;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (defstruct foo) (defstruct bar x y) (defvar *things*) (defun make-things-for-sxhash-test (n) (setf *things* (make-array n :fill-pointer 0)) (flet ((store (obj) (vector-push-extend (list (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address obj) (sxhash obj) obj) *things*))) #-(or x86 x86-64) ; precise GC (return-from make-things-for-sxhash-test (dotimes (i n t) (store (make-foo)))) #+sb-thread (sb-thread:join-thread (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (dotimes (i n t) (store (make-foo)))))))) (compile 'make-things-for-sxhash-test) ;;; Assert that the C code which computes a perturbation of the object ;;; address for lazy stable address-based hashing is the same as lisp. ;;; Further, assert that each bit of the resulting positive-fixnum ;;; can be in a 0 and 1 state (don't want any bits stuck at 0). (with-test (:name :address-based-sxhash-gcing) (dotimes (runs 5) (let ((tracker (make-array 4 :element-type 'sb-ext:word :initial-element 0))) ;; with this many sxhashes we should see a 1 bit in ;; in each bit position. (when (make-things-for-sxhash-test (+ 20 #+arm64 10)) (gc) (sb-int:dovector (thing *things*) (destructuring-bind (old-addr old-hash object) thing (let* ((new-addr (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address object)) (new-hash (sxhash object))) (setf (aref tracker 0) (logior (aref tracker 0) old-hash) (aref tracker 1) (logior (aref tracker 1) (logxor old-hash most-positive-fixnum))) (let* ((count-1s (logcount new-hash)) (count-0s (- sb-vm:n-positive-fixnum-bits count-1s))) (incf (aref tracker 2) count-1s) (incf (aref tracker 3) count-0s)) (cond ((= new-addr old-addr) (warn "Can't test SXHASH after movement: didn't move")) ((not (eql new-hash old-hash)) (error "SXHASH failure")))))) ;; show the mask where we saw 1 bits (respectively 0), ;; and total number of 1 (respectively 0) bits.) #+nil (format t "~@{[~64,'0b] ~d~%~}" (aref tracker 0) (aref tracker 2) (aref tracker 1) (aref tracker 3)) (assert (= (aref tracker 0) most-positive-fixnum)) (assert (= (aref tracker 1) most-positive-fixnum)))))) ;;; SXHASH and PSXHASH should distribute hash values well over the ;;; space of possible values, so that collisions between the hash ;;; values of unequal objects should be very uncommon. (Except of ;;; course the hash values must collide when the objects are EQUAL or ;;; EQUALP respectively!) (locally ;; In order to better test not-EQ-but-EQUAL and not-EQ-but-EQUALP, ;; we'd like to suppress some optimizations. (declare (notinline complex float coerce + - expt)) (flet ((make-sxhash-subtests () (list (cons 0 1) (list 0 1) (cons 1 0) (cons (cons 1 0) (cons 0 0)) (cons (list 1 0) (list 0 0)) (list (cons 1 0) (list 0 0)) (list (cons 0 1) (list 0 0)) (list (cons 0 0) (cons 1 0)) (list (cons 0 0) (cons 0 1)) 44 (float 44) (coerce 44 'double-float) -44 (float -44) (coerce -44 'double-float) 0 (float 0) (coerce 0 'double-float) -0 (- (float 0)) (- (coerce 0 'double-float)) -121 (float -121) (coerce -121 'double-float) 3/4 (float 3/4) (coerce 3/4 'double-float) -3/4 (float -3/4) (coerce -3/4 'double-float) 45 (float 45) (coerce 45 'double-float) 441/10 (float 441/10) (coerce (float 441/10) 'double-float) (expt 2 33) (expt 2.0 33) (expt 2.0d0 33) (- (expt 1/2 50)) (- (expt 0.5 50)) (- (expt 0.5d0 50)) (+ (expt 1/2 50)) (+ (expt 0.5 50)) (+ (expt 0.5d0 50)) (complex 1.0 2.0) (complex 1.0d0 2.0) (complex 1.5 -3/2) (complex 1.5 -1.5d0) #\x #\X #\* (copy-seq "foo") (copy-seq "foobar") (copy-seq "foobarbaz") (copy-seq #*) (copy-seq #*0) (copy-seq #*1) (copy-seq #*00) (copy-seq #*10) (copy-seq #*01) (copy-seq #*11) (copy-seq #*10010) (copy-seq #*100101) (bit-not #*01101) (make-array 6 :fill-pointer 6 :element-type 'bit :initial-contents #*100101) #'allocate-instance #'no-applicable-method)) (make-psxhash-extra-subtests () (list (copy-seq "") (copy-seq #*) (copy-seq #()) (copy-seq ()) (copy-seq '(())) (copy-seq #(())) (copy-seq '(#())) (make-array 3 :fill-pointer 0) (make-array 7 :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'bit) (make-array 8 :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'character) (vector (cons 1 0) (cons 0 0)) (vector (cons 0 1) (cons 0 0)) (vector (cons 0 0) (cons 1 0)) (vector (cons 0 0) (cons 0 1)) (vector (cons 1 0) (cons 0 0)) (vector (cons 0 1) (cons 0 0)) (vector (list 0 0) (cons 1 0)) (vector (list 0 0) (list 0 1)) (vector (vector 1 0) (list 0 0)) (vector (vector 0 1) (list 0 0)) (vector (vector 0 0) (list 1 0)) (vector (vector 0 0) (list 0 1)) (vector #*00 #*10) (vector (vector 0 0) (list 0 1.0d0)) (vector (vector -0.0d0 0) (list 1.0 0)) (vector 1 0 1 0) (vector 0 0 0) (copy-seq #*1010) (copy-seq #*000) (replace (make-array 101 :element-type 'bit :fill-pointer 4) #*1010) (replace (make-array 14 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :fill-pointer 3) #*000) (replace (make-array 14 :element-type t :fill-pointer 3) #*000) (copy-seq "abc") (copy-seq "ABC") (copy-seq "aBc") (copy-seq "abcc") (copy-seq "1001") 'abc (vector #\a #\b #\c) (vector 'a 'b 'c) (vector "A" 'b 'c) (replace (make-array 14 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 3) "aBc") (replace (make-array 11 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 4) "1001") (replace (make-array 12 :element-type 'bit :fill-pointer 4) #*1001) (replace (make-array 13 :element-type t :fill-pointer 4) "1001") (replace (make-array 13 :element-type t :fill-pointer 4) #*1001) ;; FIXME: What about multi-dimensional arrays, hmm? (make-hash-table) (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (make-foo) (make-bar) (make-bar :x (list 1)) (make-bar :y (list 1)))) (t->boolean (x) (if x t nil))) (let* (;; Note: ;; * The APPEND noise here is to help more strenuously test ;; not-EQ-but-EQUAL and not-EQ-but-EQUALP cases. ;; * It seems not to be worth the hassle testing SXHASH on ;; values whose structure isn't understood by EQUAL, since ;; we get too many false positives "SXHASHes are equal even ;; though values aren't EQUAL, what a crummy hash function!" ;; FIXME: Or am I misunderstanding the intent of the ;; the SXHASH specification? Perhaps SXHASH is supposed to ;; descend into the structure of objects even when EQUAL ;; doesn't, in order to avoid hashing together things which ;; are guaranteed not to be EQUAL? The definition of SXHASH ;; seems to leave this completely unspecified: should ;; "well-distributed" depend on substructure that EQUAL ;; ignores? For our internal hash tables, the stricter ;; descend-into-the-structure behavior might improve ;; performance even though it's not specified by ANSI. But ;; is it reasonable for users to expect it? Hmm.. (sxhash-tests (append (make-sxhash-subtests) (make-sxhash-subtests))) (psxhash-tests (append sxhash-tests (make-psxhash-extra-subtests) (make-psxhash-extra-subtests)))) ;; Check that SXHASH compiler transforms give the same results ;; as the out-of-line version of SXHASH. (let* ((fundef `(lambda () (list ,@(mapcar (lambda (value) `(sxhash ',value)) sxhash-tests)))) (fun (compile nil fundef))) (assert (equal (funcall fun) (mapcar #'sxhash sxhash-tests)))) ;; Note: The tests for SXHASH-equality iff EQUAL and ;; PSXHASH-equality iff EQUALP could fail because of an unlucky ;; random collision. That's not very likely (since there are ;; (EXPT 2 29) possible hash values and only on the order of 100 ;; test cases, so even with the birthday paradox a collision has ;; probability only (/ (EXPT 100 2) (EXPT 2 29)), but it's ;; probably worth checking if you are getting a mystifying error ;; from this test. (SXHASH values and PSXHASH values don't ;; change from run to run, so the random chance of bogus failure ;; happens once every time the code is changed in such a way ;; that the SXHASH distribution changes, not once every time the ;; tests are run.) (dolist (i sxhash-tests) (declare (notinline funcall)) (unless (typep (funcall #'sxhash i) '(and fixnum unsigned-byte)) (error "bad SXHASH behavior for ~S" i)) (dolist (j sxhash-tests) (unless (or (eq (t->boolean (equal i j)) (t->boolean (= (sxhash i) (sxhash j)))) (and (typep i 