;;;; miscellaneous tests of printing stuff ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork ;;;; from CMU CL. ;;;; ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. ;;; We should be able to output X readably (at least when *READ-EVAL*). (defun assert-readable-output (x) (assert (eql x (let ((*read-eval* t)) (read-from-string (with-output-to-string (s) (write x :stream s :readably t))))))) ;;; Even when *READ-EVAL* is NIL, we should be able to output some ;;; (not necessarily readable) representation without signalling an ;;; error. (defun assert-unreadable-output (x) (let ((*read-eval* nil)) (with-output-to-string (s) (write x :stream s :readably nil)))) (defun assert-output (x) (assert-readable-output x) (assert-unreadable-output x)) ;;; Ensure that we don't print a value cell as #S(RANDOM-CLASS ...) (defun f (x) (lambda (y) (+ (incf x) y))) (compile 'f) (with-test (:name :output-value-cell) (assert (search "# justify ;;; block (see ANSI section (with-test (:name (format :justification-directive :illegal-directives)) (flet ((test (args) (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p) (checked-compile `(lambda () (format nil ,@args)) :allow-failure t) (assert failure-p) (assert-error (funcall fun))))) (test '("~<~W~>" 'foo)) (test '("~<~<~A~:>~>" '(foo)))) (assert (string= (format nil "~<~<~A~>~>" 'foo) "FOO"))) (with-test (:name (format :justification-directive :atsign-check)) (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p) (checked-compile `(lambda () (format nil "~<~@>")) :allow-failure t) (assert failure-p) (assert-error (funcall fun))) (assert-error (eval '(format nil "~<~@>")))) ;;; Check that arrays that we print while *PRINT-READABLY* is true are ;;; in fact generating similar objects. (with-test (:name (print array *print-readably* :dimensions)) (assert (equal (array-dimensions (read-from-string (with-output-to-string (s) (let ((*print-readably* t)) (print (make-array '(1 2 0)) s))))) '(1 2 0)))) (with-test (:name (print array *print-readably* :element-type)) (dolist (array (list (make-array '(1 0 1) :initial-element 0) (make-array 0 :element-type nil) (make-array 1 :element-type 'base-char :initial-element #\nul) (make-array 1 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\nul))) (assert (multiple-value-bind (result error) (read-from-string (write-to-string array :readably t)) ;; it might not be readably-printable (or (typep error 'print-not-readable) (and ;; or else it had better have the same dimensions (equal (array-dimensions result) (array-dimensions array)) ;; and the same element-type (equal (array-element-type result) (array-element-type array)))))))) ;;; before it signalled UNBOUND-VARIABLE (with-test (:name (write vector :smoke)) (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) (write #(1 2 3) :pretty nil :readably t))) ;;; another UNBOUND-VARIABLE, this time due to a bug in FORMATTER ;;; expanders. (with-test (:name (formatter :smoke)) (funcall (formatter "~@<~A~:*~A~:>") (make-broadcast-stream) 3)) ;;; the PPC floating point backend was at one point sufficiently ;;; broken that this looped infinitely or caused segmentation ;;; violations through stack corruption. (with-test (:name (print float :smoke)) (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) (print 0.0001))) ;;; In sbcl-0.8.7, the ~W format directive interpreter implemented the ;;; sense of the colon and at-sign modifiers exactly backwards. ;;; ;;; (Yes, the test for this *is* substantially hairier than the fix; ;;; wanna make something of it?) (cl:in-package :cl-user) (defstruct wexerciser-0-8-7) (defun wexercise-0-8-7-interpreted (wformat) (format t wformat (make-wexerciser-0-8-7))) (defmacro define-compiled-wexercise-0-8-7 (wexercise wformat) `(defun ,wexercise () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 1))) (format t ,wformat (make-wexerciser-0-8-7)) (values))) (define-compiled-wexercise-0-8-7 wexercise-0-8-7-compiled-without-atsign "~W") (define-compiled-wexercise-0-8-7 wexercise-0-8-7-compiled-with-atsign "~@W") (defmethod print-object :before ((wexerciser-0-8-7 wexerciser-0-8-7) stream) (unless (and *print-level* *print-length*) (error "gotcha coming"))) (with-test (:name (format :write-directive :colon :at-sign 1)) (let ((*print-level* 11) (*print-length* 12) (*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) (wexercise-0-8-7-interpreted "~W") (wexercise-0-8-7-compiled-without-atsign))) (remove-method #'print-object (find-method #'print-object '(:before) (mapcar #'find-class '(wexerciser-0-8-7 t)))) (defmethod print-object :before ((wexerciser-0-8-7 wexerciser-0-8-7) stream) (when (or *print-level* *print-length*) (error "gotcha going"))) (with-test (:name (format :write-directive :colon :at-sign 2)) (let ((*print-level* 11) (*print-length* 12) (*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) (wexercise-0-8-7-interpreted "~@W") (wexercise-0-8-7-compiled-with-atsign))) ;;; WRITE-TO-STRING was erroneously DEFKNOWNed as FOLDABLE ;;; This bug from PFD (defpackage "SCRATCH-WRITE-TO-STRING" (:use)) (with-test (:name (write symbol *package*)) (with-standard-io-syntax (let* ((*package* (find-package "SCRATCH-WRITE-TO-STRING")) (answer (write-to-string 'scratch-write-to-string::x :readably nil))) (assert (string= answer "X"))))) ;;; and a couple from Bruno Haible (defun my-pprint-reverse (out list) (write-char #\( out) (when (setq list (reverse list)) (loop (write (pop list) :stream out) (when (endp list) (return)) (write-char #\Space out))) (write-char #\) out)) (with-test (:name (write *print-pprint-dispatch* 1)) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch))) (set-pprint-dispatch '(cons (member foo)) 'my-pprint-reverse 0) (let ((answer (write-to-string '(foo bar :boo 1) :pretty t :escape t))) (assert (string= answer "(1 :BOO BAR FOO)")))))) (defun my-pprint-logical (out list) (pprint-logical-block (out list :prefix "(" :suffix ")") (when list (loop (write-char #\? out) (write (pprint-pop) :stream out) (write-char #\? out) (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted) (write-char #\Space out))))) (with-test (:name (write *print-pprint-dispatch* 2)) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch))) (set-pprint-dispatch '(cons (member bar)) 'my-pprint-logical 0) (let ((answer (write-to-string '(bar foo :boo 1) :pretty t :escape t))) (assert (string= answer "(?BAR? ?FOO? ?:BOO? ?1?)")))))) ;;; FORMAT string compile-time checker failure, reported by Thomas ;;; F. Burdick (with-test (:name (format :compile-time-check)) (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings) (checked-compile '(lambda () (format nil "~{")) :allow-failure t :allow-warnings t) (assert failure-p) (assert (= (length warnings) 1)) (assert-error (funcall fun)))) ;;; floating point print/read consistency (with-test (:name (read print float :consistency)) (let* ((x (/ -9.349640046247849d-21 -9.381494249123696d-11)) (y (read-from-string (write-to-string x :readably t)))) (assert (eql x y))) (let ((x1 (float -5496527/100000000000000000)) (x2 (float -54965272/1000000000000000000))) (assert (or (equal (multiple-value-list (integer-decode-float x1)) (multiple-value-list (integer-decode-float x2))) (string/= (prin1-to-string x1) (prin1-to-string x2)))))) ;;; readable printing of arrays with *print-radix* t (with-test (:name (write read array *print-radix*)) (let ((*print-radix* t) (*print-readably* t) (*print-pretty* nil)) (let ((output (with-output-to-string (s) (write #2a((t t) (nil nil)) :stream s)))) (assert (equalp (read-from-string output) #2a((t t) (nil nil))))))) ;;; NIL parameters to "interpreted" FORMAT directives (with-test (:name (format :v-directive-arg nil)) (assert (string= (format nil "~v%" nil) (string #\Newline)))) ;;; PRINC-TO-STRING should bind print-readably (with-test (:name (princ-to-string *print-readably*)) (let ((*print-readably* t)) (assert (string= (princ-to-string #\7) (write-to-string #\7 :escape nil :readably nil))))) ;;; in FORMAT, ~^ inside ~:{ should go to the next case, not break ;;; iteration, even if one argument is just a one-element list. (with-test (:name (format :escape-upward-directive :in :iteration-directive)) (assert (string= (format nil "~:{~A~^~}" '((A) (C D))) "AC"))) ;;; errors should be signaled if pprint and justification are mixed ;;; injudiciously... (with-test (:name (format :mixing :justification-directive :pprint-directives :illegal)) (dolist (x (list "~<~:;~>~_" "~<~:;~>~I" "~<~:;~>~W" "~<~:;~>~:T" "~<~:;~>~<~:>" "~_~<~:;~>" "~I~<~:;~>" "~W~<~:;~>" "~:T~<~:;~>" "~<~:>~<~:;~>")) (assert-error (format nil x nil)) (assert-error (format nil (eval `(formatter ,x)) nil)))) ;;; ...but not in judicious cases. (with-test (:name (format :mixing :justification-directive :pprint-directives :legal)) (dolist (x (list "~<~;~>~_" "~<~;~>~I" "~<~;~>~W" "~<~;~>~:T" "~<~;~>~<~>" "~_~<~;~>" "~I~<~;~>" "~W~<~;~>" "~:T~<~;~>" "~<~>~<~;~>" "~<~:;~>~T" "~T~<~:;~>")) (assert (format nil x nil)) (assert (format nil (eval `(formatter ,x)) nil)))) ;;; bug 350: bignum printing so memory-hungry that heap runs out ;;; -- just don't stall here forever on a slow box (with-test (:name :bug-350) (handler-case (with-timeout 10 (print (ash 1 1000000) (make-broadcast-stream))) (timeout () (print 'timeout!)))) ;;; bug 371: bignum print/read inconsistency (defvar *bug-371* -7043009959286724629649270926654940933664689003233793014518979272497911394287216967075767325693021717277238746020477538876750544587281879084559996466844417586093291189295867052594478662802691926547232838591510540917276694295393715934079679531035912244103731582711556740654671309980075069010778644542022/670550434139267031632063192770201289106737062379324644110801846820471752716238484923370056920388400273070254958650831435834503195629325418985020030706879602898158806736813101434594805676212779217311897830937606064579213895527844045511878668289820732425014254579493444623868748969110751636786165152601) (with-test (:name (read print bignum :consistency :bug-371)) (let ((*print-base* 5) (*read-base* 5) (*print-radix* nil)) (assert (= *bug-371* (read-from-string (prin1-to-string *bug-371*)))))) ;;; a spot of random-testing for rational printing (defvar *seed-state* (make-random-state)) (ignore-errors (with-open-file (f "last-random-state.lisp-expr" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) ;; I don't want to see this every time (write *seed-state* :pretty nil :stream f))) ; so that we can reproduce errors (with-test (:name (read print rational :consistency )) (let ((seed (make-random-state *seed-state*))) (loop repeat 42 do (let ((n (random (ash 1 1000) seed)) (d (random (ash 1 1000) seed))) (when (zerop (random 2 seed)) (setf n (- n))) (let ((r (/ n d))) (loop for base from 2 to 36 do (let ((*print-base* base) (*read-base* base) (*print-radix* nil)) (assert (= r (read-from-string (prin1-to-string r)))) (if (= 36 base) (decf *read-base*) (incf *read-base*)) (assert (not (eql r (read-from-string (prin1-to-string r))))) (let ((*print-radix* t)) (assert (= r (read-from-string (princ-to-string r)))))))))))) ;;;; Bugs, found by PFD ;;; NIL parameter for ~^ means `not supplied' (with-test (:name (format :escape-upward-directive :v-directive-arg nil)) (loop for (format arg result) in '(("~:{~D~v^~D~}" ((3 1 4) (1 0 2) (7 nil) (5 nil 6)) "341756") ("~:{~1,2,v^~A~}" ((nil 0) (3 1) (0 2)) "02")) do (assert (string= (funcall #'format nil format arg) result)) do (assert (string= (with-output-to-string (s) (funcall (eval `(formatter ,format)) s arg)) result)))) ;;; NIL first parameter for ~R is equivalent to no parameter. (with-test (:name (format :radix-directive nil :argument)) (assert (string= (format nil "~VR" nil 5) "five")) (assert (string= (format nil (formatter "~VR") nil 6) "six"))) ;;; CSR inserted a bug into Burger & Dybvig's float printer. Caught ;;; by Raymond Toy (with-test (:name (format :exponential-floating-point-directive :smoke)) (assert (string= (format nil "~E" 1d23) "1.0d+23"))) ;;; Fixed-format bugs from CLISP's test suite (reported by Bruno ;;; Haible, bug 317) (with-test (:name (format :fixed-format-floating-point-directive :bug-317)) (assert (string= (format nil "~1F" 10) "10.")) (assert (string= (format nil "~0F" 10) "10.")) (assert (string= (format nil "~2F" 1234567.1) "1234567."))) ;;; here's one that seems to fail most places. I think this is right, ;;; and most of the other answers I've seen are definitely wrong. (with-test (:name (format :general-floating-point-directive :smoke)) (assert (string= (format nil "~G" 1d23) "100000000000000000000000. "))) ;;; Adam Warner's test case (with-test (:name (format :fixed-format-floating-point-directive :at-sign)) (assert (string= (format nil "~@F" 1.23) "+1.23"))) ;;; New (2005-11-08, also known as CSR House day) float format test ;;; cases. Simon Alexander, Raymond Toy, and others (with-test (:name (format :floating-point-directives :misc)) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,4,,-7E" pi) ".00000003d+8")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,4,,-5E" pi) ".000003d+6")) (assert (string= (format nil "~5,4,,7E" pi) "3141600.d-6")) (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,3E" pi) " 314.16d-2")) (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,5E" pi) " 31416.d-4")) (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,0E" pi) " 