diff options
authorAndre A. Gomes <>2024-09-26 14:32:26 +0300
committerAndre A. Gomes <>2024-09-27 14:11:42 +0300
commitf726ddaa1c7374ab1a4f3abb6a030a0149a7659d (patch)
parentcdbdfc309231342b53eb6dc57be73eb20b3d2b2d (diff)
Rewrite developer's manual.
5 files changed, 324 insertions, 430 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index b31a32fcc..c4794572c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ instabilities or feature wishes.
-#+html: <div align="center"> <a href="">Homepage</a> | <a href="">Download</a> | <a href="">Articles</a> | <a href="">Developer's Manual</a> | <a href="">Forum</a> | <a href="">Chat</a> </div>
+#+html: <div align="center"> <a href="">Homepage</a> | <a href="">Download</a> | <a href="">Articles</a> | <a href="">Developer's Manual</a> | <a href="">Forum</a> | <a href="">Chat</a> </div>
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ maintainers of those packaging efforts.
* Contributing
-Please refer to the developer's documentation at [[file:documents/][documents/]].
+Please refer to the [[][developer's documentation]].
diff --git a/assets/nyxt.metainfo.xml b/assets/nyxt.metainfo.xml
index 0368f6dcc..8e988bb17 100644
--- a/assets/nyxt.metainfo.xml
+++ b/assets/nyxt.metainfo.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<url type="donation"></url>
<!-- <url type="translate"></url> -->
<url type="contact"></url>
- <url type="contribute"></url>
+ <url type="contribute"></url>
<launchable type="desktop-id">nyxt.desktop</launchable>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4de372df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#+TITLE: Nyxt Developer's Manual
+# Install org-make-toc so the TOC below will be automatically generated.
+* Table of contents :TOC:
+:TOC: :include all :ignore this
+- [[#bill-of-materials][Bill of Materials]]
+ - [[#source][Source]]
+ - [[#common-lisp][Common Lisp]]
+ - [[#web-renderers][Web renderers]]
+ - [[#webkitgtk][WebKitGTK]]
+ - [[#electron][Electron]]
+ - [[#other][Other]]
+- [[#development-environment][Development environment]]
+ - [[#tests][Tests]]
+ - [[#functional-package-managers][Functional package managers]]
+ - [[#guix][Guix]]
+ - [[#nix][Nix]]
+- [[#installation][Installation]]
+- [[#interact-with-a-running-nyxt-binary][Interact with a running Nyxt binary]]
+- [[#contributing][Contributing]]
+ - [[#help][Help]]
+ - [[#commit-style][Commit style]]
+ - [[#branch-management][Branch management]]
+ - [[#programming-conventions][Programming conventions]]
+* Bill of Materials
+** Source
+Either get a tarball (=nyxt-<version>-source-with-submodules.tar.xz=) from a
+[[][tagged release]], or clone as a git repository:
+#+begin_src sh
+mkdir -p ~/common-lisp
+git clone --recurse-submodules ~/common-lisp/nyxt
+** Common Lisp
+Nyxt is written in Common Lisp. Currently, we only target one of its
+implementations - [[][SBCL]].
+Nyxt also depends on Common Lisp libraries. These are bundled in the tarball
+mentioned above or fetched as git submodules (under =./_build=).
+Note for advanced users: the single source of truth for CL libraries is dictated
+by the git submodules. Any Nyxt build that deviates from it is considered
+unofficial. See environment variable =NYXT_SUBMODULES= defined in the makefile
+to override the default behavior.
+** Web renderers
+Nyxt is designed to be web engine agnostic so its dependencies vary.
+*** WebKitGTK
+Using the latest [[][WebKitGTK]] version is advised for security concerns. The oldest
+version that supports all features is 2.36.
+The packages that provide the following shared objects are required:
+To improve media stream it is recommended to install =gst-libav= and the
+following plugins:
+- gst-plugins-bad
+- gst-plugins-base
+- gst-plugins-good
+- gst-plugins-ugly
+*** Electron
+Experimental support for [[][Electron]]. Further documentation soon.
