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authorDougal <>2023-12-13 23:01:52 -0500
committerDougal <>2023-12-13 23:01:52 -0500
commit9c6ccbad476738d2b46f9855360b7593fecba9ab (patch)
parent1a9bf82f0ebe84fdd7547dac55a1da6a3d5ea3ab (diff)
Tweak binop source ids so that colon, dollar etc are considered atomic
5 files changed, 73 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/AbstractSyntax.hs b/src/lib/AbstractSyntax.hs
index e7a396ce..a169ce4d 100644
--- a/src/lib/AbstractSyntax.hs
+++ b/src/lib/AbstractSyntax.hs
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ withTrailingConstraints
:: GroupW -> (GroupW -> SyntaxM (UAnnBinder VoidS VoidS))
-> SyntaxM (Nest UAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
withTrailingConstraints g cont = case g of
- WithSrcs _ _ (CBin (WithSrc _ Pipe) lhs c) -> do
+ WithSrcs _ _ (CBin Pipe lhs c) -> do
Nest (UAnnBinder expl (WithSrcB sid b) ann cs) bs <- withTrailingConstraints lhs cont
s <- case b of
UBindSource s -> return s
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ explicitBindersOptAnn (WithSrcs _ _ bs) =
-- Binder pattern with an optional type annotation
patOptAnn :: GroupW -> SyntaxM (UPat VoidS VoidS, Maybe (UType VoidS))
-patOptAnn (WithSrcs _ _ (CBin (WithSrc _ Colon) lhs typeAnn)) = (,) <$> pat lhs <*> (Just <$> expr typeAnn)
+patOptAnn (WithSrcs _ _ (CBin Colon lhs typeAnn)) = (,) <$> pat lhs <*> (Just <$> expr typeAnn)
patOptAnn (WithSrcs _ _ (CParens [g])) = patOptAnn g
patOptAnn g = (,Nothing) <$> pat g
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ uBinder (WithSrcs sid _ b) = case b of
tyOptPat :: GroupW -> SyntaxM (UAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
tyOptPat grpTop@(WithSrcs sid _ grp) = case grp of
-- Named type
- CBin (WithSrc _ Colon) lhs typeAnn ->
+ CBin Colon lhs typeAnn ->
UAnnBinder Explicit <$> uBinder lhs <*> (UAnn <$> expr typeAnn) <*> pure []
-- Binder in grouping parens.
CParens [g] -> tyOptPat g
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ casePat = \case
pat :: GroupW -> SyntaxM (UPat VoidS VoidS)
pat (WithSrcs sid _ grp) = WithSrcB sid <$> case grp of
- CBin (WithSrc _ DepComma) lhs rhs -> do
+ CBin DepComma lhs rhs -> do
lhs' <- pat lhs
rhs' <- pat rhs
return $ UPatDepPair $ PairB lhs' rhs'
@@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ pat (WithSrcs sid _ grp) = WithSrcB sid <$> case grp of
tyOptBinder :: Explicitness -> GroupW -> SyntaxM (UAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
tyOptBinder expl (WithSrcs sid sids grp) = case grp of
- CBin (WithSrc _ Pipe) _ rhs -> throw (getSrcId rhs) UnexpectedConstraint
- CBin (WithSrc _ Colon) name ty -> do
+ CBin Pipe _ rhs -> throw (getSrcId rhs) UnexpectedConstraint
+ CBin Colon name ty -> do
b <- uBinder name
ann <- UAnn <$> expr ty
return $ UAnnBinder expl b ann []
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ tyOptBinder expl (WithSrcs sid sids grp) = case grp of
binderOptTy :: Explicitness -> GroupW -> SyntaxM (UAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
binderOptTy expl = \case
- WithSrcs _ _ (CBin (WithSrc _ Colon) name ty) -> do
+ WithSrcs _ _ (CBin Colon name ty) -> do
b <- uBinder name
ann <- UAnn <$> expr ty
return $ UAnnBinder expl b ann []
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ binderOptTy expl = \case
return $ UAnnBinder expl b UNoAnn []
binderReqTy :: Explicitness -> GroupW -> SyntaxM (UAnnBinder VoidS VoidS)
-binderReqTy expl (WithSrcs _ _ (CBin (WithSrc _ Colon) name ty)) = do
+binderReqTy expl (WithSrcs _ _ (CBin Colon name ty)) = do
b <- uBinder name
ann <- UAnn <$> expr ty
return $ UAnnBinder expl b ann []
