diff options
authorDougal <>2024-01-03 17:19:11 -0500
committerDougal <>2024-01-03 17:19:11 -0500
commita7d5c6f5502346c7e0e806a18240b300c5ea9c0e (patch)
parent535243c785030befc60ee058b67a6ad56f454914 (diff)
Add a builder for incremental computations.
Also add binder/occurrence highlighting.
7 files changed, 277 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/IncState.hs b/src/lib/IncState.hs
index 1f676546..b0b9e4ec 100644
--- a/src/lib/IncState.hs
+++ b/src/lib/IncState.hs
@@ -9,11 +9,142 @@
module IncState (
IncState (..), MapEltUpdate (..), MapUpdate (..),
Overwrite (..), TailUpdate (..), Unchanging (..), Overwritable (..),
- mapUpdateMapWithKey, MonoidState (..)) where
+ mapUpdateMapWithKey, MonoidState (..), AllOrNothing (..), fmapIncMap,
+ IncM, IncVar, liftIncM, runIncM, IncFun, fmapIncVar, incZip2, incUnzip3,
+ incUnzip2, incZip3, liftMonoidStateIncM) where
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Data.IORef
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import GHC.Generics
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+-- === incremental computation builder ===
+-- We use IO here for IORefs but we could use ST or something else instead
+type IncFun a b = a -> IO (b, Delta a -> IO (Delta b))
+type IncM = StateT (IO ()) IO
+type IncVar a = (a, IORef (Maybe (Delta a)))
+liftIncM :: IncVar a -> IncFun a b -> IncM (IncVar b)
+liftIncM (x, dxRef) f = do
+ (y, df) <- liftIO $ f x
+ dyRef <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
+ addIncAction do
+ Just dx <- liftIO $ readIORef dxRef
+ dy <- df dx
+ liftIO $ writeIORef dyRef (Just dy)
+ return (y, dyRef)
+-- like LiftIncM but you don't have to bother with the initial values
+liftMonoidStateIncM :: IncVar (MonoidState a) -> IO (a -> IO b) -> IncM (IncVar (MonoidState b))
+liftMonoidStateIncM v createIncFun = liftIncM v \(MonoidState xInit) -> do
+ incFun <- createIncFun
+ yInit <- incFun xInit
+ return (MonoidState yInit, incFun)
+runIncM :: (IncVar a -> IncM (IncVar b)) -> IncFun a b
+runIncM f = \x -> do
+ dxRef <- newIORef Nothing
+ ((y, dyRef), action) <- runStateT (f (x, dxRef)) (return ())
+ return (y, \dx -> do
+ writeIORef dxRef (Just dx)
+ action
+ fromJust <$> readIORef dyRef)
+fmapIncVar :: IncVar a -> (a -> b) -> (Delta a -> Delta b) -> IncM (IncVar b)
+fmapIncVar v f df = liftIncM v \x -> return (f x, \dx -> return $ df dx)
+ :: forall k a b. Ord k
+ => IncVar (M.Map k a) -> (k -> IncVar a -> IncM (IncVar b)) -> IncM (IncVar (M.Map k b))
+fmapIncMap v f = liftIncM v \m -> do
+ initDfsAndResults <- flip M.traverseWithKey m \k x -> runIncM (f k) x
+ let initResults = (fst <$> initDfsAndResults) :: M.Map k b
+ let initDfs = (snd <$> initDfsAndResults) :: M.Map k (Delta a -> IO (Delta b))
+ dfsRef <- newIORef initDfs
+ return (initResults, deltaComputation dfsRef)
+ where
+ deltaComputation
+ :: IORef (M.Map k (Delta a -> IO (Delta b)))
+ -> MapUpdate k a -> IO (MapUpdate k b)
+ deltaComputation dfs dxs = MapUpdate <$> do
+ flip M.traverseWithKey (mapUpdates dxs) \k -> \case
+ Create x -> do
+ (y, df) <- runIncM (f k) x
+ modifyIORef dfs (M.insert k df)
+ return $ Create y
+ Replace x -> do
+ (y, df) <- runIncM (f k) x
+ modifyIORef dfs (M.insert k df)
+ return $ Replace y
+ Update dx -> do
+ df <- fromJust <$> M.lookup k <$> readIORef dfs
+ Update <$> df dx
+ Delete -> do
+ modifyIORef dfs (M.delete k)
+ return Delete
+incUnzip2 :: IncVar (a, b) -> IncM (IncVar a, IncVar b)
+incUnzip2 v = do
+ x <- fmapIncVar v (\(x, _) -> x) (\(dx, _ ) -> dx)
