path: root/symbols/ios/stack_hexagon/materialsymbolssharp/stack_hexagon_grad200fill1_symbol.svg
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Diffstat (limited to 'symbols/ios/stack_hexagon/materialsymbolssharp/stack_hexagon_grad200fill1_symbol.svg')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/symbols/ios/stack_hexagon/materialsymbolssharp/stack_hexagon_grad200fill1_symbol.svg b/symbols/ios/stack_hexagon/materialsymbolssharp/stack_hexagon_grad200fill1_symbol.svg
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M12.342 22.168 2.06 -61.952 22.821 -64.344 V1.911 H91.19 L92.364 12.346 L12.342 22.168 Z M32.821 -8.089 V-92.709 H117.511 V-8.089 H32.821 Z"/></g><g id="Medium-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1689.91 1126)"><path d="M74.509 -26.702 94.799 -38.209 V-61.529 L74.509 -73.034 L54.188 -61.529 V-38.209 L74.509 -26.702 Z M13.443 20.495 3.324 -62.401 22.78 -64.711 V1.83 H91.801 L92.731 10.716 L13.443 20.495 Z M32.78 -8.17 V-91.567 H116.206 V-8.17 H32.78 Z"/></g><g id="Regular-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1394.06 1126)"><path d="M74 -26.105 94.5 -37.73 V-61.23 L74 -72.855 L53.5 -61.23 V-37.73 L74 -26.105 Z M14.25 19.27 4.25 -62.73 22.75 -64.98 V1.77 H92.25 L93 9.52 L14.25 19.27 Z M32.75 -8.23 V-90.73 H115.25 V-8.23 H32.75 Z"/></g><g id="Light-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1098.18 1126)"><path d="M73.422 -25.961 93.539 -37.345 V-60.461 L73.422 -71.845 L53.307 -60.461 V-37.345 L73.422 -25.961 Z M16.461 16.53 6.942 -60.566 24.096 -62.576 V0.424 H92.346 L93 6.924 L16.461 16.53 Z M34.096 -9.576 V-88.23 H112.75 V-9.576 H34.096 Z"/></g><g id="Thin-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 802.565 1126)"><path d="M72.846 -25.816 92.578 -36.961 V-59.691 L72.846 -70.836 L53.115 -59.691 V-36.961 L72.846 -25.816 Z M18.672 13.789 9.635 -58.402 25.442 -60.172 V-0.922 H92.442 L93 4.328 L18.672 13.789 Z M35.443 -10.922 V-85.73 H110.25 V-10.922 H35.443 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 506.415 1126)"><path d="M72.5 -25.73 92 -36.73 V-59.23 L72.5 -70.23 L53 -59.23 V-36.73 L72.5 -25.73 Z M20 12.145 11.25 -57.105 26.25 -58.73 V-1.73 H92.5 L93 2.77 L20 12.145 Z M36.25 -11.73 V-84.23 H108.75 V-11.73 H36.25 Z"/></g><g id="Bold-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2294.23 696)"><path d="M59.668 -29.115 75.547 -38.09 V-56.632 L59.668 -65.606 L43.691 -56.632 V-38.09 L59.668 -29.115 Z M10.06 10.729 1.479 -54.56 19.626 -56.73 V-7.418 H70.714 L72.095 2.445 L10.06 10.729 Z M26.727 -14.519 V-80.203 H92.51 V-14.519 H26.727 Z"/></g><g id="Semibold-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1998.1 696)"><path d="M58.939 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V-36.208 L57.536 -27.029 Z M14.467 4.524 6.661 -53.938 20.59 -55.721 V-8.677 H72.269 L72.983 -3.549 L14.467 4.524 Z M27.691 -15.778 V-75.469 H87.382 V-15.778 H27.691 Z"/></g><g id="Thin-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 814.015 696)"><path d="M57.081 -26.915 73.044 -35.906 V-54.431 L57.081 -63.422 L41.119 -54.431 V-35.906 L57.081 -26.915 Z M16.212 2.361 8.786 -52.231 21.652 -53.825 V-9.739 H72.345 L72.983 -5.597 L16.212 2.361 Z M28.753 -16.84 V-73.496 H85.409 V-16.84 H28.753 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 517.792 696)"><path d="M56.808 -26.847 72.588 -35.723 V-54.067 L56.808 -62.944 L41.028 -54.067 V-35.723 L56.808 -26.847 Z M17.259 1.064 10.06 -51.207 22.289 -52.687 V-10.376 H72.391 L72.983 -6.826 L17.259 1.064 Z M29.39 -17.477 V-72.313 H84.226 V-17.477 H29.39 Z"/></g></g></svg> \ No newline at end of file