.a_key_f) { return Status::IOError("Failed to open accessed_key_stats file."); } stats.a_succ_count += record.second.succ_count; double succ_ratio = 0.0; if (record.second.access_count > 0) { succ_ratio = (static_cast(record.second.succ_count)) / record.second.access_count; } ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u %zu %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %f\n", record.second.cf_id, record.second.value_size, record.second.key_id, record.second.access_count, succ_ratio); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stats.a_key_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write key access file failed\n"); return s; } // write the prefix cut of the accessed keys if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0 && stats.a_prefix_cut_f) { if (record.first.compare(0, FLAGS_output_prefix_cut, prefix) != 0) { std::string prefix_out = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::StringToHex(prefix); if (prefix_count == 0) { prefix_ave_access = 0.0; } else { prefix_ave_access = (static_cast(prefix_access)) / prefix_count; } double prefix_succ_ratio = 0.0; if (prefix_access > 0) { prefix_succ_ratio = (static_cast(prefix_succ_access)) / prefix_access; } ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 " %f %f %s\n", record.second.key_id, prefix_access, prefix_count, prefix_ave_access, prefix_succ_ratio, prefix_out.c_str()); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format output failed"); } std::string pout(buffer_); s = stats.a_prefix_cut_f->Append(pout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write accessed key prefix file failed\n"); return s; } // make the top k statistic for the prefix if (static_cast(stats.top_k_prefix_access.size()) < FLAGS_print_top_k_access) { stats.top_k_prefix_access.push( std::make_pair(prefix_access, prefix_out)); } else { if (prefix_access > stats.top_k_prefix_access.top().first) { stats.top_k_prefix_access.pop(); stats.top_k_prefix_access.push( std::make_pair(prefix_access, prefix_out)); } } if (static_cast(stats.top_k_prefix_ave.size()) < FLAGS_print_top_k_access) { stats.top_k_prefix_ave.push( std::make_pair(prefix_ave_access, prefix_out)); } else { if (prefix_ave_access > stats.top_k_prefix_ave.top().first) { stats.top_k_prefix_ave.pop(); stats.top_k_prefix_ave.push( std::make_pair(prefix_ave_access, prefix_out)); } } prefix = record.first.substr(0, FLAGS_output_prefix_cut); prefix_access = 0; prefix_count = 0; prefix_succ_access = 0; } prefix_access += record.second.access_count; prefix_count += 1; prefix_succ_access += record.second.succ_count; } } return Status::OK(); } // Process the statistics of different query type // correlations Status TraceAnalyzer::MakeStatisticCorrelation(TraceStats& stats, StatsUnit& unit) { if (stats.correlation_output.size() != analyzer_opts_.correlation_list.size()) { return Status::Corruption("Cannot make the statistic of correlation."); } for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(analyzer_opts_.correlation_list.size()); i++) { if (i >= static_cast(stats.correlation_output.size()) || i >= static_cast(unit.v_correlation.size())) { break; } stats.correlation_output[i].first += unit.v_correlation[i].count; stats.correlation_output[i].second += unit.v_correlation[i].total_ts; } return Status::OK(); } // Process the statistics of QPS Status TraceAnalyzer::MakeStatisticQPS() { if (begin_time_ == 0) { begin_time_ = trace_create_time_; } uint32_t duration = static_cast((end_time_ - begin_time_) / 1000000); int ret; Status s; std::vector> type_qps( duration, std::vector(kTaTypeNum + 1, 0)); std::vector qps_sum(kTaTypeNum + 1, 0); std::vector qps_peak(kTaTypeNum + 1, 0); qps_ave_.resize(kTaTypeNum + 1); for (int type = 0; type < kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (!ta_[type].enabled) { continue; } for (auto& stat : ta_[type].stats) { uint32_t time_line = 0; uint64_t cf_qps_sum = 0; for (auto& time_it : stat.second.a_qps_stats) { if (time_it.first >= duration) { continue; } type_qps[time_it.first][kTaTypeNum] += time_it.second; type_qps[time_it.first][type] += time_it.second; cf_qps_sum += time_it.second; if (time_it.second > stat.second.a_peak_qps) { stat.second.a_peak_qps = time_it.second; } if (stat.second.a_qps_f) { while (time_line < time_it.first) { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u\n", 0); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.second.a_qps_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write QPS file failed\n"); return s; } time_line++; } ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u\n", time_it.second); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.second.a_qps_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write QPS file failed\n"); return s; } if (time_line == time_it.first) { time_line++; } } // Process