'number) (typep j 'number) (= i j) (subtypep (type-of i) (type-of j)) (subtypep (type-of j) (type-of i)))) ;; (If you get a surprising failure here, maybe you were ;; just very unlucky; see the notes above.) (error "bad SXHASH behavior for ~S ~S" i j)))) (dolist (i psxhash-tests) (unless (typep (sb-int:psxhash i) '(and fixnum unsigned-byte)) (error "bad PSXHASH behavior for ~S" i)) (dolist (j psxhash-tests) (unless (eq (t->boolean (equalp i j)) (t->boolean (= (sb-int:psxhash i) (sb-int:psxhash j)))) ;; (If you get a surprising failure here, maybe you were ;; just very unlucky; see the notes above.) (error "bad PSXHASH behavior for ~S ~S" i j)))) ))) ;;; As of sbcl-, writing hash tables readably should work. ;;; This isn't required by the ANSI standard, but it should be, since ;;; it's well-defined useful behavior which ANSI prohibits the users ;;; from implementing themselves. (ANSI says the users can't define ;;; their own their own PRINT-OBJECT (HASH-TABLE T) methods, and they ;;; can't even wiggle out of it by subclassing HASH-TABLE or STREAM.) (let ((original-ht (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 111)) (original-keys '(1 10 11 400030002 -100000000))) (dolist (key original-keys) (setf (gethash key original-ht) (expt key 4))) (let* ((written-ht (with-output-to-string (s) (write original-ht :stream s :readably t))) (read-ht (with-input-from-string (s written-ht) (read s)))) (assert (= (hash-table-count read-ht) (hash-table-count original-ht) (length original-keys))) (assert (eql (hash-table-test original-ht) (hash-table-test read-ht))) (assert (eql (hash-table-size original-ht) (hash-table-size read-ht))) (dolist (key original-keys) (assert (eql (gethash key read-ht) (gethash key original-ht)))))) ;;; NIL is both SYMBOL and LIST (dolist (fun '(sxhash sb-impl::psxhash)) (assert (= (eval `(,fun nil)) (funcall fun nil) (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (x) (declare (symbol x)) (,fun x))) nil) (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (x) (declare (list x)) (,fun x))) nil) (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (x) (declare (null x)) (,fun x))) nil)))) ;;; This test works reliably on non-conservative platforms and ;;; somewhat reliably on conservative platforms with threads. (defun call-and-scrub-stack (thunk &aux results) ;; Start by giving ourselves some headroom via a ;; DX allocation around the actual allocation... (let ((*s* (make-array 25))) (declare (special *s*) (dynamic-extent *s*)) (assert (stack-allocated-p *s*)) (setq results (multiple-value-list (funcall thunk)))) ;; ... and then arrange to have the no-longer-used parts of the ;; control stack cleared. (sb-sys:scrub-control-stack) (values-list results)) (compile 'call-and-scrub-stack) (defmacro alloc (&body body) "Execute BODY and try to reduce the chance of leaking a conservative root." #+sb-thread `(sb-thread:join-thread (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (call-and-scrub-stack (lambda () ,@body))))) #-sb-thread `(call-and-scrub-stack (lambda () ,@body))) (with-test (:name (:hash-table :weakness :eql :numbers)) (flet ((random-number () (random 1000))) (loop for weakness in '(nil :key :value :key-and-value :key-or-value) do (let* ((ht (make-hash-table :weakness weakness)) (n (alloc (loop repeat 1000 count (let ((key (random-number))) (if (gethash key ht) (setf (gethash key ht) (random-number)))))))) (gc :full t) (gc :full t) (assert (= n (hash-table-count ht))))))) (defun add-removable-stuff (ht &key (n 100) (size 10)) (flet ((unique-object () (make-array size :fill-pointer 0))) (loop for i below n do (multiple-value-bind (key value) (ecase (hash-table-weakness ht) ((:key) (values (unique-object) i)) ((:value) (values i (unique-object))) ((:key-and-value) (if (zerop (random 2)) (values (unique-object) i) (values i (unique-object)))) ((:key-or-value) (values (unique-object) (unique-object)))) (setf (gethash key ht) value))) (values))) (defun print-ht (ht &optional (stream t)) (format stream "Weakness: ~S~%" (hash-table-weakness ht)) (format stream "Table: ~S~%" (sb-impl::hash-table-pairs ht)) (format stream "Next: ~S~%" (sb-impl::hash-table-next-vector ht)) (format stream "Index: ~S~%" (sb-impl::hash-table-index-vector ht)) (format stream "Hash: ~S~%" (sb-impl::hash-table-hash-vector ht)) (force-output stream)) (macrolet ((test-weakness (weakness) `(with-test (:name (:hash-table :weakness ,weakness :removal)) (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp) do (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness ,weakness))) (alloc (add-removable-stuff ht :n 117 :size 1)) (loop for i upfrom 0 do ; (format t "~A. count: ~A~%" i (hash-table-count ht)) (force-output) until (zerop (hash-table-count ht)) do (when (= i 10) ; (print-ht ht) #-(or x86 x86-64) (assert nil) ;; With conservative gc the test may not be ;; bullet-proof so it's not an outright ;; failure but a warning. #+(or x86 x86-64) (if (eq *evaluator-mode* :compile) (assert nil) (progn (warn "Weak hash removal test failed for weakness ~A" ,weakness) (return)))) (gc :full t))))))) ;; I separated these into 4 named tests to see if I could figure something out- ;; If the interpreted lambda itself it kept alive by call-and-scrub, ;; as it must be, the most recent values of local variables could linger. ;; So with x86 using the interpreter, :KEY weakness generates a failure warning ;; but how does :KEY-OR-VALUE _not_ generate a warning? (test-weakness :key) (test-weakness :value) (test-weakness :key-and-value) (test-weakness :key-or-value)) (with-test (:name (:hash-table :weakness :string-interning)) (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness :key)) (s "a")) (setf (gethash s ht) s) (assert (eq (gethash s ht) s)) (assert (eq (gethash (copy-seq s) ht) s)))) ;;; see if hash_vector is not written when there is none ... (with-test (:name (:hash-table :weakness :eq)) (loop repeat 10 do (let ((index (random 2000))) (let ((first (+ most-positive-fixnum (mod (* index 31) 9))) (n 50000)) (let ((hash-table (make-hash-table :weakness :key :test 'eq))) (dotimes (i n) (setf (gethash (+ first i) hash-table) i)) hash-table))))) ;; used to crash in gc (with-test (:name (:hash-table :weakness :keep)) (loop repeat 2 do (let ((h1 (make-hash-table :weakness :key :test #'equal)) (keep ())) (loop for i from 0 to 1000 for key = i for value = (make-array 10000 :fill-pointer 0) do (push value keep) (setf (gethash key h1) value)) (sb-ext:gc :full t)))) ;;; DEFINE-HASH-TABLE-TEST (defstruct custom-hash-key name) (defun custom-hash-test (x y) (equal (custom-hash-key-name x) (custom-hash-key-name y))) (defun custom-hash-hash (x) (sxhash (custom-hash-key-name x))) (define-hash-table-test custom-hash-test custom-hash-hash) (with-test (:name :define-hash-table-test.1) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'custom-hash-test))) (setf (gethash (make-custom-hash-key :name "foo") table) :foo) (setf (gethash (make-custom-hash-key :name "bar") table) :bar) (assert (eq :foo (gethash (make-custom-hash-key :name "foo") table))) (assert (eq :bar (gethash (make-custom-hash-key :name "bar") table))) (assert (eq 'custom-hash-test (hash-table-test table)))) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'custom-hash-test))) (setf (gethash (make-custom-hash-key :name "foo") table) :foo) (setf (gethash (make-custom-hash-key :name "bar") table) :bar) (assert (eq :foo (gethash (make-custom-hash-key :name "foo") table))) (assert (eq :bar (gethash (make-custom-hash-key :name "bar") table))) (assert (eq 'custom-hash-test (hash-table-test table))))) (defun head-eql (x y) (every #'eql (subseq x 0 3) (subseq y 0 3))) (define-hash-table-test head-eql (lambda (x) (logand most-positive-fixnum (reduce #'+ (map 'list #'sxhash (subseq x 0 3)))))) (with-test (:name :define-hash-table-test.2) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'head-eql))) (setf (gethash #(1 2 3 4) table) :|123|) (setf (gethash '(2 3 4 7) table) :|234|) (setf (gethash "foobar" table) :foo) (assert (eq :|123| (gethash '(1 2 3 ! 