+** Other
+The packages that provide the following shared objects are required:
+Additionally, the following packages:
+- xclip :: when using X system;
+- wl-clipboard :: when using Wayland;
+- enchant :: spellchecking (optional).
+* Development environment
+Lisp favors incremental program development meaning that you make some changes
+and compile them. In other words, there's no need to compile the whole codebase
+or even restart the program.
+The typical Common Lisp IDE is [[][SLIME]] (or its fork [[][SLY]]), which requires being
+comfortable with Emacs. Add the snippet below to Emacs' init file.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq slime-lisp-implementations
+ '((nyxt ("sbcl" "--dynamic-space-size 3072")
+ :env ("CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY=~/common-lisp//:~/common-lisp/nyxt/_build//"))))
+Start the REPL by issuing =M-- M-x sly RET nyxt RET= and evaluate:
+#+begin_src lisp
+(asdf:load-system :nyxt/gi-gtk)
+Note that:
+- [[][ASDF must be configured to find the required systems]];
+- =cffi= must be configured to find the required shared objects by setting env
+ var =LD_LIBRARY_PATH= or =cffi:*foreign-library-directories*=.
+** Tests
+It is recommended to restart the Lisp image before and after running the tests
+since some of them are stateful:
+#+begin_src lisp
+(asdf:test-system :nyxt/gi-gtk)
+** Functional package managers
+If you're a user of the Guix or Nix package managers, see the sections below.
+*** Guix
+See [[file:~/common-lisp/nyxt/guix.scm][guix.scm]].
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq slime-lisp-implementations
+ '((nyxt-guix
+ ("guix" "shell" "-D" "-f" "guix.scm"
+ "--" "bash" "-c" "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/lib\" sbcl")
+ :env ("CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY=~/common-lisp//:~/common-lisp/nyxt/_build//")
+ :directory "~/common-lisp/nyxt/")))
+*** Nix
+See [[file:~/common-lisp/nyxt/shell.nix][shell.nix]].
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq slime-lisp-implementations
+ '((nyxt-nix
+ ("nix-shell" "shell.nix" "--run" "sbcl --dynamic-space-size 3072")
+ :env ("CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY=~/common-lisp//:~/common-lisp/nyxt/_build//")
+ :directory "~/common-lisp/nyxt/")))
+* Installation
+Nyxt uses the =Make= build system. Run =make= to display the documentation or
+see the [[../makefile][Makefile]] for more details.
+* Interact with a running Nyxt binary
+At Nyxt's runtime, it is possible to attach a REPL via SLIME (resp. SLY).
+1. From Nyxt, run the command =start-swank= (resp. =start-slynk=). Note the
+ port number in the message buffer (by default, 4006).
+2. From Emacs, run =M-x slime-connect RET RET 4006=
+ (resp. =sly-connect=).
+* Contributing
+Nyxt is a joint effort and we welcome contributors! You can find tasks [[][on our
+issue tracker]] to suit your interests and skills. Please fork the project and
+open a pull request (PR) on GitHub to undergo the reviewing process. Refer to
+the [[*Branch management][branch management section]] for more detailed information.
+Please resist the temptation of discussing changes without drafting its
+implementation. Currently, we value pragmatism over creativity.
+** Help
+Feel free to contact us at any point if you need guidance.
+- To learn Common Lisp, see [[]];
+- [[][Open up an issue on GitHub]];
+- Find Nyxt on Libera IRC: [[][#nyxt]];
+- [[][Nyxt's discord]];
+- [[][Nyxt's discourse]].
+** Commit style
+Ensure to isolate commits containing whitespace changes (including indentation)
+or code movements as to avoid noise in the diffs.
+Regarding commit messages, we follow the convention of prefixing the title with
+the basename when there's a single modified file. For instance, for changes in
+=source/mode/blocker.lisp= the commit message would look as per below:
+mode/blocker: Short description of the change.
+Further explanation.
+** Branch management
+Nyxt uses the following branches:
+- =master= for development;
+- =<feature-branches>= for working on particular features;
+- =<integer>-series= to backport commits corresponding to specific major
+ versions.
+Branch off from the target branch and rebase onto it right before merging as to
+avoid merge conflicts.