the top k QPS peaks if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0) { if (static_cast(stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.size()) < FLAGS_print_top_k_access) { stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.push( std::make_pair(time_it.second, time_it.first)); } else { if (stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.size() > 0 && stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.top().first < time_it.second) { stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.pop(); stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.push( std::make_pair(time_it.second, time_it.first)); } } } } if (duration == 0) { stat.second.a_ave_qps = 0; } else { stat.second.a_ave_qps = (static_cast(cf_qps_sum)) / duration; } // Output the accessed unique key number change overtime if (stat.second.a_key_num_f) { uint64_t cur_uni_key = static_cast(stat.second.a_key_stats.size()); double cur_ratio = 0.0; uint64_t cur_num = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < duration; i++) { auto find_time = stat.second.uni_key_num.find(i); if (find_time != stat.second.uni_key_num.end()) { cur_ratio = (static_cast(find_time->second)) / cur_uni_key; cur_num = find_time->second; } ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%" PRIu64 " %.12f\n", cur_num, cur_ratio); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.second.a_key_num_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write accessed unique key number change file failed\n"); return s; } } } // output the prefix of top k access peak if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0 && stat.second.a_top_qps_prefix_f) { while (!stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.empty()) { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "At time: %u with QPS: %u\n", stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.top().second, stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.top().first); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.second.a_top_qps_prefix_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write prefix QPS top K file failed\n"); return s; } uint32_t qps_time = stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.top().second; stat.second.top_k_qps_sec.pop(); if (stat.second.a_qps_prefix_stats.find(qps_time) != stat.second.a_qps_prefix_stats.end()) { for (auto& qps_prefix : stat.second.a_qps_prefix_stats[qps_time]) { std::string qps_prefix_out = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::StringToHex(qps_prefix.first); ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "The prefix: %s Access count: %u\n", qps_prefix_out.c_str(), qps_prefix.second); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string pout(buffer_); s = stat.second.a_top_qps_prefix_f->Append(pout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write prefix QPS top K file failed\n"); return s; } } } } } } } if (qps_f_) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < duration; i++) { for (int type = 0; type <= kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (type < kTaTypeNum) { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u ", type_qps[i][type]); } else { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u\n", type_qps[i][type]); } if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = qps_f_->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } qps_sum[type] += type_qps[i][type]; if (type_qps[i][type] > qps_peak[type]) { qps_peak[type] = type_qps[i][type]; } } } } if (cf_qps_f_) { int cfs_size = static_cast(cfs_.size()); uint32_t v; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < duration; i++) { for (int cf = 0; cf < cfs_size; cf++) { if (cfs_[cf].cf_qps.find(i) != cfs_[cf].cf_qps.end()) { v = cfs_[cf].cf_qps[i]; } else { v = 0; } if (cf < cfs_size - 1) { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u ", v); } else { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u\n", v); } if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = cf_qps_f_->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { return s; } } } } qps_peak_ = qps_peak; for (int type = 0; type <= kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (duration == 0) { qps_ave_[type] = 0; } else { qps_ave_[type] = (static_cast(qps_sum[type])) / duration; } } return Status::OK(); } // In reprocessing, if we have the whole key space // we can output the access count of all keys in a cf // we can make some statistics of the whole key space // also, we output the top k accessed keys here Status TraceAnalyzer::ReProcessing() { int ret; Status s; for (auto& cf_it : cfs_) { uint32_t cf_id = cf_it.first; // output the time series; if (FLAGS_output_time_series) { for (int type = 0; type < kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (!ta_[type].enabled || ta_[type].stats.find(cf_id) == ta_[type].stats.end()) { continue; } TraceStats& stat = ta_[type].stats[cf_id]; if (!stat.time_series_f) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write time_series of '%s' in '%u'\n", ta_[type].type_name.c_str(), cf_id); continue; } while (!stat.time_series.empty()) { uint64_t key_id = 0; auto found = stat.a_key_stats.find(stat.time_series.front().key); if (found != stat.a_key_stats.end()) { key_id = found->second.key_id; } ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 "\n", stat.time_series.front().type, stat.time_series.front().ts, key_id); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.time_series_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write time series file failed\n"); return s; } stat.time_series.pop_front(); } } } // process the whole key space if needed if (!FLAGS_key_space_dir.empty()) { std::string whole_key_path = FLAGS_key_space_dir + "/" + std::to_string(cf_id) + ".txt"; std::string input_key, get_key; std::vector prefix(kTaTypeNum); std::unique_ptr file; s = env_->GetFileSystem()->NewSequentialFile( whole_key_path, FileOptions(env_options_), &file, nullptr); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open the whole key space file of CF: %u\n", cf_id); file.reset(); } if (file) { size_t kTraceFileReadaheadSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; LineFileReader lf_reader( std::move(file), whole_key_path, kTraceFileReadaheadSize /* filereadahead_size */); for (cfs_[cf_id].w_count = 0; lf_reader.ReadLine( &get_key, Env::IO_TOTAL /* rate_limiter_priority */); ++cfs_[cf_id].w_count) { input_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::HexToString(get_key); for (int type = 0; type < kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (!ta_[type].enabled) { continue; } TraceStats& stat = ta_[type].stats[cf_id]; if (stat.w_key_f) { if (stat.a_key_stats.find(input_key) != stat.a_key_stats.end()) { ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64 "\n", cfs_[cf_id].w_count, stat.a_key_stats[input_key].access_count); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.w_key_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write whole key space access file failed\n"); return s; } } } // Output the prefix cut file of the whole key space if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0 && stat.w_prefix_cut_f) { if (input_key.compare(0, FLAGS_output_prefix_cut, prefix[type]) != 0) { prefix[type] = input_key.substr(0, FLAGS_output_prefix_cut); std::string prefix_out = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::StringToHex(prefix[type]); ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%" PRIu64 " %s\n", cfs_[cf_id].w_count, prefix_out.c_str()); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("Format the output failed"); } std::string printout(buffer_); s = stat.w_prefix_cut_f->Append(printout); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Write whole key space prefix cut file failed\n"); return s; } } } } // Make the statistics fo the key size distribution if (FLAGS_output_key_distribution) { if (cfs_[cf_id].w_key_size_stats.find(input_key.size()) == cfs_[cf_id].w_key_size_stats.end()) { cfs_[cf_id].w_key_size_stats[input_key.size()] = 1; } else { cfs_[cf_id].w_key_size_stats[input_key.size()]++; } } } s = lf_reader.GetStatus(); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Read whole key space file failed\n"); return s; } } } // process the top k accessed keys if (FLAGS_print_top_k_access > 0) { for (int type = 0; type < kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (!ta_[type].enabled || ta_[type].stats.find(cf_id) == ta_[type].stats.end()) { continue; } TraceStats& stat = ta_[type].stats[cf_id]; for (auto& record : stat.a_key_stats) { if (static_cast(stat.top_k_queue.size()) < FLAGS_print_top_k_access) { stat.top_k_queue.push( std::make_pair(record.second.access_count, record.first)); } else { if (record.second.access_count > stat.top_k_queue.top().first) { stat.top_k_queue.pop(); stat.top_k_queue.push( std::make_pair(record.second.access_count, record.first)); } } } } } } return Status::OK(); } // End the processing, print the requested results Status TraceAnalyzer::EndProcessing() { Status s; if (trace_sequence_f_) { s = trace_sequence_f_->Close(); } if (FLAGS_no_print) { return s; } PrintStatistics(); if (s.ok()) { s = CloseOutputFiles(); } return s; } // Insert the corresponding key statistics to the correct type // and correct CF, output the time-series file if needed Status TraceAnalyzer::KeyStatsInsertion(const uint32_t& type, const uint32_t& cf_id, const std::string& key, const size_t value_size, const uint64_t ts) { Status s; StatsUnit unit; unit.key_id = 0; unit.cf_id = cf_id; unit.value_size = value_size; unit.access_count = 1; unit.latest_ts = ts; if ((type != TraceOperationType::kGet && type != TraceOperationType::kMultiGet) || value_size > 0) { unit.succ_count = 1; } else { unit.succ_count = 0; } unit.v_correlation.resize(analyzer_opts_.correlation_list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (static_cast(analyzer_opts_.correlation_list.size())); i++) { unit.v_correlation[i].count = 0; unit.v_correlation[i].total_ts = 0; } std::string prefix; if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0) { prefix = key.substr(0, FLAGS_output_prefix_cut); } if (begin_time_ == 0) { begin_time_ = ts; } uint32_t time_in_sec; if (ts < begin_time_) { time_in_sec = 0; } else { time_in_sec = static_cast((ts - begin_time_) / 1000000); } uint64_t dist_value_size = value_size / FLAGS_value_interval; auto found_stats = ta_[type].stats.find(cf_id); if (found_stats == ta_[type].stats.end()) { ta_[type].stats[cf_id].cf_id = cf_id; ta_[type].stats[cf_id].cf_name = std::to_string(cf_id); ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_count = 1; ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_key_id = 0; ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_key_size_sqsum = MultiplyCheckOverflow( static_cast(key.size()), static_cast(key.size())); ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_key_size_sum = key.size(); ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_value_size_sqsum = MultiplyCheckOverflow( static_cast(value_size), static_cast(value_size)); ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_value_size_sum = value_size; s = OpenStatsOutputFiles(ta_[type].type_name, ta_[type].stats[cf_id]); if (!FLAGS_print_correlation.empty()) { s = StatsUnitCorrelationUpdate(unit, type, ts, key); } ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_key_stats[key] = unit; ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_value_size_stats[dist_value_size] = 1; ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_qps_stats[time_in_sec] = 1; ta_[type].stats[cf_id].correlation_output.resize( analyzer_opts_.correlation_list.size()); if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0) { std::map tmp_qps_map; tmp_qps_map[prefix] = 1; ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_qps_prefix_stats[time_in_sec] = tmp_qps_map; } if (time_in_sec != cur_time_sec_) { ta_[type].stats[cf_id].uni_key_num[cur_time_sec_] = static_cast(ta_[type].stats[cf_id].a_key_stats.size()); cur_time_sec_ = time_in_sec; } } else { found_stats->second.a_count++; found_stats->second.a_key_size_sqsum += MultiplyCheckOverflow( static_cast(key.size()), static_cast(key.size())); found_stats->second.a_key_size_sum += key.size(); found_stats->second.a_value_size_sqsum += MultiplyCheckOverflow( static_cast(value_size), static_cast(value_size)); found_stats->second.a_value_size_sum += value_size; auto found_key = found_stats->second.a_key_stats.find(key); if (found_key == found_stats->second.a_key_stats.end()) { found_stats->second.a_key_stats[key] = unit; } else { found_key->second.access_count++; if (type != TraceOperationType::kGet || value_size > 0) { found_key->second.succ_count++; } if (!FLAGS_print_correlation.empty()) { s = StatsUnitCorrelationUpdate(found_key->second, type, ts, key); } } if (time_in_sec != cur_time_sec_) { found_stats->second.uni_key_num[cur_time_sec_] = static_cast(found_stats->second.a_key_stats.size()); cur_time_sec_ = time_in_sec; } auto found_value = found_stats->second.a_value_size_stats.find(dist_value_size); if (found_value == found_stats->second.a_value_size_stats.end()) { found_stats->second.a_value_size_stats[dist_value_size] = 1; } else { found_value->second++; } auto found_qps = found_stats->second.a_qps_stats.find(time_in_sec); if (found_qps == found_stats->second.a_qps_stats.end()) { found_stats->second.a_qps_stats[time_in_sec] = 1; } else { found_qps->second++; } if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0) { auto found_qps_prefix = found_stats->second.a_qps_prefix_stats.find(time_in_sec); if (found_qps_prefix == found_stats->second.a_qps_prefix_stats.end()) { std::map tmp_qps_map; found_stats->second.a_qps_prefix_stats[time_in_sec] = tmp_qps_map; } if (found_stats->second.a_qps_prefix_stats[time_in_sec].find(prefix) == found_stats->second.a_qps_prefix_stats[time_in_sec].end()) { found_stats->second.a_qps_prefix_stats[time_in_sec][prefix] = 1; } else { found_stats->second.a_qps_prefix_stats[time_in_sec][prefix]++; } } } if (cfs_.find(cf_id) == cfs_.end()) { CfUnit cf_unit; cf_unit.cf_id = cf_id; cf_unit.w_count = 0; cf_unit.a_count = 0; cfs_[cf_id] = cf_unit; } if (FLAGS_output_qps_stats) { cfs_[cf_id].cf_qps[time_in_sec]++; } if (FLAGS_output_time_series) { TraceUnit trace_u; trace_u.type = type; trace_u.key = key; trace_u.value_size = value_size; trace_u.ts = (ts - time_series_start_) / 1000000; trace_u.cf_id = cf_id; ta_[type].stats[cf_id].time_series.push_back(trace_u); } return