path: root/symbols/ios/tv_next/materialsymbolsoutlined/tv_next_grad200fill1_symbol.svg
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Diffstat (limited to 'symbols/ios/tv_next/materialsymbolsoutlined/tv_next_grad200fill1_symbol.svg')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 0 deletions
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8.762 Q9.983 4.757 9.983 -0.645 V-82.904 Q9.983 -88.344 13.988 -92.375 Q17.994 -96.407 23.396 -96.407 H131.404 Q136.845 -96.407 140.876 -92.375 Q144.907 -88.344 144.907 -82.904 V-35.783 H111.537 V12.808 H104.132 V25.856 H51.319 Z"/></g><g id="Medium-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1674.31 1556)"><path d="M128.663 34.114 120.033 25.645 140.357 5.321 120.194 -14.88 128.663 -23.473 157.619 5.321 128.663 34.114 Z M51.11 25.594 V12.24 H22.922 Q17.965 12.24 14.211 8.486 Q10.457 4.733 10.457 -0.224 V-83.587 Q10.457 -88.562 14.211 -92.327 Q17.965 -96.091 22.922 -96.091 H131.878 Q136.851 -96.091 140.616 -92.327 Q144.382 -88.562 144.382 -83.587 V-35.836 H111.379 V12.3 H103.502 V25.594 H51.11 Z"/></g><g id="Regular-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1378.56 1556)"><path d="M128.355 34.269 119.648 25.723 140.126 5.244 119.809 -15.074 128.355 -23.781 157.541 5.244 128.355 34.269 Z M50.955 25.4 V11.855 H22.575 Q17.944 11.855 14.374 8.285 Q10.804 4.716 10.804 0.084 V-84.089 Q10.804 -88.72 14.374 -92.29 Q17.944 -95.86 22.575 -95.86 H132.225 Q136.856 -95.86 140.426 -92.29 Q143.996 -88.72 143.996 -84.089 V-35.875 H111.263 V11.926 H103.039 V25.4 H50.955 Z"/></g><g id="Light-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1082.77 1556)"><path d="M127.858 31.787 121.075 25.102 141.366 4.81 121.236 -15.383 127.858 -22.23 154.998 4.81 127.858 31.787 Z M53.746 22.175 V8.63 H25.428 Q20.858 8.63 17.444 5.215 Q14.029 1.801 14.029 -2.769 V-81.236 Q14.029 -85.806 17.444 -89.22 Q20.858 -92.635 25.428 -92.635 H129.372 Q133.942 -92.635 137.356 -89.22 Q140.771 -85.806 140.771 -81.236 V-35.751 H111.014 V8.701 H100.992 V22.175 H53.746 Z"/></g><g id="Thin-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 787.282 1556)"><path d="M127.363 29.307 122.5 24.482 142.606 4.376 122.661 -15.695 127.363 -20.68 152.455 4.376 127.363 29.307 Z M56.537 18.95 V5.405 H28.28 Q23.773 5.405 20.513 2.146 Q17.254 -1.114 17.254 -5.621 V-78.384 Q17.254 -82.891 20.513 -86.151 Q23.773 -89.41 28.28 -89.41 H126.52 Q131.027 -89.41 134.287 -86.151 Q137.546 -82.891 137.546 -78.384 V-35.627 H110.766 V5.476 H98.946 V18.95 H56.537 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 491.205 1556)"><path d="M127.065 27.819 123.356 24.11 143.351 4.115 123.517 -15.88 127.065 -19.75 150.93 4.115 127.065 27.819 Z M58.211 17.015 V3.47 H29.992 Q25.521 3.47 22.356 0.303 Q19.189 -2.862 19.189 -7.334 V-76.671 Q19.189 -81.141 22.356 -84.308 Q25.521 -87.475 29.992 -87.475 H124.808 Q129.277 -87.475 132.444 -84.308 Q135.611 -81.141 135.611 -76.671 V-35.552 H110.618 V3.541 H97.718 V17.015 H58.211 Z"/></g><g id="Bold-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2281.8 1126)"><path d="M100.25 20.145 90.875 10.645 106.125 -4.605 90.875 -19.98 100.25 -29.23 125 -4.605 100.25 20.145 Z M36.375 15.52 V5.145 H21.5 Q14.36 5.145 9.43 0.215 Q4.5 -4.715 4.5 -11.855 V-68.98 Q4.5 -76.121 9.43 -81.05 Q14.36 -85.98 21.5 -85.98 H98.5 Q105.641 -85.98 110.57 -81.05 Q115.5 -76.121 115.5 -68.98 V-35.355 H86.5 V5.159 H79.5 V15.52 H36.375 Z"/></g><g id="Semibold-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1985.97 1126)"><path d="M99.597 20.145 90.222 10.699 105.69 -4.767 90.222 -20.306 99.597 -29.61 124.511 -4.767 99.597 20.145 Z M36.429 14.759 V4.113 H20.848 Q14.435 4.113 9.956 -0.366 Q5.479 -4.845 5.479 -11.257 V-69.85 Q5.479 -76.262 9.956 -80.74 Q14.435 -85.219 20.848 -85.219 H99.153 Q105.565 -85.219 110.044 -80.74 Q114.521 -76.262 114.521 -69.85 V-35.409 H86.229 V4.145 H78.468 V14.759 H36.429 Z"/></g><g id="Medium-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1689.91 1126)"><path d="M99.109 20.145 89.734 10.74 105.364 -4.89 89.734 -20.551 99.109 -29.896 124.144 -4.89 99.109 20.145 Z M36.47 14.189 V3.338 H20.359 Q14.492 3.338 10.352 -0.802 Q6.213 -4.942 6.213 -10.809 V-70.501 Q6.213 -76.367 10.352 -80.509 Q14.492 -84.649 20.359 -84.649 H99.641 Q105.507 -84.649 109.647 -80.509 Q113.787 -76.367 113.787 -70.501 V-35.45 H86.025 V3.384 H77.692 V14.189 H36.47 Z"/></g><g id="Regular-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1394.06 1126)"><path d="M98.75 20.145 89.375 10.77 105.125 -4.98 89.375 -20.73 98.75 -30.105 123.875 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-79.23 H96.922 Q101.716 -79.23 104.983 -75.962 Q108.25 -72.696 108.25 -67.902 V-35.48 H85.875 V-2.175 H75.971 V8.77 H41.5 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 506.415 1126)"><path d="M98.75 15.145 94.375 10.77 110.125 -4.98 94.375 -20.73 98.75 -25.105 118.875 -4.98 98.75 15.145 Z M43 7.27 V-3.73 H24 Q19.409 -3.73 16.33 -6.81 Q13.25 -9.889 13.25 -14.48 V-66.98 Q13.25 -71.57 16.33 -74.65 Q19.409 -77.73 24 -77.73 H96 Q100.59 -77.73 103.67 -74.65 Q106.75 -71.57 106.75 -66.98 V-35.48 H85.875 V-3.675 H75.625 V7.27 H43 Z"/></g><g id="Bold-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2294.23 696)"><path d="M80.281 4.91 73.772 -1.697 85.508 -13.434 73.772 -25.269 80.281 -31.679 98.625 -13.434 80.281 4.91 Z M30.278 2.445 V-7.319 H17.753 Q12.514 -7.319 8.772 -10.962 Q5.03 -14.606 5.128 -19.943 V-60.281 Q5.227 -65.619 8.87 -69.262 Q12.514 -72.905 17.753 -72.905 H76.928 Q82.167 -72.905 85.859 -69.262 Q89.552 -65.619 89.552 -60.281 V-35.329 H67.46 V-7.308 H60.358 V2.445 H30.278 Z"/></g><g id="Semibold-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1998.1 696)"><path d="M79.766 4.91 73.257 -1.655 85.165 -13.562 73.257 -25.526 79.766 -31.979 98.239 -13.562 79.766 4.91 Z M30.32 1.844 V-8.134 H17.238 Q12.573 -8.134 9.187 -11.421 Q5.802 -14.708 5.901 -19.472 V-60.967 Q5.999 -65.731 9.286 -69.017 Q12.573 -72.304 17.238 -72.304 H77.442 Q82.107 -72.304 85.444 -69.017 Q88.779 -65.731 88.779 -60.967 V-35.371 H67.245 V-8.108 H59.544 V1.844 H30.32 Z"/></g><g id="Medium-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1701.85 696)"><path d="M79.38 4.91 72.871 -1.623 84.907 -13.659 72.871 -25.72 79.38 -32.205 97.949 -13.659 79.38 4.91 Z M30.353 1.394 V-8.745 H16.852 Q12.618 -8.745 9.5 -11.765 Q6.381 -14.785 6.48 -19.118 V-61.481 Q6.578 -65.814 9.598 -68.834 Q12.618 -71.854 16.852 -71.854 H77.828 Q82.062 -71.854 85.131 -68.834 Q88.2 -65.814 88.2 -61.481 V-35.404 H67.085 V-8.709 H58.932 V1.394 H30.353 Z"/></g><g id="Regular-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1405.73 696)"><path d="M79.097 4.91 72.588 -1.599 84.719 -13.73 72.588 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13.18 -15.469 Q10.75 -17.8 10.849 -21.286 V-59.431 Q10.947 -62.917 13.279 -65.248 Q15.609 -67.579 18.997 -67.579 H75.683 Q79.071 -67.579 81.45 -65.248 Q83.831 -62.917 83.831 -59.431 V-35.427 H66.966 V-13.095 H57.574 V-2.881 H34.322 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 517.792 696)"><path d="M79.097 0.965 76.533 -1.599 88.664 -13.73 76.533 -25.861 79.097 -28.425 93.792 -13.73 79.097 0.965 Z M35.505 -4.064 V-14.321 H19.725 Q16.497 -14.321 14.216 -16.505 Q11.934 -18.688 12.032 -22.014 V-58.703 Q12.131 -62.028 14.314 -64.212 Q16.497 -66.395 19.725 -66.395 H74.955 Q78.182 -66.395 80.415 -64.212 Q82.648 -62.028 82.648 -58.703 V-35.427 H66.966 V-14.278 H57.301 V-4.064 H35.505 Z"/></g></g></svg> \ No newline at end of file