6) table))) (assert (eq :|234| (gethash #(2 3 4 0 2 1 a) table))) (assert (eq :foo (gethash '(#\f #\o #\o 1 2 3) table))) (assert (eq 'head-eql (hash-table-test table)))) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'head-eql))) (setf (gethash #(1 2 3 4) table) :|123|) (setf (gethash '(2 3 4 7) table) :|234|) (setf (gethash "foobar" table) :foo) (assert (eq :|123| (gethash '(1 2 3 ! 6) table))) (assert (eq :|234| (gethash #(2 3 4 0 2 1 a) table))) (assert (eq :foo (gethash '(#\f #\o #\o 1 2 3) table))) (assert (eq 'head-eql (hash-table-test table))))) (with-test (:name :make-hash-table/hash-fun) (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'= :hash-function (lambda (x) (sxhash (coerce (abs x) 'double-float)))))) (incf (gethash 1 table 0)) (incf (gethash 1.0f0 table)) (incf (gethash 1.0d0 table)) (incf (gethash (complex 1.0f0 0.0f0) table)) (incf (gethash (complex 1.0d0 0.0d0) table)) (assert (= 5 (gethash 1 table))) (assert (eq '= (hash-table-test table))))) (defstruct rslotty a (uword 0 :type word) (sword 0 :type sb-vm:signed-word) (sf 0s0 :type single-float) (df 0d0 :type double-float) (csf #c(0s0 0s0) :type (complex single-float)) (cdf #c(0d0 0d0) :type (complex double-float))) (import 'sb-impl::psxhash) (with-test (:name :psxhash-raw-slots) (let ((empty (psxhash (make-rslotty)))) ;; unequalp values produce unequal hashes (assert (/= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :uword 32)))) (assert (/= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :sword -1800)))) (assert (/= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :sf 1s0)))) (assert (/= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :df 1d0)))) (assert (/= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :csf #c(1s0 1s0))))) (assert (/= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :cdf #c(1d0 1d0))))) ;; equalp values produce equal hashes (assert (= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :sf -0s0 :df -0d0)))) (assert (= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :csf #c(-0s0 -0s0))))) (assert (= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :csf #c(0s0 -0s0))))) (assert (= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :csf #c(-0s0 0s0))))) (assert (= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :cdf #c(-0d0 -0d0))))) (assert (= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :cdf #c(0d0 -0d0))))) (assert (= empty (psxhash (make-rslotty :cdf #c(-0d0 0d0))))))) (defun my= (a b) (= a b)) (defun fixnum-hash (x) (sxhash (the fixnum x))) (defun fixnum-hash-worse (x) (logand (sxhash (the fixnum x)) 7)) (define-hash-table-test my= fixnum-hash) (with-test (:name :hash-fun-is-function-designator) ;; Users shouldn't write this baroque expression to make an EQL table. (assert-error (make-hash-table :hash-function nil)) ;; nor this (assert-error (make-hash-table :test #'eql :hash-function nil)) ;; :TEST, if unknown, does not imply a hash function ;; even when it looks like it could. (assert-error (make-hash-table :test #'=)) ;; and of course this doesn't work either because the preceding doesn't (assert-error (make-hash-table :test #'= :hash-function nil)) ;; Try user functions (let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'my=))) (assert (eq (sb-impl::hash-table-hash-fun h) #'fixnum-hash))) (let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'my= :hash-function 'fixnum-hash-worse))) (assert (eq (sb-impl::hash-table-hash-fun h) #'fixnum-hash-worse))) (let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'my= :hash-function #'fixnum-hash-worse))) (assert (eq (sb-impl::hash-table-hash-fun h) #'fixnum-hash-worse))) (assert-error (make-hash-table :test 'my= :hash-function nil))) ; no good (with-test (:name :psxhash-large-floats) (flet ((test (integer) (assert (= (sb-int:psxhash (float integer 1d0)) (sb-int:psxhash (truncate (float integer 1d0))))) (assert (= (sb-int:psxhash (float integer)) (sb-int:psxhash (truncate (float integer))))))) (loop for i from 80 to 100 by 4 do (test (expt 2 i)) (test (1+ (expt 2 i))) (test (1- (expt 2 i))) (test (- (expt 2 i) (random (expt 2 i)))) (test (+ (expt 2 i) (random (expt 2 i)))))))