s; } // Update the correlation unit of each key if enabled Status TraceAnalyzer::StatsUnitCorrelationUpdate(StatsUnit& unit, const uint32_t& type_second, const uint64_t& ts, const std::string& key) { if (type_second >= kTaTypeNum) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown Type Id: %u\n", type_second); return Status::NotFound(); } for (int type_first = 0; type_first < kTaTypeNum; type_first++) { if (type_first >= static_cast(ta_.size()) || type_first >= static_cast(analyzer_opts_.correlation_map.size())) { break; } if (analyzer_opts_.correlation_map[type_first][type_second] < 0 || ta_[type_first].stats.find(unit.cf_id) == ta_[type_first].stats.end() || ta_[type_first].stats[unit.cf_id].a_key_stats.find(key) == ta_[type_first].stats[unit.cf_id].a_key_stats.end() || ta_[type_first].stats[unit.cf_id].a_key_stats[key].latest_ts == ts) { continue; } int correlation_id = analyzer_opts_.correlation_map[type_first][type_second]; // after get the x-y operation time or x, update; if (correlation_id < 0 || correlation_id >= static_cast(unit.v_correlation.size())) { continue; } unit.v_correlation[correlation_id].count++; unit.v_correlation[correlation_id].total_ts += (ts - ta_[type_first].stats[unit.cf_id].a_key_stats[key].latest_ts); } unit.latest_ts = ts; return Status::OK(); } // when a new trace statistic is created, the file handler // pointers should be initiated if needed according to // the trace analyzer options Status TraceAnalyzer::OpenStatsOutputFiles(const std::string& type, TraceStats& new_stats) { Status s; if (FLAGS_output_key_stats) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "accessed_key_stats.txt", &new_stats.a_key_f); s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "accessed_unique_key_num_change.txt", &new_stats.a_key_num_f); if (!FLAGS_key_space_dir.empty()) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "whole_key_stats.txt", &new_stats.w_key_f); } } if (FLAGS_output_access_count_stats) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "accessed_key_count_distribution.txt", &new_stats.a_count_dist_f); } if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "accessed_key_prefix_cut.txt", &new_stats.a_prefix_cut_f); if (!FLAGS_key_space_dir.empty()) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "whole_key_prefix_cut.txt", &new_stats.w_prefix_cut_f); } if (FLAGS_output_qps_stats) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "accessed_top_k_qps_prefix_cut.txt", &new_stats.a_top_qps_prefix_f); } } if (FLAGS_output_time_series) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "time_series.txt", &new_stats.time_series_f); } if (FLAGS_output_value_distribution) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "accessed_value_size_distribution.txt", &new_stats.a_value_size_f); } if (FLAGS_output_key_distribution) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "accessed_key_size_distribution.txt", &new_stats.a_key_size_f); } if (FLAGS_output_qps_stats) { s = CreateOutputFile(type, new_stats.cf_name, "qps_stats.txt", &new_stats.a_qps_f); } return s; } // create the output path of the files to be opened Status TraceAnalyzer::CreateOutputFile( const std::string& type, const std::string& cf_name, const std::string& ending, std::unique_ptr* f_ptr) { std::string path; path = output_path_ + "/" + FLAGS_output_prefix + "-" + type + "-" + cf_name + "-" + ending; Status s; s = env_->NewWritableFile(path, f_ptr, env_options_); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file: %s\n", path.c_str()); exit(1); } return Status::OK(); } // Close the output files in the TraceStats if they are opened Status TraceAnalyzer::CloseOutputFiles() { Status s; for (int type = 0; type < kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (!ta_[type].enabled) { continue; } for (auto& stat : ta_[type].stats) { if (s.ok() && stat.second.time_series_f) { s = stat.second.time_series_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.a_key_f) { s = stat.second.a_key_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.a_key_num_f) { s = stat.second.a_key_num_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.a_count_dist_f) { s = stat.second.a_count_dist_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.a_prefix_cut_f) { s = stat.second.a_prefix_cut_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.a_value_size_f) { s = stat.second.a_value_size_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.a_key_size_f) { s = stat.second.a_key_size_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.a_qps_f) { s = stat.second.a_qps_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.a_top_qps_prefix_f) { s = stat.second.a_top_qps_prefix_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.w_key_f) { s = stat.second.w_key_f->Close(); } if (s.ok() && stat.second.w_prefix_cut_f) { s = stat.second.w_prefix_cut_f->Close(); } } } return s; } Status TraceAnalyzer::Handle(const WriteQueryTraceRecord& record, std::unique_ptr* /*result*/) { total_writes_++; // Note that, if the write happens in a transaction, // 'Write' will be called twice, one for Prepare, one for // Commit. Thus, in the trace, for the same WriteBatch, there // will be two records if it is in a transaction. Here, we only // process the reord that is committed. If write is non-transaction, // HasBeginPrepare()==false, so we process it normally. WriteBatch batch(record.GetWriteBatchRep().ToString()); if (batch.Count() == 0 || (batch.HasBeginPrepare() && !batch.HasCommit())) { return Status::OK(); } write_batch_ts_ = record.GetTimestamp(); // write_result_ will be updated in batch's handler during iteration. Status s = batch.Iterate(this); write_batch_ts_ = 0; if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot process the write batch in the trace\n"); return s; } return Status::OK(); } Status TraceAnalyzer::Handle(const GetQueryTraceRecord& record, std::unique_ptr* /*result*/) { total_gets_++; return OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType::kGet, record.GetTimestamp(), record.GetColumnFamilyID(), std::move(record.GetKey()), 0); } Status TraceAnalyzer::Handle(const IteratorSeekQueryTraceRecord& record, std::unique_ptr* /*result*/) { TraceOperationType op_type; if (record.GetSeekType() == IteratorSeekQueryTraceRecord::kSeek) { op_type = TraceOperationType::kIteratorSeek; total_seeks_++; } else { op_type = TraceOperationType::kIteratorSeekForPrev; total_seek_prevs_++; } // To do: shall we add lower/upper bounds? return OutputAnalysisResult(op_type, record.GetTimestamp(), record.GetColumnFamilyID(), std::move(record.GetKey()), 0); } Status TraceAnalyzer::Handle(const MultiGetQueryTraceRecord& record, std::unique_ptr* /*result*/) { total_multigets_++; std::vector cf_ids = record.GetColumnFamilyIDs(); std::vector keys = record.GetKeys(); std::vector value_sizes; // If the size does not match is not the error of tracing and anayzing, we // just report it to the user. The analyzing continues. if (cf_ids.size() > keys.size()) { printf("The CF ID vector size does not match the keys vector size!\n"); // Make the sure the 2 vectors are of the same (smaller) size. cf_ids.resize(keys.size()); } else if (cf_ids.size() < keys.size()) { printf("The CF ID vector size does not match the keys vector size!\n"); // Make the sure the 2 vectors are of the same (smaller) size. keys.resize(cf_ids.size()); } // Now the 2 vectors must be of the same size. value_sizes.resize(cf_ids.size(), 0); return OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType::kMultiGet, record.GetTimestamp(), std::move(cf_ids), std::move(keys), std::move(value_sizes)); } // Handle the Put request in the write batch of the trace Status TraceAnalyzer::PutCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key, const Slice& value) { return OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType::kPut, write_batch_ts_, column_family_id, key, value.size()); } Status TraceAnalyzer::PutEntityCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key, const Slice& value) { return OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType::kPutEntity, write_batch_ts_, column_family_id, key, value.size()); } // Handle the Delete request in the write batch of the trace Status TraceAnalyzer::DeleteCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key) { return OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType::kDelete, write_batch_ts_, column_family_id, key, 0); } // Handle the SingleDelete request in the write batch of the trace Status TraceAnalyzer::SingleDeleteCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key) { return OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType::kSingleDelete, write_batch_ts_, column_family_id, key, 0); } // Handle the DeleteRange request in the write batch of the trace Status TraceAnalyzer::DeleteRangeCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& begin_key, const Slice& end_key) { return OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType::kRangeDelete, write_batch_ts_, {column_family_id, column_family_id}, {begin_key, end_key}, {0, 0}); } // Handle the Merge request in the write batch of the trace Status TraceAnalyzer::MergeCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key, const Slice& value) { return OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType::kMerge, write_batch_ts_, column_family_id, key, value.size()); } Status TraceAnalyzer::OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType op_type, uint64_t timestamp, std::vector cf_ids, std::vector keys, std::vector value_sizes) { assert(!cf_ids.empty()); assert(cf_ids.size() == keys.size()); assert(cf_ids.size() == value_sizes.size()); Status s; if (FLAGS_convert_to_human_readable_trace && trace_sequence_f_) { // DeleteRane only writes the begin_key. size_t cnt = op_type == TraceOperationType::kRangeDelete ? 