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ argList gs = partitionEithers <$> mapM singleArg gs
singleArg :: GroupW -> SyntaxM (Either (UExpr VoidS) (UNamedArg VoidS))
singleArg = \case
- WithSrcs _ _ (CBin (WithSrc _ CSEqual) lhs rhs) -> Right <$>
+ WithSrcs _ _ (CBin CSEqual lhs rhs) -> Right <$>
((,) <$> withoutSrc <$> identifier "named argument" lhs <*> expr rhs)
g -> Left <$> expr g
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ blockDecls (d:ds) = do
-- === Concrete to abstract syntax of expressions ===
expr :: GroupW -> SyntaxM (UExpr VoidS)
-expr (WithSrcs sid _ grp) = WithSrcE sid <$> case grp of
+expr (WithSrcs sid sids grp) = WithSrcE sid <$> case grp of
CLeaf x -> leaf sid x
CPrim prim xs -> UPrim prim <$> mapM expr xs
CParens [g] -> do
@@ -449,9 +449,9 @@ expr (WithSrcs sid _ grp) = WithSrcE sid <$> case grp of
args' <- mapM expr args
return $ UTabApp f args'
_ -> error "unexpected postfix group (should be ruled out at grouping stage)"
- CBin (WithSrc opSid op) lhs rhs -> case op of
- Dollar -> extendAppRight <$> expr lhs <*> expr rhs
- Pipe -> extendAppLeft <$> expr lhs <*> expr rhs
+ CBin op lhs rhs -> case op of
+ Dollar -> extendAppRight <$> expr lhs <*> expr rhs
+ Pipe -> extendAppLeft <$> expr lhs <*> expr rhs
Dot -> do
lhs' <- expr lhs
WithSrcs rhsSid _ rhs' <- return rhs
@@ -461,13 +461,17 @@ expr (WithSrcs sid _ grp) = WithSrcE sid <$> case grp of
_ -> throw rhsSid BadField
return $ UFieldAccess lhs' (WithSrc rhsSid name)
DoubleColon -> UTypeAnn <$> (expr lhs) <*> expr rhs
- EvalBinOp s -> evalOp s
+ EvalBinOp (WithSrc opSid s) -> do
+ let f = WithSrcE opSid (fromSourceNameW (WithSrc opSid s))
+ lhs' <- expr lhs
+ rhs' <- expr rhs
+ return $ explicitApp f [lhs', rhs']
DepAmpersand -> do
lhs' <- tyOptPat lhs
UDepPairTy . (UDepPairType ExplicitDepPair lhs') <$> expr rhs
DepComma -> UDepPair <$> (expr lhs) <*> expr rhs
- CSEqual -> throw opSid BadEqualSign
- Colon -> throw opSid BadColon
+ CSEqual -> throw errSid BadEqualSign
+ Colon -> throw errSid BadColon
ImplicitArrow -> case lhs of
WithSrcs _ _ (CParens gs) -> do
bs <- aPiBinders gs
@@ -478,11 +482,9 @@ expr (WithSrcs sid _ grp) = WithSrcE sid <$> case grp of
lhs' <- tyOptPat lhs
UTabPi . (UTabPiExpr lhs') <$> expr rhs
- evalOp s = do
- let f = WithSrcE opSid (fromSourceNameW (WithSrc opSid s))
- lhs' <- expr lhs
- rhs' <- expr rhs
- return $ explicitApp f [lhs', rhs']
+ errSid = case sids of
+ [sid'] -> sid'
+ _ -> sid
CPrefix (WithSrc prefixSid name) g -> do
case name of
"+" -> (withoutSrc <$> expr g) <&> \case
diff --git a/src/lib/ConcreteSyntax.hs b/src/lib/ConcreteSyntax.hs
index 6104c4df..5209466d 100644
--- a/src/lib/ConcreteSyntax.hs
+++ b/src/lib/ConcreteSyntax.hs
@@ -68,19 +68,22 @@ mustParseSourceBlock s = mustParseit s sourceBlock
-- === helpers for target ADT ===
-interpOperator :: String -> Bin
-interpOperator = \case
- "&>" -> DepAmpersand
- "." -> Dot
- ",>" -> DepComma
- ":" -> Colon
- "|" -> Pipe
- "::" -> DoubleColon
- "$" -> Dollar
- "->>" -> ImplicitArrow
- "=>" -> FatArrow
- "=" -> CSEqual
- name -> EvalBinOp $ fromString $ "(" <> name <> ")"
+interpOperator :: SrcId -> String -> ([SrcId], Bin)
+interpOperator sid = \case
+ "&>" -> atomic DepAmpersand
+ "." -> atomic Dot
+ ",>" -> atomic DepComma
+ ":" -> atomic Colon
+ "|" -> atomic Pipe
+ "::" -> atomic DoubleColon
+ "$" -> atomic Dollar
+ "->>" -> atomic ImplicitArrow
+ "=>" -> atomic FatArrow
+ "=" -> atomic CSEqual
+ name -> ([], EvalBinOp $ WithSrc sid $ fromString $ "(" <> name <> ")")
+ where
+ atomic :: Bin -> ([SrcId], Bin)
+ atomic b = ([sid], b)
pattern Identifier :: SourceName -> GroupW
pattern Identifier name <- (WithSrcs _ _ (CLeaf (CIdentifier name)))
