diff options
4 files changed, 84 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Actor.hs b/src/lib/Actor.hs
index 59ff089a..c722ebdd 100644
--- a/src/lib/Actor.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Actor.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Actor (
ActorM, Actor (..), launchActor, send, selfMailbox, messageLoop,
sliceMailbox, SubscribeMsg (..), IncServer, IncServerT, FileWatcher,
StateServer, flushDiffs, handleSubscribeMsg, subscribe, subscribeIO, sendSync,
- runIncServerT, launchFileWatcher, Mailbox, launchIncFunctionEvaluator
+ runIncServerT, launchFileWatcher, Mailbox,
) where
import Control.Concurrent
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ newtype ActorM msg a = ActorM { runActorM :: ReaderT (Chan msg) IO a }
newtype Mailbox a = Mailbox { sendToMailbox :: a -> IO () }
-class (Show msg, MonadIO m) => Actor msg m | m -> msg where
+class (MonadIO m) => Actor msg m | m -> msg where
selfChan :: m (Chan msg)
-instance Show msg => Actor msg (ActorM msg) where
+instance Actor msg (ActorM msg) where
selfChan = ActorM ask
instance Actor msg m => Actor msg (ReaderT r m) where selfChan = lift $ selfChan
@@ -94,34 +94,34 @@ sendSync mailbox msg = do
-- === Diff server ===
-data IncServerState s d = IncServerState
- { subscribers :: [Mailbox d]
- , bufferedUpdates :: d
+data IncServerState s = IncServerState
+ { subscribers :: [Mailbox (Delta s)]
+ , bufferedUpdates :: Delta s
, curIncState :: s }
- deriving (Show, Generic)
+ deriving (Generic)
-class (Monoid d, MonadIO m) => IncServer s d m | m -> s, m -> d where
- getIncServerStateRef :: m (IORef (IncServerState s d))
+class (IncState s, MonadIO m) => IncServer s m | m -> s where
+ getIncServerStateRef :: m (IORef (IncServerState s))
-data SubscribeMsg s d = Subscribe (SyncMsg (Mailbox d) s) deriving (Show)
+data SubscribeMsg s = Subscribe (SyncMsg (Mailbox (Delta s)) s) deriving (Show)
-getIncServerState :: IncServer s d m => m (IncServerState s d)
+getIncServerState :: IncServer s m => m (IncServerState s)
getIncServerState = readRef =<< getIncServerStateRef
-updateIncServerState :: IncServer s d m => (IncServerState s d -> IncServerState s d) -> m ()
+updateIncServerState :: IncServer s m => (IncServerState s -> IncServerState s) -> m ()
updateIncServerState f = do
ref <- getIncServerStateRef
prev <- readRef ref
writeRef ref $ f prev
-handleSubscribeMsg :: IncServer s d m => SubscribeMsg s d -> m ()
+handleSubscribeMsg :: IncServer s m => SubscribeMsg s -> m ()
handleSubscribeMsg (Subscribe (SyncMsg newSub response)) = do
updateIncServerState \s -> s { subscribers = newSub : subscribers s }
curState <- curIncState <$> getIncServerState
setPromise response curState
-flushDiffs :: IncServer s d m => m ()
+flushDiffs :: IncServer s m => m ()
flushDiffs = do
d <- bufferedUpdates <$> getIncServerState
updateIncServerState \s -> s { bufferedUpdates = mempty }
@@ -129,69 +129,39 @@ flushDiffs = do
-- TODO: consider testing for emptiness here
forM_ subs \sub -> send sub d
-type StateServer s d = Mailbox (SubscribeMsg s d)
+type StateServer s = Mailbox (SubscribeMsg s)
-subscribe :: Actor msg m => (d -> msg) -> StateServer s d -> m s
+subscribe :: (IncState s, Actor msg m) => (Delta s -> msg) -> StateServer s -> m s
subscribe inject server = do
updateChannel <- selfMailbox inject
sendSync (sliceMailbox Subscribe server) updateChannel
-subscribeIO :: StateServer s d -> IO (s, Chan d)
+subscribeIO :: IncState s => StateServer s -> IO (s, Chan (Delta s))
subscribeIO server = do
chan <- newChan