+ y <- fmapIncVar v (\(_, y) -> y) (\(_ , dy) -> dy)
+ return (x, y)
+incUnzip3 :: IncVar (a, b, c) -> IncM (IncVar a, IncVar b, IncVar c)
+incUnzip3 v = do
+ x <- fmapIncVar v (\(x, _, _) -> x) (\(dx, _ , _ ) -> dx)
+ y <- fmapIncVar v (\(_, y, _) -> y) (\(_ , dy, _ ) -> dy)
+ z <- fmapIncVar v (\(_, _, z) -> z) (\(_ , _ , dz) -> dz)
+ return (x, y, z)
+zipIncVar :: IncVar a -> IncVar b -> IncM (IncVar (a, b))
+zipIncVar (x, dxRef) (y, dyRef) = do
+ let xy = (x, y)
+ dxyRef <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing
+ addIncAction do
+ Just dx <- liftIO $ readIORef dxRef
+ Just dy <- liftIO $ readIORef dyRef
+ liftIO $ writeIORef dxyRef (Just (dx, dy))
+ return (xy, dxyRef)
+zipWithIncVar :: IncVar a -> IncVar b -> (a -> b -> c) -> (Delta a -> Delta b -> Delta c) -> IncM (IncVar c)
+zipWithIncVar x y f df = do
+ xy <- zipIncVar x y
+ fmapIncVar xy (uncurry f) (uncurry df)
+incZip2 :: IncVar a -> IncVar b -> IncM (IncVar (a, b))
+incZip2 x y = zipWithIncVar x y (,) (,)
+incZip3 :: IncVar a -> IncVar b -> IncVar c -> IncM (IncVar (a, b, c))
+incZip3 x y z = do
+ xy <- zipWithIncVar x y (,) (,)
+ zipWithIncVar xy z (\(a,b) c -> (a, b, c)) (\(a,b) c -> (a, b, c))
+instance (IncState a, IncState b, IncState c) => IncState (a, b, c) where
+ type Delta (a, b, c) = (Delta a, Delta b, Delta c)
+ applyDiff (x, y, z) (dx, dy, dz) = (applyDiff x dx, applyDiff y dy, applyDiff z dz)
+instance (IncState a, IncState b) => IncState (a, b) where
+ type Delta (a, b) = (Delta a, Delta b)
+ applyDiff (x, y) (dx, dy) = (applyDiff x dx, applyDiff y dy)
+addIncAction :: IO () -> IncM ()
+addIncAction action = modify \curAction -> curAction >> action
+-- === AllOrNothing class ===
+class (forall a. IncState (f a)) => AllOrNothing f where
+ fmapAllOrNothing :: IncVar (f a) -> (a -> b) -> IncM (IncVar (f b))
+instance AllOrNothing Unchanging where
+ fmapAllOrNothing v f = fmapIncVar v (\(Unchanging x) -> Unchanging (f x)) (const ())
+instance AllOrNothing Overwritable where
+ fmapAllOrNothing v f = fmapIncVar v (\(Overwritable x) -> Overwritable (f x)) (fmap f)
-- === Delta type family ===
diff --git a/src/lib/Live/Eval.hs b/src/lib/Live/Eval.hs
index 5605ca6b..3b1ba69d 100644
--- a/src/lib/Live/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Live/Eval.hs
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Live.Eval (
- watchAndEvalFile, EvalServer, CellsState, CellsUpdate,
- NodeList (..), NodeListUpdate (..), subscribeIO, cellsStateAsUpdate) where
+ watchAndEvalFile, EvalServer, CellState (..), CellUpdate (..), CellsState, CellsUpdate,
+ NodeList (..), NodeListUpdate (..), subscribeIO,
+ CellStatus (..), nodeListAsUpdate, NodeId) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ import Types.Source
import TopLevel
import ConcreteSyntax
import MonadUtil
-import RenderHtml
-- === Top-level interface ===
@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@ sourceBlockEvalFun cfg resultChan env block = do
let cfg' = cfg { cfgLogAction = send resultChan }
evalSourceBlockIO cfg' env block
-cellsStateAsUpdate :: CellsState -> CellsUpdate
-cellsStateAsUpdate = nodeListAsUpdate
-- === DAG diff state ===
-- We intend to make this an arbitrary Dag at some point but for now we just
@@ -153,17 +150,6 @@ newtype EvaluatorM a =
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, Actor (EvaluatorMsg))
deriving instance IncServer CellsState EvaluatorM
-instance Semigroup CellUpdate where
- CellUpdate s o <> CellUpdate s' o' = CellUpdate (s<>s') (o<>o')
