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Mercurial > core / changeset: stream and basic type upgrades. fixed some bugs and improved csv parsing

changeset 277: 10faf95f90dd
parent 276: bcc180c6ed91
child 278: e597adef66c7
author: Richard Westhaver <>
date: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 01:19:10 -0400
files: lisp/lib/cli/progress.lisp lisp/lib/dat/csv.lisp lisp/lib/dat/pkg.lisp lisp/lib/log/log.lisp lisp/lib/net/fetch.lisp lisp/lib/net/pkg.lisp lisp/lib/net/proto/http.lisp lisp/lib/obj/meta/fast.lisp lisp/lib/obj/meta/pkg.lisp lisp/lib/obj/meta/sealed.lisp lisp/lib/obj/obj.asd lisp/lib/obj/uuid.lisp lisp/lib/rdb/obj.lisp lisp/std/alien.lisp lisp/std/pkg.lisp lisp/std/std.asd lisp/std/str.lisp lisp/std/stream.lisp lisp/std/string.lisp lisp/std/tests.lisp lisp/std/thread.lisp lisp/std/types.lisp
description: stream and basic type upgrades. fixed some bugs and improved csv parsing
     1.1--- a/lisp/lib/cli/progress.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     1.2+++ b/lisp/lib/cli/progress.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     1.3@@ -96,17 +96,17 @@
     1.4 (defconstant +seconds-in-one-minute+ 60)
     1.6 (defun time-in-seconds-minutes-hours (in-seconds)
     1.7-  (format t "Finished in")
     1.8-  (when (>= in-seconds +seconds-in-one-hour+)
     1.9-    (let* ((hours (floor (/ in-seconds +seconds-in-one-hour+))))
    1.10-      (decf in-seconds (* hours +seconds-in-one-hour+))
    1.11-      (format t " ~a hour~p" hours hours)))
    1.12-  (when (>= in-seconds +seconds-in-one-minute+)
    1.13-    (let* ((minutes (floor (/ in-seconds +seconds-in-one-minute+))))
    1.14-      (decf in-seconds (* minutes +seconds-in-one-minute+))
    1.15-      (format t " ~a minute~p" minutes minutes)))
    1.16   (unless (zerop in-seconds)
    1.17-    (format t " ~$ seconds" in-seconds))
    1.18+    (format t "Finished in")
    1.19+    (when (>= in-seconds +seconds-in-one-hour+)
    1.20+      (let* ((hours (floor (/ in-seconds +seconds-in-one-hour+))))
    1.21+        (decf in-seconds (* hours +seconds-in-one-hour+))
    1.22+        (format t " ~a hour~p" hours hours)))
    1.23+    (when (>= in-seconds +seconds-in-one-minute+)
    1.24+      (let* ((minutes (floor (/ in-seconds +seconds-in-one-minute+))))
    1.25+        (decf in-seconds (* minutes +seconds-in-one-minute+))
    1.26+        (format t " ~a minute~p" minutes minutes)))
    1.27+    (unless (zerop in-seconds) (format t " ~$ seconds" in-seconds)))
    1.28   (terpri))
    1.30 (defmethod finish-progress-display (progress-bar)
     2.1--- a/lisp/lib/dat/csv.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     2.2+++ b/lisp/lib/dat/csv.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     2.3@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
     2.5 (defun parse-number-no-error (string &optional default)
     2.6   (let ((result
     2.7-         (ignore-errors
     2.8-          (parse-number string))))
     2.9+          (ignore-errors
    2.10+           (parse-number string))))
    2.11     (if result
    2.12         result
    2.13-      default)))
    2.14+        default)))
    2.16 (defparameter *csv-separator* #\,)
    2.17 (defparameter *csv-quote* #\")
    2.18-(defparameter *csv-print-quote-p* nil "print \" when the element is a string?")
    2.19-(defparameter *csv-default-external-format* #+allegro :932 #+ccl :Windows-31j #+(or sbcl lispworks) :sjis)
    2.20+(defparameter *csv-print-quote-p* t "print \" when the element is a string?")
    2.21+(defparameter *csv-default-external-format* :utf-8)
    2.23 (defun write-csv-line (record &key stream (delimiter *csv-separator*))
    2.24   "Accept a record and print it in one line as a csv record.
    2.25@@ -26,22 +26,22 @@
    2.26 If stream is nil (default case), it will return a string, otherwise it will return nil.
    2.27 For efficiency reason, no intermediate string will be constructed. "
    2.28   (let ((result
    2.29-         (with-output-to-string (s)
    2.30-           (let ((*standard-output* s)
    2.31-                 (record-size (length record)))
    2.32-             (loop for e across record
    2.33-                   for i from 0
    2.34-                   do (typecase e
    2.35-                        (string (progn
    2.36-                                  (if *csv-print-quote-p*
    2.37-                                      (progn
    2.38-                                        (write-char *csv-quote*)
    2.39-                                        (write-string e)
    2.40-                                        (write-char *csv-quote*))
    2.41-                                      (write-string e))))
    2.42-                        (t (princ e)))
    2.43-                      (when (< i (1- record-size))
    2.44-                        (write-char delimiter)))))))
    2.45+          (with-output-to-string (s)
    2.46+            (let ((*standard-output* s)
    2.47+                  (record-size (length record)))
    2.48+              (loop for e across record
    2.49+                    for i from 0
    2.50+                    do (typecase e
    2.51+                         (string (progn
    2.52+                                   (if *csv-print-quote-p*
    2.53+                                       (progn
    2.54+                                         (write-char *csv-quote*)
    2.55+                                         (write-string e)
    2.56+                                         (write-char *csv-quote*))
    2.57+                                       (write-string e))))
    2.58+                         (t (princ e)))
    2.59+                       (when (< i (1- record-size))
    2.60+                         (write-char delimiter)))))))
    2.61     (format stream "~&~a" result)))
    2.63 (defun write-csv-stream (stream table &key (delimiter *csv-separator*))
    2.64@@ -60,50 +60,56 @@
    2.65 A table is a sequence of lines. A line is a sequence of elements.
    2.66 Elements can be any types"
    2.67   (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output
    2.68-                     :if-does-not-exist :create
    2.69-                     :if-exists :supersede
    2.70-                     :external-format external-format)
    2.71+                              :if-does-not-exist :create
    2.72+                              :if-exists :supersede
    2.73+                              :external-format external-format)
    2.74     (write-csv-stream f table :delimiter delimiter)))
    2.76 (defun parse-csv-string (str &key (delimiter *csv-separator*)) ;; refer RFC4180
    2.77   (coerce
    2.78    ;; (regexp:split-re "," str)
    2.79    (let ((q-count (count *csv-quote* str :test #'char-equal)))
    2.80-     (cond ((zerop q-count) (cl-ppcre:split *csv-separator* str)) ;(cl-ppcre:split *csv-separator* str)
    2.81-           ((evenp q-count)
    2.82-            (macrolet ((push-f (fld flds) `(push (coerce (reverse ,fld) 'string) ,flds)))
    2.83-              (loop with state = :at-first ;; :at-first | :data-nq | :data-q | :q-in-nq | q-in-q
    2.84-                  with field with fields
    2.85-                  for chr of-type character across str
    2.86-                  do (cond ((eq state :at-first)
    2.87-                            (setf field nil)
    2.88-                            (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (setf state :data-q))
    2.89-                                  ((char-equal chr delimiter) (push "" fields))
    2.90-                                  (t (setf state :data-nq) (push chr field))))
    2.91-                           ((eq state :data-nq)
    2.92-                            (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (setf state :q-in-nq))
    2.93-                                  ((char-equal chr delimiter)
    2.94-                                   (push-f field fields)
    2.95-                                   (setf state :at-first))
    2.96-                                  (t (push chr field))))
    2.97-                           ((eq state :q-in-nq)
    2.98-                            (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (error "#\" inside the non quoted field"))
    2.99-                                  ((char-equal chr delimiter)
   2.100-                                   (push-f field fields)
   2.101-                                   (setf state :at-first))
   2.102-                                  (t (setf state :data-nq) (push chr field))))
   2.103-                           ((eq state :data-q)
   2.104-                            (if (char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (setf state :q-in-q)
   2.105-                              (push chr field)))
   2.106-                           ((eq state :q-in-q)
   2.107-                            (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (push chr field) (setf state :data-q))
   2.108-                                  ((char-equal chr delimiter)
   2.109-                                   (push-f field fields)
   2.110-                                   (setf state :at-first))
   2.111-                                  (t (error "illegal value ( ~A ) after quotation" chr)))))
   2.112-                  finally (return
   2.113-                            (progn (push-f field fields) (reverse fields))))))
   2.114-           (t (error "odd number of \" ( ~A ) in a line." q-count))))
   2.115+     (when (oddp q-count) (warn 'simple-warning :format-control "odd number of #\" in a line (~A)"
   2.116+                                                :format-arguments (list q-count)))
   2.117+     (if (zerop q-count)
   2.118+         (cl-ppcre:split delimiter str) ;(cl-ppcre:split *csv-separator* str)
   2.119+         (macrolet ((push-f (fld flds) `(push (coerce (reverse ,fld) 'string) ,flds)))
   2.120+           (loop with state = :at-first ;; :at-first | :data-nq | :data-q | :q-in-nq | q-in-q
   2.121+                 with field with fields
   2.122+                 for chr of-type character across str
   2.123+                 do (cond ((eq state :at-first)
   2.124+                           (setf field nil)
   2.125+                           (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (setf state :data-q))
   2.126+                                 ((char-equal chr delimiter) (push "" fields))
   2.127+                                 (t (setf state :data-nq) (push chr field))))
   2.128+                          ((eq state :data-nq)
   2.129+                           (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (setf state :q-in-nq))
   2.130+                                 ((char-equal chr delimiter)
   2.131+                                  (push-f field fields)
   2.132+                                  (setf state :at-first))
   2.133+                                 (t (push chr field))))
   2.134+                          ((eq state :q-in-nq)
   2.135+                           (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (setf state :q-in-q))
   2.136+                                 ((char-equal chr delimiter)
   2.137+                                  (push-f field fields)
   2.138+                                  (setf state :at-first))
   2.139+                                 (t (setf state :data-nq) (push chr field))))
   2.140+                          ((eq state :data-q)
   2.141+                           (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (setf state :q-in-q))
   2.142+                                 ((char-equal chr delimiter) (push-f field fields) (setf state :at-first))
   2.143+                                 (t (push chr field))))
   2.144+                          ((eq state :q-in-q)
   2.145+                           (cond ((char-equal chr *csv-quote*) (setf state :data-q))
   2.146+                                 ;; this should only be done conditionally - early escapes quotes
   2.147+                                 ((char-equal chr delimiter)
   2.148+                                  (push-f field fields)
   2.149+                                  (setf state :at-first))
   2.150+                                 (t
   2.151+                                  ;; (error "illegal value ( ~A ) after quotation" chr)
   2.152+                                  (push chr field)
   2.153+                                  ))))
   2.154+                 finally (return
   2.155+                           (progn (push-f field fields) (reverse fields)))))))
   2.156    'vector))
   2.159@@ -125,9 +131,8 @@
   2.160 "
   2.161   (declare (type (or (simple-array function *) null) type-conv-fns map-fns))
   2.162   (let* ((rline (read-line stream nil nil)))
   2.164     (when rline
   2.165-      (let* ((line (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\Return) rline))
   2.166+      (let* ((line (string-trim '(#\Space #\Newline #\Return) rline))
   2.167              (strs (parse-csv-string line :delimiter delimiter))
   2.168              (strs-size (length strs)))
   2.169         (when (< start 0)
   2.170@@ -138,19 +143,19 @@
   2.171         (when type-conv-fns
   2.172           (unless (= (length strs) (length type-conv-fns))
   2.173             (error "Number of type specifier (~a) does not match the number of elements (~a)."
   2.174-                   (length strs) (length type-conv-fns))))
   2.175+                   (length type-conv-fns) (length strs))))
   2.176         (when map-fns
   2.177           (unless (= (length strs) (length map-fns))
   2.178             (error "Number of mapping functions (~a) does not match the number of elements (~a)."
   2.179-                   (length strs) (length map-fns))))
   2.180+                   (length map-fns) (length strs))))
   2.181         (let ((result strs))
   2.182           ;; strs is not needed so we simply overwrite it
   2.183           (when type-conv-fns
   2.184             (setf result
   2.185-              (map 'vector #'funcall type-conv-fns result)))
   2.186+                  (map 'vector #'funcall type-conv-fns result)))
   2.187           (when map-fns
   2.188             (setf result
   2.189-              (map 'vector #'funcall map-fns result)))
   2.190+                  (map 'vector #'funcall map-fns result)))
   2.191           result)))))
   2.193 (defun read-csv-stream (stream &key (header t) type-spec map-fns (delimiter *csv-separator*) (start 0) end)
   2.194@@ -173,53 +178,53 @@
   2.195 If start or end is negative, it counts from the end. -1 is the last element.
   2.196 "
   2.197   (let ((type-conv-fns
   2.198-         (when type-spec
   2.199-           (macrolet ((make-num-specifier (specifier)
   2.200-                        `(lambda (s) (let ((s (parse-number-no-error s s)))
   2.201-                                       (if (numberp s) (funcall ,specifier s) s)))))
   2.202-           (map 'vector
   2.203-             (lambda (type)
   2.204-               (ecase type
   2.205-                 ((t nil string) #'identity)
   2.206-                 (number #'(lambda (s) (parse-number-no-error s s)))
   2.207-                 (float (make-num-specifier #'float))
   2.208-                 (single-float (make-num-specifier #'(lambda (s) (coerce s 'single-float))))
   2.209-                 (double-float (make-num-specifier #'(lambda (s) (coerce s 'double-float))))
   2.210-                 (integer (make-num-specifier #'round))
   2.211-                 (pathname #'pathname)
   2.212-                 (symbol #'intern)
   2.213-                 (keyword (lambda (s) (intern s :keyword)))))
   2.214-             type-spec))))
   2.215+          (when type-spec
   2.216+            (macrolet ((make-num-specifier (specifier)
   2.217+                         `(lambda (s) (let ((s (parse-number-no-error s s)))
   2.218+                                        (if (numberp s) (funcall ,specifier s) s)))))
   2.219+              (map 'vector
   2.220+                   (lambda (type)
   2.221+                     (ecase type
   2.222+                       ((t nil string) #'identity)
   2.223+                       (number #'(lambda (s) (parse-number-no-error s s)))
   2.224+                       (float (make-num-specifier #'float))
   2.225+                       (single-float (make-num-specifier #'(lambda (s) (coerce s 'single-float))))
   2.226+                       (double-float (make-num-specifier #'(lambda (s) (coerce s 'double-float))))
   2.227+                       (integer (make-num-specifier #'round))
   2.228+                       (pathname #'pathname)
   2.229+                       (symbol #'intern)
   2.230+                       (keyword (lambda (s) (intern s :keyword)))))
   2.231+                   type-spec))))
   2.232         (map-fns
   2.233-         (when map-fns
   2.234-           (map 'vector
   2.235-             (lambda (fn)
   2.236-               (cond ((or (eq fn t)
   2.237-                          (eq fn nil))
   2.238-                      #'identity)
   2.239-                     ((functionp fn)
   2.240-                      fn)
   2.241-                     ((and (symbolp fn)
   2.242-                           (not (keywordp fn)))
   2.243-                      (symbol-function fn))
   2.244-                     (t (error "~a is not a valid function specifier." fn))))
   2.245-             map-fns)))
   2.246+          (when map-fns
   2.247+            (map 'vector
   2.248+                 (lambda (fn)
   2.249+                   (cond ((or (eq fn t)
   2.250+                              (eq fn nil))
   2.251+                          #'identity)
   2.252+                         ((functionp fn)
   2.253+                          fn)
   2.254+                         ((and (symbolp fn)
   2.255+                               (not (keywordp fn)))
   2.256+                          (symbol-function fn))
   2.257+                         (t (error "~a is not a valid function specifier." fn))))
   2.258+                 map-fns)))
   2.259         (header
   2.260-         (etypecase header
   2.261-             (cons (coerce header 'vector))
   2.262-             (boolean (when header
   2.263-                        (read-csv-line stream :delimiter delimiter))))))
   2.264+          (etypecase header
   2.265+            (cons (coerce header 'vector))
   2.266+            (boolean (when header
   2.267+                       (read-csv-line stream :delimiter delimiter))))))
   2.268     (loop for rec = (read-csv-line stream :type-conv-fns type-conv-fns :map-fns map-fns :delimiter delimiter
   2.269-                                   :start start :end end)
   2.270-        while rec
   2.271-        collect rec into result
   2.272-        finally (return
   2.273-                  (values
   2.274-                   (coerce result 'vector)
   2.275-                   header)))))
   2.276+                                          :start start :end end)
   2.277+          while rec
   2.278+          collect rec into result
   2.279+          finally (return
   2.280+                    (values
   2.281+                     (coerce result 'vector)
   2.282+                     header)))))
   2.284 (defun read-csv-file (filename &key (header t) type-spec map-fns (delimiter *csv-separator*) (external-format *csv-default-external-format*)
   2.285-                      (os :anynl-dos) (start 0) end)
   2.286+                                 (start 0) end)
   2.287   "Read from stream until eof and return a csv table.