let mailbox = Mailbox (writeChan chan)
s <- sendSync (sliceMailbox Subscribe server) mailbox
return (s, chan)
-newtype IncServerT s d m a = IncServerT { runIncServerT' :: ReaderT (Ref (IncServerState s d)) m a }
+newtype IncServerT s m a = IncServerT { runIncServerT' :: ReaderT (Ref (IncServerState s)) m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, Actor msg, FreshNames name, MonadTrans)
-instance (MonadIO m, IncState s d) => IncServer s d (IncServerT s d m) where
+instance (MonadIO m, IncState s) => IncServer s (IncServerT s m) where
getIncServerStateRef = IncServerT ask
-instance (MonadIO m, IncState s d) => DefuncState d (IncServerT s d m) where
+instance (MonadIO m, IncState s, d ~ Delta s) => DefuncState d (IncServerT s m) where
update d = updateIncServerState \s -> s
{ bufferedUpdates = bufferedUpdates s <> d
, curIncState = curIncState s `applyDiff` d}
-instance (MonadIO m, IncState s d) => LabelReader (SingletonLabel s) (IncServerT s d m) where
+instance (MonadIO m, IncState s) => LabelReader (SingletonLabel s) (IncServerT s m) where
getl It = curIncState <$> getIncServerState
-runIncServerT :: (MonadIO m, IncState s d) => s -> IncServerT s d m a -> m a
+runIncServerT :: (MonadIO m, IncState s) => s -> IncServerT s m a -> m a
runIncServerT s cont = do
ref <- newRef $ IncServerState [] mempty s
runReaderT (runIncServerT' cont) ref
--- === Incremental function server ===
--- If you just need something that computes a function incrementally and doesn't
--- need to maintain any other state then this will do.
-data IncFunctionEvaluatorMsg da b db =
- Subscribe_IFEM (SubscribeMsg b db)
- | Update_IFEM da
- deriving (Show)
- :: (IncState b db, Show da, MonadIO m)
- => StateServer a da
- -> (a -> (b,s))
- -> (b -> s -> da -> (db, s))
- -> m (StateServer b db)
-launchIncFunctionEvaluator server fInit fUpdate =
- sliceMailbox Subscribe_IFEM <$> launchActor do
- x0 <- subscribe Update_IFEM server
- let (y0, s0) = fInit x0
- flip evalStateT s0 $ runIncServerT y0 $ messageLoop \case
- Subscribe_IFEM msg -> handleSubscribeMsg msg
- Update_IFEM dx -> do
- y <- getl It
- s <- lift get
- let (dy, s') = fUpdate y s dx
- lift $ put s'
- update dy
- flushDiffs
-- === Refs ===
-- Just a wrapper around IORef lifted to `MonadIO`
@@ -218,14 +188,14 @@ launchClock intervalMicroseconds mailbox =
-- === File watcher ===
type SourceFileContents = Text
-type FileWatcher = StateServer (Overwritable SourceFileContents) (Overwrite SourceFileContents)
+type FileWatcher = StateServer (Overwritable SourceFileContents)
readFileContents :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Text
readFileContents path = liftIO $ T.decodeUtf8 <$> BS.readFile path
data FileWatcherMsg =
ClockSignal_FW ()
- | Subscribe_FW (SubscribeMsg (Overwritable Text) (Overwrite Text))
+ | Subscribe_FW (SubscribeMsg (Overwritable Text))
deriving (Show)
launchFileWatcher :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m FileWatcher
diff --git a/src/lib/IncState.hs b/src/lib/IncState.hs
index a9a2bcb4..1f676546 100644
--- a/src/lib/IncState.hs
+++ b/src/lib/IncState.hs
@@ -15,24 +15,26 @@ import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import GHC.Generics
--- === IncState ===
+-- === Delta type family ===
-class Monoid d => IncState s d where
- applyDiff :: s -> d -> s
+class Monoid (Delta s) => IncState s where
+ type Delta s :: *
+ applyDiff :: s -> Delta s -> s
-- === Diff utils ===
-data MapEltUpdate s d =
+data MapEltUpdate s =
Create s
| Replace s -- TODO: should we merge Create/Replace?
