path: root/symbols/ios/tv_next/materialsymbolsoutlined/tv_next_gradN25fill1_symbol.svg
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Diffstat (limited to 'symbols/ios/tv_next/materialsymbolsoutlined/tv_next_gradN25fill1_symbol.svg')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/symbols/ios/tv_next/materialsymbolsoutlined/tv_next_gradN25fill1_symbol.svg b/symbols/ios/tv_next/materialsymbolsoutlined/tv_next_gradN25fill1_symbol.svg
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Q135.265 -81.467 135.265 -77.824 V-35.448 H110.147 V3.322 H97.5 V16.202 H58.906 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 491.205 1556)"><path d="M126.339 26.045 123.759 23.465 143.271 3.954 123.921 -15.557 126.339 -18.137 148.431 3.954 126.339 26.045 Z M60.469 14.435 V1.535 H29.992 Q26.369 1.535 23.828 -1.008 Q21.285 -3.549 21.285 -7.172 V-76.187 Q21.285 -79.811 23.828 -82.352 Q26.369 -84.895 29.992 -84.895 H124.808 Q128.431 -84.895 130.972 -82.352 Q133.515 -79.811 133.515 -76.187 V-35.391 H110.053 V1.535 H96.347 V14.435 H60.469 Z"/></g><g id="Bold-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2281.8 1126)"><path d="M99.312 17.77 91.312 9.645 106.188 -5.23 91.312 -20.105 99.312 -28.105 122.312 -5.23 99.312 17.77 Z M38.5 12.895 V3.02 H22.125 Q15.758 3.02 11.379 -1.359 Q7 -5.737 7 -12.105 V-68.23 Q7 -74.597 11.379 -78.976 Q15.758 -83.355 22.125 -83.355 H97.875 Q104.243 -83.355 108.621 -78.976 Q113 -74.597 113 -68.23 V-35.105 H85.812 V3.02 H78.188 V12.895 H38.5 Z"/></g><g id="Semibold-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1985.97 1126)"><path d="M98.334 17.009 90.824 9.428 105.699 -5.447 90.824 -20.322 98.334 -27.834 120.791 -5.447 98.334 17.009 Z M39.479 11.048 V1.173 H21.473 Q16.192 1.173 12.52 -2.5 Q8.848 -6.172 8.848 -11.452 V-68.882 Q8.848 -74.162 12.52 -77.835 Q16.192 -81.507 21.473 -81.507 H98.528 Q103.808 -81.507 107.48 -77.835 Q111.153 -74.162 111.153 -68.882 V-35.105 H85.324 V1.173 H76.611 V11.048 H39.479 Z"/></g><g id="Medium-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1689.91 1126)"><path d="M97.6 16.439 90.456 9.265 105.331 -5.61 90.456 -20.485 97.6 -27.63 119.65 -5.61 97.6 16.439 Z M40.212 9.661 V-0.214 H20.984 Q16.519 -0.214 13.376 -3.356 Q10.234 -6.499 10.234 -10.964 V-69.371 Q10.234 -73.836 13.376 -76.979 Q16.519 -80.121 20.984 -80.121 H99.016 Q103.481 -80.121 106.624 -76.979 Q109.766 -73.836 109.766 -69.371 V-35.105 H84.956 V-0.214 H75.429 V9.661 H40.212 Z"/></g><g id="Regular-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1394.06 1126)"><path d="M97.062 16.02 90.188 9.145 105.062 -5.73 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-5.845 17.994 -8.07 Q15.769 -10.295 15.769 -13.537 V-66.845 Q15.769 -70.087 17.994 -72.312 Q20.219 -74.537 23.461 -74.537 H96.539 Q99.781 -74.537 102.006 -72.312 Q104.231 -70.087 104.231 -66.845 V-35.152 H84.831 V-5.845 H73.601 V4.078 H45.461 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-M" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 506.415 1126)"><path d="M97.312 11.645 95.125 9.458 110.062 -5.48 95.125 -20.417 97.312 -22.605 114.438 -5.48 97.312 11.645 Z M46.875 2.708 V-7.23 H24.312 Q21.258 -7.23 19.191 -9.296 Q17.125 -11.362 17.125 -14.417 V-65.98 Q17.125 -69.035 19.191 -71.101 Q21.258 -73.167 24.312 -73.167 H95.688 Q98.743 -73.167 100.809 -71.101 Q102.875 -69.035 102.875 -65.98 V-35.167 H84.875 V-7.23 H73.312 V2.708 H46.875 