path: root/benchmark
diff options
authorGuillaume LE VAILLANT <>2017-11-22 17:47:38 +0100
committerGuillaume LE VAILLANT <>2017-11-22 17:47:38 +0100
commit912a94b0dba8c395698835933d139a902e34f51f (patch)
treefb9cc8999c6dd0f6d172cd3d792715db7948e2e0 /benchmark
parentde2f566046495c634e2672678826699cb0de92d4 (diff)
Add benchmark
Diffstat (limited to 'benchmark')
2 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmark/benchmark-implementation.lisp b/benchmark/benchmark-implementation.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a29eec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/benchmark-implementation.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+(asdf:load-system "ironclad")
+(defparameter *file-size*
+ #+sbcl (expt 10 8)
+ #+(or allegro ccl ecl) (expt 10 7)
+ #-(or allegro ccl ecl sbcl) (expt 10 6))
+(defparameter *data-file* "/tmp/data-clr")
+(defparameter *encrypted-file* "/tmp/data-enc")
+(defparameter *implementation-result-file* "benchmark-tmp")
+(defparameter *result* (acons "version"
+ (format nil "~a ~a"
+ (lisp-implementation-type)
+ (lisp-implementation-version))
+ '()))
+(defmacro get-speed (&body body)
+ (let ((start-time (gensym))
+ (end-time (gensym))
+ (result (gensym))
+ (duration (gensym))
+ (speed (gensym)))
+ `(let* ((,start-time (get-internal-real-time))
+ (,result ,@body)
+ (,end-time (get-internal-real-time))
+ (,duration (/ (- ,end-time ,start-time) internal-time-units-per-second))
+ (,speed (round *file-size* ,duration)))
+ (values ,speed ,result))))
+(defun benchmark-ciphers ()
+ (let ((speeds '()))
+ (dolist (cipher-name (ironclad:list-all-ciphers))
+ (with-open-file (plaintext *data-file*
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ (with-open-file (ciphertext *encrypted-file*
+ :direction :output
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+ :if-exists :supersede)
+ (flet ((stream-cipher-p (cipher-name)
+ (= 1 (ironclad:block-length cipher-name))))
+ (let* ((key (ironclad:random-data (car (last (ironclad:key-lengths cipher-name)))))
+ (cipher (ironclad:make-cipher cipher-name
+ :key key
+ :mode (if (stream-cipher-p cipher-name)
+ :stream
+ :ecb)))
+ (buffer (make-array 32768 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (speed (get-speed (loop for buffer-length = (read-sequence buffer plaintext)
+ until (zerop buffer-length)
+ do (progn
+ (ironclad:encrypt-in-place cipher buffer :end buffer-length)
+ (write-sequence buffer ciphertext :end buffer-length))))))
+ (setf speeds (acons cipher-name speed speeds)))))))
+ (setf *result* (acons "ciphers" speeds *result*))))
+(defun benchmark-digests ()
+ (let ((speeds '()))
+ (dolist (digest-name (ironclad:list-all-digests))
+ (with-open-file (plaintext *data-file*
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ (let* ((digest (ironclad:make-digest digest-name))
+ (buffer (make-array 32768 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (speed (get-speed (loop for buffer-length = (read-sequence buffer plaintext)
+ until (zerop buffer-length)
+ do (ironclad:update-digest digest buffer :end buffer-length)
+ finally (ironclad:produce-digest digest)))))
+ (setf speeds (acons digest-name speed speeds)))))
+ (setf *result* (acons "digests" speeds *result*))))
+(defun benchmark-macs ()
+ (let ((speeds '()))
+ (dolist (mac-name (ironclad:list-all-macs))
+ (with-open-file (plaintext *data-file*
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+ (let* ((key-length (ecase mac-name
+ (ironclad:blake2-mac 64)
+ (ironclad:blake2s-mac 32)
+ (ironclad:cmac 32)
+ (ironclad:hmac 32)
+ (ironclad:poly1305 32)
+ (ironclad:skein-mac 64)))
+ (key (ironclad:random-data key-length))
+ (extra-args (case mac-name
+ (ironclad:cmac '(:aes))
+ (ironclad:hmac '(:sha256))))
+ (mac (apply #'ironclad:make-mac mac-name key extra-args))
+ (buffer (make-array 32768 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (speed (get-speed (loop for buffer-length = (read-sequence buffer plaintext)
+ until (zerop buffer-length)
+ do (ironclad:update-mac mac buffer :end buffer-length)
+ finally (ironclad:produce-mac mac)))))
+ (setf speeds (acons mac-name speed speeds)))))
+ (setf *result* (acons "macs" speeds *result*))))
+(with-open-file (file *implementation-result-file* :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (write *result* :stream file))
+#+allegro (exit)
+#-allegro (quit)
diff --git a/benchmark/benchmark.lisp b/benchmark/benchmark.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab27ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/benchmark.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+(asdf:load-system "ironclad")
+(defparameter *lisp-implementations*
+ `(("ABCL" "abcl --load benchmark-implementation.lisp")
+ ("AllegroCL" ,(format nil "alisp -L ~a -L benchmark-implementation.lisp"
+ (merge-pathnames "" (user-homedir-pathname))))
+ ("ClozureCL" "ccl --load benchmark-implementation.lisp")
+ ("Clisp" "clisp -i benchmark-implementation.lisp")
+ ("ECL" "ecl --load benchmark-implementation.lisp")
+ ("SBCL" "sbcl --load benchmark-implementation.lisp")))
+(defparameter *data-file* "/tmp/data-clr")
+(defparameter *encrypted-file* "/tmp/data-enc")
+(defparameter *implementation-result-file* "benchmark-tmp")
+(defparameter *result-file* "")
+(defun make-data-file (size)
+ (with-open-file (data-file *data-file*
+ :direction :output
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+ :if-exists :supersede)
+ (loop with remaining = size
+ until (zerop remaining)
+ do (let ((n (min remaining 1000)))
+ (write-sequence (ironclad:random-data n) data-file)
+ (decf remaining n)))))
+(defun delete-data-files ()
+ (uiop:delete-file-if-exists *data-file*)
+ (uiop:delete-file-if-exists *encrypted-file*)
+ (uiop:delete-file-if-exists *implementation-result-file*))
+;;; results format:
+;;; (("lisp1" (("version" "...")