- | Update d
+ | Update (Delta s)
| Delete
- deriving (Eq, Functor, Show, Generic)
+ deriving (Generic)
-newtype MapUpdate k s d = MapUpdate { mapUpdates :: M.Map k (MapEltUpdate s d) }
- deriving (Functor, Show, Generic)
+newtype MapUpdate k s = MapUpdate { mapUpdates :: M.Map k (MapEltUpdate s) }
-mapUpdateMapWithKey :: MapUpdate k s d -> (k -> s -> s') -> (k -> d -> d') -> MapUpdate k s' d'
+ :: (IncState s, IncState s')
+ => MapUpdate k s -> (k -> s -> s') -> (k -> Delta s -> Delta s') -> MapUpdate k s'
mapUpdateMapWithKey (MapUpdate m) fs fd =
MapUpdate $ flip M.mapWithKey m \k v -> case v of
Create s -> Create $ fs k s
@@ -40,10 +42,10 @@ mapUpdateMapWithKey (MapUpdate m) fs fd =
Update d -> Update $ fd k d
Delete -> Delete
-instance (IncState s d, Ord k) => Monoid (MapUpdate k s d) where
+instance (IncState s, Ord k) => Monoid (MapUpdate k s) where
mempty = MapUpdate mempty
-instance (IncState s d, Ord k) => Semigroup (MapUpdate k s d) where
+instance (IncState s, Ord k) => Semigroup (MapUpdate k s) where
MapUpdate m1 <> MapUpdate m2 = MapUpdate $
M.mapMaybe id (M.intersectionWith combineElts m1 m2)
<> M.difference m1 m2
@@ -70,7 +72,8 @@ instance (IncState s d, Ord k) => Semigroup (MapUpdate k s d) where
Update _ -> error "shouldn't be updating a node that doesn't exist"
Delete -> error "shouldn't be deleting a node that doesn't exist"
-instance (IncState s d, Ord k) => IncState (M.Map k s) (MapUpdate k s d) where
+instance (IncState s, Ord k) => IncState (M.Map k s) where
+ type Delta (M.Map k s) = MapUpdate k s
applyDiff m (MapUpdate updates) =
M.mapMaybe id (M.intersectionWith applyEltUpdate m updates)
<> M.difference m updates
@@ -101,7 +104,8 @@ instance Semigroup (TailUpdate a) where
instance Monoid (TailUpdate a) where
mempty = TailUpdate 0 []
-instance IncState [a] (TailUpdate a) where
+instance IncState [a] where
+ type Delta [a] = TailUpdate a
applyDiff xs (TailUpdate numDrop ys) = take (length xs - numDrop) xs <> ys
-- Trivial diff that works for any type - just replace the old value with a completely new one.
@@ -117,7 +121,8 @@ instance Semigroup (Overwrite a) where
instance Monoid (Overwrite a) where
mempty = NoChange
-instance IncState (Overwritable a) (Overwrite a) where
+instance IncState (Overwritable a) where
+ type Delta (Overwritable a) = Overwrite a
applyDiff s = \case
NoChange -> s
OverwriteWith s' -> Overwritable s'
@@ -125,18 +130,19 @@ instance IncState (Overwritable a) (Overwrite a) where
-- Case when the diff and the state are the same
newtype MonoidState a = MonoidState a
-instance Monoid a => IncState (MonoidState a) a where
+instance Monoid a => IncState (MonoidState a) where
+ type Delta (MonoidState a) = a
applyDiff (MonoidState d) d' = MonoidState $ d <> d'
-- Trivial diff that works for any type - just replace the old value with a completely new one.
newtype Unchanging a = Unchanging { fromUnchanging :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance IncState (Unchanging a) () where
+instance IncState (Unchanging a) where
+ type Delta (Unchanging a) = ()
applyDiff s () = s
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Overwrite a)
-instance (ToJSON k, ToJSON s, ToJSON d) => ToJSON (MapUpdate k s d) where
+instance (ToJSON k, ToJSON s, ToJSON (Delta s)) => ToJSON (MapUpdate k s) where
toJSON m = toJSON $ M.toList $ mapUpdates m
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (TailUpdate a)
-instance (ToJSON s, ToJSON d) => ToJSON (MapEltUpdate s d)
+instance (ToJSON s, ToJSON (Delta s)) => ToJSON (MapEltUpdate s)
diff --git a/src/lib/Live/Eval.hs b/src/lib/Live/Eval.hs
index 77d9c472..5605ca6b 100644
--- a/src/lib/Live/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/lib/Live/Eval.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import RenderHtml
-- === Top-level interface ===
-type EvalServer = StateServer CellsState CellsUpdate
+type EvalServer = StateServer CellsState
-- `watchAndEvalFile` returns the channel by which a client may
-- subscribe by sending a write-only view of its input channel.