1 : cf_ids.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { s = WriteTraceSequence(op_type, cf_ids[i], keys[i], value_sizes[i], timestamp); if (!s.ok()) { return Status::Corruption("Failed to write the trace sequence to file"); } } } if (ta_[op_type].sample_count >= sample_max_) { ta_[op_type].sample_count = 0; } if (ta_[op_type].sample_count > 0) { ta_[op_type].sample_count++; return Status::OK(); } ta_[op_type].sample_count++; if (!ta_[op_type].enabled) { return Status::OK(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < cf_ids.size(); i++) { // Get query does not have value part, just give a fixed value 10 for easy // calculation. s = KeyStatsInsertion( op_type, cf_ids[i], keys[i].ToString(), value_sizes[i] == 0 ? kShadowValueSize : value_sizes[i], timestamp); if (!s.ok()) { return Status::Corruption("Failed to insert key statistics"); } } return Status::OK(); } Status TraceAnalyzer::OutputAnalysisResult(TraceOperationType op_type, uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t cf_id, const Slice& key, size_t value_size) { return OutputAnalysisResult( op_type, timestamp, std::vector({cf_id}), std::vector({key}), std::vector({value_size})); } // Before the analyzer is closed, the requested general statistic results are // printed out here. In current stage, these information are not output to // the files. // -----type // |__cf_id // |_statistics void TraceAnalyzer::PrintStatistics() { for (int type = 0; type < kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (!ta_[type].enabled) { continue; } ta_[type].total_keys = 0; ta_[type].total_access = 0; ta_[type].total_succ_access = 0; printf("\n################# Operation Type: %s #####################\n", ta_[type].type_name.c_str()); if (qps_ave_.size() == kTaTypeNum + 1) { printf("Peak QPS is: %u Average QPS is: %f\n", qps_peak_[type], qps_ave_[type]); } for (auto& stat_it : ta_[type].stats) { if (stat_it.second.a_count == 0) { continue; } TraceStats& stat = stat_it.second; uint64_t total_a_keys = static_cast(stat.a_key_stats.size()); double key_size_ave = 0.0; double value_size_ave = 0.0; double key_size_vari = 0.0; double value_size_vari = 0.0; if (stat.a_count > 0) { key_size_ave = (static_cast(stat.a_key_size_sum)) / stat.a_count; value_size_ave = (static_cast(stat.a_value_size_sum)) / stat.a_count; key_size_vari = std::sqrt((static_cast(stat.a_key_size_sqsum)) / stat.a_count - key_size_ave * key_size_ave); value_size_vari = std::sqrt( (static_cast(stat.a_value_size_sqsum)) / stat.a_count - value_size_ave * value_size_ave); } if (value_size_ave == 0.0) { stat.a_value_mid = 0; } cfs_[stat.cf_id].a_count += total_a_keys; ta_[type].total_keys += total_a_keys; ta_[type].total_access += stat.a_count; ta_[type].total_succ_access += stat.a_succ_count; printf("*********************************************************\n"); printf("colume family id: %u\n", stat.cf_id); printf("Total number of queries to this cf by %s: %" PRIu64 "\n", ta_[type].type_name.c_str(), stat.a_count); printf("Total unique keys in this cf: %" PRIu64 "\n", total_a_keys); printf("Average key size: %f key size medium: %" PRIu64 " Key size Variation: %f\n", key_size_ave, stat.a_key_mid, key_size_vari); if (type == kPut || type == kMerge) { printf("Average value size: %f Value size medium: %" PRIu64 " Value size variation: %f\n", value_size_ave, stat.a_value_mid, value_size_vari); } printf("Peak QPS is: %u Average QPS is: %f\n", stat.a_peak_qps, stat.a_ave_qps); // print the top k accessed key and its access count if (FLAGS_print_top_k_access > 0) { printf("The Top %d keys that are accessed:\n", FLAGS_print_top_k_access); while (!stat.top_k_queue.empty()) { std::string hex_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::StringToHex( stat.top_k_queue.top().second); printf("Access_count: %" PRIu64 " %s\n", stat.top_k_queue.top().first, hex_key.c_str()); stat.top_k_queue.pop(); } } // print the top k access prefix range and // top k prefix range with highest average access per key if (FLAGS_output_prefix_cut > 0) { printf("The Top %d accessed prefix range:\n", FLAGS_print_top_k_access); while (!stat.top_k_prefix_access.empty()) { printf("Prefix: %s Access count: %" PRIu64 "\n", stat.top_k_prefix_access.top().second.c_str(), stat.top_k_prefix_access.top().first); stat.top_k_prefix_access.pop(); } printf("The Top %d prefix with highest access per key:\n", FLAGS_print_top_k_access); while (!stat.top_k_prefix_ave.empty()) { printf("Prefix: %s access per key: %f\n", stat.top_k_prefix_ave.top().second.c_str(), stat.top_k_prefix_ave.top().first); stat.top_k_prefix_ave.pop(); } } // print the operation correlations if (!FLAGS_print_correlation.empty()) { for (int correlation = 0; correlation < static_cast(analyzer_opts_.correlation_list.size()); correlation++) { printf( "The correlation statistics of '%s' after '%s' is:", taIndexToOpt[analyzer_opts_.correlation_list[correlation].second] .c_str(), taIndexToOpt[analyzer_opts_.correlation_list[correlation].first] .c_str()); double correlation_ave = 0.0; if (stat.correlation_output[correlation].first > 0) { correlation_ave = (static_cast( stat.correlation_output[correlation].second)) / (stat.correlation_output[correlation].first * 1000); } printf(" total numbers: %" PRIu64 " average time: %f(ms)\n", stat.correlation_output[correlation].first, correlation_ave); } } } printf("*********************************************************\n"); printf("Total keys of '%s' is: %" PRIu64 "\n", ta_[type].type_name.c_str(), ta_[type].total_keys); printf("Total access is: %" PRIu64 "\n", ta_[type].total_access); total_access_keys_ += ta_[type].total_keys; } // Print the overall statistic information of the trace printf("\n*********************************************************\n"); printf("*********************************************************\n"); printf("The column family based statistics\n"); for (auto& cf : cfs_) { printf("The column family id: %u\n", cf.first); printf("The whole key space key numbers: %" PRIu64 "\n", cf.second.w_count); printf("The accessed key space key numbers: %" PRIu64 "\n", cf.second.a_count); } if (FLAGS_print_overall_stats) { printf("\n*********************************************************\n"); printf("*********************************************************\n"); if (qps_peak_.size() == kTaTypeNum + 1) { printf("Average QPS per second: %f Peak QPS: %u\n", qps_ave_[kTaTypeNum], qps_peak_[kTaTypeNum]); } printf("The statistics related to query number need to times: %u\n", sample_max_); printf("Total_requests: %" PRIu64 " Total_accessed_keys: %" PRIu64 " Total_gets: %" PRIu64 " Total_write_batches: %" PRIu64 " Total_seeks: %" PRIu64 " Total_seek_for_prevs: %" PRIu64 " Total_multigets: %" PRIu64 "\n", total_requests_, total_access_keys_, total_gets_, total_writes_, total_seeks_, total_seek_prevs_, total_multigets_); for (int type = 0; type < kTaTypeNum; type++) { if (!ta_[type].enabled) { continue; } printf("Operation: '%s' has: %" PRIu64 "\n", ta_[type].type_name.c_str(), ta_[type].total_access); } } } // Write the trace sequence to file Status TraceAnalyzer::WriteTraceSequence(const uint32_t& type, const uint32_t& cf_id, const Slice& key, const size_t value_size, const uint64_t ts) { std::string hex_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LDBCommand::StringToHex(key.ToString()); int ret; ret = snprintf(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), "%u %u %zu %" PRIu64 "\n", type, cf_id, value_size, ts); if (ret < 0) { return Status::IOError("failed to format the output"); } std::string printout(buffer_); if (!FLAGS_no_key) { printout = hex_key + " " + printout; } return trace_sequence_f_->Append(printout); } // The entrance function of Trace_Analyzer int trace_analyzer_tool(int argc, char** argv) { std::string trace_path; std::string output_path; AnalyzerOptions analyzer_opts; ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); if (!FLAGS_print_correlation.empty()) { analyzer_opts.SparseCorrelationInput(FLAGS_print_correlation); } std::unique_ptr analyzer( new TraceAnalyzer(FLAGS_trace_path, FLAGS_output_dir, analyzer_opts)); if (!analyzer) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initiate the trace analyzer\n"); exit(1); } ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status s = analyzer->PrepareProcessing(); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s.getState()); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initiate the trace reader\n"); exit(1); } s = analyzer->StartProcessing(); if (!s.ok() && !FLAGS_try_process_corrupted_trace) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s.getState()); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot process the trace\n"); exit(1); } s = analyzer->MakeStatistics(); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s.getState()); analyzer->EndProcessing(); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot make the statistics\n"); exit(1); } s = analyzer->ReProcessing(); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s.getState()); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot re-process the trace for more statistics\n"); analyzer->EndProcessing(); exit(1); } s = analyzer->EndProcessing(); if (!s.ok()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s.getState()); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot close the trace analyzer\n"); exit(1); } return 0; } } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE #endif // Endif of Gflag