   2.289 A csv table is a vector of csv records.
   2.290@@ -242,13 +247,11 @@
   2.291 start and end specifies how many elements per record will be included.
   2.292 If start or end is negative, it counts from the end. -1 is the last element.
   2.293 "
   2.294-  #+sbcl (declare (ignorable os))
   2.295   (with-open-file (f filename :external-format external-format)
   2.296-    #+allegro (setf (excl:eol-convention f) os)
   2.297     (read-csv-stream f :type-spec type-spec :map-fns map-fns
   2.298-                     :delimiter delimiter
   2.299-                     :start start :end end
   2.300-                     :header header)))
   2.301+                       :delimiter delimiter
   2.302+                       :start start :end end
   2.303+                       :header header)))
   2.306 (defun read-csv-file-and-sort (filename sort-order &key (header t) (order :ascend) type-spec map-fns (delimiter *csv-separator*) (external-format *csv-default-external-format*))
   2.307@@ -259,7 +262,7 @@
   2.308                               :delimiter delimiter
   2.309                               :external-format external-format)))
   2.310     (loop for i in (reverse sort-order)
   2.311-        do (setf table
   2.312-             (stable-sort table (ecase order (:ascend #'string<=) (:descend #'string>=))
   2.313-                          :key (lambda (rec) (aref rec i))))
   2.314-        finally (return table))))
   2.315+          do (setf table
   2.316+                   (stable-sort table (ecase order (:ascend #'string<=) (:descend #'string>=))
   2.317+                                :key (lambda (rec) (aref rec i))))
   2.318+          finally (return table))))
     3.1--- a/lisp/lib/dat/pkg.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     3.2+++ b/lisp/lib/dat/pkg.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     3.3@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
     3.4   (:use :cl :std :dat/proto)
     3.5   (:export
     3.6    :read-csv-file
     3.7+   :*csv-separator*
     3.8    #:read-csv-stream
     3.9    :write-csv-file
    3.10    :write-csv-stream
     4.1--- a/lisp/lib/log/log.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     4.2+++ b/lisp/lib/log/log.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     4.3@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
     4.4   (let ((%name (string-upcase name)))
     4.5     `(progn
     4.6        (defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string %name "!")) (&rest args)
     4.7-         (format t "#:~(~A~) ~A~%"
     4.8+         (format t "#:~(~A~) ~A "
     4.9                  ',name
    4.10                  (if *log-timestamp*
    4.11                      (log-timestamp-source)
    4.12                      ""))
    4.13-         (mapc (lambda (x) (format t "~t; ~A~%" x)) args)
    4.14+         (mapc (lambda (x) (format t "; ~A~%" x)) args)
    4.15          (if (= 1 (length args))
    4.16              (car args)
    4.17              args))
     5.1--- a/lisp/lib/net/fetch.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     5.2+++ b/lisp/lib/net/fetch.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     5.3@@ -4,23 +4,14 @@
     5.4   ((text :initarg :text :reader text)))
     5.6 (defun download (url &optional output)
     5.7-  (let ((output (if output output (file-namestring (quri:uri-path (quri:uri url))))))
     5.8-    (multiple-value-bind (body status header uri)
     5.9-        (dex:get url)
    5.10-      (values
    5.11-       (let ((val
    5.12-               (if (= status 200)
    5.13-                   (with-open-file (file output
    5.14-                                         :direction :output
    5.15-                                         :if-does-not-exist :create
    5.16-                                         :if-exists :supersede)
    5.17-                     (write-string body file)
    5.18-                     output
    5.19-                     )
    5.20-                   nil)))
    5.21-         (or body uri header)
    5.22-         val)
    5.23-       status))))
    5.24+  (let ((output (if output
    5.25+                    output
    5.26+                    (file-namestring (obj/uri:uri-path (obj/uri:uri url))))))
    5.27+      (multiple-value-bind (stream status header uri)
    5.28+          (dex:get url :want-stream t)
    5.29+        (when (= status 200) (write-stream-into-file stream (pathname output)))
    5.30+        (values (or stream uri header)
    5.31+                status))))
    5.33   (defun split-file-path (path)
    5.34     (let ((pos-last-slash (1+ (position #\/ path :from-end t))))
    5.35@@ -28,12 +19,12 @@
    5.36             (subseq path pos-last-slash))))
    5.38   (defun split-uri-string (uri-string)
    5.39-    (let ((pu (puri:parse-uri uri-string)))
    5.40-      (cons (puri:uri-host pu) (split-file-path (puri:uri-path pu)))))
    5.41+    (let ((pu (parse-uri uri-string)))
    5.42+      (cons (uri-host pu) (split-file-path (uri-path pu)))))
    5.44   (defun condition-path (path)
    5.45-    "Abuse puri:parse-uri to strip possible get args from path"
    5.46-    (let ((p (puri:parse-uri path))) (puri:uri-path p)))
    5.47+    "Abuse parse-uri to strip possible get args from path"
    5.48+    (let ((p (parse-uri path))) (uri-path p)))
    5.50   (defun is-file (path)
    5.51     (handler-case (probe-file path)
    5.52@@ -47,7 +38,7 @@
    5.53       ((is-file (condition-path url-or-path)) (condition-path url-or-path))
    5.54       ((is-file (condition-path (concatenate 'string  dir url-or-path)))
    5.55        (condition-path (concatenate 'string  dir url-or-path)))
    5.56-      ((puri:parse-uri url-or-path)
    5.57+      ((parse-uri url-or-path)
    5.58        (let* ((tmp-pathname (split-uri-string url-or-path))
    5.59               (file-pathstring (format nil "~{~A~^~}" (if dir (cons dir tmp-pathname) tmp-pathname)))
    5.60               (file-pathname (ensure-directories-exist
     6.1--- a/lisp/lib/net/pkg.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     6.2+++ b/lisp/lib/net/pkg.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     6.3@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
     6.5 (uiop:define-package :net/fetch
     6.6   (:nicknames :fetch)
     6.7-  (:use :cl :std)
     6.8+  (:use :cl :std :obj/uri)
     6.9   (:export :fetch :download))
    6.11 (uiop:define-package :net
     7.1--- a/lisp/lib/net/proto/http.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     7.2+++ b/lisp/lib/net/proto/http.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     7.3@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
     7.4 ;;; TODO
     7.5 ;;; lib/net/proto/http.lisp --- HTTP Support
     7.8+;; based on (maybe)
    7.10+;; see also:
    7.12 ;;; Code:
    7.13 (in-package :net/proto/http)
     8.1--- a/lisp/lib/obj/meta/fast.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     8.2+++ b/lisp/lib/obj/meta/fast.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     8.3@@ -717,24 +717,6 @@
     8.4 ;;;
     8.5 ;;; Computing the Effective Method Lambda List
     8.7-(defun compute-effective-method-lambda-list (generic-function applicable-methods)
     8.8-  (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest-var keyword allow-other-keys)
     8.9-      (parse-ordinary-lambda-list (sb-mop:generic-function-lambda-list generic-function))
    8.10-    (let ((method-parses
    8.11-            (mapcar
    8.12-             (lambda (method)
    8.13-               (multiple-value-list
    8.14-                (parse-ordinary-lambda-list
    8.15-                 (sb-mop:method-lambda-list method))))
    8.16-             applicable-methods)))
    8.17-      (unparse-ordinary-lambda-list
    8.18-       (merge-required-infos required (mapcar #'first method-parses))
    8.19-       (merge-optional-infos optional (mapcar #'second method-parses))
    8.20-       rest-var
    8.21-       (merge-keyword-infos keyword (mapcar #'fourth method-parses))
    8.22-       (merge-allow-other-keys allow-other-keys (mapcar #'fifth method-parses))
    8.23-       '()))))
    8.25 (defun merge-required-infos (g-required m-requireds)
    8.26   (dolist (m-required m-requireds g-required)
    8.27     (assert (= (length m-required)
    8.28@@ -824,6 +806,24 @@
    8.29    m-allow-other-keys-list
    8.30    :initial-value g-allow-other-keys))
    8.32+(defun compute-effective-method-lambda-list (generic-function applicable-methods)
    8.33+  (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest-var keyword allow-other-keys)
    8.34+      (parse-ordinary-lambda-list (sb-mop:generic-function-lambda-list generic-function))
    8.35+    (let ((method-parses
    8.36+            (mapcar
    8.37+             (lambda (method)
    8.38+               (multiple-value-list
    8.39+                (parse-ordinary-lambda-list
    8.40+                 (sb-mop:method-lambda-list method))))
    8.41+             applicable-methods)))
    8.42+      (unparse-ordinary-lambda-list
    8.43+       (merge-required-infos required (mapcar #'first method-parses))
    8.44+       (merge-optional-infos optional (mapcar #'second method-parses))
    8.45+       rest-var
    8.46+       (merge-keyword-infos keyword (mapcar #'fourth method-parses))
    8.47+       (merge-allow-other-keys allow-other-keys (mapcar #'fifth method-parses))
    8.48+       '()))))
    8.50 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    8.51 ;;;
    8.52 ;;; Effective Method Lookup
     9.1--- a/lisp/lib/obj/meta/pkg.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
     9.2+++ b/lisp/lib/obj/meta/pkg.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
     9.3@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
     9.4    :specializer-direct-superspecializers
     9.5    :specializer-intersectionp
     9.6    :specializer-subsetp
     9.8    :domain
     9.9    :ensure-domain
    9.10    :method-domain
    9.11@@ -105,12 +104,11 @@
    9.12    :potentially-sealable-method
    9.13    :potentially-sealable-standard-method))
    9.15-(std:defpkg :obj/meta/fast
    9.16+(defpackage :obj/meta/fast
    9.17   (:use :cl :std :obj/meta/sealed)
    9.18   (:import-from :sb-int :gensymify)
    9.19   (:import-from :sb-walker :macroexpand-all)
    9.20-  (:export :fast-generic-function :fast-method :inlineable)
    9.21-  (:use-reexport :obj/meta/sealed))
    9.22+  (:export :fast-generic-function :fast-method :inlineable))
    9.24 (defpackage :obj/meta/lazy
    9.25   (:use :cl :std))
    10.1--- a/lisp/lib/obj/meta/sealed.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    10.2+++ b/lisp/lib/obj/meta/sealed.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    10.3@@ -722,83 +722,6 @@
    10.4 (loop for char in '(#\backspace #\tab #\newline #\linefeed #\page #\return #\space #\rubout) do
    10.5   (register-class-prototype char))
    10.7-;;; In this file, we compute the static call signatures of a given, sealed
    10.8-;;; generic function. A static call signature consists of a list of types,
    10.9-;;; and a list of prototypes.  The list of types is guaranteed to be
   10.10-;;; non-overlapping with the types of any other call signature.  The list
   10.11-;;; of prototypes is chosen such that the list of applicable methods of
   10.12-;;; these prototypes is representative for all arguments of the types of
   10.13-;;; the call signature.
   10.15-(defclass static-call-signature ()
   10.16-  ((%types
   10.17-    :initarg :types
   10.18-    :reader static-call-signature-types)
   10.19-   (%prototypes
   10.20-    :initarg :prototypes
   10.21-    :reader static-call-signature-prototypes)))
   10.23-(defmethod print-object ((scs static-call-signature) stream)
   10.24-  (print-unreadable-object (scs stream :type t :identity t)
   10.25-    (format stream "~S ~S"
   10.26-            (static-call-signature-types scs)
   10.27-            (static-call-signature-prototypes scs))))
   10.29-(defmethod make-load-form
   10.30-    ((static-call-signature static-call-signature) &optional environment)
   10.31-  (make-load-form-saving-slots
   10.32-   static-call-signature
   10.33-   :slot-names '(%types %prototypes)
   10.34-   :environment environment))
   10.36-(defmethod externalizable-object-p
   10.37-    ((static-call-signature static-call-signature))
   10.38-  (and
   10.39-   (every #'externalizable-object-p
   10.40-          (static-call-signature-types static-call-signature))
   10.41-   (every #'externalizable-object-p
   10.42-          (static-call-signature-prototypes static-call-signature))))
   10.44-(defmethod compute-static-call-signatures
   10.45-    ((sgf sealable-generic-function)
   10.46-     (domain domain))
   10.47-  (let* ((sealed-methods
   10.48-           (remove-if-not
   10.49-            (lambda (method)
   10.50-              (domain-intersectionp (method-domain method) domain))
   10.51-            (generic-function-methods sgf)))
   10.52-         (list-of-specializers
   10.53-           (mapcar #'method-specializers sealed-methods))
   10.54-         (static-call-signatures '()))
   10.55-    (unless (null list-of-specializers)
   10.56-      (map-types-and-prototypes
   10.57-       (lambda (types prototypes)
   10.58-         (push (make-instance 'static-call-signature
   10.59-                 :types types
   10.60-                 :prototypes prototypes)
   10.61-               static-call-signatures))
   10.62-       ;; Transpose the list of specializers so that we operate on each
   10.63-       ;; argument instead of on each method.
