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authorDougal <>2023-10-22 21:06:15 -0400
committerDougal <>2023-10-22 21:06:15 -0400
commitde88bf8bfcf164fc90d603c61539274455498f96 (patch)
parent0ff323354d426aead464b8a597d98a283da370be (diff)
Factor out the way Simplify handles ACase.
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Simplify.hs b/src/lib/Simplify.hs
index 09c96654..b597ffa9 100644
--- a/src/lib/Simplify.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Simplify.hs
@@ -104,6 +104,75 @@ tryAsDataAtom atom = do
notData = error $ "Not runtime-representable data: " ++ pprint atom
+data WithSubst (e::E) (o::S) where
+ WithSubst :: Subst AtomSubstVal i o -> e i -> WithSubst e o
+data ConcreteCAtom (n::S) =
+ CCCon (WithSubst CAtom n) -- can't be Stuck or SimpInCore
+ | CCSimpInCore (SimpInCore n) -- can't be ACase
+ | CCNoInlineFun (CAtomVar n) (CType n) (CAtom n)
+ | CCFFIFun (CorePiType n) (TopFunName n)
+-- Yields to the continuation a term with a concrete CoreIR constructor,
+-- or LiftSimpFun, liftSimp, or TabLam.
+ :: Emits o
+ => CAtom i
+ -> (forall o' i'. (DExt o o', Emits o') => ConcreteCAtom o'-> SimplifyM i' o' (CAtom o'))
+ -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
+forceConstructor atom cont = withDistinct case atom of
+ Stuck stuck -> forceStuck stuck cont
+ SimpInCore lifted -> case lifted of
+ ACase e alts resultTy -> do
+ e' <- substM e
+ resultTy' <- substM resultTy
+ defuncCase e' resultTy' \i x -> do
+ Abs b body <- return $ alts !! i
+ extendSubst (b@>SubstVal x) do
+ forceConstructor body cont
+ _ -> do
+ lifted' <- substM lifted
+ cont $ CCSimpInCore lifted'
+ _ -> do
+ Distinct <- getDistinct
+ subst <- getSubst
+ cont $ CCCon $ WithSubst subst atom
+ :: Emits o
+ => CStuck i
+ -> (forall o' i'. (DExt o o', Emits o') => ConcreteCAtom o'-> SimplifyM i' o' (CAtom o'))
+ -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
+forceStuck stuck cont = withDistinct case stuck of
+ StuckVar v -> lookupSubstM (atomVarName v) >>= \case
+ SubstVal x -> dropSubst $ forceConstructor x cont
+ Rename v' -> lookupAtomName v' >>= \case
+ LetBound (DeclBinding _ (Atom x)) -> dropSubst $ forceConstructor x cont
+ NoinlineFun t f -> do
+ v'' <- toAtomVar v'
+ cont $ CCNoInlineFun v'' t f
+ FFIFunBound t f -> cont $ CCFFIFun t f
+ _ -> error "shouldn't have other CVars left"
+ -- TODO: figure out how to de-dup these cases with their Expr counterpart
+ StuckProject _ i x -> do
+ ty <- substM $ getType stuck
+ forceStuck x \case
+ CCSimpInCore (LiftSimp _ x') -> do
+ x'' <- proj i x'
+ cont $ CCSimpInCore $ LiftSimp (sink ty) x''
+ CCCon (WithSubst s con) -> withSubst s case con of
+ ProdVal xs -> forceConstructor (xs!!i) cont
+ DepPair l r _ -> forceConstructor ([l, r]!!i) cont
+ _ -> error "Can't project stuck term"
+ _ -> error "Can't project stuck term"
+ StuckUnwrap _ x -> forceStuck x \case
+ CCCon (WithSubst s con) -> withSubst s case con of
+ NewtypeCon _ x' -> forceConstructor x' cont
+ _ -> error "can't unwrap stuck term"
+ _ -> error "can't unwrap stuck term"
+ InstantiatedGiven _ _ _ -> error "shouldn't have this left"
+ SuperclassProj _ _ _ -> error "shouldn't have this left"
forceTabLam :: Emits n => TabLamExpr n -> SimplifyM i n (SAtom n)
forceTabLam (PairE ixTy (Abs b ab)) =
buildFor (getNameHint b) Fwd ixTy \v -> do
@@ -315,8 +384,7 @@ simplifyExpr expr = confuseGHC >>= \_ -> case expr of
simplifyApp ty' f xs'
TabApp _ f xs -> do
xs' <- mapM simplifyAtom xs