+;;; ("ciphers" (("cipher1" speed1)
+;;; ("cipher2" speed2)
+;;; (...)))
+;;; ("digests" (("digest1" speed1)
+;;; ("digest2" speed2)
+;;; (...)))
+;;; ("macs" (("mac1" speed1)
+;;; ("mac2" speed2)
+;;; (...)))))
+;;; ("lisp2" ...)
+;;; (...))
+(defun write-result-file (results)
+ (with-open-file (file *result-file* :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (format file "#+TITLE: Speed benchmark of the Ironclad crypto library~%~%")
+ (format file "Ironclad version: ~a~%~%" (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system "ironclad")))
+ (format file "Processor: ~a (~a)~%" (machine-type) (machine-version))
+ (format file "Operating system: ~a (~a)~%~%" (software-type) (software-version))
+ (format file "Common Lisp implementations:~%")
+ (dolist (implementation *lisp-implementations*)
+ (let ((lisp (car implementation)))
+ (format file " - ~a: ~a~%" lisp (cdr (assoc "version"
+ (cdr (assoc lisp results :test #'string=))
+ :test #'string=)))))
+ (terpri file)
+ (let ((line "|----------------"))
+ (dotimes (i (length *lisp-implementations*))
+ (setf line (concatenate 'string line "+------------")))
+ (setf line (concatenate 'string line "|"))
+ (format file "* Ciphers~%~%")
+ (format file "Encryption speed in bytes per second~%~%")
+ (format file "~a~%" line)
+ (format file "| |")
+ (dolist (implementation *lisp-implementations*)
+ (let ((lisp (car implementation)))
+ (format file " ~10a |" lisp)))
+ (terpri file)
+ (format file "~a~%" line)
+ (dolist (cipher-name (ironclad:list-all-ciphers))
+ (format file "| ~14a |" cipher-name)
+ (dolist (implementation *lisp-implementations*)
+ (let* ((lisp (car implementation))
+ (result (cdr (assoc "ciphers"
+ (cdr (assoc lisp results :test #'string=))
+ :test #'string=)))
+ (speed (cdr (assoc cipher-name result :test #'string=))))
+ (format file " ~10@a |" speed)))
+ (terpri file))
+ (format file "~a~%~%" line)
+ (format file "* Digests~%~%")
+ (format file "Hashing speed in bytes per second~%~%")
+ (format file "~a~%" line)
+ (format file "| |")
+ (dolist (implementation *lisp-implementations*)
+ (let ((lisp (car implementation)))
+ (format file " ~10a |" lisp)))
+ (terpri file)
+ (format file "~a~%" line)
+ (dolist (digest-name (ironclad:list-all-digests))
+ (format file "| ~14a |" digest-name)
+ (dolist (implementation *lisp-implementations*)
+ (let* ((lisp (car implementation))
+ (result (cdr (assoc "digests"
+ (cdr (assoc lisp results :test #'string=))
+ :test #'string=)))
+ (speed (cdr (assoc digest-name result :test #'string=))))
+ (format file " ~10@a |" speed)))
+ (terpri file))
+ (format file "~a~%~%" line)
+ (format file "* Message authentication codes~%~%")
+ (format file "CMAC: AES~%")
+ (format file "HMAC: SHA256~%")
+ (format file "SKEIN-MAC: SKEIN512~%~%")
+ (format file "Hashing speed in bytes per second~%~%")
+ (format file "~a~%" line)
+ (format file "| |")
+ (dolist (implementation *lisp-implementations*)
+ (let ((lisp (car implementation)))
+ (format file " ~10a |" lisp)))
+ (terpri file)
+ (format file "~a~%" line)
+ (dolist (mac-name (ironclad:list-all-macs))
+ (format file "| ~14a |" mac-name)
+ (dolist (implementation *lisp-implementations*)
+ (let* ((lisp (car implementation))
+ (result (cdr (assoc "macs"
+ (cdr (assoc lisp results :test #'string=))
+ :test #'string=)))
+ (speed (cdr (assoc mac-name result :test #'string=))))
+ (format file " ~10@a |" speed)))
+ (terpri file))
+ (format file "~a~%~%" line))))
+(defun benchmark ()
+ (let ((results '()))
+ (dolist (implementation *lisp-implementations*)
+ (let ((lisp (car implementation))
+ (command (cadr implementation)))
+ (format t "Benchmarking ~a...~%" lisp)
+ (make-data-file (cond ((member lisp '("SBCL") :test #'string=)
+ (expt 10 8))
+ ((member lisp '("AllegroCL" "ClozureCL" "ECL") :test #'string=)
+ (expt 10 7))
+ (t
+ (expt 10 6))))
+ (uiop:run-program command)
+ (with-open-file (file *implementation-result-file*)
+ (setf results (acons lisp (read file) results)))
+ (delete-data-files)))
+ (write-result-file results)
+ (format t "Benchmark result written to \"~a\"~%" *result-file*)))