+A commit is said to be atomic when it builds and starts Nyxt successfully. At
+times, for the sake of readability, it is wise to break the changes down to
+smaller non-atomic commits. In that case, a merge commit is required (use merge
+option =no-ff=). This guarantees that running =git bisect= with option
+=--first-parent= only picks atomic commits, which streamlines the process.
+Those with commit access may push trivial changes directly to the target branch.
+** Programming conventions
+The usual style guides by [[][Norvig & Pitman's Tutorial on Good Lisp Programming
+Style]] and [[][Google Common Lisp Style Guide]] are advised.
+For symbol naming conventions, see
+Some of our conventions include:
+- Prefer =first= and =rest= over =car= and =cdr=, respectively.
+- Use =define-class= instead of =defclass=.
+- Use =nyxt:define-package= for Nyxt-related pacakges. Notice that it features
+ default imports (e.g. =export-always=) and package nicknames (e.g. =alex=,
+ =sera=, etc.). Prefer =uiop:define-package= for general purpose packages.
+- Export using =export-always= next to the symbol definition. This helps
+ prevent exports to go out-of-sync, or catch typos. Unlike =export=,
+ =export-always= saves you from surprises upon recompilation.
+- When sensible, declaim the function types using =->=. Note that there is then
+ no need to mention the type of the arguments and the return value in the
+ docstring.
+- Use the =maybe= and =maybe*= types instead of =(or null ...)= and =(or null
+ (array * (0)) ...)=, respectively.
+- Use the =list-of= type for typed lists.
+- Use =funcall*= to not error when function does not exist.
+- Prefer classes over structs.
+- Classes should be usable with just a =make-instance=.
+- Slots classes should be formatted in the following way:
+#+begin_src lisp
+ slot-value
+ ...
+ :documentation "Foo.")
+When =slot-value= is the only parameter specified then:
+#+begin_src lisp
+(slot-name slot-value)
+- =customize-instance= is reserved for end users. Use
+ =initialize-instance :after= or =slot-unbound= to initialize the slots.
+ Set up the rest of the class in =customize-instance :after=. Bear in mind
+ that anything in this last method won't be customizable for the end user.
+- Almost all files should be handled via the =nfiles= library.
+- =(setf SLOT-WRITER) :after= is reserved for "watchers",
+ i.e. handlers that are run whenever the slot is set. The =:around= method is
+ not used by watchers, and thus the watcher may be overridden.
+- We use the =%foo%= naming convention for special local variables.
+- We suffix predicates with =-p=. Unlike the usual convention, we always use a
+ dash (i.e. =foo-p= over =foop=).
+- Prefer the term =url= over =uri=.
+- URLs should be of type =quri:uri=. If you need to manipulate a URL string, call
+ it =url-string=. In case the value contains a URL, but is not =quri:url=, use
+ =url-designator= and its =url= method to normalize into =quri:uri=.
+- Paths should be of type =cl:pathname=.
+ Use =uiop:native-namestring= to "send" to OS-facing functions,
+ =uiop:ensure-pathname= to "receive" from OS-facing functions or to "trunamize".
+- Prefer =handler-bind= over =handler-case=: when running from the REPL, this
+ triggers the debugger with a full stacktrace; when running the Nyxt binary,
+ all conditions are caught anyway.
+- Do not handle the =T= condition, this may break everything. Handle =error=,
+ =serious-condition=, or exceptionally =condition= (for instance if you do not
+ control the called code, and some libraries subclass =condition= instead of
+ =error=).
+- Dummy variables are called =_=.
+- Prefer American spelling.
+- Construct =define-command= requires a short one-line docstring without newlines.
+# - Conversion functions =FROM->TO= or =->TO= for generic functions. The
+# only one that comes to mind is =url= which does not follow this convention...
+# - Blocking function should be prefixed with =wait-on-=.
+# Local Variables:
+# eval: (add-hook 'before-save-hook
+# (lambda nil (if (fboundp 'org-make-toc)
+# (org-make-toc)
+# (message-box "Please install org-make-toc.")))