- f' <- simplifyAtom f
- simplifyTabApp f' xs'
+ simplifyTabApp f xs'
Atom x -> simplifyAtom x
PrimOp op -> simplifyOp op
ApplyMethod (EffTy _ ty) dict i xs -> do
@@ -379,6 +447,7 @@ defuncCaseCore scrut resultTy cont = do
let xCoreTy = altBinderTys !! i
x' <- liftSimpAtom (sink xCoreTy) x
cont i x'
+ -- TODO: we should use forceConstructor here
Nothing -> case trySelectBranch scrut of
Just (i, arg) -> getDistinct >>= \Distinct -> cont i arg
Nothing -> go scrut where
@@ -449,61 +518,21 @@ simplifyAlt split ty cont = do
simplifyApp :: forall i o. Emits o
=> CType o -> CAtom i -> [CAtom o] -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
-simplifyApp resultTy f xs = case f of
- Lam (CoreLamExpr _ lam) -> fast lam
- _ -> slow =<< simplifyAtomAndInline f
- where
- fast :: LamExpr CoreIR i' -> SimplifyM i' o (CAtom o)
- fast lam = withInstantiated lam xs \body -> simplifyExpr body
- slow :: CAtom o -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
- slow = \case
- Lam (CoreLamExpr _ lam) -> dropSubst $ fast lam
- SimpInCore (ACase e alts _) -> dropSubst do
- defuncCase e resultTy \i x -> do
- Abs b body <- return $ alts !! i
- extendSubst (b@>SubstVal x) do
- xs' <- mapM sinkM xs
- simplifyApp (sink resultTy) body xs'
- SimpInCore (LiftSimpFun _ lam) -> do
- xs' <- mapM toDataAtomIgnoreRecon xs
- result <- instantiate lam xs' >>= emitExpr
- liftSimpAtom resultTy result
- Var v -> do
- lookupAtomName (atomVarName v) >>= \case
- NoinlineFun _ _ -> simplifyTopFunApp v xs
- FFIFunBound _ f' -> do
- xs' <- mapM toDataAtomIgnoreRecon xs
- liftSimpAtom resultTy =<< naryTopApp f' xs'
- b -> error $ "Should only have noinline functions left " ++ pprint b
- atom -> error $ "Unexpected function: " ++ pprint atom
--- | Like `simplifyAtom`, but will try to inline function definitions found
--- in the environment. The only exception is when we're going to differentiate
--- and the function has a custom derivative rule defined.
--- TODO(dougalm): do we still need this?
-simplifyAtomAndInline :: CAtom i -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
-simplifyAtomAndInline atom = confuseGHC >>= \_ -> case atom of
- Var v -> do
- env <- getSubst
- case env ! atomVarName v of
- Rename v' -> doInline =<< toAtomVar v'
- SubstVal (Var v') -> doInline v'
- SubstVal x -> return x
- -- This is a hack because we weren't normalize the unwrapping of
- -- `unit_type_scale` in `plot.dx`. We need a better system for deciding how to
- -- normalize and inline.
- Stuck (StuckProject _ i x) -> do
- x' <- simplifyStuck x >>= reduceProj i
- dropSubst $ simplifyAtomAndInline x'
- _ -> simplifyAtom atom >>= \case
- Var v -> doInline v
- ans -> return ans
- where
- doInline v = do
- lookupAtomName (atomVarName v) >>= \case
- LetBound (DeclBinding _ (Atom x)) -> dropSubst $ simplifyAtomAndInline x
- _ -> return $ Var v
+simplifyApp resultTy f xs = forceConstructor f \f' -> do
+ xs' <- mapM sinkM xs
+ case f' of
+ CCCon (WithSubst s (Lam (CoreLamExpr _ lam))) ->
+ withSubst s $ withInstantiated lam xs' \body ->
+ simplifyExpr body
+ CCSimpInCore (LiftSimpFun _ lam) -> do
+ xs'' <- mapM toDataAtomIgnoreRecon xs'
+ result <- instantiate lam xs'' >>= emitExpr
+ liftSimpAtom (sink resultTy) result
+ CCNoInlineFun v _ _ -> simplifyTopFunApp v xs'
+ CCFFIFun _ f'' -> do
+ xs'' <- mapM toDataAtomIgnoreRecon xs'
+ liftSimpAtom (sink resultTy) =<< naryTopApp f'' xs''
+ _ -> error "not a function"