   10.64-       (apply #'mapcar #'list list-of-specializers)
   10.65-       domain))
   10.66-    static-call-signatures))
   10.68-(defun map-types-and-prototypes (fn specializers-list domain)
   10.69-  (assert (= (length specializers-list)
   10.70-             (domain-arity domain)))
   10.71-  (labels ((rec (sl specializers types prototypes)
   10.72-             (if (null sl)
   10.73-                 (funcall fn (reverse types) (reverse prototypes))
   10.74-                 (loop for (type prototype)
   10.75-                         in (type-prototype-pairs
   10.76-                             (first sl)
   10.77-                             (first specializers))
   10.78-                       do (rec (rest sl)
   10.79-                               (rest specializers)
   10.80-                               (cons type types)
   10.81-                               (cons prototype prototypes))))))
   10.82-    (rec specializers-list (domain-specializers domain) '() '())))
   10.84 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   10.85 ;;;
   10.86 ;;; Reasoning About Specializer Specificity
   10.87@@ -880,3 +803,80 @@
   10.88               (push (list (snode-type snode) prototype)
   10.89                     pairs)))))
   10.90       pairs)))
   10.92+;;; In this file, we compute the static call signatures of a given, sealed
   10.93+;;; generic function. A static call signature consists of a list of types,
   10.94+;;; and a list of prototypes.  The list of types is guaranteed to be
   10.95+;;; non-overlapping with the types of any other call signature.  The list
   10.96+;;; of prototypes is chosen such that the list of applicable methods of
   10.97+;;; these prototypes is representative for all arguments of the types of
   10.98+;;; the call signature.
  10.100+(defclass static-call-signature ()
  10.101+  ((%types
  10.102+    :initarg :types
  10.103+    :reader static-call-signature-types)
  10.104+   (%prototypes
  10.105+    :initarg :prototypes
  10.106+    :reader static-call-signature-prototypes)))
  10.108+(defmethod print-object ((scs static-call-signature) stream)
  10.109+  (print-unreadable-object (scs stream :type t :identity t)
  10.110+    (format stream "~S ~S"
  10.111+            (static-call-signature-types scs)
  10.112+            (static-call-signature-prototypes scs))))
  10.114+(defmethod make-load-form
  10.115+    ((static-call-signature static-call-signature) &optional environment)
  10.116+  (make-load-form-saving-slots
  10.117+   static-call-signature
  10.118+   :slot-names '(%types %prototypes)
  10.119+   :environment environment))
  10.121+(defmethod externalizable-object-p
  10.122+    ((static-call-signature static-call-signature))
  10.123+  (and
  10.124+   (every #'externalizable-object-p
  10.125+          (static-call-signature-types static-call-signature))
  10.126+   (every #'externalizable-object-p
  10.127+          (static-call-signature-prototypes static-call-signature))))
  10.129+(defmethod compute-static-call-signatures
  10.130+    ((sgf sealable-generic-function)
  10.131+     (domain domain))
  10.132+  (let* ((sealed-methods
  10.133+           (remove-if-not
  10.134+            (lambda (method)
  10.135+              (domain-intersectionp (method-domain method) domain))
  10.136+            (generic-function-methods sgf)))
  10.137+         (list-of-specializers
  10.138+           (mapcar #'method-specializers sealed-methods))
  10.139+         (static-call-signatures '()))
  10.140+    (unless (null list-of-specializers)
  10.141+      (map-types-and-prototypes
  10.142+       (lambda (types prototypes)
  10.143+         (push (make-instance 'static-call-signature
  10.144+                 :types types
  10.145+                 :prototypes prototypes)
  10.146+               static-call-signatures))
  10.147+       ;; Transpose the list of specializers so that we operate on each
  10.148+       ;; argument instead of on each method.
  10.149+       (apply #'mapcar #'list list-of-specializers)
  10.150+       domain))
  10.151+    static-call-signatures))
  10.153+(defun map-types-and-prototypes (fn specializers-list domain)
  10.154+  (assert (= (length specializers-list)
  10.155+             (domain-arity domain)))
  10.156+  (labels ((rec (sl specializers types prototypes)
  10.157+             (if (null sl)
  10.158+                 (funcall fn (reverse types) (reverse prototypes))
  10.159+                 (loop for (type prototype)
  10.160+                         in (type-prototype-pairs
  10.161+                             (first sl)
  10.162+                             (first specializers))
  10.163+                       do (rec (rest sl)
  10.164+                               (rest specializers)
  10.165+                               (cons type types)
  10.166+                               (cons prototype prototypes))))))
  10.167+    (rec specializers-list (domain-specializers domain) '() '())))
    11.1--- a/lisp/lib/obj/obj.asd	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    11.2+++ b/lisp/lib/obj/obj.asd	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    11.3@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
    11.4   :components ((:file "pkg")
    11.5                (:module "meta"
    11.6                 :components ((:file "pkg")
    11.7+                             (:file "sealed")
    11.8                              (:file "stealth")
    11.9                              (:file "typed")
   11.10                              (:file "filtered")
   11.11-                             (:file "sealed")
   11.12                              (:file "fast")
   11.13                              (:file "lazy")
   11.14                              (:file "overloaded")))
    12.1--- a/lisp/lib/obj/uuid.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    12.2+++ b/lisp/lib/obj/uuid.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    12.3@@ -95,29 +95,7 @@
    12.4 	      (with-open-file (address (make-pathname :directory
    12.5                                                       `(:absolute "sys" "class" "net" ,interface)
    12.6 						      :name "address"))
    12.7-		(parse-integer (remove #\: (read-line address)) :radix 16))))
    12.9-	  #+(and :windows :clisp)
   12.10-	  (let ((output (ext:run-program "ipconfig"
   12.11-					 :arguments (list "/all")
   12.12-					 :input nil
   12.13-					 :output :stream
   12.14-					 :wait t)))
   12.15-	    (loop for line = (read-line output nil) while line
   12.16-	       when (search "Physical" line :test #'string-equal)
   12.17-	       return (parse-integer (remove #\- (subseq line 37)) :radix 16)))
   12.19-	  #+(and :macosx :lispworks)
   12.20-	  (with-open-stream (stream
   12.21-			     (sys:run-shell-command "/sbin/ifconfig en0 ether"
   12.22-						    :output :stream
   12.23-						    :if-error-output-exists t
   12.24-						    :wait nil))
   12.25-	    (loop for line = (read-line stream nil)
   12.26-	       while line
   12.27-	       when (search "ether" line :test #'string-equal)
   12.28-	       return (parse-integer (remove #\: (subseq line 7))
   12.29-				     :radix 16)))))
   12.30+		(parse-integer (remove #\: (read-line address)) :radix 16))))))
   12.31     (unless node
   12.32       (unless *uuid-random-state*
   12.33 	(setf *uuid-random-state* (make-random-state t)))
    13.1--- a/lisp/lib/rdb/obj.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    13.2+++ b/lisp/lib/rdb/obj.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    13.3@@ -116,12 +116,12 @@
    13.4   (sap nil :type (or null alien)))
    13.6 ;;; column family
    13.7-(defstruct (rdb-cf (:constructor make-rdb-cf (name &key kv sap)))
    13.8+(defstruct (rdb-cf (:constructor make-rdb-cf (name &key #+nil kv sap)))
    13.9   "RDB Column Family structure. Contains a name, a cons of (rdb-key-type
   13.10 . rdb-val-type), and a system-area-pointer to the underlying
   13.11 rocksdb_cf_t handle."
   13.12   (name "" :type string)
   13.13-  (kv *default-rdb-kv* :type rdb-kv)
   13.14+  ;; (kv *default-rdb-kv* :type rdb-kv)
   13.15   (sap nil :type (or null alien)))
   13.17 ;;; rdb-stats
   13.18@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
   13.19   (backup nil :type (or null alien))
   13.20   (snapshots #() :type (array alien)))
   13.22-;; (defvar *default-rdb-opts* (default-rdb-opts))
   13.23+(defvar *default-rdb-opts* (default-rdb-opts))
   13.25 (defmethod print-object ((self rdb) stream)
   13.26   (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t :identity t)
    14.1--- a/lisp/std/alien.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    14.2+++ b/lisp/std/alien.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    14.3@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@
    14.4 (defun num-cpus ()
    14.5   "Return the number of CPU threads online."
    14.6   (alien-funcall (extern-alien "sysconf" (function int int)) sb-unix:sc-nprocessors-onln))
    14.8+(defvar *cpus* (num-cpus))
   14.10 ;;; C Standard
   14.12 ;; types
    15.1--- a/lisp/std/pkg.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    15.2+++ b/lisp/std/pkg.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    15.3@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
    15.4    :proper-list-of-length-p :proper-list-p :singleton-p
    15.5    :with-unique-names :symbolicate :package-symbolicate :keywordicate :gensymify*)
    15.6   (:export
    15.7+   ;; types
    15.8    ;; err
    15.9    :std-error :std-error-message
   15.10    :define-error-reporter
   15.11@@ -46,7 +47,23 @@
   15.12    :decode-float32
   15.13    :encode-float64
   15.14    :decode-float64
   15.15-   ;; str
   15.16+   ;; stream
   15.17+   #:wild-pathname
   15.18+   #:non-wild-pathname
   15.19+   #:absolute-pathname
   15.20+   #:relative-pathname
   15.21+   #:directory-pathname
   15.22+   #:absolute-directory-pathname
   15.23+   #:file-pathname
   15.24+   #:with-open-files
   15.25+   #:write-stream-into-file
   15.26+   #:write-file-into-stream
   15.27+   #:file=
   15.28+   #:file-size
   15.29+   :file-size-in-octets
   15.30+   :+pathsep+
   15.31+   :octet-vector=
   15.32+   ;; string
   15.33    :*omit-nulls*
   15.34    :*whitespaces*
   15.35    :string-designator
   15.36@@ -87,8 +104,13 @@
   15.37    :make-threads :with-threads :finish-threads
   15.38    :timed-join-thread :kill-thread :hang
   15.39    :thread-count :dump-thread
   15.40-   :task :job :task-queue :*task-queue*
   15.41-   :job-stack :task-object
   15.42+   :make-oracle :make-supervisor
   15.43+   :push-job :push-task :push-worker :push-result
   15.44+   :start-task-pool :pause-task-pool :shutdown-task-pool
   15.45+   :push-stage :designate-oracle :make-task-pool
   15.46+   :task :job :task-pool :stage :task-pool-p
   15.47+   :job-tasks :make-job :job-p :task-object
   15.48+   :make-task :task-p :task
   15.49    ;; util
   15.50    :find-package* #:find-symbol* #:symbol-call
   15.51    :intern* #:export* #:import* #:shadowing-import* 
   15.52@@ -192,6 +214,7 @@
   15.53    :c-string-to-string-list
   15.54    :list-all-shared-objects
   15.55    :num-cpus
   15.56+   :*cpus*
   15.57    :loff-t
   15.58    :memset
   15.59    ;; os
    16.1--- a/lisp/std/std.asd	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    16.2+++ b/lisp/std/std.asd	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    16.3@@ -11,22 +11,24 @@
    16.4   :depends-on (:std/named-readtables :cl-ppcre :sb-concurrency)
    16.5   :serial t
    16.6   :components ((:file "pkg")
    16.7-               (:file "defpkg")
    16.8                (:file "err")
    16.9                (:file "bits")
   16.10                (:module "num"
   16.11                 :components ((:file "float")
   16.12                              (:file "parse")))
   16.13-               (:file "str")
   16.14+               (:file "string")
   16.15                (:file "fmt")
   16.16                (:file "sym")
   16.17                (:file "list")
   16.18                (:file "util")
   16.19                (:file "readtable")
   16.20-               (:file "fu")
   16.21                (:file "ana")
   16.22                (:file "pan")
   16.23+               (:file "fu")
   16.24+               (:file "types")
   16.25+               (:file "stream")
   16.26                (:file "thread")
   16.27+               (:file "defpkg")               
   16.28                (:file "alien"))
   16.29   :in-order-to ((test-op (test-op "std/tests"))))
    17.1--- a/lisp/std/str.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    17.2+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    17.3@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
    17.4-;;; std/str.lisp --- String utilities
    17.6-;;; Code:
    17.8-;; (defvar sb-unicode-syms 
    17.9-;;   '(words lines sentences whitespace-p uppercase lowercase titlecase
   17.10-;;     word-break-class line-break-class sentence-break-class char-block
   17.11-;;     cased-p uppercase-p lowercase-p titlecase-p casefold
   17.12-;;     graphemes grapheme-break-class
   17.13-;;     bidi-mirroring-glyph bidi-class
   17.14-;;     normalize-string normalized-p default-ignorable-p
   17.15-;;     confusable-p hex-digit-p mirrored-p alphabetic-p math-p
   17.16-;;     decimal-value digit-value
   17.17-;;     unicode< unicode> unicode= unicode-equal
   17.18-;;     unicode<= unicode>=))
   17.19-(in-package :std)
   17.21-;; (mapc (lambda (s) (export s)) sb-unicode-syms)
   17.22-;; (reexport-from 
   17.23-;;  :sb-unicode
   17.24-;;  :include sb-unicode-syms)
   17.26-(defparameter *omit-nulls* nil)
   17.27-(defvar *whitespaces* (list #\Backspace #\Tab #\Linefeed #\Newline #\Vt #\Page
   17.28-                            #\Return #\Space #\Rubout
   17.29-                            #+sbcl #\Next-Line #-sbcl (code-char 133)
   17.30-                            #\No-break_space)
   17.31-  "On some implementations, linefeed and newline represent the same character (code).")
   17.33-(deftype string-designator ()
   17.34-  "A string designator type. A string designator is either a string, a symbol,
   17.35-or a character."
   17.36-  `(or symbol string character))
   17.38-(defun ssplit (separator s &key (omit-nulls *omit-nulls*) limit (start 0) end)
   17.39-  "Split s into substring by separator (cl-ppcre takes a regex, we do not).
   17.41-   `limit' limits the number of elements returned (i.e. the string is
   17.42-   split at most `limit' - 1 times)."
   17.43-  ;; cl-ppcre:split doesn't return a null string if the separator appears at the end of s.
   17.44-  (let* ((limit (or limit (1+ (length s))))
   17.45-         (res (cl-ppcre:split separator s :limit limit :start start :end end)))
   17.46-    (if omit-nulls
   17.47-        (remove-if (lambda (it) (sequence:emptyp it)) res)
   17.48-        res)))
   17.50-(defun collapse-whitespaces (s)
   17.51-  "Ensure there is only one space character between words.
   17.52-  Remove newlines."
   17.53-  (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "\\s+" s " "))
   17.55-(defun trim (s &key (char-bag *whitespaces*))
   17.56-  "Removes all characters in `char-bag` (default: whitespaces) at the beginning and end of `s`.
   17.57-   If supplied, char-bag has to be a sequence (e.g. string or list of characters).
   17.59-   Examples: (trim \"  foo \") => \"foo\"
   17.60-             (trim \"+-*foo-bar*-+\" :char-bag \"+-*\") => \"foo-bar\"
   17.61-             (trim \"afood\" :char-bag (str:concat \"a\" \"d\")) => \"foo\""
   17.62-  (when s
   17.63-    (string-trim char-bag s)))
   17.65-;;;  TODO 2023-08-27: camel snake kebab
   17.67-(defun make-template-parser (start-delimiter end-delimiter &key (ignore-case nil))
   17.68-  "Returns a closure than can substitute variables
   17.69-  delimited by \"start-delimiter\" and \"end-delimiter\"
   17.70-  in a string, by the provided values."