+# nil
+# t)
+# End:
diff --git a/documents/ b/documents/
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a8085ac..000000000
--- a/documents/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: Nyxt Developer's Manual
-# Please install org-make-toc so the TOC below will be automatically
-# generated.
-* Table of contents :TOC:
-:TOC: :include all :ignore this
-- [[#development-environment-guide][Development environment guide]]
-- [[#developers-installation-guide][Developer's installation guide]]
- - [[#installing-sbcl][Installing SBCL]]
- - [[#lisp-dependencies][Lisp dependencies]]
- - [[#gtk-dependencies][GTK dependencies]]
- - [[#gnulinux-freebsd-gtk-dependencies][GNU/Linux, FreeBSD GTK dependencies]]
- - [[#fetch-the-source-code][Fetch the source code]]
- - [[#compile][Compile]]
- - [[#using-the-makefile][Using the Makefile]]
- - [[#interacting-with-a-compiled-version-of-nyxt][Interacting with a compiled version of Nyxt]]
- - [[#slime][SLIME]]
- - [[#sly][SLY]]
-- [[#contributing][Contributing]]
- - [[#asking-for-help][Asking for help]]
- - [[#issue-tracker][Issue tracker]]
- - [[#learning-common-lisp][Learning Common Lisp]]
- - [[#irc-channel][IRC Channel]]
- - [[#commit-style][Commit style]]
- - [[#branch-management][Branch management]]
- - [[#adding-a-new-lisp-dependency][Adding a new Lisp dependency]]
- - [[#programming-conventions][Programming conventions]]
-* Development environment guide
-If you are new to hacking on Nyxt, you may be looking for a straightforward way
-to set up the development environment. While there are several ways to go about
-it, we describe the approach the Nyxt team uses.
-Firstly, install:
-1. [[][The GUIX package manager]]
-2. [[][SBCL]]
-3. [[][Emacs]]
-4. [[][SLY]]
-With these working on your system, clone the Nyxt repository at
-=~/common-lisp=. Then add the snippet below to your Emacs configuration file and
-reload it.
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(load "~/common-lisp/nyxt/build-scripts/nyxt-guix.el" :noerror)
-(setq sly-lisp-implementations
- '((nyxt-sbcl
- (lambda () (nyxt-make-guix-cl-for-nyxt
- "~/common-lisp/nyxt"
- ;; You may set it to t, if you experience odd behavior.
- :force nil
- :cl-implementation "sbcl"
- :cl-system "nyxt/gi-gtk"
- :no-grafts t
- :ad-hoc '("emacs" "xdg-utils" "git"))))))
-Then, to start the SLY REPL, ~M-- M-x sly RET nyxt-sbcl RET~. Wait for it to
-finish and the REPL will open. At this point you are almost ready to start
-hacking. In the SLY REPL, evaluate as follows:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(asdf:load-system :nyxt/gi-gtk)
-With Nyxt started in this way, you can hack on Nyxt without recompiling the
-whole codebase or even restarting the browser. You can make your changes,
-recompile only the relevant file/expression with SLY and it's done.
-You can also run the full test suite locally with:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(asdf:test-system :nyxt/gi-gtk)
-It is recommended to restart the SLY session before and after running the tests.
-* Developer's installation guide
-There are several ways to install Nyxt on your system. For example, to install
-with Guix, follow the instructions in the [[../build-scripts/nyxt.scm]] file of the
-Nyxt repository. In this section, we will provide a more tool-agnostic way.
-Nyxt is written in Common Lisp. It should build with any standard Common Lisp
-implementation but currently, only [[][SBCL]] support is tested. It is designed to be
-cross-platform, cross-engine compatible. Nyxt is available in both WebKit and
-WebEngine (experimental) flavors.
-** Installing SBCL
-You'll need SBCL ≥ 2.0.0 to compile Nyxt.
-You can obtain SBCL from your package manager or by downloading it directly from
-the SBCL repository.
-To install SBCL from source, download SBCL:
-[[]]. Full installation instructions can be
-found here: [[]].
-** Lisp dependencies
-All Lisp dependencies are included as Git submodules of this repository, so
-there's no extra setup.
