diff options
authorDaniel Kochmański <>2024-02-20 11:19:57 +0100
committerDaniel Kochmański <>2024-02-27 08:14:54 +0100
commit71ef3b8507009efb04a3c6d2db818cf32ca5b91f (patch)
parent150a1f25519e53c98e9f8d9b49a54a8817e4eae1 (diff)
backends: further cleanup of text-bounding-rectangle* api
5 files changed, 48 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/Backends/PostScript/font/font.lisp b/Backends/PostScript/font/font.lisp
index 95526b91..fdb90872 100644
--- a/Backends/PostScript/font/font.lisp
+++ b/Backends/PostScript/font/font.lisp
@@ -14,9 +14,8 @@
(in-package #:clim-postscript-font)
-(defclass postscript-font-medium (basic-medium climb:approx-bbox-medium-mixin)
- ((device-fonts :initform nil
- :accessor device-fonts)))
+(defclass postscript-font-medium (basic-medium)
+ ((device-fonts :initform nil :accessor device-fonts)))
(defclass postscript-font-port (basic-port) ())
@@ -178,9 +177,9 @@
(defmethod climb:text-bounding-rectangle*
((medium postscript-font-medium) string
- &key text-style (start 0) end align-x align-y direction
+ &key text-style (start 0) end (align-x :left) (align-y :baseline) direction
&aux (string (string string)))
- (declare (ignore align-x align-y direction))
+ (declare (ignore direction))
(climi::orf end (length string))
(when (>= start end)
(return-from climb:text-bounding-rectangle*
@@ -194,23 +193,16 @@
(metrics-key (font-name-metrics-key font-name))
(size (font-name-size font-name))
(scale (float (/ size 1000))))
- (flet ((text-extents (start end)
- (multiple-value-bind (width ascent descent left right
- font-ascent font-descent
- direction first-not-done)
- (psfont-text-extents metrics-key string
- :start start :end end)
- (declare (ignore width font-ascent font-descent direction
- first-not-done))
- (if (< descent ascent)
- (values left descent right ascent)
- (values left ascent right descent)))))
- (multiple-value-bind (minx miny maxx maxy)
- (text-extents start end)
- (values (* scale minx)
- (* scale miny)
- (* scale maxx)
- (* scale maxy))))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (width ymin ymax xmin xmax
+ font-ascent font-descent
+ direction first-not-done)
+ (psfont-text-extents metrics-key string :start start :end end)
+ (declare (ignore width font-ascent font-descent direction first-not-done))
+ (climb:align-bounding-rectangle (* scale xmin)
+ (* scale ymin)
+ (* scale xmax)
+ (* scale ymax)
+ align-x align-y))))
(defun psfont-text-extents (metrics-key string &key (start 0) (end (length string)))
(let* ((font-info (or (gethash metrics-key *font-metrics*)
diff --git a/Backends/common/medium.lisp b/Backends/common/medium.lisp
index 9692045c..ffce4e7d 100644
--- a/Backends/common/medium.lisp
+++ b/Backends/common/medium.lisp
@@ -17,43 +17,30 @@
(compose-transformations (medium-device-transformation medium)
(draw-text-rotation* x y toward-x toward-y))))
-;; For multiline text alignment may change the bbox. For instance longest line
-;; may start with a character with left-bearing=0 and shorter line starts with a
-;; character which has left-bearing=-10. If text is left-aligned then bbox
-;; starts from coordinate x=-10, but if text is right-aligned it is x=0. This
-;; mixin provides decent adjustment for alignment for simpler algorithms. Method
-;; is not pixel-perfect hence it should be used sparingly for early prototypes.
-(defclass approx-bbox-medium-mixin () ()
- (:documentation "Adjusts bounding rectangle to alignment with a decent heuristic."))
