diff options
authorDougal <>2023-12-01 22:11:51 -0500
committerDougal <>2023-12-01 22:11:51 -0500
commitc23ef4faa90354931aa05fc38c0f8aede873347a (patch)
parent81007ebfb6f42a7b5a6015601ea0065b4c404ed7 (diff)
Show types on hover!
3 files changed, 32 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Inference.hs b/src/lib/Inference.hs
index bd1964d1..f6fb4d92 100644
--- a/src/lib/Inference.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Inference.hs
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import CheckType
import Core
import Err
import IRVariants
+import MonadUtil
import MTL1
import Name
import Subst
@@ -47,11 +48,11 @@ import Util hiding (group)
-- === Top-level interface ===
-checkTopUType :: (Fallible1 m, EnvReader m) => UType n -> m n (CType n)
+checkTopUType :: (Fallible1 m, TopLogger m, EnvReader m) => UType n -> m n (CType n)
checkTopUType ty = liftInfererM $ checkUType ty
{-# SCC checkTopUType #-}
-inferTopUExpr :: (Fallible1 m, EnvReader m) => UExpr n -> m n (TopBlock CoreIR n)
+inferTopUExpr :: (Fallible1 m, TopLogger m, EnvReader m) => UExpr n -> m n (TopBlock CoreIR n)
inferTopUExpr e = fst <$> (asTopBlock =<< liftInfererM (buildBlock $ bottomUp e))
{-# SCC inferTopUExpr #-}
@@ -60,7 +61,9 @@ data UDeclInferenceResult e n =
| UDeclResultBindName LetAnn (TopBlock CoreIR n) (Abs (UBinder (AtomNameC CoreIR)) e n)
| UDeclResultBindPattern NameHint (TopBlock CoreIR n) (ReconAbs CoreIR e n)
-inferTopUDecl :: (Mut n, Fallible1 m, TopBuilder m, HasNamesE e)
+type TopLogger (m::MonadKind1) = forall n. Logger Outputs (m n)
+inferTopUDecl :: (Mut n, Fallible1 m, TopBuilder m, HasNamesE e, TopLogger m)
=> UTopDecl n l -> e l -> m n (UDeclInferenceResult e n)
inferTopUDecl (UStructDecl tc def) result = do
tc' <- emitBinding (getNameHint tc) $ TyConBinding Nothing (DotMethods mempty)
@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ data InfState (n::S) = InfState
, infEffects :: EffectRow CoreIR n }
newtype InfererM (i::S) (o::S) (a:: *) = InfererM
- { runInfererM' :: SubstReaderT Name (ReaderT1 InfState (BuilderT CoreIR Except)) i o a }
+ { runInfererM' :: SubstReaderT Name (ReaderT1 InfState (BuilderT CoreIR (ExceptT (State TypeInfo)))) i o a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFail, Alternative, Builder CoreIR,
EnvExtender, ScopableBuilder CoreIR,
ScopeReader, EnvReader, Fallible, Catchable, SubstReader Name)
@@ -161,14 +164,21 @@ newtype InfererM (i::S) (o::S) (a:: *) = InfererM
type InfererCPSB b i o a = (forall o'. DExt o o' => b o o' -> InfererM i o' a) -> InfererM i o a
type InfererCPSB2 b i i' o a = (forall o'. DExt o o' => b o o' -> InfererM i' o' a) -> InfererM i o a
-liftInfererM :: (EnvReader m, Fallible1 m) => InfererM n n a -> m n a
+liftInfererM :: (EnvReader m, TopLogger m, Fallible1 m) => InfererM n n a -> m n a
liftInfererM cont = do
+ (ansExcept, typeInfo) <- liftInfererMPure cont
+ emitLog $ Outputs [SourceInfo $ SITypeInfo typeInfo]
+ liftExcept ansExcept
+{-# INLINE liftInfererM #-}
+liftInfererMPure :: EnvReader m => InfererM n n a -> m n (Except a, TypeInfo)
+liftInfererMPure cont = do
ansM <- liftBuilderT $ runReaderT1 emptyInfState $ runSubstReaderT idSubst $ runInfererM' cont
- liftExcept ansM
+ return $ runState (runExceptT ansM) mempty
emptyInfState :: InfState n