@@ -551,9 +554,9 @@ leafGroup = leafGroup' >>= appendPostfixGroups
appendFieldAccess :: GroupW -> Parser Group
appendFieldAccess g = try do
- sid <- dot
+ dot
field <- cFieldName
- return $ CBin (WithSrc sid Dot) g field
+ return $ CBin Dot g field
cFieldName :: Parser GroupW
cFieldName = cIdentifier <|> (toCLeaf CNat <$> natLit)
@@ -622,15 +625,17 @@ ops =
] where
other = ("other", anySymOp)
backquote = ("backquote", Expr.InfixL backquoteOp)
- juxtaposition = ("space", Expr.InfixL $ sc >> addSrcIdToBinOp (return $ CJuxtapose True))
+ juxtaposition = ("space", Expr.InfixL $ sc >> addSrcIdToBinOp (return \x y -> ([], CJuxtapose True x y)))
withClausePostfix = ("with", Expr.Postfix withClausePostfixOp)
arrow = ("->", Expr.InfixR arrowOp)
-addSrcIdToBinOp :: Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> Group) -> Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> GroupW)
+addSrcIdToBinOp :: Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> ([SrcId], Group)) -> Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> GroupW)
addSrcIdToBinOp op = do
f <- op
sid <- freshSrcId
- return \x y -> WithSrcs sid [] $ f x y
+ return \x y -> do
+ let (atomicSids, g) = f x y
+ WithSrcs sid atomicSids g
{-# INLINE addSrcIdToBinOp #-}
addSrcIdToUnOp :: Parser (GroupW -> Group) -> Parser (GroupW -> GroupW)
@@ -642,16 +647,13 @@ addSrcIdToUnOp op = do
backquoteOp :: Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> GroupW)
backquoteOp = binApp do
- WithSrc sid fname <- backquoteName
- return $ WithSrc sid $ EvalBinOp fname
+ fname <- backquoteName
+ return ([], EvalBinOp fname)
anySymOp :: Expr.Operator Parser GroupW
anySymOp = Expr.InfixL $ binApp do
WithSrc sid s <- label "infix operator" (mayBreak anySym)
- return $ WithSrc sid $ interpOperator s
-infixSym :: String -> Parser SrcId
-infixSym s = mayBreak $ symWithId $ T.pack s
+ return $ interpOperator sid s
symOpN :: String -> (SourceName, Expr.Operator Parser GroupW)
symOpN s = (fromString s, Expr.InfixN $ symOp s)
@@ -664,14 +666,14 @@ symOpR s = (fromString s, Expr.InfixR $ symOp s)
symOp :: String -> Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> GroupW)
symOp s = binApp do
- sid <- label "infix operator" (infixSym s)
- return $ WithSrc sid $ interpOperator s
+ sid <- label "infix operator" (mayBreak $ symWithId $ T.pack s)
+ return $ interpOperator sid s
arrowOp :: Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> GroupW)
arrowOp = addSrcIdToBinOp do
- sym "->"
+ sid <- symWithId "->"
optEffs <- optional cEffs
- return \lhs rhs -> CArrow lhs optEffs rhs
+ return \lhs rhs -> ([sid], CArrow lhs optEffs rhs)
unOpPre :: String -> (SourceName, Expr.Operator Parser GroupW)
unOpPre s = (fromString s, Expr.Prefix $ prefixOp s)
@@ -681,8 +683,10 @@ prefixOp s = addSrcIdToUnOp do
symId <- symWithId (fromString s)
return $ CPrefix (WithSrc symId $ fromString s)
-binApp :: Parser BinW -> Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> GroupW)
-binApp f = addSrcIdToBinOp $ CBin <$> f
+binApp :: Parser ([SrcId], Bin) -> Parser (GroupW -> GroupW -> GroupW)
+binApp f = addSrcIdToBinOp do
+ (sids, op) <- f
+ return \x y -> (sids, CBin op x y)
withClausePostfixOp :: Parser (GroupW -> GroupW)
withClausePostfixOp = addSrcIdToUnOp do
diff --git a/src/lib/Lexing.hs b/src/lib/Lexing.hs
index 71ff733d..3d7656e2 100644
--- a/src/lib/Lexing.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Lexing.hs
@@ -218,8 +218,10 @@ symChars :: HS.HashSet Char
symChars = HS.fromList ".,!$^&*:-~+/=<>|?\\@#"
-- XXX: unlike other lexemes, this doesn't consume trailing whitespace
-dot :: Parser SrcId
-dot = srcPos <$> lexeme' (return ()) Symbol (void $ char '.')