Z"/></g><g id="Bold-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2294.23 696)"><path d="M79.541 3.037 74.117 -2.486 85.557 -13.927 74.117 -25.367 79.541 -30.792 96.505 -13.927 79.541 3.037 Z M31.955 0.374 V-8.996 H18.246 Q13.616 -8.996 10.309 -12.204 Q7.002 -15.412 7.101 -20.14 V-59.689 Q7.2 -64.417 10.408 -67.625 Q13.616 -70.834 18.246 -70.834 H76.434 Q81.064 -70.834 84.321 -67.625 Q87.579 -64.417 87.579 -59.689 V-35.131 H66.917 V-8.996 H59.323 V0.374 H31.955 Z"/></g><g id="Semibold-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1998.1 696)"><path d="M78.769 2.436 73.731 -2.658 85.172 -14.099 73.731 -25.539 78.769 -30.578 95.304 -14.099 78.769 2.436 Z M32.727 -1.084 V-10.453 H17.731 Q13.959 -10.453 11.21 -13.104 Q8.46 -15.756 8.559 -19.626 V-60.204 Q8.657 -64.074 11.308 -66.725 Q13.959 -69.376 17.731 -69.376 H76.949 Q80.721 -69.376 83.421 -66.725 Q86.121 -64.074 86.121 -60.204 V-35.131 H66.531 V-10.453 H58.079 V-1.084 H32.727 Z"/></g><g id="Medium-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1701.85 696)"><path d="M78.19 1.986 73.441 -2.786 84.882 -14.227 73.441 -25.667 78.19 -30.417 94.404 -14.227 78.19 1.986 Z M33.306 -2.178 V-11.547 H17.345 Q14.217 -11.547 11.885 -13.78 Q9.554 -16.013 9.652 -19.24 V-60.589 Q9.751 -63.816 11.984 -66.049 Q14.217 -68.282 17.345 -68.282 H77.335 Q80.463 -68.282 82.745 -66.049 Q85.028 -63.816 85.028 -60.589 V-35.131 H66.241 V-11.547 H57.146 V-2.178 H33.306 Z"/></g><g id="Regular-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1405.73 696)"><path d="M77.766 1.656 73.229 -2.881 84.67 -14.321 73.229 -25.762 77.766 -30.299 93.743 -14.321 77.766 1.656 Z M33.73 -2.98 V-12.349 H17.062 Q14.405 -12.349 12.38 -14.275 Q10.356 -16.201 10.454 -18.957 V-60.872 Q10.553 -63.628 12.479 -65.554 Q14.405 -67.48 17.062 -67.48 H77.618 Q80.275 -67.48 82.25 -65.554 Q84.226 -63.628 84.226 -60.872 V-35.131 H66.029 V-12.349 H56.463 V-2.98 H33.73 Z"/></g><g id="Light-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1109.75 696)"><path d="M77.842 0.328 74.727 -2.786 86.187 -14.246 74.727 -25.705 77.842 -28.819 92.416 -14.246 77.842 0.328 Z M35.589 -4.782 V-14.17 H18.182 Q15.771 -14.17 13.954 -15.888 Q12.139 -17.605 12.237 -20.114 V-59.734 Q12.336 -62.243 14.053 -63.96 Q15.771 -65.678 18.182 -65.678 H76.498 Q78.909 -65.678 80.676 -63.96 Q82.443 -62.243 82.443 -59.734 V-35.15 H66.087 V-14.17 H56.083 V-4.782 H35.589 Z"/></g><g id="Thin-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 814.015 696)"><path d="M77.918 -0.999 76.225 -2.692 87.704 -14.17 76.225 -25.649 77.918 -27.34 91.088 -14.17 77.918 -0.999 Z M37.447 -6.583 V-15.99 H19.3 Q17.136 -15.99 15.529 -17.499 Q13.921 -19.008 14.02 -21.271 V-58.596 Q14.118 -60.859 15.627 -62.368 Q17.136 -63.877 19.3 -63.877 H75.38 Q77.544 -63.877 79.102 -62.368 Q80.66 -60.859 80.66 -58.596 V-35.169 H66.143 V-15.99 H55.704 V-6.583 H37.447 Z"/></g><g id="Ultralight-S" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 517.792 696)"><path d="M77.963 -1.796 77.125 -2.634 88.615 -14.124 77.125 -25.614 77.963 -26.452 90.291 -14.124 77.963 -1.796 Z M38.562 -7.664 V-17.083 H19.972 Q17.956 -17.083 16.473 -18.467 Q14.991 -19.85 15.09 -21.965 V-57.914 Q15.188 -60.028 16.572 -61.412 Q17.956 -62.796 19.972 -62.796 H74.708 Q76.724 -62.796 78.157 -61.412 Q79.59 -60.028 79.59 -57.914 V-35.181 H66.177 V-17.083 H55.477 V-7.664 H38.562 Z"/></g></g></svg> \ No newline at end of file