   17.71-  (check-type start-delimiter string)
   17.72-  (check-type end-delimiter string)
   17.73-  (when (or (string= start-delimiter "")
   17.74-            (string= end-delimiter ""))
   17.75-      (error 'simple-type-error
   17.76-              :format-control "The empty string is not a valid delimiter."))
   17.77-  (let ((start-len (length start-delimiter))
   17.78-        (end-len (length end-delimiter))
   17.79-        (test (if ignore-case
   17.80-                  #'string-equal
   17.81-                  #'string=)))
   17.83-    (lambda (string values)
   17.84-      (check-type string string)
   17.85-      (unless (listp values)
   17.86-        (error 'simple-type-error
   17.87-               :format-control "values should be an association list"))
   17.89-      (with-output-to-string (stream)
   17.90-        (loop for prev = 0 then (+ j end-len)
   17.91-              for i = (search start-delimiter string)
   17.92-                      then (search start-delimiter string :start2 j)
   17.93-              for j = (if i (search end-delimiter string :start2 i))
   17.94-                      then (if i (search end-delimiter string :start2 i))
   17.95-              while (and i j)
   17.96-          do (write-string (subseq string prev i) stream)
   17.97-             (let ((instance (rest (assoc (subseq string (+ i start-len) j)
   17.98-                                          values
   17.99-                                          :test test))))
  17.100-               (if instance
  17.101-                (princ instance stream)
  17.102-                (write-string (subseq string i (+ j end-len)) stream)))
  17.104-          finally (write-string (subseq string prev) stream))))))
  17.106-;;; STRING-CASE
  17.107-;;; Implementing an efficient string= case in Common Lisp
  17.109-;;; 2015-11-15: Defknown don't have explicit-check in SBCL 1.3.0
  17.110-;;;  Remove the declaration.  It's never useful the way we use
  17.111-;;;  numeric-char=.
  17.113-;;; 2015-11-15: Make this a real ASDF system for Xach
  17.114-;;;  I copied the system definition from Quicklisp and mangled as
  17.115-;;;  necessary.
  17.117-;;; 2010-06-30: Tiny bugfix
  17.118-;;;  Widen the type declarations inside cases to allow vectors that
  17.119-;;;  have a length that's shorter than the total size (due to fill-
  17.120-;;;  pointers).
  17.123-;;;# Introduction
  17.125-;;; In `<>', OMouse asks how
  17.126-;;; best to implement a `string= case' (in Scheme). I noted that
  17.127-;;; naively iterating through the cases with `string=' at runtime
  17.128-;;; is suboptimal. Seeing the problem as a simplistic pattern
  17.129-;;; matching one makes an efficient solution obvious.
  17.130-;;; Note that, unlike Haskell, both Scheme and CL have random-
  17.131-;;; access on strings in O(1), something which I exploit to
  17.132-;;; generate better code.
  17.134-;;; This is also a pbook.el file (the pdf can be found at
  17.135-;;; `<>' ).
  17.136-;;; I'm new at this not-quite-illiterate programming thing, so
  17.137-;;; please bear with me (: I'm also looking for comments on the
  17.138-;;; formatting. I'm particularly iffy with the way keywords look
  17.139-;;; like. It just looks really fuzzy when you're not really zoomed
  17.140-;;; in (or reading it on paper).
  17.142-;;; I usually don't use packages for throw-away code, but this looks
  17.143-;;; like it could be useful to someone.
  17.145-;;;# Some utility code
  17.147-(defun split-tree (list &key (test 'eql) (key 'identity))
  17.148-  "Splits input list into sublists of elements
  17.149-   whose elements are all such that (key element)
  17.150-   are all test.
  17.151-   It's assumed that test and key form an equality class.
  17.152-   (This is similar to groupBy)"
  17.153-  (when list
  17.154-    (let* ((lists ())
  17.155-           (cur-list (list (first list)))
  17.156-           (cur-key  (funcall key (first list))))
  17.157-      (dolist (elt (rest list) (nreverse (cons (nreverse cur-list)
  17.158-                                               lists)))
  17.159-        (let ((new-key (funcall key elt)))
  17.160-          (if (funcall test cur-key new-key)
  17.161-              (push elt cur-list)
  17.162-              (progn
  17.163-                (push (nreverse cur-list) lists)
  17.164-                (setf cur-list (list elt)
  17.165-                      cur-key  new-key))))))))
  17.167-(defun iota (n)
  17.168-  (loop for i below n collect i))
  17.170-(defun hash-table->list (table &key (keep-keys t) (keep-values t))
  17.171-  "Saves the keys and/or values in table to a list.
  17.172-   As with hash table iterating functions, there is no
  17.173-   implicit ordering."
  17.174-  (let ((list ()))
  17.175-    (maphash (cond ((and keep-keys
  17.176-                         keep-values)
  17.177-                    (lambda (k v)
  17.178-                      (push (cons k v) list)))
  17.179-                   (keep-keys
  17.180-                    (lambda (k v)
  17.181-                      (declare (ignore v))
  17.182-                      (push k list)))
  17.183-                   (keep-values
  17.184-                    (lambda (k v)
  17.185-                      (declare (ignore k))
  17.186-                      (push v list))))
  17.187-             table)
  17.188-    list))
  17.190-(defun all-equal (list &key (key 'identity) (test 'eql))
  17.191-  (if (or (null list)
  17.192-          (null (rest list)))
  17.193-      t
  17.194-      (let ((first-key (funcall key (first list))))
  17.195-        (every (lambda (element)
  17.196-                 (funcall test first-key
  17.197-                          (funcall key element)))
  17.198-               (rest list)))))
  17.200-(defun split-at (list n)
  17.201-  "Split list in k lists of n elements (or less for the last list)"
  17.202-  (declare (type (and fixnum (integer (0))) n))
  17.203-  (let ((lists    '())
  17.204-        (cur-list '())
  17.205-        (counter  0))
  17.206-    (declare (type (and fixnum unsigned-byte) counter))
  17.207-    (dolist (elt list (nreverse (if cur-list
  17.208-                                    (cons (nreverse cur-list)
  17.209-                                          lists)
  17.210-                                    lists)))
  17.211-      (push elt cur-list)
  17.212-      (when (= (incf counter) n)
  17.213-        (push (nreverse cur-list) lists)
  17.214-        (setf cur-list '()
  17.215-              counter   0)))))
  17.217-;;;# The string matching compiler per se
  17.219-;;; I use special variables here because I find that
  17.220-;;; preferable to introducing noise everywhere to thread
  17.221-;;; these values through all the calls, especially
  17.222-;;; when `*no-match-form*' is only used at the very end.
  17.224-(defparameter *input-string* nil
  17.225-  "Symbol of the variable holding the input string")
  17.227-(defparameter *no-match-form* nil
  17.228-  "Form to insert when no match is found.")
  17.230-;;; The basic idea of the pattern matching process here is
  17.231-;;; to first discriminate with the input string's length;
  17.232-;;; once that is done, it is very easy to safely use random
  17.233-;;; access until only one candidate string (pattern) remains.
  17.234-;;; However, even if we determine that only one case might be
  17.235-;;; a candidate, it might still be possible for another string
  17.236-;;; (not in the set of cases) to match the criteria. So we also
  17.237-;;; have to make sure that *all* the indices match. A simple
  17.238-;;; way to do this would be to emit the remaining checks at the
  17.239-;;; every end, when only one candidate is left. However, that
  17.240-;;; can result in a lot of duplicate code, and some useless
  17.241-;;; work on mismatches. Instead, the code generator always
  17.242-;;; tries to find (new) indices for which all the candidates
  17.243-;;; left in the branch share the same character, and then emits
  17.244-;;; a guard, checking the character at that index as soon as possible.
  17.246-;;; In my experience, there are two main problems when writing
  17.247-;;; pattern matchers: how to decide what to test for at each
  17.248-;;; fork, and how to ensure the code won't explode exponentially.
  17.249-;;; Luckily, for our rather restricted pattern language (equality
  17.250-;;; on strings), patterns can't overlap, and it's possible to guarantee
  17.251-;;; that no candidate will ever be possible in both branches of a
  17.252-;;; fork.
  17.254-;;; Due to the the latter guarantee, we have a simple fitness
  17.255-;;; measure for tests: simply maximising the number of
  17.256-;;; candidates in the smallest branch will make our search tree
  17.257-;;; as balanced as possible. Of course, we don't know whether
  17.258-;;; the subtrees will be balanced too, but I don't think it'll
  17.259-;;; be much of an issue.
  17.261-;;; Note that, if we had access, whether via annotations or profiling,
  17.262-;;; to the probability of each case, the situation would be very
  17.263-;;; different. In fact, on a pipelined machine where branch
  17.264-;;; mispredictions are expensive, an unbalanced tree will yield
  17.265-;;; better expected runtimes. There was a very interesting and rather
  17.266-;;; sophisticated Google lecture on that topic on Google video
  17.267-;;; (the speaker used markov chains to model dynamic predictors,
  17.268-;;; for example), but I can't seem to find the URL.
  17.270-;;; TODO: Find bounds on the size of the code!
  17.272-(defun find-best-split (strings to-check)
  17.273-  "Iterate over all the indices left to check to find
  17.274-   which index (and which character) to test for equality
  17.275-   with, keeping the ones which result in the most balanced
  17.276-   split."
  17.277-  (flet ((evaluate-split (i char)
  17.278-           "Just count all the matches and mismatches"
  17.279-           (let ((=  0)
  17.280-                 (/= 0))
  17.281-             (dolist (string strings (min = /=))
  17.282-               (if (eql (aref string i) char)
  17.283-                   (incf =)
  17.284-                   (incf /=)))))
  17.285-         (uniquify-chars (chars)
  17.286-           "Only keep one copy of each char in the list"
  17.287-           (mapcar 'first (split-tree (sort chars 'char<) :test #'eql))))
  17.288-    (let ((best-split 0)            ; maximise size of smallest branch
  17.289-          (best-posn  nil)
  17.290-          (best-char  nil))
  17.291-      (dolist (i to-check (values best-posn best-char))
  17.292-        (dolist (char (uniquify-chars (mapcar (lambda (string)
  17.293-                                                (aref string i))
  17.294-                                              strings)))
  17.295-          (let ((Z (evaluate-split i char)))
  17.296-            (when (> Z best-split)
  17.297-              (setf best-split Z
  17.298-                    best-posn  i
  17.299-                    best-char  char))))))))
  17.301-;;; We sometimes have to execute sequences of checks for
  17.302-;;; equality. The natural way to express this is via a
  17.303-;;; sequence of checks, wrapped in an `and'. However, that
  17.304-;;; translates to a sequence of conditional branches, predicated
  17.305-;;; on very short computations. On (not so) modern architectures,
  17.306-;;; it'll be faster to coalesce a sequence of such checks together
  17.307-;;; as straightline code (e.g. via `or' of `xor'), and only branch
  17.308-;;; at the very end. The code doesn't become much more complex,
  17.309-;;; and benchmarks have shown it to be beneficial (giving a speed
  17.310-;;; up of 2-5% for both predictable and unpredictable workloads,
  17.311-;;; on a Core 2).
  17.313-;;; Benchmarks (and experience) have shown that, instead of executing
  17.314-;;; a cascade of comparison/conditional branch, it's slightly
  17.315-;;; faster, both for predictable and unpredictable workloads,
  17.316-;;; to `or' together a bunch of comparisons (e.g. `xor'). On a Core 2
  17.317-;;; processor, it seems that doing so for sequences of around 4
  17.318-;;; comparisons is the sweetspot. On perfectly predictable input,
  17.319-;;; aborting early (on the first check) saves as much time as
  17.320-;;; the 4 test/conditional branch add, compared to a sequence of
  17.321-;;; `xor' and `or'. 
  17.323-;;; Numeric char= abstracts out the xor check, and, on SBCL,
  17.324-;;; is replaced by a short assembly sequence when the first
  17.325-;;; argument is a constant. The declared return type is then
  17.326-;;; wider than strictly necessary making it fit in a machine
  17.327-;;; register, but not as a fixnum ensures that the compiler
  17.328-;;; won't repeatedly convert the values to fixnums, when all
  17.329-;;; we'll do is `or' them together and check for zero-ness.
  17.330-;;; This function is the only place where the macro isn't
  17.331-;;; generic over the elements stored in the cases. It shouldn't
  17.332-;;; be too hard to implement a numeric-eql, which would
  17.333-;;; restore genericity to the macro, while keeping the 
  17.334-;;; speed-up.
  17.337-(declaim (inline numeric-char=)
  17.338-         (ftype (function (character character)
  17.339-                          (values (and unsigned-byte fixnum)))
  17.340-                numeric-char=))
  17.341-;; FIXME 2024-04-11: 
  17.342-;; #+ (and sbcl (or x86 x86-64))
  17.343-(defun numeric-char= (x y)
  17.344-  (declare (type character x y))
  17.345-  (logxor (char-code x)
  17.346-          (char-code y)))
  17.348-(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
  17.350-  (defknown numeric-char= (character character)
  17.351-      (unsigned-byte #. (1- sb-vm:n-machine-word-bits))
  17.352-      (movable foldable flushable))
  17.354-  (define-vop (numeric-char=)
  17.355-    (:args (x :scs (sb-vm::character-reg sb-vm::character-stack)
  17.356-              :target r
  17.357-              :load-if (not (location= x r))))
  17.358-    (:info y)
  17.359-    (:arg-types (:constant character) character)
  17.360-    (:results (r :scs (sb-vm::unsigned-reg)
  17.361-                 :load-if (not (location= x r))))
  17.362-    (:result-types sb-vm::unsigned-num)
  17.363-    (:translate numeric-char=)
  17.364-    (:policy :fast-safe)
  17.365-    (:note "inline constant numeric-char=")
  17.366-    (:generator 1
  17.367-      (move r x)
  17.368-      (sb-vm::inst #:xor r (char-code y))))))
  17.370-;;; At each step, we may be able to find positions for which
  17.371-;;; there can only be one character. If we emit the check for
  17.372-;;; these positions as soon as possible, we avoid duplicating
  17.373-;;; potentially a lot of code. Since benchmarks have shown
  17.374-;;; it to be useful, this function implements the checks
  17.375-;;; as a series of (zerop (logior (numeric-char= ...)...)),
  17.376-;;; if there is more than one such check to emit.