@@ -63,25 +63,26 @@ data NodeList a = NodeList
, nodeMap :: M.Map NodeId a }
deriving (Show, Generic, Functor)
-data NodeListUpdate s d = NodeListUpdate
+data NodeListUpdate s = NodeListUpdate
{ orderedNodesUpdate :: TailUpdate NodeId
- , nodeMapUpdate :: MapUpdate NodeId s d }
- deriving (Show, Generic)
+ , nodeMapUpdate :: MapUpdate NodeId s }
+ deriving (Generic)
-instance IncState s d => Semigroup (NodeListUpdate s d) where
+instance IncState s => Semigroup (NodeListUpdate s) where
NodeListUpdate x1 y1 <> NodeListUpdate x2 y2 = NodeListUpdate (x1<>x2) (y1<>y2)
-instance IncState s d => Monoid (NodeListUpdate s d) where
+instance IncState s => Monoid (NodeListUpdate s) where
mempty = NodeListUpdate mempty mempty
-instance IncState s d => IncState (NodeList s) (NodeListUpdate s d) where
+instance IncState s => IncState (NodeList s) where
+ type Delta (NodeList s) = NodeListUpdate s
applyDiff (NodeList m xs) (NodeListUpdate dm dxs) =
NodeList (applyDiff m dm) (applyDiff xs dxs)
type Dag a = NodeList (Unchanging a)
-type DagUpdate a = NodeListUpdate (Unchanging a) ()
+type DagUpdate a = NodeListUpdate (Unchanging a)
-nodeListAsUpdate :: NodeList s -> NodeListUpdate s d
+nodeListAsUpdate :: NodeList s -> NodeListUpdate s
nodeListAsUpdate (NodeList xs m)= NodeListUpdate (TailUpdate 0 xs) (MapUpdate $ fmap Create m)
emptyNodeList :: NodeList a
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ commonPrefixLength _ _ = 0
nodeListVals :: NodeList a -> [a]
nodeListVals nodes = orderedNodes nodes <&> \k -> fromJust $ M.lookup k (nodeMap nodes)
-computeNodeListUpdate :: (Eq s, FreshNames NodeId m) => NodeList s -> [s] -> m (NodeListUpdate s d)
+computeNodeListUpdate :: (Eq s, FreshNames NodeId m) => NodeList s -> [s] -> m (NodeListUpdate s)
computeNodeListUpdate nodes newVals = do
let prefixLength = commonPrefixLength (nodeListVals nodes) newVals
let oldTail = drop prefixLength $ orderedNodes nodes
@@ -114,10 +115,10 @@ computeNodeListUpdate nodes newVals = do
-- This coarsely parses the full file into blocks and forms a DAG (for now a
-- trivial one assuming all top-to-bottom dependencies) of the results.
-type CellParser = StateServer (Dag SourceBlock) (DagUpdate SourceBlock)
+type CellParser = StateServer (Dag SourceBlock)
data CellParserMsg =
- Subscribe_CP (SubscribeMsg (Dag SourceBlock) (DagUpdate SourceBlock))
+ Subscribe_CP (SubscribeMsg (Dag SourceBlock))
| Update_CP (Overwrite Text)
deriving (Show)
@@ -143,14 +144,14 @@ cellParserImpl fileWatcher parseCells = runFreshNameT do
-- This is where we track the state of evaluation and decide what we needs to be
-- run and what needs to be killed.