-In case you'd like to manage them manually, set the environment variable
-~NYXT_SUBMODULES=false~ and place them at a location that [[][ASDF honors]]. Note the
-Nyxt requires some Lisp libraries and, since some are pinned at specific
-versions, relying on Quicklisp is discouraged.
-** GTK dependencies
-*** GNU/Linux, FreeBSD GTK dependencies
-- WebKitGTK+ also known as webkit2gtk (make sure to use the most recent version
- for security reasons)
-- gobject-introspection (for WebKitGTK+ bindings)
-- glib-networking (for WebKitGTK+)
-- gsettings-desktop-schemas (for WebKitGTK+)
-- libfixposix
-- xclip (if on X) or wl-clipboard (if on Wayland) (for clipboard support)
-- enchant (for spellchecking)
-- Debian-based distributions:
- #+begin_src sh
- sudo apt install sbcl libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev gobject-introspection glib-networking gsettings-desktop-schemas libfixposix-dev pkg-config xclip enchant-2 libssl-dev
- #+end_src
-- Arch Linux:
- #+begin_src sh
- sudo pacman -S git sbcl cl-asdf webkit2gtk gobject-introspection glib-networking gsettings-desktop-schemas enchant libfixposix
- #+end_src
-- Fedora:
- #+begin_src sh
- sudo dnf install sbcl webkit2gtk4.0-devel glib-networking gsettings-desktop-schemas libfixposix-devel xclip wl-clipboard enchant pkgconf
- #+end_src
-- FreeBSD and derivatives
- #+begin_src sh
- pkg install sbcl webkit2-gtk3 glib-networking libfixposix xclip enchant rubygem-pkg-config
- #+end_src
-If your distribution does not install libraries in an [[][FHS]]-expected location, you
-have to let your Lisp compiler know where to find them. To do so, add the
-library directories to ~cffi:*foreign-library-directories*~ list. For instance,
-if you are running Guix you may want to expose =~/.guix-profile/lib= to the
-compiler by adding the following snippet to =~/.sbclrc=:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(require "asdf")
-(let ((guix-profile (format nil "~a/.guix-profile/lib/" (uiop:getenv "HOME"))))
- (when (and (probe-file guix-profile)
- (ignore-errors (asdf:load-system "cffi")))
- (push guix-profile
- (symbol-value (find-symbol (string '*foreign-library-directories*)
- (find-package 'cffi))))))
-A note of caution about installing WebKit via your package manager: Your
-distribution supplied version of WebKit may not provide up-to-date versions of
-WebKit including the latest security patches. WebKitGTK+ tries to do the best
-job possible with maintaining security patches upstream, but it is also up to
-the distribution provider to update their packages to take advantage of
-these fixes.
-** Fetch the source code
-Clone the Nyxt repository into =~/common-lisp= (or [[][another directory where ASDF
-will find it]]):
-#+begin_src sh
-mkdir -p ~/common-lisp
-git clone --recurse-submodules ~/common-lisp/nyxt
-** Compile
-*** Using the Makefile
-The following command will build the Lisp core.
-- GNU/Linux:
- #+begin_src sh
- make all
- #+end_src
-- FreeBSD
- #+begin_src sh
- gmake all
- #+end_src
-Inside the Makefile you'll find many options you can specify. Run ~make~
-to display some documentation or see the [[../makefile][Makefile]] for more details.
-** Interacting with a compiled version of Nyxt
-After compiling Nyxt or installing it in some other way, you can use SLIME or
-SLY to interact with it in a REPL. This is accomplished by starting a ~swank~
-or ~slynk~ server (for SLIME and SLY respectively) from Nyxt and connecting
-to it through Emacs.
-*** SLIME
-1. Run the command =start-swank= in Nyxt. Note the port number in the message
- buffer. The default is 4006.
-2. Connect to the ~swank~ server in Emacs with
- ~M-x slime-connect RET RET 4006~.
-*** SLY
-1. Run the command =start-slynk= in Nyxt. Note the port number in the message
- buffer. The default is 4006.
-2. Connect to the ~slynk~ server in Emacs with
- ~M-x sly-connect RET RET 4006~.