-instance Monoid CellUpdate where
- mempty = CellUpdate mempty mempty
-instance IncState CellState where
- type Delta CellState = CellUpdate
- applyDiff (CellState source status result) (CellUpdate status' result') =
- CellState source (fromOverwritable (applyDiff (Overwritable status) status')) (result <> result')
instance DefuncState EvaluatorMUpdate EvaluatorM where
update = \case
UpdateDagEU dag -> EvaluatorM $ update dag
@@ -215,7 +201,7 @@ data CellStatus =
| Inert -- doesn't require running at all
deriving (Show, Generic)
-data CellState = CellState SourceBlockWithId CellStatus Outputs
+data CellState = CellState SourceBlock CellStatus Outputs
deriving (Show, Generic)
data CellUpdate = CellUpdate (Overwrite CellStatus) Outputs deriving (Show, Generic)
@@ -291,7 +277,7 @@ launchNextJob = do
curEnv <- (!! cellIndex) <$> getl PrevEnvs
let nodeId = nodeList !! cellIndex
CellState source _ _ <- fromJust <$> getl (NodeInfo nodeId)
- if isInert $ sourceBlockWithoutId source
+ if isInert source
then do
update $ AppendEnv curEnv
@@ -307,7 +293,7 @@ launchJob cellIndex nodeId env = do
threadId <- myThreadId
let jobId = (threadId, nodeId)
let resultsMailbox = sliceMailbox (JobUpdate jobId . PartialJobUpdate) mailbox
- finalEnv <- jobAction resultsMailbox env $ sourceBlockWithoutId source
+ finalEnv <- jobAction resultsMailbox env source
send mailbox $ JobUpdate jobId $ JobComplete finalEnv
let jobId = (threadId, nodeId)
update $ UpdateCurJob (Just (jobId, cellIndex))
@@ -324,7 +310,7 @@ processDagUpdate (NodeListUpdate tailUpdate mapUpdate) = do
envs <- getl PrevEnvs
update $ UpdateEnvs $ take (nValid + 1) envs
update $ UpdateDagEU $ NodeListUpdate tailUpdate $ mapUpdateMapWithKey mapUpdate
- (\cellId (Unchanging source) -> initCellState cellId source)
+ (\_ (Unchanging source) -> initCellState source)
(\_ () -> mempty)
getl CurRunningJob >>= \case
Nothing -> launchNextJob
@@ -351,16 +337,27 @@ isInert sb = case sbContents sb of
EmptyLines -> True
UnParseable _ _ -> True
-initCellState :: NodeId -> SourceBlock -> CellState
-initCellState cellId source = do
+initCellState :: SourceBlock -> CellState
+initCellState source = do
let status = if isInert source
then Inert
else Waiting
- CellState (SourceBlockWithId cellId source) status mempty
+ CellState source status mempty
-- === ToJSON ===
-instance ToJSON CellState where
instance ToJSON CellStatus
-instance ToJSON CellUpdate
instance (IncState s, ToJSON s, ToJSON (Delta s)) => ToJSON (NodeListUpdate s)
+-- === IncState and related instance ===
+instance Semigroup CellUpdate where
+ CellUpdate s o <> CellUpdate s' o' = CellUpdate (s<>s') (o<>o')
+instance Monoid CellUpdate where
+ mempty = CellUpdate mempty mempty
+instance IncState CellState where
+ type Delta CellState = CellUpdate
+ applyDiff (CellState source status result) (CellUpdate status' result') =
+ CellState source (fromOverwritable (applyDiff (Overwritable status) status')) (result <> result')
diff --git a/src/lib/Live/Web.hs b/src/lib/Live/Web.hs
index 7a6da1b6..dfac48bc 100644
--- a/src/lib/Live/Web.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Live/Web.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-- import Paths_dex (getDataFileName)
+import RenderHtml
import Live.Eval
import TopLevel
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ resultStream :: EvalServer -> StreamingBody
resultStream resultsServer write flush = do
sendUpdate ("start"::String)
(initResult, resultsChan) <- subscribeIO resultsServer