emptyInfState = InfState (Givens HM.empty) Pure
-{-# INLINE liftInfererM #-}
+{-# INLINE liftInfererMPure #-}
-- === Solver monad ===
@@ -346,6 +356,11 @@ withAllowedEffects :: EffectRow CoreIR o -> InfererM i o a -> InfererM i o a
withAllowedEffects effs cont = withInfState (\(InfState g _) -> InfState g effs) cont
{-# INLINE withAllowedEffects #-}
+emitTypeInfo :: SrcId -> String -> InfererM i o ()
+emitTypeInfo sid ty = do
+ InfererM $ liftSubstReaderT $ lift11 $ lift1 $ lift do
+ modify \(TypeInfo m) -> TypeInfo $ M.insert sid ty m
-- === actual inference pass ===
data RequiredTy (n::S) =
@@ -461,10 +476,11 @@ bottomUp expr = bottomUpExplicit expr >>= instantiateSigma Infer
-- Doesn't instantiate implicit args
bottomUpExplicit :: Emits o => UExpr i -> InfererM i o (SigmaAtom o)
-bottomUpExplicit (WithSrcE _ expr) = case expr of
+bottomUpExplicit (WithSrcE sid expr) = case expr of
UVar ~(InternalName _ sn v) -> do
v' <- renameM v
ty <- getUVarType v'
+ emitTypeInfo sid $ pprint sn ++ " : " ++ pprint ty
return $ SigmaUVar sn ty v'
ULit l -> return $ SigmaAtom Nothing $ Con $ Lit l
UFieldAccess x (WithSrc _ field) -> do
@@ -2012,7 +2028,7 @@ makeStructRepVal tyConName args = do
-- shortcut of just generalizing the data parameters.
generalizeDict :: EnvReader m => CType n -> CDict n -> m n (CDict n)
generalizeDict ty dict = do
- result <- liftEnvReaderT $ liftInfererM $ generalizeDictRec ty dict
+ result <- liftEnvReaderM $ liftM fst $ liftInfererMPure $ generalizeDictRec ty dict
case result of
Failure e -> error $ "Failed to generalize " ++ pprint dict
++ " to " ++ show ty ++ " because " ++ pprint e
@@ -2349,10 +2365,10 @@ checkScalarOrPairType ty = throw TypeErr $ pprint ty
instance DiffStateE SolverSubst SolverDiff where
updateDiffStateE :: forall n. Distinct n => Env n -> SolverSubst n -> SolverDiff n -> SolverSubst n
- updateDiffStateE _ initState (SolverDiff (RListE diffs)) = foldl update initState (unsnoc diffs)
+ updateDiffStateE _ initState (SolverDiff (RListE diffs)) = foldl update' initState (unsnoc diffs)
- update :: Distinct n => SolverSubst n -> Solution n -> SolverSubst n
- update (SolverSubst subst) (PairE v x) = SolverSubst $ M.insert v x subst
+ update' :: Distinct n => SolverSubst n -> Solution n -> SolverSubst n
+ update' (SolverSubst subst) (PairE v x) = SolverSubst $ M.insert v x subst
instance SinkableE InfState where sinkingProofE _ = todoSinkableProof
diff --git a/static/index.js b/static/index.js
index 5a0e0693..4a9044db 100644
--- a/static/index.js
+++ b/static/index.js
@@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ function applyHover(cellId, srcId) {
function applyHoverInfo(cellId, srcId) {
let hoverInfo = lookupSrcMap(hoverInfoMap, cellId, srcId)
- hoverInfoDiv.innerHTML = srcId.toString() // hoverInfo
+ if (hoverInfo !== undefined) {
+ hoverInfoDiv.innerHTML = hoverInfo
+ }
function applyHoverHighlights(cellId, srcId) {
let highlights = lookupSrcMap(highlightMap, cellId, srcId)
diff --git a/static/style.css b/static/style.css
index 5c83bb2c..e9f78a6d 100644
--- a/static/style.css
+++ b/static/style.css
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ body {
#hover-info {
position: fixed;
- height: 10rem;
+ height: 5rem;
bottom: 0em;
width: 100vw;
overflow: hidden;