-* Contributing
-Nyxt is a joint effort and we need you to make it succeed! You can find ideas
-[[][on our issue tracker]] to suit your interests and skills. When ready to start
-working please fork the repository, add your changes and open a pull request on
-GitHub to pass the review process. Refer to the [[*Branch management][branch management section]] for
-more detailed information.
-You can contribute to Nyxt without commit access. However, if you're a frequent
-contributor, you may request it. Remember that with great power comes great
-** Asking for help
-Feel free to contact us at any point if you need guidance. There are several
-ways to ask for help from the community.
-*** Issue tracker
-The first and easiest one is to simply [[][open up an issue]] with whatever problem or
-suggestion you wish to discuss.
-*** Learning Common Lisp
-See [[]] for a few recommendations.
-*** IRC Channel
-You can find Nyxt on Libera IRC: [[][#nyxt]].
-** Commit style
-We follow the general Git guidelines, namely we try to commit atomic changes
-that are "clean", that is, on which Nyxt builds and starts.
-Make sure to make seperate commits in these cases to avoid distracting noise in
-commits with actual changes:
-- Indentation and whitespace trimming;
-- Code movements (within a file or to a different file). In this case, it's
- crucial that the commit contains nothing else, otherwise "diffs" may fail to
- highlight the changes.
-For commit messages, we follow (somewhat flexibly) the convention of prefixing
-the title with the basename of the file that was modified. For instance, for
-changes in =source/mode/blocker.lisp= the commit message would look like this:
-mode/blocker: What and why this change.
-Rest of the message here.
-Your commit should clarify _what_ it does and _why_ (in case it's not already
-** Branch management
-Nyxt uses the following branches:
-- =master= for development;
-- =<feature-branches>= for working on particular features;
-- =<2,3,...>-series= to backport commits corresponding to specific major
- versions.
-It's recommended to branch off from the target branch and to rebase onto it
-right before merging. This keeps the history as clear as possible and reduces
-the complexity of the diff.
-Unless the changes are trivial and each commit is atomic (that is, leaving Nyxt
-fully functional), they should be followed by a merge commit. That is
-guaranteed by using the merge option =no-ff= (no fast-forward). If required,
-the merge commit can be reworded.
-The names of the branches really matter since the merge commit references them,
-so please take that into account!
-After the changes are merged, please do not forget to delete obsolete or
-dangling branches. If you merge the remote branch instead of the local one, then
-GitHub deletes the remote branch automatically.
-Note to core contributors: since you have commit access, you can push trivial
-changes directly to the target branch (skipping the review process). The merge
-commit is required when at least one commit isn't atomic.
-** Adding a new Lisp dependency
-- Add and shallow clone upstream source as a Git submodule in [[../_build/]]
- directory.
-- Add dependency name to [[../nyxt.asd]] and [[][documents/]].
-- Add dependency to [[../build-scripts/nyxt.scm]], [[][checking]] to make sure Guix
- already has it packaged.
-** Programming conventions
-We try to follow the usual Common Lisp conventions as recommended by
-[[][Norvig & Pitman's Tutorial on Good Lisp Programming Style]] and [[][Google Common Lisp
-Style Guide]].
-For symbol naming conventions, see
-We've also developed some of our own:
-- Prefer =first= and =rest= over =car= and =cdr= respectively.
-- Use =define-class= instead of =defclass=.
-- Use =nyxt:define-package= for Nyxt-related pacakges. Notice that it features
- default imports (e.g. =export-always=) and package nicknames (e.g. =alex=,
- =sera=, etc.). Prefer =uiop:define-package= for general purpose packages.
-- Export using =export-always= (from Serapeum) next to the symbol definition.
- This helps prevent exports to go out-of-sync, or catch typos.
- Unlike =export=, =export-always= saves you from surprises upon recompilation.
-- When sensible, declaim the function types using =->= (from Serapeum). Note
- that there is then no need to mention the type of the arguments and the return
- value in the docstring.
-- Use the =maybe= and =maybe*= types instead of =(or null ...)= and =(or null
- (array * (0)) ...)= respectively.
-- Use the =list-of= type for typed lists.