- sendUpdate $ cellsStateAsUpdate initResult
- forever $ readChan resultsChan >>= sendUpdate
+ (renderedInit, renderUpdateFun) <- renderResults initResult
+ sendUpdate renderedInit
+ forever $ readChan resultsChan >>= renderUpdateFun >>= sendUpdate
sendUpdate :: ToJSON a => a -> IO ()
sendUpdate x = write (fromByteString $ encodePacket x) >> flush
diff --git a/src/lib/RenderHtml.hs b/src/lib/RenderHtml.hs
index a1730ff6..fe4d7703 100644
--- a/src/lib/RenderHtml.hs
+++ b/src/lib/RenderHtml.hs
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-}
module RenderHtml (
- progHtml, pprintHtml, ToMarkup, renderSourceBlock,
- RenderedSourceBlock, RenderedOutputs, SourceBlockWithId (..)) where
+ progHtml, pprintHtml, ToMarkup, renderSourceBlock, renderResults,
+ RenderedSourceBlock, RenderedOutputs) where
import Text.Blaze.Internal (MarkupM)
-import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H hiding (map, b)
+import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H hiding (map, a, b)
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as At
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..))
@@ -32,22 +32,88 @@ import Err
import Paths_dex (getDataFileName)
import PPrint
import Types.Source
-import Util (unsnoc)
+import Util (unsnoc, foldMapM)
import IncState
+import Live.Eval
--- === rendering source blocks and results ===
+type RenderingState = NodeList RenderedCellState
+type RenderingUpdate = NodeListUpdate RenderedCellState
-type BlockId = Int
-data SourceBlockWithId = SourceBlockWithId
- { sourceBlockId :: BlockId
- , sourceBlockWithoutId :: SourceBlock }
- deriving (Show, Generic)
+data RenderedCellState = RenderedCellState RenderedSourceBlock CellStatus RenderedOutputs
+ deriving Generic
+data RenderedCellUpdate = RenderedCellUpdate (Overwrite CellStatus) RenderedOutputs
+ deriving Generic
+instance Semigroup RenderedCellUpdate where
+ RenderedCellUpdate s o <> RenderedCellUpdate s' o' = RenderedCellUpdate (s<>s') (o<>o')
+instance Monoid RenderedCellUpdate where
+ mempty = RenderedCellUpdate mempty mempty
+instance ToJSON RenderedCellState
+instance ToJSON RenderedCellUpdate
+instance IncState RenderedCellState where
+ type Delta RenderedCellState = RenderedCellUpdate
+ applyDiff (RenderedCellState sb status result) (RenderedCellUpdate status' result') =
+ RenderedCellState sb (fromOverwritable (applyDiff (Overwritable status) status')) (result <> result')
-instance ToJSON SourceBlockWithId where
- toJSON (SourceBlockWithId n b) = toJSON $ renderSourceBlock n b
+renderResults :: CellsState -> IO (RenderingUpdate, CellsUpdate -> IO RenderingUpdate)
+renderResults initState = do
+ (initRender, updates) <- runIncM renderCells initState
+ return (nodeListAsUpdate initRender, updates)
-instance ToJSON Outputs where
- toJSON x = toJSON $ renderOutputs x
+type BlockId = Int
+renderCells :: IncVar CellsState -> IncM (IncVar RenderingState)
+renderCells cells = fmapNodeList cells renderCell
+renderCell :: BlockId -> IncVar CellState -> IncM (IncVar RenderedCellState)
+renderCell blockId cellState = do
+ (sourceBlock, status, outputs) <- unpackCellStateInc cellState
+ sourceBlock' <- fmapAllOrNothing sourceBlock $ renderSourceBlock blockId
+ outputs' <- renderOutputs outputs
+ packRenderedCellState sourceBlock' status outputs'
+renderOutputs :: IncVar (MonoidState Outputs) -> IncM (IncVar (MonoidState RenderedOutputs))
+renderOutputs outputsVar = liftMonoidStateIncM outputsVar do