-type Evaluator = StateServer CellsState CellsUpdate
+type Evaluator = StateServer CellsState
newtype EvaluatorM a =
EvaluatorM { runEvaluatorM' ::
- IncServerT CellsState CellsUpdate
+ IncServerT CellsState
(StateT EvaluatorState
(ActorM EvaluatorMsg)) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, Actor (EvaluatorMsg))
-deriving instance IncServer CellsState CellsUpdate EvaluatorM
+deriving instance IncServer CellsState EvaluatorM
instance Semigroup CellUpdate where
CellUpdate s o <> CellUpdate s' o' = CellUpdate (s<>s') (o<>o')
@@ -158,7 +159,8 @@ instance Semigroup CellUpdate where
instance Monoid CellUpdate where
mempty = CellUpdate mempty mempty
-instance IncState CellState CellUpdate where
+instance IncState CellState where
+ type Delta CellState = CellUpdate
applyDiff (CellState source status result) (CellUpdate status' result') =
CellState source (fromOverwritable (applyDiff (Overwritable status) status')) (result <> result')
@@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ instance LabelReader EvaluatorMLabel EvaluatorM where
EvalCfg -> EvaluatorM $ lift $ evaluatorCfg <$> get
data EvaluatorMUpdate =
- UpdateDagEU (NodeListUpdate CellState CellUpdate)
+ UpdateDagEU (NodeListUpdate CellState)
| UpdateCellState NodeId CellUpdate
| UpdateCurJob CurJobStatus
| UpdateEnvs [TopStateEx]
@@ -219,7 +221,7 @@ data CellState = CellState SourceBlockWithId CellStatus Outputs
data CellUpdate = CellUpdate (Overwrite CellStatus) Outputs deriving (Show, Generic)
type CellsState = NodeList CellState
-type CellsUpdate = NodeListUpdate CellState CellUpdate
+type CellsUpdate = NodeListUpdate CellState
type CellIndex = Int -- index in the list of cells, not the NodeId
@@ -231,8 +233,7 @@ data JobUpdate =
data EvaluatorMsg =
SourceUpdate (DagUpdate SourceBlock)
| JobUpdate JobId JobUpdate
- | Subscribe_E (SubscribeMsg CellsState CellsUpdate)
- deriving (Show)
+ | Subscribe_E (SubscribeMsg CellsState)
initEvaluatorState :: EvalConfig -> TopStateEx -> EvaluatorState
initEvaluatorState cfg s = EvaluatorState cfg [s] Nothing
@@ -362,4 +363,4 @@ initCellState cellId source = do
instance ToJSON CellState where
instance ToJSON CellStatus
instance ToJSON CellUpdate
-instance (ToJSON s, ToJSON d) => ToJSON (NodeListUpdate s d)
+instance (IncState s, ToJSON s, ToJSON (Delta s)) => ToJSON (NodeListUpdate s)
diff --git a/src/lib/RenderHtml.hs b/src/lib/RenderHtml.hs
index d9d066bb..a1730ff6 100644
--- a/src/lib/RenderHtml.hs
+++ b/src/lib/RenderHtml.hs
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ data RenderedOutput =
| RenderedPassResult PassName (Maybe String)
| RenderedMiscLog String
| RenderedError (Maybe SrcId) String
- | RenderedTreeNodeUpdate [(SrcId, MapEltUpdate TreeNodeState TreeNodeUpdate)]
+ | RenderedTreeNodeUpdate [(SrcId, MapEltUpdate TreeNodeState)]
| RenderedFocusUpdate [(LexemeId, SrcId)]
- deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
+ deriving (Generic)
data HighlightType =
@@ -96,6 +96,17 @@ data TreeNodeUpdate = TreeNodeUpdate
, tnuText :: [String] }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
+instance Semigroup TreeNodeUpdate where
+ TreeNodeUpdate x y <> TreeNodeUpdate x' y' = TreeNodeUpdate (x<>x') (y<>y')
+instance Monoid TreeNodeUpdate where
+ mempty = TreeNodeUpdate mempty mempty
+instance IncState TreeNodeState where
+ type Delta TreeNodeState = TreeNodeUpdate
+ applyDiff (TreeNodeState s h t) (TreeNodeUpdate h' t') =
+ TreeNodeState s (h<>h') (t<>fold t')
renderOutputs :: Outputs -> RenderedOutputs
renderOutputs (Outputs outs) = foldMap renderOutput outs