  17.378-(defun emit-common-checks (strings to-check)
  17.379-  (labels ((emit-char= (pairs)
  17.380-             (mapcar (lambda (pair)
  17.381-                       (destructuring-bind (posn . char)
  17.382-                           pair
  17.383-                         `(numeric-char= ,char
  17.384-                                         (aref ,*input-string* ,posn))))
  17.385-                     pairs))
  17.386-           (emit-checking-form (common-chars)
  17.387-             (when common-chars
  17.388-               (let ((common-chars (sort common-chars '< :key 'car)))
  17.389-                 #+ (and) `(and ,@(mapcar
  17.390-                                   (lambda (chunk)
  17.391-                                     (if (null (rest chunk))
  17.392-                                         (destructuring-bind ((posn . char))
  17.393-                                             chunk
  17.394-                                           `(eql ,char
  17.395-                                                 (aref ,*input-string* ,posn)))
  17.396-                                         `(zerop
  17.397-                                           (logior ,@(emit-char= chunk)))))
  17.398-                                   (split-at common-chars 4)))
  17.399-                 #+ (or) `(and ,@(mapcar
  17.400-                                  (lambda (pair)
  17.401-                                    (destructuring-bind (posn . char)
  17.402-                                        pair
  17.403-                                      `(eql ,char
  17.404-                                            (aref ,*input-string* ,posn))))
  17.405-                                  common-chars))))))
  17.406-    (let ((common-chars  ())
  17.407-          (left-to-check ()))
  17.408-      (dolist (posn to-check (values (emit-checking-form common-chars)
  17.409-                                     (nreverse           left-to-check)))
  17.410-        (if (all-equal strings :key (lambda (string)
  17.411-                                      (aref string posn)))
  17.412-            (push (cons posn (aref (first strings) posn))
  17.413-                  common-chars)
  17.414-            (push posn left-to-check))))))
  17.416-;;; The driving function: First, emit any test that is
  17.417-;;; common to all the candidates. If there's only one
  17.418-;;; candidate, then we just have to execute the body;
  17.419-;;; if not, we look for the `best' test and emit the
  17.420-;;; corresponding code: execute the test, and recurse
  17.421-;;; on the candidates that match the test and on those
  17.422-;;; that don't.
  17.424-(defun make-search-tree (strings bodies to-check)
  17.425-  (multiple-value-bind (guard to-check)
  17.426-      (emit-common-checks strings to-check)
  17.427-    (if (null (rest strings))
  17.428-        (progn
  17.429-          (assert (null to-check)) ; there shouldn't be anything left to check
  17.430-          (if guard
  17.431-              `(if ,guard
  17.432-                   (progn ,@(first bodies))
  17.433-                   ,*no-match-form*)
  17.434-              `(progn ,@(first bodies))))
  17.435-        (multiple-value-bind (posn char)
  17.436-            (find-best-split strings to-check)
  17.437-          (assert posn) ; this can only happen if all strings are equal
  17.438-          (let ((=strings  ())
  17.439-                (=bodies   ())
  17.440-                (/=strings ())
  17.441-                (/=bodies  ()))
  17.442-            (loop
  17.443-               for string in strings
  17.444-               for body   in bodies
  17.445-               do (if (eql char (aref string posn))
  17.446-                      (progn
  17.447-                        (push string =strings)
  17.448-                        (push body   =bodies))
  17.449-                      (progn
  17.450-                        (push string /=strings)
  17.451-                        (push body   /=bodies))))
  17.452-            (let ((tree `(if (eql ,char (aref ,*input-string* ,posn))
  17.453-                             ,(make-search-tree  =strings   =bodies
  17.454-                                                 (remove posn to-check))
  17.455-                             ,(make-search-tree /=strings /=bodies
  17.456-                                                to-check))))
  17.457-              (if guard
  17.458-                  `(if ,guard
  17.459-                       ,tree
  17.460-                       ,*no-match-form*)
  17.461-                  tree)))))))
  17.463-;;; Finally, we can glue it all together.
  17.464-;;; To recapitulate, first, dispatch on string
  17.465-;;; length, then execute a search tree for the
  17.466-;;; few candidates left, and finally make sure
  17.467-;;; the input string actually matches the one 
  17.468-;;; candidate left at the leaf.
  17.470-(defun emit-string-case (cases input-var no-match)
  17.471-  (flet ((case-string-length (x)
  17.472-           (length (first x))))
  17.473-    (let ((*input-string*  input-var)
  17.474-          (*no-match-form* no-match)
  17.475-          (cases-lists     (split-tree (sort cases '<
  17.476-                                        :key #'case-string-length)
  17.477-                                  :key #'case-string-length)))
  17.478-      `(locally (declare (type vector ,input-var))
  17.479-         (case (length ,input-var)
  17.480-           ,@(loop for cases in cases-lists
  17.481-                   for length = (case-string-length (first cases))
  17.482-                   collect `((,length)
  17.483-                             ;; arrays with fill pointers expose the total length
  17.484-                             ;; in their type, not the position of the fill-pointer.
  17.485-                             ;; The type below only applies to simple-arrays.
  17.486-                             (locally (declare (type (or (not simple-array)
  17.487-                                                         (simple-array * (,length)))
  17.488-                                                     ,input-var))
  17.489-                               ,(make-search-tree (mapcar 'first cases)
  17.490-                                                  (mapcar 'rest  cases)
  17.491-                                                  (iota length)))))
  17.492-           (t ,no-match))))))
  17.494-;;; Just wrapping the previous function in a macro,
  17.495-;;; and adding some error checking (the rest of the code
  17.496-;;; just assumes there won't be duplicate patterns).
  17.497-;;; Note how we use a local function instead of passing
  17.498-;;; the default form directly. This can save a lot on
  17.499-;;; code size, especially when the default form is
  17.500-;;; large.
  17.502-(defmacro string-case ((string &key (default '(error "No match")))
  17.503-                       &body cases)
  17.504-  "(string-case (string &key default)
  17.505-     case*)
  17.506-   case ::= string form*
  17.507-          | t      form*
  17.508-   Where t is the default case."
  17.509-  (let ((cases-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
  17.510-    "Error checking cruft"
  17.511-    (dolist (case cases)
  17.512-      (assert (typep case '(cons (or string (eql t)))))
  17.513-      (let ((other-case (gethash (first case) cases-table)))
  17.514-        (if other-case
  17.515-            (warn "Duplicate string-case cases: ~A -> ~A or ~A~%"
  17.516-                  (first case)
  17.517-                  (rest other-case)
  17.518-                  (rest case))
  17.519-            (setf (gethash (first case) cases-table)
  17.520-                  (rest case)))))
  17.521-    (let ((input-var    (gensym "INPUT"))
  17.522-          (default-fn   (gensym "ON-ERROR"))
  17.523-          (default-body (gethash t cases-table (list default))))
  17.524-      `(let ((,input-var ,string))
  17.525-         (flet ((,default-fn ()
  17.526-                  ,@default-body))
  17.527-           ,(emit-string-case (progn
  17.528-                                (remhash t cases-table)
  17.529-                                (hash-table->list cases-table))
  17.530-                              input-var
  17.531-                              `(,default-fn)))))))
    18.1--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    18.2+++ b/lisp/std/stream.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    18.3@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
    18.4+;;; std/stream.lisp --- Standard Streams
    18.8+;;; Code:
    18.9+(in-package :std)
   18.10+(declaim (inline octet-vector=/unsafe))
   18.11+(defun octet-vector=/unsafe (v1 v2 start1 end1 start2 end2)
   18.12+  (declare (optimize (speed 3)
   18.13+                     (safety 0)
   18.14+                     (debug 0)
   18.15+                     (compilation-speed 0))
   18.16+           (type octet-vector v1 v2)
   18.17+           (type array-index start1 start2)
   18.18+           (type array-length end1 end2))
   18.19+  (and (= (- end1 start1)
   18.20+          (- end2 start2))
   18.21+       (loop for i from start1 below end1
   18.22+             for j from start2 below end2
   18.23+             always (eql (aref v1 i) (aref v2 j)))))
   18.25+(defun octet-vector= (v1 v2 &key (start1 0) end1
   18.26+                                 (start2 0) end2)
   18.27+  "Like `string=' for octet vectors."
   18.28+  (declare (octet-vector v1 v2)
   18.29+           (array-index start1 start2)
   18.30+           ((or array-length null) end1 end2)
   18.31+           (optimize speed))
   18.32+  (let* ((len1 (length v1))
   18.33+         (len2 (length v2))
   18.34+         (end1 (or end1 len1))
   18.35+         (end2 (or end2 len2)))
   18.36+    (assert (<= start1 end1 len1))
   18.37+    (assert (<= start2 end2 len2))
   18.38+    (octet-vector=/unsafe v1 v2 start1 end1 start2 end2)))
   18.40+(defun file-size-in-octets (file)
   18.41+  (multiple-value-bind (path namestring)
   18.42+      (etypecase file
   18.43+        (string (values (pathname file)
   18.44+                        file))
   18.45+        (pathname (values file
   18.46+                          (sb-ext:native-namestring file))))
   18.47+    (declare (ignorable path namestring))
   18.48+    (sb-posix:stat-size (sb-posix:stat path))))
   18.50+(define-constant si-prefixes
   18.51+  '((-30 "quecto" "q")
   18.52+    (-27 "ronto"  "r")
   18.53+    (-24 "yocto"  "y")
   18.54+    (-21 "zepto"  "z")
   18.55+    (-18 "atto"   "a")
   18.56+    (-15 "femto"  "f")
   18.57+    (-12 "pico"   "p")
   18.58+    ( -9 "nano"   "n")
   18.59+    ( -6 "micro"  "μ")
   18.60+    ( -3 "milli"  "m")
   18.61+    ( -2 "centi"  "c")
   18.62+    ( -1 "deci"   "d")
   18.63+    (  0 ""       "" )
   18.64+    (  1 "deca"   "da")
   18.65+    (  2 "hecto"  "h")
   18.66+    (  3 "kilo"   "k")
   18.67+    (  6 "mega"   "M")
   18.68+    (  9 "giga"   "G")
   18.69+    ( 12 "tera"   "T")
   18.70+    ( 15 "peta"   "P")
   18.71+    ( 18 "exa"    "E")
   18.72+    ( 21 "zetta"  "Z")
   18.73+    ( 24 "yotta"  "Y")
   18.74+    ( 27 "ronna"  "R")
   18.75+    ( 30 "quetta" "Q"))
   18.76+  :test #'equalp
   18.77+  :documentation "List as SI prefixes: power of ten, long form, short form.")
   18.79+(define-constant si-prefixes-base-1000
   18.80+  (loop for (pow long short) in si-prefixes
   18.81+        unless (and (not (zerop pow))
   18.82+                    (< (abs pow) 3))
   18.83+          collect (list (truncate pow 3) long short))
   18.84+  :test #'equalp
   18.85+  :documentation "The SI prefixes as powers of 1000, with centi, deci, deca and hecto omitted.")
   18.87+(define-constant iec-prefixes
   18.88+  '(( 0 ""     "")
   18.89+    (10 "kibi" "Ki")
   18.90+    (20 "mebi" "Mi")
   18.91+    (30 "gibi" "Gi")
   18.92+    (40 "tebi" "Ti")
   18.93+    (50 "pebi" "Pi")
   18.94+    (60 "exbi" "Ei"))
   18.95+  :test #'equalp
   18.96+  :documentation "The IEC binary prefixes, as powers of 2.")
   18.99+  (defun single (seq)
  18.100+    "Is SEQ a sequence of one element?"
  18.101+    (= (length seq) 1)))
  18.103+(defmacro si-prefix-rec (n base prefixes)
  18.104+  (cond ((null prefixes) (error "No prefixes!"))
  18.105+        ((single prefixes)
  18.106+         (destructuring-bind ((power long short)) prefixes
  18.107+           `(values ,long ,short ,(expt base power))))
  18.108+        (t
  18.109+         ;; good enough
  18.110+         (let* ((halfway (ceiling (length prefixes) 2))
  18.111+                (lo (subseq prefixes 0 halfway))
  18.112+                (hi (subseq prefixes halfway))
  18.113+                (split (* (expt base (caar hi)))))
  18.114+             `(if (< ,n ,split)
  18.115+                  (si-prefix-rec ,n ,base ,lo)
  18.116+                  (si-prefix-rec ,n ,base ,hi))))))
  18.118+(defun si-prefix (n &key (base 1000))
  18.119+  "Given a number, return the prefix of the nearest SI unit.
  18.121+Three values are returned: the long form, the short form, and the
  18.122+multiplying factor.
  18.124+    (si-prefix 1001) => \"kilo\", \"k\", 1000d0
  18.126+BASE can be 1000, 10, 1024, or 2. 1000 is the default, and prefixes
  18.127+start at kilo and milli. Base 10 is mostly the same, except the
  18.128+prefixes centi, deci, deca and hecto are also used. Base 1024 uses the
  18.129+same prefixes as 1000, but with 1024 as the base, as in vulgar file
  18.130+sizes. Base 2 uses the IEC binary prefixes."
  18.131+  (if (zerop n) (values "" "" 1d0)
  18.132+      (let ((n (abs (coerce n 'double-float))))
  18.133+        (ecase base
  18.134+          (2 (si-prefix-rec n 2d0 #.iec-prefixes))
  18.135+          (10 (si-prefix-rec n 10d0
  18.136+          (1000 (si-prefix-rec n 1000d0
  18.137+          (1024 (si-prefix-rec n 1024d0
  18.139+(defun human-size-formatter (size &key (flavor :si)
  18.140+                                       (space (eql flavor :si)))
  18.141+  "Auxiliary function for formatting quantities human-readably.
  18.142+Returns two values: a format control and a list of arguments.
  18.144+This can be used to integrate the human-readable printing of
  18.145+quantities into larger format control strings using the recursive
  18.146+processing format directive (~?):
  18.148+    (multiple-value-bind (control args)
  18.149+        (human-size-formatter size)
  18.150+      (format t \"~?\" control args))"
  18.151+  (let ((size (coerce size 'double-float))
  18.152+        ;; Avoid printing exponent markers.
  18.153+        (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
  18.154+        (base (ecase flavor
  18.155+                (:file 1024)
  18.156+                (:si   1000)
  18.157+                (:iec  2))))
  18.158+    (multiple-value-bind (long short factor)
  18.159+        (si-prefix size :base base)
  18.160+      (declare (ignore long))
  18.161+      (let* ((size (/ size factor))
  18.162+             (int (round size))
  18.163+             (size
  18.164+               (if (> (abs (- size int))
  18.165+                      0.05d0)
  18.166+                   size
  18.167+                   int)))
  18.168+        (values (formatter "~:[~d~;~,1f~]~:[~; ~]~a")
  18.169+                (list (floatp size) size space short))))))
  18.171+(defun format-human-size (stream size
  18.172+                          &key (flavor :si)
  18.173+                               (space (eql flavor :si)))
  18.174+  "Write SIZE to STREAM, in human-readable form.
  18.176+STREAM is interpreted as by `format'.
  18.178+If FLAVOR is `:si' (the default) the base is 1000 and SI prefixes are used.
  18.180+If FLAVOR is `:file', the base is 1024 and SI prefixes are used.
  18.182+If FLAVOR is `:iec', the base is 1024 bytes and IEC prefixes (Ki, Mi,
  18.183+etc.) are used.
  18.185+If SPACE is non-nil, include a space between the number and the
  18.186+prefix. (Defaults to T if FLAVOR is `:si'.)"
  18.187+  (if (zerop size)
  18.188+      (format stream "0")
  18.189+      (multiple-value-bind (formatter args)
  18.190+          (human-size-formatter size :flavor flavor :space space)
  18.191+        (format stream "~?" formatter args))))
  18.193+(defun format-file-size-human-readable (stream file-size
  18.194+                                        &key flavor
  18.195+                                             (space (eql flavor :si))
  18.196+                                             (suffix (if (eql flavor :iec) "B" "")))
  18.197+  "Write FILE-SIZE, a file size in bytes, to STREAM, in human-readable form.
  18.199+STREAM is interpreted as by `format'.
  18.201+If FLAVOR is nil, kilobytes are 1024 bytes and SI prefixes are used.
  18.203+If FLAVOR is `:si', kilobytes are 1000 bytes and SI prefixes are used.
  18.205+If FLAVOR is `:iec', kilobytes are 1024 bytes and IEC prefixes (Ki,
  18.206+Mi, etc.) are used.
  18.208+If SPACE is non-nil, include a space between the number and the
  18.209+prefix. (Defaults to T if FLAVOR is `:si'.)
  18.211+SUFFIX is the suffix to use; defaults to B if FLAVOR is `:iec',
  18.212+otherwise empty."
  18.213+  (check-type file-size (integer 0 *))
  18.214+  (if (zerop file-size)
  18.215+      (format stream "0")
  18.216+      (let ((flavor (if (null flavor) :file flavor)))
  18.217+        (multiple-value-bind (formatter args)
  18.218+            (human-size-formatter file-size :flavor flavor :space space)
  18.219+          (format stream "~?~a" formatter args suffix)))))
  18.221+(defun file-size-human-readable (file &key flavor space suffix stream)
  18.222+  "Format the size of FILE (in octets) using `format-file-size-human-readable'.
  18.223+The size of file is found by `trivial-file-size:file-size-in-octets'.
  18.225+Inspired by the function of the same name in Emacs."
  18.226+  (let ((file-size (file-size-in-octets file)))
  18.227+    (format-file-size-human-readable
  18.228+     stream
  18.229+     file-size
  18.230+     :flavor flavor
  18.231+     :suffix suffix
  18.232+     :space space)))
  18.234+(deftype wild-pathname ()
  18.235+  "A pathname with wild components."
  18.236+  '(and pathname (satisfies wild-pathname-p)))
  18.238+(deftype non-wild-pathname ()
  18.239+  "A pathname without wild components."
  18.240+  '(or directory-pathname
  18.241+    (and pathname (not (satisfies wild-pathname-p)))))
  18.243+(deftype absolute-pathname ()
  18.244+  '(and pathname (satisfies uiop:absolute-pathname-p)))
  18.246+(deftype relative-pathname ()
  18.247+  '(and pathname (satisfies uiop:relative-pathname-p)))
  18.249+(deftype directory-pathname ()
  18.250+  '(and pathname (satisfies uiop:directory-pathname-p)))
  18.252+(deftype absolute-directory-pathname ()
  18.253+  '(and absolute-pathname directory-pathname))
  18.255+(deftype file-pathname ()
  18.256+  '(and pathname (satisfies uiop:file-pathname-p)))
  18.258+;;; logical-pathname is defined in CL.
  18.260+(defconstant +default-element-type+ 'character)
  18.262+(defmacro with-open-files ((&rest args) &body body)
  18.263+  "A simple macro to open one or more files providing the streams for the BODY. The ARGS is a list of `(stream filespec options*)` as supplied to WITH-OPEN-FILE."
  18.264+  (case (length args)
  18.265+    ((0)
  18.266+     `(progn ,@body))
  18.267+    ((1)
  18.268+     `(with-open-file ,(first args) ,@body))
  18.269+    (t `(with-open-file ,(first args)
  18.270+          (with-open-files
  18.271+              ,(rest args) ,@body)))))
  18.273+(defmacro with-open-file* ((stream filespec &key direction element-type
  18.274+                                   if-exists if-does-not-exist external-format)
  18.275+                           &body body)
  18.276+  "Just like WITH-OPEN-FILE, but NIL values in the keyword arguments
  18.277+mean to use the default value specified for OPEN."
  18.278+  (once-only (direction element-type if-exists if-does-not-exist external-format)
  18.279+    `(with-open-stream
  18.280+         (,stream (apply #'open ,filespec
  18.281+                         (append
  18.282+                          (when ,direction
  18.283+                            (list :direction ,direction))
  18.284+                          (list :element-type (or ,element-type
  18.285+                                                  +default-element-type+))
  18.286+                          (when ,if-exists
  18.287+                            (list :if-exists ,if-exists))
  18.288+                          (when ,if-does-not-exist
  18.289+                            (list :if-does-not-exist ,if-does-not-exist))
  18.290+                          (when ,external-format
  18.291+                            (list :external-format ,external-format)))))
  18.292+       ,@body)))
  18.294+(defmacro with-input-from-file ((stream-name file-name &rest args
  18.295+                                             &key (direction nil direction-p)
  18.296+                                             &allow-other-keys)
  18.297+                                &body body)
  18.298+  "Evaluate BODY with STREAM-NAME to an input stream on the file
  18.299+FILE-NAME. ARGS is sent as is to the call to OPEN except EXTERNAL-FORMAT,
  18.300+which is only sent to WITH-OPEN-FILE when it's not NIL."
  18.301+  (declare (ignore direction))
  18.302+  (when direction-p
  18.303+    (error "Can't specify :DIRECTION for WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE."))
  18.304+  `(with-open-file* (,stream-name ,file-name :direction :input ,@args)
  18.305+     ,@body))
  18.307+(defmacro with-output-to-file ((stream-name file-name &rest args
  18.308+                                            &key (direction nil direction-p)
  18.309+                                            &allow-other-keys)
  18.310+                               &body body)
  18.311+  "Evaluate BODY with STREAM-NAME to an output stream on the file
  18.312+FILE-NAME. ARGS is sent as is to the call to OPEN except EXTERNAL-FORMAT,
  18.313+which is only sent to WITH-OPEN-FILE when it's not NIL."
  18.314+  (declare (ignore direction))
  18.315+  (when direction-p
  18.316+    (error "Can't specify :DIRECTION for WITH-OUTPUT-TO-FILE."))
  18.317+  `(with-open-file* (,stream-name ,file-name :direction :output ,@args)
  18.318+     ,@body))
  18.320+(defun copy-stream (input output &key (element-type (stream-element-type input))
  18.321+                    (buffer-size 4096)
  18.322+                    (buffer (make-array buffer-size :element-type element-type))
  18.323+                    (start 0) end
  18.324+                    finish-output)
  18.325+  "Reads data from INPUT and writes it to OUTPUT. Both INPUT and OUTPUT must
  18.326+be streams, they will be passed to READ-SEQUENCE and WRITE-SEQUENCE and must have
  18.327+compatible element-types."
  18.328+  (check-type start non-negative-integer)
  18.329+  (check-type end (or null non-negative-integer))
  18.330+  (check-type buffer-size positive-integer)
  18.331+  (when (and end
  18.332+             (< end start))
  18.333+    (error "END is smaller than START in ~S" 'copy-stream))
  18.334+  (let ((output-position 0)
  18.335+        (input-position 0))
  18.336+    (unless (zerop start)
  18.337+      ;; FIXME add platform specific optimization to skip seekable streams
  18.338+      (loop while (< input-position start)
  18.339+            do (let ((n (read-sequence buffer input
  18.340+                                       :end (min (length buffer)
  18.341+                                                 (- start input-position)))))
  18.342+                 (when (zerop n)
  18.343+                   (error "~@<Could not read enough bytes from the input to fulfill ~
  18.344+                           the :START ~S requirement in ~S.~:@>" 'copy-stream start))
  18.345+                 (incf input-position n))))
  18.346+    (assert (= input-position start))
  18.347+    (loop while (or (null end) (< input-position end))
  18.348+          do (let ((n (read-sequence buffer input
  18.349+                                     :end (when end
  18.350+                                            (min (length buffer)
  18.351+                                                 (- end input-position))))))
  18.352+               (when (zerop n)
  18.353+                 (if end
  18.354+                     (error "~@<Could not read enough bytes from the input to fulfill ~
  18.355+                          the :END ~S requirement in ~S.~:@>" 'copy-stream end)
  18.356+                     (return)))
  18.357+               (incf input-position n)
  18.358+               (write-sequence buffer output :end n)
  18.359+               (incf output-position n)))
  18.360+    (when finish-output
  18.361+      (finish-output output))
  18.362+    output-position))
  18.364+(defun write-stream-into-file (stream pathname &key (if-exists :error) if-does-not-exist)
  18.365+  "Read STREAM and write the contents into PATHNAME.
  18.367+STREAM will be closed afterwards, so wrap it with
  18.368+`make-concatenated-stream' if you want it left open."
  18.369+  (check-type pathname pathname)
  18.370+  (with-open-stream (in stream)
  18.371+    (with-output-to-file (out pathname
  18.372+                              :element-type (stream-element-type in)
  18.373+                              :if-exists if-exists
  18.374+                              :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist)
  18.375+      (copy-stream in out)))
  18.376+  pathname)
  18.378+(defun write-file-into-stream (pathname output &key (if-does-not-exist :error)
  18.379+                                                    (external-format :default))
  18.380+  "Write the contents of FILE into STREAM."
  18.381+  (check-type pathname pathname)
  18.382+  (with-input-from-file (input pathname
  18.383+                               :element-type (stream-element-type output)
  18.384+                               :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist
  18.385+                               :external-format external-format)
  18.386+    (copy-stream input output)))
  18.388+(defun file= (file1 file2 &key (buffer-size 4096))
  18.389+  "Compare FILE1 and FILE2 octet by octet, \(possibly) using buffers
  18.390+of BUFFER-SIZE."
  18.391+  (declare (ignorable buffer-size))
  18.392+  (let ((file1 (truename file1))
  18.393+        (file2 (truename file2)))
  18.394+    (or (equal file1 file2)
  18.395+        (and (= (file-size-in-octets file1)
  18.396+                (file-size-in-octets file2))
  18.397+             #+ccl (file=/mmap file1 file2)
  18.398+             #-ccl (file=/loop file1 file2 :buffer-size buffer-size)))))
  18.400+(defun file=/loop (file1 file2 &key (buffer-size 4096))
  18.401+  "Compare two files by looping over their contents using a buffer."
  18.402+  (declare
  18.403+   (type pathname file1 file2)
  18.404+   (type array-length buffer-size)
  18.405+   (optimize (safety 1) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
  18.406+  (flet ((make-buffer ()
  18.407+           (make-array buffer-size
  18.408+                       :element-type 'octet
  18.409+                       :initial-element 0)))
  18.410+    (declare (inline make-buffer))
  18.411+    (with-open-files ((file1 file1 :element-type 'octet :direction :input)
  18.412+                      (file2 file2 :element-type 'octet :direction :input))
  18.413+      (and (= (file-length file1)
  18.414+              (file-length file2))
  18.415+           (locally (declare (optimize speed))
  18.416+             (loop with buffer1 = (make-buffer)
  18.417+                   with buffer2 = (make-buffer)
  18.418+                   for end1 = (read-sequence buffer1 file1)
  18.419+                   for end2 = (read-sequence buffer2 file2)
  18.420+                   until (or (zerop end1) (zerop end2))
  18.421+                   always (and (= end1 end2)
  18.422+                               (octet-vector= buffer1 buffer2
  18.423+                                              :end1 end1
  18.424+                                              :end2 end2))))))))
  18.426+(defun file-size (file &key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
  18.427+  "The size of FILE, in units of ELEMENT-TYPE (defaults to bytes).
  18.429+The size is computed by opening the file and getting the length of the
  18.430+resulting stream.
  18.432+If all you want is to read the file's size in octets from its
  18.433+metadata, consider `trivial-file-size:file-size-in-octets' instead."
  18.434+  (check-type file (or string pathname))
  18.435+  (with-input-from-file (in file :element-type element-type)
  18.436+    (file-length in)))
  18.438+(defconstant +pathsep+
  18.439+  (if (uiop:os-windows-p) #\; #\:)
  18.440+  "Path separator for this OS.")
    19.1--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    19.2+++ b/lisp/std/string.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    19.3@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
    19.4+;;; std/str.lisp --- String utilities
    19.6+;;; Code:
    19.8+;; (defvar sb-unicode-syms 
    19.9+;;   '(words lines sentences whitespace-p uppercase lowercase titlecase
   19.10+;;     word-break-class line-break-class sentence-break-class char-block
   19.11+;;     cased-p uppercase-p lowercase-p titlecase-p casefold
   19.12+;;     graphemes grapheme-break-class
   19.13+;;     bidi-mirroring-glyph bidi-class
   19.14+;;     normalize-string normalized-p default-ignorable-p
   19.15+;;     confusable-p hex-digit-p mirrored-p alphabetic-p math-p
   19.16+;;     decimal-value digit-value
   19.17+;;     unicode< unicode> unicode= unicode-equal
   19.18+;;     unicode<= unicode>=))
   19.19+(in-package :std)
   19.21+;; (mapc (lambda (s) (export s)) sb-unicode-syms)
   19.22+;; (reexport-from 
   19.23+;;  :sb-unicode
   19.24+;;  :include sb-unicode-syms)
   19.26+(defparameter *omit-nulls* nil)
   19.27+(defvar *whitespaces* (list #\Backspace #\Tab #\Linefeed #\Newline #\Vt #\Page
   19.28+                            #\Return #\Space #\Rubout
   19.29+                            #+sbcl #\Next-Line #-sbcl (code-char 133)
   19.30+                            #\No-break_space)
   19.31+  "On some implementations, linefeed and newline represent the same character (code).")
   19.33+(deftype string-designator ()
   19.34+  "A string designator type. A string designator is either a string, a symbol,
   19.35+or a character."
   19.36+  `(or symbol string character))
   19.38+(defun ssplit (separator s &key (omit-nulls *omit-nulls*) limit (start 0) end)
   19.39+  "Split s into substring by separator (cl-ppcre takes a regex, we do not).
   19.41+   `limit' limits the number of elements returned (i.e. the string is
   19.42+   split at most `limit' - 1 times)."
   19.43+  ;; cl-ppcre:split doesn't return a null string if the separator appears at the end of s.
   19.44+  (let* ((limit (or limit (1+ (length s))))
   19.45+         (res (cl-ppcre:split separator s :limit limit :start start :end end)))
   19.46+    (if omit-nulls
   19.47+        (remove-if (lambda (it) (sequence:emptyp it)) res)
   19.48+        res)))
   19.50+(defun collapse-whitespaces (s)
   19.51+  "Ensure there is only one space character between words.
   19.52+  Remove newlines."
   19.53+  (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "\\s+" s " "))
   19.55+(defun trim (s &key (char-bag *whitespaces*))
   19.56+  "Removes all characters in `char-bag` (default: whitespaces) at the beginning and end of `s`.
   19.57+   If supplied, char-bag has to be a sequence (e.g. string or list of characters).
   19.59+   Examples: (trim \"  foo \") => \"foo\"
   19.60+             (trim \"+-*foo-bar*-+\" :char-bag \"+-*\") => \"foo-bar\"
   19.61+             (trim \"afood\" :char-bag (str:concat \"a\" \"d\")) => \"foo\""
   19.62+  (when s
   19.63+    (string-trim char-bag s)))
   19.65+;;;  TODO 2023-08-27: camel snake kebab
   19.67+(defun make-template-parser (start-delimiter end-delimiter &key (ignore-case nil))
   19.68+  "Returns a closure than can substitute variables
   19.69+  delimited by \"start-delimiter\" and \"end-delimiter\"
   19.70+  in a string, by the provided values."
   19.71+  (check-type start-delimiter string)
   19.72+  (check-type end-delimiter string)
   19.73+  (when (or (string= start-delimiter "")
   19.74+            (string= end-delimiter ""))
   19.75+      (error 'simple-type-error
   19.76+              :format-control "The empty string is not a valid delimiter."))