+ return \(Outputs outs) -> foldMapM renderOutput outs
+fmapNodeList :: IncVar (NodeList a) -> (BlockId -> IncVar a -> IncM (IncVar b)) -> IncM (IncVar (NodeList b))
+fmapNodeList nl f = do
+ (l, m) <- unpackNodeList nl
+ m' <- fmapIncMap m f
+ packNodeList l m'
+ :: IncVar CellState -> IncM ( IncVar (Unchanging SourceBlock)
+ , IncVar (Overwritable CellStatus)
+ , IncVar (MonoidState Outputs) )
+unpackCellStateInc cellState = do
+ incUnzip3 =<< fmapIncVar cellState
+ (\(CellState sb s outs) -> (Unchanging sb, Overwritable s, MonoidState outs))
+ (\(CellUpdate s outs) -> ((), s, outs))
+ :: IncVar (Unchanging RenderedSourceBlock)
+ -> IncVar (Overwritable CellStatus)
+ -> IncVar (MonoidState RenderedOutputs)
+ -> IncM (IncVar RenderedCellState)
+packRenderedCellState sourceBlock status outputs = do
+ renderedCellState <- incZip3 sourceBlock status outputs
+ fmapIncVar renderedCellState
+ (\(Unchanging sb, Overwritable s, MonoidState outs) -> RenderedCellState sb s outs)
+ (\((), s, outs) -> RenderedCellUpdate s outs)
+unpackNodeList :: IncVar (NodeList a) -> IncM (IncVar [NodeId], IncVar (M.Map NodeId a))
+unpackNodeList nl = do
+ incUnzip2 =<< fmapIncVar nl (\(NodeList l m) -> (l, m)) (\(NodeListUpdate l m) -> (l, m))
+packNodeList :: IncVar [NodeId] -> IncVar (M.Map NodeId a) -> IncM (IncVar (NodeList a))
+packNodeList lv mv = do
+ nl <- incZip2 lv mv
+ fmapIncVar nl (\(l, m) -> NodeList l m) (\(l, m) -> NodeListUpdate l m)
-- === rendering results ===
@@ -107,20 +173,19 @@ instance IncState TreeNodeState where
applyDiff (TreeNodeState s h t) (TreeNodeUpdate h' t') =
TreeNodeState s (h<>h') (t<>fold t')
-renderOutputs :: Outputs -> RenderedOutputs
-renderOutputs (Outputs outs) = foldMap renderOutput outs
-renderOutput :: Output -> [RenderedOutput]
+renderOutput :: Output -> IO [RenderedOutput]
renderOutput = \case
- TextOut s -> pure $ RenderedTextOut s
- HtmlOut s -> pure $ RenderedHtmlOut s
+ TextOut s -> emit $ RenderedTextOut s
+ HtmlOut s -> emit $ RenderedHtmlOut s
SourceInfo s -> case s of
- SIGroupingInfo info -> renderGroupingInfo info
- SINamingInfo info -> renderNamingInfo info
- SITypingInfo info -> renderTypingInfo info
- PassResult n s -> pure $ RenderedPassResult n s
- MiscLog s -> pure $ RenderedMiscLog s
- Error e -> pure $ RenderedError (getErrSrcId e) (pprint e)
+ SIGroupingInfo info -> return $ renderGroupingInfo info
+ SINamingInfo info -> return $ renderNamingInfo info
+ SITypingInfo info -> return $ renderTypingInfo info
+ PassResult n s -> emit $ RenderedPassResult n s
+ MiscLog s -> emit $ RenderedMiscLog s
+ Error e -> emit $ RenderedError (getErrSrcId e) (pprint e)
+ where emit :: RenderedOutput -> IO [RenderedOutput]
+ emit x = return [x]
renderSourceBlock :: BlockId -> SourceBlock -> RenderedSourceBlock
renderSourceBlock n b = RenderedSourceBlock
@@ -166,15 +231,20 @@ renderFocus srcId node = case gtnChildren node of
renderNamingInfo :: NamingInfo -> RenderedOutputs
renderNamingInfo (NamingInfo m) = [RenderedTreeNodeUpdate treeNodeUpdate]
- where
- treeNodeUpdate = M.toList m <&> \(sid, node) ->
- (sid, Update $ renderNameInfo node)
-renderNameInfo :: NameInfo -> TreeNodeUpdate
-renderNameInfo = \case
- LocalOcc _ -> TreeNodeUpdate [] ["Local name"]
- LocalBinder _ -> TreeNodeUpdate mempty mempty
- TopOcc s -> TreeNodeUpdate [] [s]
+ where treeNodeUpdate = fold $ M.toList m <&> \(sid, node) -> renderNameInfo sid node
+renderNameInfo :: SrcId -> NameInfo -> [(SrcId, MapEltUpdate TreeNodeState)]
+renderNameInfo sid = \case