-(defmethod text-bounding-rectangle* :around
- ((medium approx-bbox-medium-mixin) string &key text-style start end
- (align-x :left)
- (align-y :baseline)
- (direction :ltr))
- (declare (ignore start end direction))
- (multiple-value-bind (left top right bottom) (call-next-method)
- (let ((width (- right left)))
- (ecase align-x
- (:left)
- (:right
- (decf left width)
- (decf right width))
- (:center
- (decf left (/ width 2.0s0))
- (decf right (/ width 2.0s0)))))
- (let ((ascent (text-style-ascent text-style medium))
- (descent (text-style-descent text-style medium))
- (height (- bottom top)))
- (ecase align-y
- (:baseline)
- (:top
- (setf top (- ascent (abs top))
- bottom (+ top height)))
- (:bottom
- (decf top bottom)
- (decf bottom bottom))
- (:center
- (setf top (- (/ height 2.0s0)))
- (setf bottom (/ height 2.0s0)))))
- (values left top right bottom)))
+;;; The baseline is assumed to be at y=0.
+(defun align-bounding-rectangle (xmin ymin xmax ymax align-x align-y)
+ (ecase align-x
+ (:left)
+ (:center
+ (let ((hcenter (/ (- xmax xmin) 2)))
+ (setf xmin (- hcenter))
+ (setf xmax (+ hcenter))))
+ (:right
+ (let ((hsize (- xmax xmin)))
+ (setf xmin (- hsize))
+ (setf xmax 0))))
+ (ecase align-y
+ (:top
+ (let ((vsize (- ymax ymin)))
+ (setf ymin 0)
+ (setf ymax vsize)))
+ (:center
+ (let ((vcenter (/ (- ymax ymin) 2)))
+ (setf ymin (- vcenter))
+ (setf ymax (+ vcenter))))
+ (:baseline)
+ (:bottom
+ (let ((vsize (- ymax ymin)))
+ (setf ymin (- vsize))
+ (setf ymax 0))))
+ (values xmin ymin xmax ymax))
diff --git a/Core/system/packages.lisp b/Core/system/packages.lisp
index 10f33bbf..52334eb1 100644
--- a/Core/system/packages.lisp
+++ b/Core/system/packages.lisp
@@ -2094,10 +2094,11 @@
- ;; Mixins available for backends
- #:multiline-text-medium-mixin
- #:approx-bbox-medium-mixin
+ ;; Mixins and helpers available for backends
+ #:draw-text-rotation*
+ #:medium-text-transformation*
+ #:align-bounding-rectangle
;; From CLIM (mentioned in the spec)
diff --git a/Extensions/fonts/mcclim-native-ttf.lisp b/Extensions/fonts/mcclim-native-ttf.lisp
index aa438497..d5fd9b09 100644
--- a/Extensions/fonts/mcclim-native-ttf.lisp
+++ b/Extensions/fonts/mcclim-native-ttf.lisp
@@ -360,30 +360,8 @@ but argument must constitute exactly one character."
(incf origin-x (font-glyph-dx font code))
(incf origin-y (font-glyph-dy font code))))
(map-over-string-glyph-codes #'process-code string start end)
- (ecase align-x
- (:left)
- (:center
- (let ((hcenter (/ (- xmax xmin) 2)))
- (setf xmin (- hcenter))
- (setf xmax (+ hcenter))))
- (:right
- (let ((hsize (- xmax xmin)))
- (setf xmin (- hsize))
- (setf xmax 0))))
- (ecase align-y
- (:top
- (let ((vsize (- ymax ymin)))
- (setf ymin 0)
- (setf ymax vsize)))
- (:center
- (let ((vcenter (/ (- ymax ymin) 2)))
- (setf ymin (- vcenter))
- (setf ymax (+ vcenter))))
- (:baseline)
- (:bottom
- (let ((vsize (- ymax ymin)))
- (setf ymin (- vsize))
- (setf ymax 0))))
+ (multiple-value-setq (xmin ymin xmax ymax)
+ (climb:align-bounding-rectangle xmin ymin xmax ymax align-x align-y))
(values xmin ymin xmax ymax origin-x origin-y))))
(defun font-text-extents (font string &key start end align-x align-y direction)
diff --git a/Extensions/render/package.lisp b/Extensions/render/package.lisp
index da1f0e8b..32276918 100644
--- a/Extensions/render/package.lisp
+++ b/Extensions/render/package.lisp
@@ -49,5 +49,4 @@
- #:medium-device-region
- #:multiline-text-medium-mixin))
+ #:medium-device-region))