   19.77+  (let ((start-len (length start-delimiter))
   19.78+        (end-len (length end-delimiter))
   19.79+        (test (if ignore-case
   19.80+                  #'string-equal
   19.81+                  #'string=)))
   19.83+    (lambda (string values)
   19.84+      (check-type string string)
   19.85+      (unless (listp values)
   19.86+        (error 'simple-type-error
   19.87+               :format-control "values should be an association list"))
   19.89+      (with-output-to-string (stream)
   19.90+        (loop for prev = 0 then (+ j end-len)
   19.91+              for i = (search start-delimiter string)
   19.92+                      then (search start-delimiter string :start2 j)
   19.93+              for j = (if i (search end-delimiter string :start2 i))
   19.94+                      then (if i (search end-delimiter string :start2 i))
   19.95+              while (and i j)
   19.96+          do (write-string (subseq string prev i) stream)
   19.97+             (let ((instance (rest (assoc (subseq string (+ i start-len) j)
   19.98+                                          values
   19.99+                                          :test test))))
  19.100+               (if instance
  19.101+                (princ instance stream)
  19.102+                (write-string (subseq string i (+ j end-len)) stream)))
  19.104+          finally (write-string (subseq string prev) stream))))))
  19.106+;;; STRING-CASE
  19.107+;;; Implementing an efficient string= case in Common Lisp
  19.109+;;; 2015-11-15: Defknown don't have explicit-check in SBCL 1.3.0
  19.110+;;;  Remove the declaration.  It's never useful the way we use
  19.111+;;;  numeric-char=.
  19.113+;;; 2015-11-15: Make this a real ASDF system for Xach
  19.114+;;;  I copied the system definition from Quicklisp and mangled as
  19.115+;;;  necessary.
  19.117+;;; 2010-06-30: Tiny bugfix
  19.118+;;;  Widen the type declarations inside cases to allow vectors that
  19.119+;;;  have a length that's shorter than the total size (due to fill-
  19.120+;;;  pointers).
  19.123+;;;# Introduction
  19.125+;;; In `<>', OMouse asks how
  19.126+;;; best to implement a `string= case' (in Scheme). I noted that
  19.127+;;; naively iterating through the cases with `string=' at runtime
  19.128+;;; is suboptimal. Seeing the problem as a simplistic pattern
  19.129+;;; matching one makes an efficient solution obvious.
  19.130+;;; Note that, unlike Haskell, both Scheme and CL have random-
  19.131+;;; access on strings in O(1), something which I exploit to
  19.132+;;; generate better code.
  19.134+;;; This is also a pbook.el file (the pdf can be found at
  19.135+;;; `<>' ).
  19.136+;;; I'm new at this not-quite-illiterate programming thing, so
  19.137+;;; please bear with me (: I'm also looking for comments on the
  19.138+;;; formatting. I'm particularly iffy with the way keywords look
  19.139+;;; like. It just looks really fuzzy when you're not really zoomed
  19.140+;;; in (or reading it on paper).
  19.142+;;; I usually don't use packages for throw-away code, but this looks
  19.143+;;; like it could be useful to someone.
  19.145+;;;# Some utility code
  19.147+(defun split-tree (list &key (test 'eql) (key 'identity))
  19.148+  "Splits input list into sublists of elements
  19.149+   whose elements are all such that (key element)
  19.150+   are all test.
  19.151+   It's assumed that test and key form an equality class.
  19.152+   (This is similar to groupBy)"
  19.153+  (when list
  19.154+    (let* ((lists ())
  19.155+           (cur-list (list (first list)))
  19.156+           (cur-key  (funcall key (first list))))
  19.157+      (dolist (elt (rest list) (nreverse (cons (nreverse cur-list)
  19.158+                                               lists)))
  19.159+        (let ((new-key (funcall key elt)))
  19.160+          (if (funcall test cur-key new-key)
  19.161+              (push elt cur-list)
  19.162+              (progn
  19.163+                (push (nreverse cur-list) lists)
  19.164+                (setf cur-list (list elt)
  19.165+                      cur-key  new-key))))))))
  19.167+(defun iota (n)
  19.168+  (loop for i below n collect i))
  19.170+(defun hash-table->list (table &key (keep-keys t) (keep-values t))
  19.171+  "Saves the keys and/or values in table to a list.
  19.172+   As with hash table iterating functions, there is no
  19.173+   implicit ordering."
  19.174+  (let ((list ()))
  19.175+    (maphash (cond ((and keep-keys
  19.176+                         keep-values)
  19.177+                    (lambda (k v)
  19.178+                      (push (cons k v) list)))
  19.179+                   (keep-keys
  19.180+                    (lambda (k v)
  19.181+                      (declare (ignore v))
  19.182+                      (push k list)))
  19.183+                   (keep-values
  19.184+                    (lambda (k v)
  19.185+                      (declare (ignore k))
  19.186+                      (push v list))))
  19.187+             table)
  19.188+    list))
  19.190+(defun all-equal (list &key (key 'identity) (test 'eql))
  19.191+  (if (or (null list)
  19.192+          (null (rest list)))
  19.193+      t
  19.194+      (let ((first-key (funcall key (first list))))
  19.195+        (every (lambda (element)
  19.196+                 (funcall test first-key
  19.197+                          (funcall key element)))
  19.198+               (rest list)))))
  19.200+(defun split-at (list n)
  19.201+  "Split list in k lists of n elements (or less for the last list)"
  19.202+  (declare (type (and fixnum (integer (0))) n))
  19.203+  (let ((lists    '())
  19.204+        (cur-list '())
  19.205+        (counter  0))
  19.206+    (declare (type (and fixnum unsigned-byte) counter))
  19.207+    (dolist (elt list (nreverse (if cur-list
  19.208+                                    (cons (nreverse cur-list)
  19.209+                                          lists)
  19.210+                                    lists)))
  19.211+      (push elt cur-list)
  19.212+      (when (= (incf counter) n)
  19.213+        (push (nreverse cur-list) lists)
  19.214+        (setf cur-list '()
  19.215+              counter   0)))))
  19.217+;;;# The string matching compiler per se
  19.219+;;; I use special variables here because I find that
  19.220+;;; preferable to introducing noise everywhere to thread
  19.221+;;; these values through all the calls, especially
  19.222+;;; when `*no-match-form*' is only used at the very end.
  19.224+(defparameter *input-string* nil
  19.225+  "Symbol of the variable holding the input string")
  19.227+(defparameter *no-match-form* nil
  19.228+  "Form to insert when no match is found.")
  19.230+;;; The basic idea of the pattern matching process here is
  19.231+;;; to first discriminate with the input string's length;
  19.232+;;; once that is done, it is very easy to safely use random
  19.233+;;; access until only one candidate string (pattern) remains.
  19.234+;;; However, even if we determine that only one case might be
  19.235+;;; a candidate, it might still be possible for another string
  19.236+;;; (not in the set of cases) to match the criteria. So we also
  19.237+;;; have to make sure that *all* the indices match. A simple
  19.238+;;; way to do this would be to emit the remaining checks at the
  19.239+;;; every end, when only one candidate is left. However, that
  19.240+;;; can result in a lot of duplicate code, and some useless
  19.241+;;; work on mismatches. Instead, the code generator always
  19.242+;;; tries to find (new) indices for which all the candidates
  19.243+;;; left in the branch share the same character, and then emits
  19.244+;;; a guard, checking the character at that index as soon as possible.
  19.246+;;; In my experience, there are two main problems when writing
  19.247+;;; pattern matchers: how to decide what to test for at each
  19.248+;;; fork, and how to ensure the code won't explode exponentially.
  19.249+;;; Luckily, for our rather restricted pattern language (equality
  19.250+;;; on strings), patterns can't overlap, and it's possible to guarantee
  19.251+;;; that no candidate will ever be possible in both branches of a
  19.252+;;; fork.
  19.254+;;; Due to the the latter guarantee, we have a simple fitness
  19.255+;;; measure for tests: simply maximising the number of
  19.256+;;; candidates in the smallest branch will make our search tree
  19.257+;;; as balanced as possible. Of course, we don't know whether
  19.258+;;; the subtrees will be balanced too, but I don't think it'll
  19.259+;;; be much of an issue.
  19.261+;;; Note that, if we had access, whether via annotations or profiling,
  19.262+;;; to the probability of each case, the situation would be very
  19.263+;;; different. In fact, on a pipelined machine where branch
  19.264+;;; mispredictions are expensive, an unbalanced tree will yield
  19.265+;;; better expected runtimes. There was a very interesting and rather
  19.266+;;; sophisticated Google lecture on that topic on Google video
  19.267+;;; (the speaker used markov chains to model dynamic predictors,
  19.268+;;; for example), but I can't seem to find the URL.
  19.270+;;; TODO: Find bounds on the size of the code!
  19.272+(defun find-best-split (strings to-check)
  19.273+  "Iterate over all the indices left to check to find
  19.274+   which index (and which character) to test for equality
  19.275+   with, keeping the ones which result in the most balanced
  19.276+   split."
  19.277+  (flet ((evaluate-split (i char)
  19.278+           "Just count all the matches and mismatches"
  19.279+           (let ((=  0)
  19.280+                 (/= 0))
  19.281+             (dolist (string strings (min = /=))
  19.282+               (if (eql (aref string i) char)
  19.283+                   (incf =)
  19.284+                   (incf /=)))))
  19.285+         (uniquify-chars (chars)
  19.286+           "Only keep one copy of each char in the list"
  19.287+           (mapcar 'first (split-tree (sort chars 'char<) :test #'eql))))
  19.288+    (let ((best-split 0)            ; maximise size of smallest branch
  19.289+          (best-posn  nil)
  19.290+          (best-char  nil))
  19.291+      (dolist (i to-check (values best-posn best-char))
  19.292+        (dolist (char (uniquify-chars (mapcar (lambda (string)
  19.293+                                                (aref string i))
  19.294+                                              strings)))
  19.295+          (let ((Z (evaluate-split i char)))
  19.296+            (when (> Z best-split)
  19.297+              (setf best-split Z
  19.298+                    best-posn  i
  19.299+                    best-char  char))))))))
  19.301+;;; We sometimes have to execute sequences of checks for
  19.302+;;; equality. The natural way to express this is via a
  19.303+;;; sequence of checks, wrapped in an `and'. However, that
  19.304+;;; translates to a sequence of conditional branches, predicated
  19.305+;;; on very short computations. On (not so) modern architectures,
  19.306+;;; it'll be faster to coalesce a sequence of such checks together
  19.307+;;; as straightline code (e.g. via `or' of `xor'), and only branch
  19.308+;;; at the very end. The code doesn't become much more complex,
  19.309+;;; and benchmarks have shown it to be beneficial (giving a speed
  19.310+;;; up of 2-5% for both predictable and unpredictable workloads,
  19.311+;;; on a Core 2).
  19.313+;;; Benchmarks (and experience) have shown that, instead of executing
  19.314+;;; a cascade of comparison/conditional branch, it's slightly
  19.315+;;; faster, both for predictable and unpredictable workloads,
  19.316+;;; to `or' together a bunch of comparisons (e.g. `xor'). On a Core 2
  19.317+;;; processor, it seems that doing so for sequences of around 4
  19.318+;;; comparisons is the sweetspot. On perfectly predictable input,
  19.319+;;; aborting early (on the first check) saves as much time as
  19.320+;;; the 4 test/conditional branch add, compared to a sequence of
  19.321+;;; `xor' and `or'. 
  19.323+;;; Numeric char= abstracts out the xor check, and, on SBCL,
  19.324+;;; is replaced by a short assembly sequence when the first
  19.325+;;; argument is a constant. The declared return type is then
  19.326+;;; wider than strictly necessary making it fit in a machine
  19.327+;;; register, but not as a fixnum ensures that the compiler
  19.328+;;; won't repeatedly convert the values to fixnums, when all
  19.329+;;; we'll do is `or' them together and check for zero-ness.
  19.330+;;; This function is the only place where the macro isn't
  19.331+;;; generic over the elements stored in the cases. It shouldn't
  19.332+;;; be too hard to implement a numeric-eql, which would
  19.333+;;; restore genericity to the macro, while keeping the 
  19.334+;;; speed-up.
  19.337+(declaim (inline numeric-char=)
  19.338+         (ftype (function (character character)
  19.339+                          (values (and unsigned-byte fixnum)))
  19.340+                numeric-char=))
  19.341+;; FIXME 2024-04-11: 
  19.342+;; #+ (and sbcl (or x86 x86-64))
  19.343+(defun numeric-char= (x y)
  19.344+  (declare (type character x y))
  19.345+  (logxor (char-code x)
  19.346+          (char-code y)))
  19.348+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
  19.350+  (defknown numeric-char= (character character)
  19.351+      (unsigned-byte #. (1- sb-vm:n-machine-word-bits))
  19.352+      (movable foldable flushable))
  19.354+  (define-vop (numeric-char=)
  19.355+    (:args (x :scs (sb-vm::character-reg sb-vm::character-stack)
  19.356+              :target r
  19.357+              :load-if (not (location= x r))))
  19.358+    (:info y)
  19.359+    (:arg-types (:constant character) character)
  19.360+    (:results (r :scs (sb-vm::unsigned-reg)
  19.361+                 :load-if (not (location= x r))))
  19.362+    (:result-types sb-vm::unsigned-num)
  19.363+    (:translate numeric-char=)
  19.364+    (:policy :fast-safe)
  19.365+    (:note "inline constant numeric-char=")
  19.366+    (:generator 1
  19.367+      (move r x)
  19.368+      (sb-vm::inst #:xor r (char-code y))))))
  19.370+;;; At each step, we may be able to find positions for which
  19.371+;;; there can only be one character. If we emit the check for
  19.372+;;; these positions as soon as possible, we avoid duplicating
  19.373+;;; potentially a lot of code. Since benchmarks have shown
  19.374+;;; it to be useful, this function implements the checks
  19.375+;;; as a series of (zerop (logior (numeric-char= ...)...)),
  19.376+;;; if there is more than one such check to emit.
  19.378+(defun emit-common-checks (strings to-check)
  19.379+  (labels ((emit-char= (pairs)
  19.380+             (mapcar (lambda (pair)
  19.381+                       (destructuring-bind (posn . char)
  19.382+                           pair
  19.383+                         `(numeric-char= ,char
  19.384+                                         (aref ,*input-string* ,posn))))
  19.385+                     pairs))
  19.386+           (emit-checking-form (common-chars)
  19.387+             (when common-chars
  19.388+               (let ((common-chars (sort common-chars '< :key 'car)))
  19.389+                 #+ (and) `(and ,@(mapcar
  19.390+                                   (lambda (chunk)
  19.391+                                     (if (null (rest chunk))
  19.392+                                         (destructuring-bind ((posn . char))
  19.393+                                             chunk
  19.394+                                           `(eql ,char
  19.395+                                                 (aref ,*input-string* ,posn)))
  19.396+                                         `(zerop
  19.397+                                           (logior ,@(emit-char= chunk)))))
  19.398+                                   (split-at common-chars 4)))
  19.399+                 #+ (or) `(and ,@(mapcar
  19.400+                                  (lambda (pair)
  19.401+                                    (destructuring-bind (posn . char)
  19.402+                                        pair
  19.403+                                      `(eql ,char
  19.404+                                            (aref ,*input-string* ,posn))))
  19.405+                                  common-chars))))))
  19.406+    (let ((common-chars  ())
  19.407+          (left-to-check ()))
  19.408+      (dolist (posn to-check (values (emit-checking-form common-chars)
  19.409+                                     (nreverse           left-to-check)))
  19.410+        (if (all-equal strings :key (lambda (string)
  19.411+                                      (aref string posn)))
  19.412+            (push (cons posn (aref (first strings) posn))
  19.413+                  common-chars)
  19.414+            (push posn left-to-check))))))
  19.416+;;; The driving function: First, emit any test that is
  19.417+;;; common to all the candidates. If there's only one
  19.418+;;; candidate, then we just have to execute the body;
  19.419+;;; if not, we look for the `best' test and emit the
  19.420+;;; corresponding code: execute the test, and recurse
  19.421+;;; on the candidates that match the test and on those
  19.422+;;; that don't.