+ LocalOcc binderSid -> do
+ let occUpdate = (sid, Update $ TreeNodeUpdate [(binderSid, HighlightBinder)] ["Local name"])
+ let binderUpdate = (binderSid, Update $ TreeNodeUpdate [(sid, HighlightOcc)] [])
+ [occUpdate, binderUpdate]
+ -- TODO: this path isn't exercised because we don't actually generate any
+ -- `LocalBinder` info in `SourceRename`
+ LocalBinder binderScope -> [(sid, Update $ TreeNodeUpdate (selfHighlight:scopeHighlights) mempty)]
+ where selfHighlight = (sid, HighlightBinder)
+ scopeHighlights = binderScope <&> \scopeSid -> (scopeSid, HighlightScope)
+ TopOcc s -> [(sid, Update $ TreeNodeUpdate [] [s])]
renderTypingInfo :: TypingInfo -> RenderedOutputs
renderTypingInfo (TypingInfo m) = [RenderedTreeNodeUpdate treeNodeUpdate]
diff --git a/src/lib/SourceRename.hs b/src/lib/SourceRename.hs
index 0ed26d89..2250b385 100644
--- a/src/lib/SourceRename.hs
+++ b/src/lib/SourceRename.hs
@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ sourceRenameUBinder asUVar (WithSrcB sid ubinder) cont = case ubinder of
when (not mayShadow && shadows) $ throw sid $ RepeatedVarErr $ pprint b
withFreshM (getNameHint b) \name -> do
Distinct <- getDistinct
+ emitNameInfo sid $ LocalBinder []
extendSourceMap sid b (asUVar $ binderName name) $
cont $ WithSrcB sid $ UBind b name
UBind _ _ -> error "Shouldn't be source-renaming internal names"
diff --git a/static/index.ts b/static/index.ts
index dde033f5..9d712f37 100644
--- a/static/index.ts
+++ b/static/index.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ type HTMLString = string
type Div = Element
type Status = "Waiting" | "Running" | "Complete" | "CompleteWithErrors" | "Inert"
-type HighlightType = "HighlightGroup" | "HighlightLeaf" | "HighlightError"
+type HighlightType = "HighlightGroup" | "HighlightLeaf" | "HighlightError" | "HighlightScope"
+ | "HighlightBinder" | "HighlightOcc"
type Highlight = [SrcId, HighlightType]
type HsMaybe<T> = {tag:"Just"; contents:T} | {tag: "Nothing"}
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ function applyTreeNodeUpdate(cell:Cell, srcId:SrcId, update:HsTreeNodeMapUpdate)
const nodeUpdate : HsTreeNodeUpdate = update.contents
const node : TreeNode = cell.treeMap.get(srcId) ?? oops()
nodeUpdate.tnuText.forEach( (t) => {node.text = node.text.concat(t, "\n")})
- nodeUpdate.tnuHighlights.forEach((h) => {node.highlights = node.highlights.concat(h)})}
+ node.highlights = node.highlights.concat(nodeUpdate.tnuHighlights)}
function computeRange(cell:Cell, l:SrcId, r:SrcId) : [Div, Div] | null {
const lDiv = selectSpan(cell, l)
@@ -321,6 +322,12 @@ function computeHighlightClass(h:HighlightType) : string {
return "highlight-leaf"
case "HighlightError":
return "highlight-error"
+ case "HighlightScope":
+ return "highlight-scope";
+ case "HighlightBinder":
+ return "highlight-binder";
+ case "HighlightOcc":
+ return "highlight-occ";
function highlightTreeNode(isTemporary: boolean, node: TreeNode, highlightType:HighlightType) {
diff --git a/static/style.css b/static/style.css
index bceabfe6..988b8cad 100644
--- a/static/style.css
+++ b/static/style.css
@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ body {
text-decoration: red wavy underline;
text-decoration-skip-ink: none;}
.highlight-group { background-color: yellow; }
+.highlight-scope { background-color: lightyellow; }
+.highlight-binder { background-color: lightblue; }
+.highlight-occ { background-color: yellow; }
.highlight-leaf { background-color: lightgray; }
/* lexeme colors */