+dot :: Parser ()
+dot = do
+ WithSrc sid () <- lexeme' (return ()) Symbol (void $ char '.')
+ emitAtomicLexeme sid
-- === Util ===
@@ -372,9 +374,13 @@ lexeme' sc' lexemeType p = do
atomicLexeme :: LexemeType -> Parser () -> Parser ()
atomicLexeme lexemeType p = do
WithSrc sid () <- lexeme lexemeType p
- modify \ctx -> ctx { curAtomicLexemes = curAtomicLexemes ctx ++ [sid] }
+ emitAtomicLexeme sid
{-# INLINE atomicLexeme #-}
+emitAtomicLexeme :: LexemeId -> Parser ()
+emitAtomicLexeme sid = modify \ctx ->
+ ctx { curAtomicLexemes = curAtomicLexemes ctx ++ [sid] }
collectAtomicLexemeIds :: Parser a -> Parser ([SrcId], a)
collectAtomicLexemeIds p = do
prevAtomicLexemes <- gets curAtomicLexemes
diff --git a/src/lib/SourceIdTraversal.hs b/src/lib/SourceIdTraversal.hs
index 8333bc78..9a1a9e09 100644
--- a/src/lib/SourceIdTraversal.hs
+++ b/src/lib/SourceIdTraversal.hs
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@ instance IsTree Group where
CArrow l effs r -> visit l >> visit effs >> visit r
CWith b body -> visit b >> visit body
+instance IsTree Bin where
+ visit = \case
+ EvalBinOp b -> visit b
+ _ -> return ()
instance IsTree CSBlock where
visit = \case
IndentedBlock sid decls -> enterNode sid $ visit decls
@@ -126,4 +131,3 @@ instance (IsTree a, IsTree b, IsTree c) => IsTree (a, b, c) where
instance IsTree AppExplicitness where visit _ = return ()
instance IsTree SourceName where visit _ = return ()
instance IsTree LetAnn where visit _ = return ()
-instance IsTree Bin where visit _ = return ()
diff --git a/src/lib/Types/Source.hs b/src/lib/Types/Source.hs
index 2334cc4b..66e7ffd1 100644
--- a/src/lib/Types/Source.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Types/Source.hs
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ type GroupW = WithSrcs Group
type CTopDeclW = WithSrcs CTopDecl
type CSDeclW = WithSrcs CSDecl
type SourceNameW = WithSrc SourceName
-type BinW = WithSrc Bin
type BracketedGroup = WithSrcs [GroupW]
-- optional arrow, effects, result type
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ data Group
| CPrim PrimName [GroupW]
| CParens [GroupW]
| CBrackets [GroupW]
- | CBin BinW GroupW GroupW
+ | CBin Bin GroupW GroupW
| CJuxtapose Bool GroupW GroupW -- Bool means "there's a space between the groups"
| CPrefix SourceNameW GroupW -- covers unary - and unary + among others
| CGivens GivenClause
@@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ data CLeaf
type CaseAlt = (GroupW, CSBlock) -- scrutinee, lexeme Id, body
data Bin
- = EvalBinOp SourceName
+ = EvalBinOp SourceNameW
| DepAmpersand
| Dot
| DepComma