simplifyTopFunApp :: Emits n => CAtomVar n -> [CAtom n] -> SimplifyM i n (CAtom n)
simplifyTopFunApp fName xs = do
@@ -547,33 +576,23 @@ specializedFunCoreDefinition (AppSpecialization f (Abs bs staticArgs)) = do
naryApp f' staticArgs'
simplifyTabApp :: forall i o. Emits o
- => CAtom o -> [CAtom o] -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
-simplifyTabApp f [] = return f
-simplifyTabApp f@(SimpInCore sic) xs = case sic of
- TabLam _ _ -> do
- case fromNaryTabLam (length xs) f of
+ => CAtom i -> [CAtom o] -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
+simplifyTabApp f [] = simplifyAtom f
+simplifyTabApp f xs = forceConstructor f \case
+ CCSimpInCore sic@(TabLam _ _) -> do
+ case fromNaryTabLam (length xs) (SimpInCore sic) of
Just (bsCount, ab) -> do
- let (xsPref, xsRest) = splitAt bsCount xs
+ (xsPref, xsRest) <- splitAt bsCount <$> mapM sinkM xs
xsPref' <- mapM toDataAtomIgnoreRecon xsPref
block' <- instantiate ab xsPref'
atom <- emitDecls block'
- simplifyTabApp atom xsRest
+ dropSubst $ simplifyTabApp atom xsRest
Nothing -> error "should never happen"
- ACase e alts ty -> dropSubst do
- resultTy <- typeOfTabApp ty xs
- defuncCase e resultTy \i x -> do
- Abs b body <- return $ alts !! i
- extendSubst (b@>SubstVal x) do
- xs' <- mapM sinkM xs
- body' <- substM body
- simplifyTabApp body' xs'
- LiftSimp _ f' -> do
- fTy <- return $ getType f
- resultTy <- typeOfTabApp fTy xs
- xs' <- mapM toDataAtomIgnoreRecon xs
+ CCSimpInCore (LiftSimp fTy f') -> do
+ resultTy <- typeOfTabApp fTy (sink<$>xs)
+ xs' <- mapM (toDataAtomIgnoreRecon . sink) xs
liftSimpAtom resultTy =<< naryTabApp f' xs'
- LiftSimpFun _ _ -> error "not implemented"
-simplifyTabApp f _ = error $ "Unexpected table: " ++ pprint f
+ _ -> error "not a table"
simplifyIxType :: IxType CoreIR o -> SimplifyM i o (IxType SimpIR o)
simplifyIxType (IxType t ixDict) = do
@@ -625,40 +644,8 @@ ixMethodType method absDict = do
let allBs = extraArgBs >>> methodArgs
return $ PiType allBs (EffTy Pure resultTy)
--- TODO: do we even need this, or is it just a glorified `SubstM`?
simplifyAtom :: CAtom i -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
-simplifyAtom atom = confuseGHC >>= \_ -> case atom of
- Stuck e -> simplifyStuck e
- Lam _ -> substM atom
- DepPair x y ty -> DepPair <$> simplifyAtom x <*> simplifyAtom y <*> substM ty
- Con con -> Con <$> traverseOp con substM simplifyAtom (error "unexpected lambda")
- Eff eff -> Eff <$> substM eff
- PtrVar t v -> PtrVar t <$> substM v
- DictCon _ -> substM atom
- NewtypeCon _ _ -> substM atom
- SimpInCore _ -> substM atom
- TypeAsAtom _ -> substM atom
-simplifyStuck :: CStuck i -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
-simplifyStuck = \case
- StuckVar v -> simplifyVar v
- StuckProject _ i x -> reduceProj i =<< simplifyStuck x
- stuck -> substM (Stuck stuck)
-simplifyVar :: AtomVar CoreIR i -> SimplifyM i o (CAtom o)
-simplifyVar v = do
- env <- getSubst
- case env ! atomVarName v of
- SubstVal x -> return x
- Rename v' -> do
- AtomNameBinding bindingInfo <- lookupEnv v'
- let ty = getType bindingInfo
- case bindingInfo of
- -- Functions get inlined only at application sites
- LetBound (DeclBinding _ _) | isFun -> return $ Var $ AtomVar v' ty
- where isFun = case ty of Pi _ -> True; _ -> False
- LetBound (DeclBinding _ (Atom x)) -> dropSubst $ simplifyAtom x
- _ -> return $ Var $ AtomVar v' ty
+simplifyAtom = substM
-- Assumes first order (args/results are "data", allowing newtypes), monormophic