  19.424+(defun make-search-tree (strings bodies to-check)
  19.425+  (multiple-value-bind (guard to-check)
  19.426+      (emit-common-checks strings to-check)
  19.427+    (if (null (rest strings))
  19.428+        (progn
  19.429+          (assert (null to-check)) ; there shouldn't be anything left to check
  19.430+          (if guard
  19.431+              `(if ,guard
  19.432+                   (progn ,@(first bodies))
  19.433+                   ,*no-match-form*)
  19.434+              `(progn ,@(first bodies))))
  19.435+        (multiple-value-bind (posn char)
  19.436+            (find-best-split strings to-check)
  19.437+          (assert posn) ; this can only happen if all strings are equal
  19.438+          (let ((=strings  ())
  19.439+                (=bodies   ())
  19.440+                (/=strings ())
  19.441+                (/=bodies  ()))
  19.442+            (loop
  19.443+               for string in strings
  19.444+               for body   in bodies
  19.445+               do (if (eql char (aref string posn))
  19.446+                      (progn
  19.447+                        (push string =strings)
  19.448+                        (push body   =bodies))
  19.449+                      (progn
  19.450+                        (push string /=strings)
  19.451+                        (push body   /=bodies))))
  19.452+            (let ((tree `(if (eql ,char (aref ,*input-string* ,posn))
  19.453+                             ,(make-search-tree  =strings   =bodies
  19.454+                                                 (remove posn to-check))
  19.455+                             ,(make-search-tree /=strings /=bodies
  19.456+                                                to-check))))
  19.457+              (if guard
  19.458+                  `(if ,guard
  19.459+                       ,tree
  19.460+                       ,*no-match-form*)
  19.461+                  tree)))))))
  19.463+;;; Finally, we can glue it all together.
  19.464+;;; To recapitulate, first, dispatch on string
  19.465+;;; length, then execute a search tree for the
  19.466+;;; few candidates left, and finally make sure
  19.467+;;; the input string actually matches the one 
  19.468+;;; candidate left at the leaf.
  19.470+(defun emit-string-case (cases input-var no-match)
  19.471+  (flet ((case-string-length (x)
  19.472+           (length (first x))))
  19.473+    (let ((*input-string*  input-var)
  19.474+          (*no-match-form* no-match)
  19.475+          (cases-lists     (split-tree (sort cases '<
  19.476+                                        :key #'case-string-length)
  19.477+                                  :key #'case-string-length)))
  19.478+      `(locally (declare (type vector ,input-var))
  19.479+         (case (length ,input-var)
  19.480+           ,@(loop for cases in cases-lists
  19.481+                   for length = (case-string-length (first cases))
  19.482+                   collect `((,length)
  19.483+                             ;; arrays with fill pointers expose the total length
  19.484+                             ;; in their type, not the position of the fill-pointer.
  19.485+                             ;; The type below only applies to simple-arrays.
  19.486+                             (locally (declare (type (or (not simple-array)
  19.487+                                                         (simple-array * (,length)))
  19.488+                                                     ,input-var))
  19.489+                               ,(make-search-tree (mapcar 'first cases)
  19.490+                                                  (mapcar 'rest  cases)
  19.491+                                                  (iota length)))))
  19.492+           (t ,no-match))))))
  19.494+;;; Just wrapping the previous function in a macro,
  19.495+;;; and adding some error checking (the rest of the code
  19.496+;;; just assumes there won't be duplicate patterns).
  19.497+;;; Note how we use a local function instead of passing
  19.498+;;; the default form directly. This can save a lot on
  19.499+;;; code size, especially when the default form is
  19.500+;;; large.
  19.502+(defmacro string-case ((string &key (default '(error "No match")))
  19.503+                       &body cases)
  19.504+  "(string-case (string &key default)
  19.505+     case*)
  19.506+   case ::= string form*
  19.507+          | t      form*
  19.508+   Where t is the default case."
  19.509+  (let ((cases-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
  19.510+    "Error checking cruft"
  19.511+    (dolist (case cases)
  19.512+      (assert (typep case '(cons (or string (eql t)))))
  19.513+      (let ((other-case (gethash (first case) cases-table)))
  19.514+        (if other-case
  19.515+            (warn "Duplicate string-case cases: ~A -> ~A or ~A~%"
  19.516+                  (first case)
  19.517+                  (rest other-case)
  19.518+                  (rest case))
  19.519+            (setf (gethash (first case) cases-table)
  19.520+                  (rest case)))))
  19.521+    (let ((input-var    (gensym "INPUT"))
  19.522+          (default-fn   (gensym "ON-ERROR"))
  19.523+          (default-body (gethash t cases-table (list default))))
  19.524+      `(let ((,input-var ,string))
  19.525+         (flet ((,default-fn ()
  19.526+                  ,@default-body))
  19.527+           ,(emit-string-case (progn
  19.528+                                (remhash t cases-table)
  19.529+                                (hash-table->list cases-table))
  19.530+                              input-var
  19.531+                              `(,default-fn)))))))
    20.1--- a/lisp/std/tests.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    20.2+++ b/lisp/std/tests.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    20.3@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
    20.4   (is (eq (make-keyword 'fizz) :fizz)))
    20.6 ;;;; TODO
    20.7-(deftest str ()
    20.8+(deftest string ()
    20.9   "Test standard string utils"
   20.10   (is (typep "test" 'string-designator))
   20.11   (is (typep 'test 'string-designator))
    21.1--- a/lisp/std/thread.lisp	Fri Apr 12 21:19:02 2024 -0400
    21.2+++ b/lisp/std/thread.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    21.3@@ -165,6 +165,9 @@
    21.4 (defgeneric push-result (task pool))
    21.5 (defgeneric push-worker (thread pool))
    21.6 (defgeneric push-stage (stage pool))
    21.7+(defgeneric start-task-pool (pool))
    21.8+(defgeneric pause-task-pool (pool))
    21.9+(defgeneric stop-task-pool (pool))
   21.11 (defstruct task-pool
   21.12   (oracle nil :type (or null oracle))
   21.13@@ -184,7 +187,7 @@
   21.14   (oracle-thread (task-pool-oracle self)))
   21.16 (defmethod push-worker ((worker thread) (pool task-pool))
   21.17-  (vector-push-extend worker (task-pool-workers pool)))
   21.18+  (vector-push worker (task-pool-workers pool)))
   21.20 (defclass task ()
   21.21   ((object :initarg :object :accessor task-object)))
    22.1--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    22.2+++ b/lisp/std/types.lisp	Sun Apr 14 01:19:10 2024 -0400
    22.3@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
    22.4+;;; std/types.lisp --- Standard Types
    22.8+;;; Code:
    22.9+(in-package :std)
   22.10+(deftype array-index (&optional (length (1- array-dimension-limit)))
   22.11+  "Type designator for an index into array of LENGTH: an integer between
   22.12+0 (inclusive) and LENGTH (exclusive). LENGTH defaults to one less than
   22.14+  `(integer 0 (,length)))
   22.16+(deftype array-length (&optional (length (1- array-dimension-limit)))
   22.17+  "Type designator for a dimension of an array of LENGTH: an integer between
   22.18+0 (inclusive) and LENGTH (inclusive). LENGTH defaults to one less than
   22.20+  `(integer 0 ,length))
   22.22+;; This MACROLET will generate most of CDR5 (
   22.23+;; except the RATIO related definitions and ARRAY-INDEX.
   22.25+    ((frob (type &optional (base-type type))
   22.26+       (let ((subtype-names (list))
   22.27+             (predicate-names (list)))
   22.28+         (flet ((make-subtype-name (format-control)
   22.29+                  (let ((result (format-symbol :std format-control
   22.30+                                               (symbol-name type))))
   22.31+                    (push result subtype-names)
   22.32+                    result))
   22.33+                (make-predicate-name (sybtype-name)
   22.34+                  (let ((result (format-symbol :std '#:~A-p
   22.35+                                               (symbol-name sybtype-name))))
   22.36+                    (push result predicate-names)
   22.37+                    result))
   22.38+                (make-docstring (range-beg range-end range-type)
   22.39+                  (let ((inf (ecase range-type (:negative "-inf") (:positive "+inf"))))
   22.40+                    (format nil "Type specifier denoting the ~(~A~) range from ~A to ~A."
   22.41+                            type
   22.42+                            (if (equal range-beg ''*) inf (ensure-car range-beg))
   22.43+                            (if (equal range-end ''*) inf (ensure-car range-end))))))
   22.44+           (let* ((negative-name     (make-subtype-name '#:negative-~a))
   22.45+                  (non-positive-name (make-subtype-name '#:non-positive-~a))
   22.46+                  (non-negative-name (make-subtype-name '#:non-negative-~a))
   22.47+                  (positive-name     (make-subtype-name '#:positive-~a))
   22.48+                  (negative-p-name     (make-predicate-name negative-name))
   22.49+                  (non-positive-p-name (make-predicate-name non-positive-name))
   22.50+                  (non-negative-p-name (make-predicate-name non-negative-name))
   22.51+                  (positive-p-name     (make-predicate-name positive-name))
   22.52+                  (negative-extremum)
   22.53+                  (positive-extremum)
   22.54+                  (below-zero)
   22.55+                  (above-zero)
   22.56+                  (zero))
   22.57+             (setf (values negative-extremum below-zero
   22.58+                           above-zero positive-extremum zero)
   22.59+                   (ecase type
   22.60+                     (fixnum       (values 'most-negative-fixnum -1 1 'most-positive-fixnum 0))
   22.61+                     (integer      (values ''* -1       1        ''* 0))
   22.62+                     (rational     (values ''* '(0)     '(0)     ''* 0))
   22.63+                     (real         (values ''* '(0)     '(0)     ''* 0))
   22.64+                     (float        (values ''* '(0.0E0) '(0.0E0) ''* 0.0E0))
   22.65+                     (short-float  (values ''* '(0.0S0) '(0.0S0) ''* 0.0S0))
   22.66+                     (single-float (values ''* '(0.0F0) '(0.0F0) ''* 0.0F0))
   22.67+                     (double-float (values ''* '(0.0D0) '(0.0D0) ''* 0.0D0))
   22.68+                     (long-float   (values ''* '(0.0L0) '(0.0L0) ''* 0.0L0))))
   22.69+             `(progn
   22.70+                (deftype ,negative-name ()
   22.71+                  ,(make-docstring negative-extremum below-zero :negative)
   22.72+                  `(,',base-type ,,negative-extremum ,',below-zero))
   22.74+                (deftype ,non-positive-name ()
   22.75+                  ,(make-docstring negative-extremum zero :negative)
   22.76+                  `(,',base-type ,,negative-extremum ,',zero))
   22.78+                (deftype ,non-negative-name ()
   22.79+                  ,(make-docstring zero positive-extremum :positive)
   22.80+                  `(,',base-type ,',zero ,,positive-extremum))
   22.82+                (deftype ,positive-name ()
   22.83+                  ,(make-docstring above-zero positive-extremum :positive)
   22.84+                  `(,',base-type ,',above-zero ,,positive-extremum))
   22.86+                (declaim (inline ,@predicate-names))
   22.88+                (defun ,negative-p-name (n)
   22.89+                  (and (typep n ',type)
   22.90+                       (< n ,zero)))
   22.92+                (defun ,non-positive-p-name (n)
   22.93+                  (and (typep n ',type)
   22.94+                       (<= n ,zero)))
   22.96+                (defun ,non-negative-p-name (n)
   22.97+                  (and (typep n ',type)
   22.98+                       (<= ,zero n)))
  22.100+                (defun ,positive-p-name (n)
  22.101+                  (and (typep n ',type)
  22.102+                       (< ,zero n)))))))))
  22.103+  (frob fixnum integer)
  22.104+  (frob integer)
  22.105+  (frob rational)
  22.106+  (frob real)
  22.107+  (frob float)
  22.108+  (frob short-float)
  22.109+  (frob single-float)
  22.110+  (frob double-float)
  22.111+  (frob long-float))
  22.113+(defun of-type (type)
  22.114+  "Returns a function of one argument, which returns true when its argument is
  22.115+of TYPE."
  22.116+  (lambda (thing) (typep thing type)))
  22.118+(define-compiler-macro of-type (&whole form type &environment env)
  22.119+  ;; This can yeild a big benefit, but no point inlining the function
  22.120+  ;; all over the place if TYPE is not constant.
  22.121+  (if (constantp type env)
  22.122+      (with-gensyms (thing)
  22.123+        `(lambda (,thing)
  22.124+           (typep ,thing ,type)))
  22.125+      form))
  22.127+(declaim (inline type=))
  22.128+(defun type= (type1 type2)
  22.129+  "Returns a primary value of T if TYPE1 and TYPE2 are the same type,
  22.130+and a secondary value that is true is the type equality could be reliably
  22.131+determined: primary value of NIL and secondary value of T indicates that the
  22.132+types are not equivalent."
  22.133+  (multiple-value-bind (sub ok) (subtypep type1 type2)
  22.134+    (cond ((and ok sub) ; type1 is known to be a subtype of type 2
  22.135+           ; so type= return values come from the second invocation of subtypep
  22.136+           (subtypep type2 type1))
  22.137+          ;; type1 is assuredly NOT a subtype of type2,
  22.138+          ;; so assuredly type1 and type2 cannot be type=
  22.139+          (ok
  22.140+           (values nil t))
  22.141+          ;; our first result is uncertain ( ok == nil ) and it follows
  22.142+          ;; from specification of SUBTYPEP that sub = ok = NIL
  22.143+          (t
  22.144+           (assert (not sub))           ; is the implementation correct?
  22.145+           (multiple-value-bind (sub2 ok2)
  22.146+               (subtypep type2 type1)
  22.147+             (if  (and (not sub2) ok2)  ; we KNOW type2 is not a subtype of type1
  22.148+                  ;; so our results are certain...
  22.149+                  (values nil t)
  22.150+                  ;; otherwise, either type2 is surely a subtype of type1 (t t)
  22.151+                  ;; or type2 is not a subtype of type1, but we don't
  22.152+                  ;; know that for sure (nil nil)
  22.153+                  ;; In either case our result is negative but unsure
  22.154+                  (values nil nil)))))))
  22.156+(define-modify-macro coercef (type-spec) coerce
  22.157+  "Modify-macro for COERCE.")