0.3142d+1")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-1E" pi) ".03142d+2")) (assert (string= (format nil "~,,,-2E" pi) "0.003141592653589793d+3")) (assert (string= (format nil "~,,,2E" pi) "31.41592653589793d-1")) (assert (string= (format nil "~E" pi) "3.141592653589793d+0")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5,,-1E" pi) ".03142d+2")) (assert (string= (format nil "~11,5,,-1E" pi) " 0.03142d+2")) (assert (string= (format nil "~G" pi) "3.141592653589793 ")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5G" pi) "3.1416 ")) (assert (string= (format nil "|~13,6,2,7E|" pi) "| 3141593.d-06|")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,0,'%E" pi) "0.314d+01")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,0,6f" pi) " 3141593.")) (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" pi) " 31.42")) (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" (* 100 pi)) "******")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "+.003d+03")) (assert (string= (format nil "~10,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "+0.003d+03")) (assert (string= (format nil "~15,3,2,-2,'%,'=@E" pi) "=====+0.003d+03")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%E" pi) "0.003d+03")) (assert (string= (format nil "~8,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "%%%%%%%%")) (assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1e0) "1. ")) (assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1.2d40) "12000000000000000000000000000000000000000. ")) (assert (string= (format nil "~e" 0) "0.0e+0")) (assert (string= (format nil "~e" 0d0) "0.0d+0")) (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,4e" 0d0) "0.0d+0000"))) (with-test (:name (print hash-table print-not-readable)) (let ((table (make-hash-table))) (setf (gethash 1 table) t) (assert-error (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*read-eval* nil) (*print-readably* t)) (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (prin1 table)))) print-not-readable))) ;; Test that we can print characters readably regardless of the external format ;; of the stream. (defun test-readable-character (character external-format) (let ((file (scratch-file-name "tmp"))) (unwind-protect (progn (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :external-format external-format :if-exists :supersede) (write character :stream stream :readably t)) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input :external-format external-format :if-does-not-exist :error) (assert (char= (read stream) character)))) (ignore-errors (delete-file file))))) (with-test (:name (:print-readable :character :utf-8) :skipped-on (not :sb-unicode)) (test-readable-character (code-char #xfffe) :utf-8)) (with-test (:name (:print-readable :character :iso-8859-1) :skipped-on (not :sb-unicode)) (test-readable-character (code-char #xfffe) :iso-8859-1)) (with-test (:name (format :character-directive :colon)) (assert (string= (eval '(format nil "~:C" #\a)) "a")) (assert (string= (format nil (formatter "~:C") #\a) "a"))) ;;; This used to trigger an AVER instead. (with-test (:name (format :end-of-justification-directive :mismatch)) (assert-error (eval '(formatter "~>")) sb-format:format-error) (assert-error (eval '(format t "~>")) sb-format:format-error)) ;;; readably printing hash-tables, check for circularity (with-test (:name (print read hash-table *print-circle*)) (let ((x (cons 1 2)) (h (make-hash-table)) (*print-readably* t) (*print-circle* t) (*read-eval* t)) (setf (gethash x h) h) (destructuring-bind (x2 . h2) (read-from-string (write-to-string (cons x h))) (assert (equal x x2)) (assert (eq h2 (gethash x2 h2)))))) ;;; an off-by-one error in the ~R format directive until ;;; prevented printing cardinals and ordinals between (expt 10 63) and ;;; (1- (expt 10 66)) (with-test (:name (format :radix-directive :large-values)) (assert (string= (format nil "~R" (expt 10 63)) "one vigintillion")) (assert (string= (format nil "~:R" (expt 10 63)) "one vigintillionth"))) ;;; too-clever cacheing for PRINT-OBJECT resulted in a bogus method ;;; for printing RESTART objects. Check also CONTROL-STACK-EXHAUSTED ;;; and HEAP-EXHAUSTED-ERROR. (with-test (:name (print-object restart condition)) (let ((result (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (princ (find-restart 'abort))))) (assert (string/= result "#<" :end1 2))) (let ((result (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (princ (make-condition 'sb-kernel::control-stack-exhausted))))) (assert (string/= result "#<" :end1 2))) (let ((result (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (princ (make-condition 'sb-kernel::heap-exhausted-error))))) (assert (string/= result "#<" :end1 2)))) (with-test (:name (:with-standard-io-syntax :bind-print-pprint-dispatch)) (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))) (set-pprint-dispatch 'symbol #'(lambda (stream obj) (declare (ignore obj)) (write-string "FOO" stream))) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*print-pretty* t)) (assert (string= (princ-to-string 'bar) "BAR")))))) ;;; lp#1398290 (which obsoletes lp#488979) (defclass a-class-name () ()) (with-test (:name :print-unreadable-no-conditional-newline) (flet ((test (pretty) (assert (not (find #\Newline (let ((*print-pretty* pretty) (*print-right-margin* 10)) (format nil "~A" (make-instance 'a-class-name))) :test #'char=))))) (test t) (test nil))) ;;; The PRINT-OBJECT method for RANDOM-STATE used to have a bogus ;;; dimension argument for MAKE-ARRAY. (with-test (:name (print random-state)) (assert (equalp *random-state* (read-from-string (write-to-string *random-state*))))) (with-test (:name (write :return-value)) ;; COMPILE is called explicitly because there was a bug in the ;; compiler-macro for WRITE, which isn't expanded by the evaluator. (checked-compile-and-assert () '(lambda (s) (write 123 :stream s)) (((make-broadcast-stream)) 123))) (with-test (:name (write write-to-string compiler-macro :lp598374 :lp581564)) (let ((test (checked-compile `(lambda (object &optional output-stream) (write object :stream output-stream))))) (assert (equal "(HELLO WORLD)" (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (let ((list '(hello world))) (assert (eq list (funcall test list))))))) (assert (equal "12" (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (assert (eql 12 (funcall test 12))))))) (checked-compile-and-assert () `(lambda () (let ((*print-length* 42)) (write-to-string *print-length* :length nil))) (() "42"))) (with-test (:name (format :compile-literal-dest-string)) (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings) (checked-compile `(lambda (x) (format "~A" x)) :allow-warnings t) (declare (ignore fun)) (assert failure-p) (assert (= (length warnings) 1)))) (with-test (:name (format :bug-308961)) (assert (string= (format nil "~4,1F" 0.001) " 0.0")) (assert (string= (format nil "~4,1@F" 0.001) "+0.0")) (assert (string= (format nil "~E" 0.01) "1.0e-2")) (assert (string= (format nil "~G" 0.01) "1.00e-2"))) (with-test (:name (:fp-print-read-consistency single-float)) (let ((*random-state* (make-random-state t)) (oops)) (loop for f = most-positive-single-float then (/ f 2.0) while (> f 0.0) do (loop for fr = (random f) repeat 10 do (unless (eql fr (read-from-string (prin1-to-string fr))) (push fr oops) (return)))) (loop for f = most-negative-single-float then (/ f 2.0) while (< f -0.0) do (loop for fr = (- (random (- f))) repeat 10 do (unless (eql fr (read-from-string (prin1-to-string fr))) (push fr oops) (return)))) (when oops (error "FP print-read inconsistencies:~%~:{ ~S => ~S~%~}" (mapcar (lambda (f) (list f (read-from-string (prin1-to-string f)))) oops))))) (with-test (:name (:fp-print-read-consistency double-float)) (let ((*random-state* (make-random-state t)) (oops)) (loop for f = most-positive-double-float then (/ f 2d0) while (> f #-x86 0d0 #+x86 0.1d0) ;; too much precision do (loop for fr = (random f) repeat 10 do (unless (eql fr (read-from-string (prin1-to-string fr))) (push fr oops) (return)))) (loop for f = most-negative-double-float then (/ f 2d0) while (< f #-x86 -0d0 #+x86 -0.1d0) do (loop for fr = (- (random (- f))) repeat 10 do (unless (eql fr (read-from-string (prin1-to-string fr))) (push fr oops) (return)))) (when oops (error "FP print-read inconsistencies:~%~:{ ~S => ~S~%~}" (mapcar (lambda (f) (list f (read-from-string (prin1-to-string f)))) oops))))) (with-test (:name (format :bug-811386)) (assert (equal " 0.00" (format nil "~7,2,-2f" 0))) (assert (equal " 0.00" (format nil "~7,2,2f" 0))) (assert (equal " 0.01" (format nil "~7,2,-2f" 1))) (assert (equal " 100.00" (format nil "~7,2,2f" 1))) (assert (equal " 0.00" (format nil "~7,2,-2f" 0.1))) (assert (equal " 10.00" (format nil "~7,2,2f" 0.1))) (assert (equal " 0.01" (format nil "~7,2,-2f" 0.5)))) (with-test (:name (format :bug-867684)) (assert (equal "ab" (format nil "a~0&b")))) (with-test (:name :print-unreadably-function) (assert (search "#