-- We make heavy use of Alexandria and Serapeum, remember to use them instead of
- writing the same boilerplate over and over. In particular, note these
- systematic uses of Serapeum:
- - =sera:eval-always=;
- - =export-always=;
- - =sera:and-let*=;
- - =sera:lret=;
- - =sera:single=
- - =->= (declaimed types).
-- Use =funcall*= to not error when function does not exist.
-- Prefer classes over structs. Rationale:
- - Class slots have documentation.
- - Class allow for full-fledged CLOS use (metaclasses, etc.).
- - Structs have read-only slots but it's easy enough to implement them for
- classes.
- - Structs have better performance, but this is usually micro-optimization, and
- even then class implementations can be made more efficient via MOP.
-- Classes should be usable with just a =make-instance=.
-- Slots classes should be formatted in the following way:
-#+begin_src lisp
- slot-value
- ...
- :documentation "Foo.")
-When =slot-value= is the only parameter specified then:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(slot-name slot-value)
-- Prefer =defmethod= over =defun= if one of the arguments is a user-class. This
- allows the user to write specializations of subclasses.
-- =customize-instance= is reserved for end users. Use
- =initialize-instance :after= or =slot-unbound= to initialize the slots.
- Set up the rest of the class in =customize-instance :after=. Bear in mind
- that anything in this last method won't be customizable for the end user.
-- Almost all files should be handled via the =nfiles= library.
-- Specialize =print-object= for recurring class instances.
-- =(setf SLOT-WRITER) :after= is reserved for "watchers",
- i.e. handlers that are run whenever the slot is set. The =:around= method is
- not used by watchers, and thus the watcher may be overridden.
-- A function as a slot value is often a sign that it should be a method instead.
- Methods give more flexibility to the end user.
- Example: Avoid adding a =constructor= slot, make it a method instead.
-- Define generic functions (in particular if they are heavily used) using an
- explicit call to =defgeneric=, not with just calls to =defmethod=. This
- enables proper source location of the generic function (otherwise it cannot be
- found), plus it lets you write different documentation for the generic and the
- specialized methods.
-- We use the =%foo%= naming convention for special local variables. But special
- variables are rare and ideally they should be avoided.
-- We suffix predicates with =-p=. Unlike the usual convention, we always use a
- hyphen even for single word predicates.
-- Prefer the term =url= over =uri=.
-- URLs should be of type =quri:uri=. If you need to manipulate a URL string, call
- it =url-string=. In case the value contains a URL, but is not =quri:url=, use
- =url-designator= and its =url= method to normalize into =quri:uri=.
-- Paths should be of type =cl:pathname=.
- Use =uiop:native-namestring= to "send" to OS-facing functions,
- =uiop:ensure-pathname= to "receive" from OS-facing functions or to "trunamize".
-- Prefer =handler-bind= over =handler-case=: when running from the REPL, this
- triggers the debugger with a full stacktrace; when running the Nyxt binary,
- all conditions are caught anyway.
-- Do not handle the =T= condition, this may break everything. Handle =error=,
- =serious-condition=, or exceptionally =condition= (for instance if you do not
- control the called code, and some libraries subclass =condition= instead of
- =error=).
-- Dummy variables are called =_=.
-- Prefer American spelling.
-- Construct =define-command= requires a short one-line docstring without newlines.
-# - Conversion functions =FROM->TO= or =->TO= for generic functions. The
-# only one that comes to mind is =url= which does not follow this convention...
-# - Blocking function should be prefixed with =wait-on-=.
-# Local Variables:
-# eval: (add-hook 'before-save-hook
-# (lambda nil (if (fboundp 'org-make-toc)
-# (org-make-toc)
-# (message-box "Please install org-make-toc.")))
-# nil
-# t)
-# End:
diff --git a/guix.scm b/guix.scm
index 915edf15b..3506c7094 100644
--- a/guix.scm
+++ b/guix.scm
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
;; guix shell -D -f guix.scm -- bash -c 'env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/lib" sbcl'
-;; See documents/ on how to setup the development environment.
+;; See on how to setup the development environment.
;;; Code: